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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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Maryanne Kaslo    ?????    August 1975   daughter of Mike and Sarah

Matthew Kaslo          ????       August 1975   son of Michael and Sarah

Mike Kaslo                           brother, Steve, Amy

                                Anthony Herrerra       August  1975     attended Steve/Liza's wedding                  

Sarah Kaslo       Lucy Lee Flippin           August 1975  Mike's wife; attended Liza/Steve's wedding


Ken that dated Lorna    Clinton Archambault   8/1983  
Hal       Tony Rizzoli       August 1983
Pawn Shop Owner    Donn Schraeder   8/1983
Mr. Geren       Stan Egi       1997  
Dr. Burke      Joanne Camp - Sobel     1997  
@P.J.  apologies for the wait, it's been changed since the weekend, but I've been ill.
Peter Lewis (Reardon)    Son  of Bridget and Hart Jessup Peter was adopted by Billy and Vanessa after he divorced Nadine. Nadine passed him off as her natural child, but never took any steps to legally adopt him from Bridget. Bridget gets Vanessa's okay to take him to live with Dylan.
                              Joseph Phillips   1993-99
Chico   Felipe Gorostiza       1997  
Lorey      Pamela Huson   1992  
Yolanda         Pamela Huson      1987  
Officer ____ Davis     O. L. Duke      1987 
Acapulco Cottage Man     Felipe Gorostiza    1990  
Joe Hopkins         Ron Vawter     February 1987  
Inspector ____ Staunton       Alan Coates      February 1987 Frannie/Sabrina story
Body Double      (Frannie/Sabrina)  Diane McGee   February  1987
Rita "Elise" Kennedy     Tamara Braun    2024  received Sofia's corneas
Officer ___ Cruz        Michael Saucedo   2024
Dr. Josef Givens   Darnell Williams    2024
Hank Henderson   Leigh McCloskey    2024 Sophia's first husband


     Scott Stewart       1980
Fritz the dealer   
        Garry Maddox     Philadelphia Phillies player    8/1/1984
       Gail Malmuth   1980
Arch  the Gatekeeper                                          
                  William Newman 1983
Jimmy Massey
             Gary Cole    1983
Mildred     Marco's Hotel Clerk
          Meg Myles     1983
Patrick Murphy       
       David Cryer      1983
Father O'Malley
    Hugh Byrnes   1980
Melvin Kavanaugh   
         Arnold Moss      1983
Lazarro    tried to steal a statue
       ?????   week of   2/29/1988 - 3/4/1988
Piccolino    gentle giant; tried 
  to protect the statue; helped
         find Milagro
  ???????    week of 2/29 - 3/4/1988

Dan Oberlin     ?????     January 1975   arrives at the free clinic on New Year's with wife Mollie in full labor

Jane Oberlin    ????   January 1975   twin Oberlin daughter named for Jane Dawson who nursed Mollie through labor to birth

Mollie ___ Oberlin   ????    January 1975  pregnant wife of Dan that arrived at the free clinic in labor.; had twins.

Twin Oberlin   ?????    January 1975     Dan and Mollie's other twin child

Hayes Colman       Frank Aletter 74 -1975 - Kira Faulkner's boss    January 1975 --  angry at Kira that Cameron bought the station, blames her and accuses her of being involved

Ray Gibbons        Spencer Milligan         4/87    Editor of the Port Charles Herald; Mark Carlin's boss

Dr. ___ Thompson   ????        1/1975 Jessie's doctor -- reveals to Kira that Jessie's health is not good; attends her court appearance to let her know he is there to help when she is ready  

Nurse ??????   February 1975    Explained the procedure of an abortion to Nurse Augusta McLeod

Anesthesiologist      ?????     February 1975   flirts with Augusta McLeod while prepping her for an abortion

Mr. Thurston.  ?????    ..1974. - 75 ..hospital administrator..    welcomes back Phil to the hospital despite his previous horrible behavior; looks poorly on Jessie after Phil's death


Pentonville Warden      Dutch Barre Johnson   July 2024



There are more changes to be added, bear with me as I've been unable to work on them .

