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What would Y&R/B&B be like under "Cartini"

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Ok.......................I already feel all the bricks landing on me for even thinking of this, but because I feel like we can all use a good laugh after a long week, I felt like this would be a good time to start this thread.......so let's just say if JFP/Pratt was forced out and......to everyone's horror Ron/Frank were announced as the next regime, or to a more impossible thing to happen, Bradley Bell decided to sell B&B or whatever  and R/F got a hold of it......would do you guys think honestly would happen to both shows (besides both getting the obvious danger of cancellation)

I personally feel like there could be some good AND bad things that would happen......good being that despite all the camp etc......Ron and Frank both seem to "try" to really bring up past history, and "revive" some past story arcs, even if it turns into a bad soapy porny parody.....


I feel like on Y&R, going by some of his work on OLTL, Jill might have a chance on the canvas as Ron did utilize Viki and Dorian to some degree right?? so Jill might at least get something to do.....I know Victor would probably become more OTT then he is with Pratt which would suck, and we would probably get like a "Newman Castle" or some other bizarre place....

again, I know I just hung myself, but for those of you guys who loathe or love to hate those 2, please feel free to give your thoughts of what would happen to the Bell shows under their regimes.

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A hot ass mess. 


Yeah, he'd do positive things like put Jill back in the forefront along with other veterans: Nikki, Victor, and Jack, but I also see him reverting the show back to the LML and MAB years where the Baldwin/Fisher clan were the main family. 


Sharon would remain the kicking post as they continued the same tradition with Liz on GH. 


Instead of selling cosmetics, Newman Enterprises and Jabot would be selling relish. 


All the men would be walking around shirtless doing degrading sh-t. 


We'd have a musical episode, which I am sure Christian Jules LeBlanc would highlight. :wacko:


Everyone would REALLY be bitten by 'baby rabies.' 

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Did you hack into my 'google docs' document of awesome/bizarre threads to post up?


For B&B:

I'm sure they would bring Stephanie back with Erika in the role and recast Sally with Robin.  Maybe even do a 'tale of two todd's' thing there as well (either that or with Shelia/Lauren).

I'm also sure the gene pool will shrink even further.

For Y&R:

I can somehow see them, at least try to, recast Jill with Susan Lucci.

I can see them cast Sonya Eddy as Drucella.



As far as story is concerned I kinda cringe...


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LOL I expected most of what was said

They would totally bring back all these legacy characters that should be on the show like Scotty etc....though they would all be these generic "hunks" who should be on showtime....

I think I also said once they would age either Connor or Johnny a little older to 7-8 just to make them the show's holy terror like Spencer....

Yep a musical episode, or a big event that has all the men stripping to some 80's or early 90's song....

I really don't know why, but I feel that maybe characters on B&B I usually can't stand like Steffy and Liam would be more likeable....

I can see Thomas becoming this really OTT villain, as already sort of hinted recently with how he  "seduced" Caroline, who makes everyone in his family fear his wrath.

don't forget some big special anniversary show where they show the show's original opening...

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In all honesty, I do think that Cartini could do good things with DAYS if they cut down on their usual antics and tropes. I've always said that Ron does great things with older characters, however, he doesn't with the remainder of the canvas. And I think that Frank could do wonders with DAYS budget. If both of them had someone else to check them, then I do think that they could do wonders at DAYS. 


But B&B and Y&R are out of their league. I've always felt like you have to be a special kind of writer to handle Y&R. That's why I would've preferred for CBS to have brought back Kay Alden. She knew the vision of that show inside and out.

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Carlivati would say he was a massive fan, even though he last watched in 1983 so we would therefore end up getting Mimi Rogers as a back from the dead Eve Howard.


Steve Burton would quit, and we'd hear that this proves they want to save the show, even if they don't ever do a damn thing to actually prove it.


Sharon would get DID and rape herself with a shiny new bottle of Brash and Sassy.


Ashley would get a "reality show" that would mostly involve her standing around while flat-assed men in ill-fitting underwear would wander around the set with confused looks on their faces.


Gloria would return and camp it up as we learn that Billy is actually her biological son and Esther is her long lost sister. Not to worry about incest - Ron would tweet to us that he meant to explain all along that Chloe was actually Tiny's daughter with Nina, but the scenes were cut. 


Victor would get 1 less day a week of airtime, and people would insist this proved that "Cartini" really do love GH.


Veleka Gray would return as her old bit player manicurist role for 3 days, showing us Ron's love of history. 


Dumbass twink Rafe would return, not to actually have a story, but to occasionally have scenes with sassy talk-to gay Anthony, heretofore unmentioned brother of Hilary. Rafe would also walk around in his underwear and grope his ass and bulge sometimes. GLAAD would give Ron and Frank an award for their bravery.


Nothing would actually happen, but we would pretend it had.


Eric Braeden would give an interview saying they're the best producers ever. 


Melody Thomas Scott would give an interview when Sony tries to force her out yet again that Frank was good and helped her keep her job. 


Moron fans would fly a banner plane demanding Michael Muhney's rehiring - Ron would be inspired and instead hire Michael Pare to play a recast Matt Newman, now a drug lord (but only "good" drugs). Moron fans would then claim Hunter King sexually harassed Michael Pare and fly a banner plane trying to get her fired. Ron would then be inspired to hire Hunter Tylo to have a twerking contest with Phyllis for Jack's love. Moron fans would finally give up.

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That's why I think I'm more curious if what they would do to Y&R/B&B cause though both soaps had their moments over the years even with Bill Bell, Days and GH and I guess AMC/OLTL always did more of the OTT campy stuff which they seem to love.....I think unfortunately SONY has been trying to turn Y&R into that so I see no reason why Frank/Ron wouldn't hesitate to make us suffer for more....

B&B can be pretty campy, but I think that's the most shielded show, even if we don't always like the stories....it's just fun to wonder, and again I feel like they would make certain characters more likable on there...I can't see them doing the tired triangles with Steffy/Liam/Ivy etc...

Ashley would get a "reality show" that would mostly involve her standing around while flat-assed men in ill-fitting underwear would wander around the set with confused looks on their faces.


I actually would hope that Leanna Love would be back for that....come on that's one positive, they would so bring her back....

Read more: What would Y&R/B&B be like under "Cartini" - Discuss The Soaps - SON Community http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/topic/53620-what-would-yrbb-be-like-under-cartini/#ixzz3onLlmV3a

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He wouldn't know what do with Jill. She'd basically being doing the same thing she does now. He cant write a strong woman at all.

All the 20 somethings would catch baby rabies and start talking about white picket fence houses.

We'd be lucky if we even have any women in charge of any companies because again Ron hates strong women.

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