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Ken Bryant       ????      November 1965    dated Lisa, Bob expected an engagement
Mrs. __ __ Lake     ?????    1965 -?    Dr. Doug Cassen's secretary. replaced Ms. Saunders; never had children, which Doug reflected on while deciding to tell Neil Wade that he was his father.
Mr. ____ Ellis     David Leary      1983
Jimbo       Len Valenta         1983
Esmerelda      Joanna Merlin     1983
Lorna        Barbara  Cook      1983  

Gunther Reynolds       Stephen Parr    1990     Lord Larry Ashton's photographer friend that visited. Lucy thought she went to bed with him, but it was Scott

Eric Nash       Keith Amos          1990     Harrison Davis's attorney

Boris         Ivan G'Vera              1990   DVX agent  helped get rid of Faison


Pentonville Warden __ Hayes      Dutch Barre Johnson   July 2024


Bellhop      Orlando Rios     7/25/2024

Edited by slick jones
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Carla Greco    Laura Harring         6/12/1990 - 2/26/1991     Frankie's sister protected from enemies from Santo Moro by shady Rico Chacone; looking for Frankie after he took off; finds him with Colton; raped and beaten after turning Rico's marriage proposal down; shoots Rico in self defense while he is holding hostages and attempting to assassinate Presidente Commargo of Santo Moro.  Engaged to Colton in December 1990 and leaves for Santo Moro in February with Colton, Charlene and Frankie.

Francisco "Frankie"  Greco         Robert Fontaine, Jr.      May 1990- February 1991   Ned picked Frankie instead of Decker out of a lineup; Colton bails him out and meets Carla;  Rico has him beaten up a  couple of times; joins the police cadets "Cat Squad and is trained by Frisco. Helps defeat Rico's men; offered work from Decker and Edge; Goes back to Santo Moro with Colton, Carla and Charlene.  

Nidia _______Greco     Anne Betancourt     October 1990       Frankie and Carla's mother



Pentonville Warden __ Hayes      Dutch Barre Johnson  7/25/2024    tells Anna that Brennan isn't an inmate.

MetroCourt Bellhop      Orlando Rios     7/25/2024   with Carly, told to tell Cates to check TF out


How difficult to not type Santo Moron, you have no idea.

Edited by slick jones
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Amanda Holmes         Deborah Solomon Steinberg   May 21 1965-68;  1969-70  used the name Jennifer Roberts at first. went to work at Wade's bookstore. Discovered she was daughter of Bill Holmes and  Sara Fuller; accidentally caused Sara's death, went on trial but was acquitted dated Don Hughes and Burt Lord

Harrison Blake      Matthew Crane July  85           Society boy who escorted Lily to Lisa's costume party

Gil Stallings   Edward Grover  Feb- March    1974  married and killed Jay's mother for her money, but was foiled when it was left to Jay. Stalked Lisa to make it appear Jay was responsible,planned to frame Jay for Lisa's  murder and kill Jay to make it look like a suicide. Grant uncovered the truth  and surprised Gil who  shot Jay.killed by police while escaping.

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Dr.  _____  Pierce    ??????     April 1965    Lisa's Doctor that was impressed by Kip's knowledge  


Ken Bryant      Maurice Ottinger     November 1964 - May 1965    dated Lisa, Bob expected an engagement

Colin Crowley        Sabrina's ex-boyfriend-turned-husband; artist; killed by Richard Tyrell with heroin on Tonio Reyes' behalf
Jeff Hayenga   1986   
                           Howard McGillin   1987   
                           Chris Cousins  1988-90  
Richard Tyrell    Gregory Chase    1990-91   Tonio's employee; killed Colin Crowley with heroin for Tonio
Dr. ___ Hansen   ?????    April 1965     Julie Conrad Bauer's doctor

Dr. Jim Hobart       James B. Sikking    April 12, 1973-76

Mrs. __ ___ Hobart    Never Seen      had an affair with Jim's friend, a lawyer and committed Suicide

Harry the thug      ??????     5/7/1973 -  5/14/1973     Forces Jessie to call out sick to work at gunpoint. demands she get him drugs from the hospital; he's running from the cops and needs a fix, demanding she call a doctor to get drugs and bring them; Peter brings drugs, but it turns out it is anesthesia, not dope. The police arrest him

Dr. ______ Perkins      ????    5/16/1973    pediatrician that runs tests on Tracey Taylor; reveals it is bad pneumonia


Bill Montgomery    ?????     4/1973    Audrey appears on his television show to get help finding Baby Tommy.

Dr  _______ Carter        ???         April 1973     Tommy Baldwin's doctor in Mexico -- tells Florence that Tommy has Pulmonary Stenosis.  He needs the best -- Dr. Jim Hobart 

Martha ___ Harbison       Nancy Juno Dawson     6/4/1973 -   late July 1973   enters the hospital pregnant claiming to be 4 months, yet she is actually 6; Peter believes it is a mental issue; he begins to believe her husband will be angry if the truth comes out; starts smoking in the hopes the baby will get smaller; Peter learns her husband's business partner forced her into a no-win situation.  Peter tells Martha she has to leave the hospital and face her life.  In August Peter terlls Diana that Martha Harbison told her husband the truth. (If only Diana could)....  

Tracy Taylor    December 1971-5/29/1973  son,   Diana and Phil Brewer, raised by Peter Taylor. Diana won't take Tracy to a doctor until Peter gets home, but he gets tied up helping save Jessie from Harry the thug. When they finally get him to the hospital, he has full on pneumonia and dies.

Millie     ????      June 15, 1973   discusses plans for the new living room that Al wants to surprise Lucille with

Nurse Caroline O'Connell    ???????    6/21/1973     student nurse, snippy, rubs Lucille the wrong way

Harvard Brewster     Logan Ramsey   June - July 1973     interior decorator hired by Al Weeks to decorate the living room and surprise Lucille!

Dr. ___ Edwards       ????  July 3, 1973 -Jessie has a check up with Dr. Edwards, who insists she get more lab work; orders x-rays for Jessie; July 23, 1973   shares Jessie's x-rays with Lesley and there's a shadow.... tells Lesley Jessie needs a specialist.

Katherine Delafield           Lovely but bland blonde pianist; Dated Paul DeVore who tried to kill her (by mummifying her LOL)  and had a cousin,Althea, an Aunt Iona, and a maid, Mary. Katherine  got involved with Robert Scorpio and engaged but he mentioned Anna's name at the worst possible time.  She later boufght Duke's Place from Terri Brock. Frisco would play there.  Ended up chasing Robert to an island and bringing home a boy named King to raise. Left o an extended tour with King, leaving Mary and Angel in charge of Duke's                                                                   Edie Lehmann 12/16/1988 - 11/26/1990 



Shep Casey         Bradley Lockerman      5/20/1990 - 12/21/1990      intrepid reporter

Casey "The Alien" Rogers      Bradley Lockerman      3/23/1990 - 5/20/1990    befriended Robin

Angela Moscini Eckert       Carol Lawrence 2/20/1991 - 6/5/1991; February 1992  Wife of Fred Eckert; Mother of Bill, Jenny, Mario and Ava; grandmother of Sly; aunt of Joey Moscini; ran the Eckert Bakery with Fred.

Fred Eckert       William Boyett       2/20/1991 - 5/31/1991  Father of Bill, Jenny, Mario and Ava; husband of Angela Moscini; Sly's Grandfather. Brother of Dorothy, a nun, and the late Lena Eckert Spencer. Fred wanted nothing to do with Tim Spencer, Lena's husband and had nothing to do with the Spencers until a thaw developed with Tim's sister Ruby.   Ran Eckert's Bakery before dying of  a heart attack in May of 1991.


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General Hospital

Dr. Peter Taylor             

                                Paul Carr   8/4/1969 - 10/??/1969

                        Craig Huebing  10/ 6/ 1969


Dr. Phil Brewer..            .Roy Thinnes April  63-64  Jan -  July 65 

                                   ..Rick Falk Jan 66 - April 66

                                      ...Robert Hogan April 66-67

                                              ..Craig Huebing 67

                                     ...Ron Hayes   67 - June 23 67

                                     ...Martin West March 68 - Dec 75

From synopses and articles this is what I have been able to piece together re Phil Brewer. May not be 100% accurate so please anyone feel free to amend

Edited by Paul Raven
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   New York City
Myra Belden           Helen Choate
Gloria Bennett        Kathleen Niday
Ziggy Bernstein      Charles Cantor
Brenda Curtis          Vicki Vola
Jim Curtis                Hugh Marlowe
                               Michael Fitzmaurice
Mrs. ___  __Curtis  Agnes Moorehead  
Peggy Curtis           Margaret Lipper    (Patsy?)
Stacy Gordon          Matt Crowley   
Judge __ Harmon   John McIntire
                                Parker Fennelly
Cleo the Maid          Anne Elstner
                                Juanita Hall
Announcer               Ken Roberts
Music by                  Lew White
                                George Heninger
Writer                      Lee Gebhart
Producer                 Diane Bourbon
Sponsor                  Campbell Soups
9/11/1939 - 1/19/1940       CBS Radio
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Lonnie        Thom Vernon       1997   man  from Mexico in search of the doll Maxie found.   Lonnie reveals his wife  had made the doll before she died.   He wanted it back, but gave it  to Maxie in the end.

Carol Pulaski  (Reynolds?)       Robin Curtis      1991-92      Old girlfriend of Bill Eckert; her one true love, Ralph Reynolds was a truck driver that was killed in an accident

Ralph Reynolds       Never Seen        mentioned 1991      True love of Bill Eckert's teen sweetheart, Carol Pulaski     Died while working as a truck driver.

Dr.  Bryan Williams     Never Seen first husband of Lesley Webber; had an affair with Augusta McLeod; death of his son with Lesley led to suicide by overdose of insulin

Baby Jeremy  Williams   Never Seen child of Lesley and her first husband; died while a baby; led to father's suicide

Mrs. __ __   Mackintosh      ???????     August 13, 1973   Lee's new housekeeper; Scotty thinks she's too eager;  8/15/1973 -- surprises Scotty by liking snakes   (shame on you, Scotty)

Mark Simpson     Gary Frank 8/14/1973 -  8/28/1973   psych patient -  a runaway boy angry at his parents for never telling him he was adopted.   Steve and Peter keep him in the hospital for a few days; Peter continues to try to get through to him, but when Lesley tells him she's also adopted he begins to let his guard down.  Henry Pinkham finds him more upbeat after Lesley's try.  Mark worries about going home and how his parents will feel. After reassurance from Lesley, Mark is ready to go and face it all.


Congressman Larry McConkey   added        7/8/2024 --   Announcement that Drew is running for his spot; at the Quartermaine picnic, hob-nobbing and has a short, but meaningful talk with Tracy;

Bodyguard    ??????    7/8/2024    Larry McConkey's bodyguard at the announcement that Drew is running

James West     added     7/8/2024  --  with Cody, wants to be "brothers" -- they spit in their hands and shake on it; 7/19/2024 --   takes an uber to see Cody; cries about Mac saying he can't have riding lessons with Cody; brought home and tells Maxie he knows something's going on that no one is telling him.    7/30/2024  --   at Wiley's party; 7/31/2024  --   time for cake!!!

Damian Spinelli  added    7/19/2024 -- picks up James wi/Maxie, and fields James' questions...      7/30/2024    at Wiley's birthday party with Maxie and James, worries and explains to Maxie how one would "not" go about helping Carly.  7/31/2024      at the party, confesses he had nothing to do with Carly's good fortune

Georgie Spinelli     added      7/8/2024 --- doesn't want to swim with boys at the Q picnic; 7/19/2024 --  picks on James for taking an uber, but wants answers about Mac's decision, too

Malcolm "Mac" Scorpio   added     7/8/2024  --    learns the truth about Cody; 7/9/2024 ---rips into Cody about lying and leaves him alone in the stables; 7/11/2024 --    discusses Cody with Maxie while Felicia works on Cody to give Mac a chance to be angry and work through.  7/12/2024 after Cody brings Felicia's phone back to her, Mac is livid over Maxie and Felicia's plan to unite him and Cody. Maxie reminds him all the times she's been forgiven  

Scout Cain Quartermaine  7/8/2024 -- (unseen)     discussion about changing her last name to Quartermaine

Gio Palmieri     added   7/9/2024  --   at the picnic; offers food to Joss and Trina; has a beer and watches the fireworks with them, waxing poetic about Bensonhurst; 7/16/2024 --working at MetroCurt Pool, talks to Dex, Joss and Lois--thinks Lois wants him to go back to New York because she found him a spot on Broadway;  7/17/2024 -- Daydreaming when Joss approaches him -- worries that Lois doesn't want him in Port Charles. Joss sets him straight that Lois is probably just trying to boost his future career, not get rid of him.  7/19/2024  Discusses the boroughs of NY with Tracy; 7/25/2024 witnesses Carly bait Cates to arrest her; drives Joss to find Jason and tell him to stay; 8/1/2024  working at the pool with Joss, witnesses a body fly out a window into the pool;    8/2/2024   Assists Joss in helping Kristina out of the pool on a board; Calls Sonny to let him know about Kristina

Dr. Clement the Pharmacist added      7/10/2024 --visited by Ava, who tells him to cut the medication he has already reduced, or she'll turn him in for what he's already done
F.B.I. Agent John Cates     added   7/10/2024  follows Sonny to Ava's room;    7/11/2024   -- at Ava's, threatens Sonny and she asks him to testify against Sonny in Avery's custody case-- meanwhile Sonny shores up Alexis and Carly to testify on his behalf;   7/16/2024 --   wants Ava to help him make a case against Sonny; rushes off to see Jason -- demands that Jason give him information against Sonny or Pikeman or Carly goes to jail; 7/17/2024 Jason tells him he's ruined his life then gives him the SAT Phone that Valentin communicates with Pikeman; threatens Jason and Carly; raids Valentin's house; flips out when he realizes he missed Valentin by minutes.7/22/2024    interrupts Jason's time with Danny; threatens to send him to Quantico for a new case if he doesn't testify against Sonny; 7/23/2024   --  at Ava's room in the MetroCourt ranting about his case, makes out with Ava;   7/24/2024 --  rants at Anna for reporting him to his boss; accuses Anna of breaking several laws;  7/25/2024 -- evicted from the MetroCourt and called out by Carly he arrests her for RICO Violations; 7/26/2024 --    wants Jason or Carly to testify against Sonny;  7/29/2024     with Ava wanting to protect her; demands files from Molly who wants the paper work and to do things by the book, he insults her and accuses her of protecting Sonny. 7/30/2024   Has a full on meltdown in the courtroom when he learns he can no longer toy with Jason and Carly's lives; admonished by Judge Sullivan for his behavior; 7/31/2024   --  unloads on Anna   goes to Ava's for  a "shoulder" to cry on.  8/1/2024 -- Walks into Ava's living room in a towel in front of Trina; she sends him off to work

Waitress          ???????     7/23/2024    (Bobbie's Diner)

Producer     ????       7/24/2024         The Perez Hilton Show   

Doorman      ????     7/24/2024   front entrance of the MetroCourt

Cop       Jason C. Brown 8/26/2022; 8/29/2022; 10/18/2022; 11/29 & 30/2022; 9/13/2023; 11/10/2023; 1/11/2024;  7/26/2024 -- with Sonny and Carly    

Heather Webber   added   7/11/2024  --    doesn't want Laura to continue to push for a new trial; but likes that she brings pictures of Grandson, Ace
Alison "Blaze" Rogers Ramirez    added    7/11/2024  --    agrees with Kristina and BLQ to do an interview together;  7/18/2024    joins Kristina at Nina's office; Nina coaches them for interview after bringing DeWitt down to grovel for forgiveness;  7/22/2024 Prep for Perez Hilton with BLQ at the mansion with Kristina;   7/24/2024/  --  Blaze and Kristina discuss the past few weeks with Perez Hilton; Blaze leaves the door open to forgiveness for her mom--- in a while;  8/1/2024     With BLQ for a meeting at the MetroCourt Pool to discuss the label Sonny will start. Natalia arrives and they discuss if she will have a role in the company. Blaze witnesses a body fall out of a window into the pool; 8/2/2024  loses it as she realizes it's Kristina! Natalia rushes her to the hospital
Jake Morgan    added   7/12/2024 (discussed while offscreen) Elizabeth reveals that Jake has gotten into art school in Barcelona to Jason; he offers to pay for everything.  7/15/2024  Jason visits Jake and Elizabeth and asks Jake to allow him to be a better father by contributing to his art school experience. Jake accepts
Madison     added     7/15/2024 --  Wallow comes to Wallow;   7/16/2024  announces Sonny's in the office; 7/26/2024     - Michael waiting in Nina's office for help  from McConkey to investigate Cates
John "Jack" Brennan   added      7/15/2024 -- visited by Carly. She explains that the F. B. I. has a tape of her committing a Rico violation and asks his advice. He advises her to destroy the evidence, but she can't...    7/30/2024 --  Found by Anna at WSB headquarters; has been demoted, but the Pikeman/WSB connection has been broken. Implies that he's really not a bad guy -- which eventually causes Anna to figure out what happened to Carly's evidence
Charlotte Cassadine added      7/15/2024 apologizes to Anna for believing the horrible things that Grandpa Victor told her.  She told Anna that after meeting girls at school that were fleeing evil men (like Victor) made her realize how wrong she had been. Charlotte forgives Anna fo shooting her accidentally. The two part on good terms;
Natalia Rogers-Ramirez     added    7/16/2024 -- confronts Ava about the recording --  Ava responds with how disgusting she found Natalia's comments;  7/17/2024 --   at Sonny's apartment, asks him to bankroll a record label for Blaze;  7/18/2024   --   with Sonny and BLQ to discuss record label -- agrees to BLQ's decisions; 7/24/2024 --   runs into Ava and shrugs, watches Allie (Blaze) on Perez Hilton's show. 7/26/2024   -- goes to Kristina's for Blaze, but they talk;  8/1/2024 --   joins BLQ & Blaze for a discussion about the record label. BLQ allows them some alone time. Natalia and Allie witness a body fly out of a MetroCourt Room window.  8/2/2024 Upon realizing it's Kristina, Natalia rushes Allie to the hospital, where they learn Kristina needs a C-Section.
Lois Cerullo (Quartermaine)  added      7/16/2024 --   tells Gio that her friend from her music past has a line on a violin gig on Broadway if Gio is interested. Explains to Gio how to handle Tracy;  7/17/2024  --  chats with Carly and tells her the story of Gio's parents; 8/1/2024 --  approaches BLQ about her new company and asks if she can do it all?   Proceeds to Sonny's to question if there's anything "hinky" about the money; 8/2/2024 agrees to speak to Sonny's accountant, helps BLQ talk about Kristina's incident.

Cousin Camilla Cerullo Palmieri    Never Seen -- Played in the New York Philharmonic (Violin) came from the old country (Italy) and met and fell in love with Francis Palmieri. They quickly marry, and he goes to Afghanistan, killed before ever learning about Gio.  Trained Gio in music but died of cancer when he was 10.  Name revealed 7/17/2024

Francis Palmieri      Never Seen    On his way to Afghanistan, met and fell into a whirlwind love with Camilla Cerullo. They married, Francis flew off to Afghanistan and died without knowing Gio was on the way.   Name revealed 7/17/2024

FBI Agents      ????   7/17/2024   searching Valentin's house

F. B. I. Agent that took Jordan   Bryce J. Ramos     1/18/2024;   1/23/2024 --  flashbacks to Jordan's discussion with F. B. I.   2/22 & 23 /2024 at Pentonville   Cyrus and O'Neill;  7/17/2024   searching Valentin's house

FBI Agent    Desmon Heck    9/1 & 5 /2023   arrested Sonny at the MetroCourt  1/18/2024;   1/23/2024 --  flashbacks to Jordan's discussion with F. B. I.   2/22 & 23 /2024 at Pentonville   Cyrus and O'Neill; 7/17/2024   searching Valentin's house

Nurse       ?????     7/19/2024    at the facility where LuLu is in a coma

Hunter Crewes   added         7/22/2024   wants to add a waitress 

Danny Morgan added          7/22/2024 -- with Jake at Kelly's looking forward to time with his father; Carly brings him home after Cates threatens Jason to testify against Sonny, Danny upset that Jason was  taken away; 7/24/2024 --    phone call from Jason telling him good-bye; 7/25/2024 --  locates Jason at the bus station, preparing to leave for Quantico; doesn't understand why he has to go. 

Perez Hilton       Perez Hilton         7/24/2024    interviews Blaze and Kristina with BLQ watching

Chris       ????    7/24/2024       Front Desk Clerk at MetroCourt; Carly tells him that Agent Cates belongings can be tossed if he doesn't check out.

Rick       ??????      7/25/2024   Front Desk Clerk at MetroCourt

Violet Finn     added         7/25/2024   snacking with Sasha talks about missing Finn (NO ONE ELSE DOES) and her Grandpa; Sasha offers to teach her to make things in the kitchen

Valentin Mikkosovich Cassadine (aka Theo Hart; aka Gaspar LeBlanc; aka Ivan Theodore; aka Captain Francois Olivier)          James Patrick Stuart      7/11/2016 - 7/17/2024

Adrian DeWitt   added       7/18/2024   forced to grovel to Blaze and Kristina

MetroCourt Bellhop      Orlando Rios     7/25/2024   with Carly, told to tell Cates to check TF out; when asked if she wanted his stuff in the closet, she replied "Nope, on the curb"

Pentonville Warden __ Hayes      Dutch "Barre" Johnson   7/25/2024   Meets with Anna and Swears there has never been a John "Jack" Brennan in the prison

Wiley Corinthos    added     7/30/2024 --  Found by Anna at WSB headquarters; has been demoted, but the Pikeman/WSB connection has been broken. Implies that he's really not a bad guy -- which eventually causes Anna to figure out what happened to Carly's evidence; 7/31/2024 -- Donna, Carly, Joss, Michael arrive 

Donna Corinthos    added      7/31/2024 at Wiley's Birthday party when Carly gets there.

Officer __  Perrez       Chris Jones     12/22, 23 & 27/2021      3/25/2022; 5/2/2022; 9/14/2022; 11/2/2022; 6/7/2023; 7/29/2024   with Carly

Officer ____ Torrez    Chris Jones    2/15/18    Mike C. at Kelly's

Officer Scott  ___    added     7/29/2024 tells Dante that Anna went to the WSB Headquarters; 7/30/2024    working as Desk Sergeant, talks to Molly; 7/31/2024 PCPD    

Bailiff     David Saenz    6/7/2023      1/26/2024 - 1/30/2024   Judge Arnold's court, Finn Malpractice suit; Judge Sullivan's court  7/30/2024

Judge ____ Sullivan      Gita Reddy       7/30/2024      presides over Carly's hearing for RICO Violations; dismisses case when no evidence is available; further threatens Cates for actions not becoming to a federal officer

Paralegal       ????        7/30/2024  AUSA Wilcox's paralegal that informs him that they have no evidence

Court Stenographer      ????   7/30/2024      Carly's RICO hearing

World Security Bureau Agent ____ Jeffreys   Rick Pasqualone     7/30/2024     runs interference for Brennan with Anna

Assistant United States Attorney Porter Wilcox    Jordan Murphy   7/30/2024    brought in to prosecute Carly; drops charges apologizes, --  pisses Cates off 

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MetroCourt Pool Attendant        Akshya Mahindru        6/1/2022;     ????  6/6 - 6/8/2023  sent away by Tracy;     ????    6/21 & 22   serving drinks and cleared the Pool Area for Selina Wu;  8/21/2023    waited on horrible Betty Rutherford;   6/28/2024 -- waited on Sonny and Natalia; 7/31 - 8/2/2024  Working during James' party

Process Server      Marcos Mateo Ochoa     7/31/2024   delivers a subpoena to Kristina to testify for Ava

Dr. Andy Park     added    8/2/2024   Working in the Emergency Room when Kristina is brought in; informs the family that she needs an emergency c-section.

Paramedic John      Matthew Jain  6/27/2014; 2/2/2015; 5/6/2015;2/24/ 2016; 5/3/2016; 8/29/2017; 12/2/2017; 12/22/2017; 2/1/2018; 3/7/2018; 4/17/2018; 6/18/2018; 4/17/2019; 10/21/2019; 12/4/2019; 8/21/2020; 11/5 & 6/2020; 6/1/2021; 1/28/2022; 7/10/2023; 1/2/2024; 8/2/2024 (Kristina's fall)


E. M. T.     ??????      8/2/2024     Kristina's fall

ER Nurse       ?????     8/2/2024    prepping Kristina for C-Section

ER Nurse       ?????     8/2/2024    prepping Kristina for C-Section


Edited by slick jones
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