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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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Spence Garrison.   Ed Power...June 1968-72 

Walter Travis...John Carpenter August - ?1972 Campaign Manager  

Sam Watson...James Burge     Nov 71- Jan 28 72  paraplegic Vietnam war vet attracted to Betsy Chernak who couldn't teurn his feelings. Reconciled with ex Donna Patrick


Donna Patrick...Barbara Stanger          72

                          Renne Jarrett assistant at Mark Eliot's architecture firm- rejected by Sam Watson after he was paralyzed. They reconciled.

Celia ________Winters...Abigail Kellogg...1972-73 murdered  Walter Travis blaming him for the death of Alfred Preston who she loved.

Julie Richards...Beverlee McKinsey 1970-71  aka Martha Donnelly, presumed dead wife of Tom, spoiler in his romance with Helen Elliott. Now an actress, returned with boyfriend Jim Whitman. Roommate of Sarah Handley. Wanted to see her son  Ricky and blackmailed Tom saying she would fight for custody. Tom paid her off but Jim was killed and Tom arrested. Revealed that Julie had accidentally killed him in a struggle.

Dr. Sanford Hiller...Peter White ? - September 1971 

...Stephen Joyce...September 1971-72 married workaholic doctor in love with Betsy Chernak.

Marian ______Hiller...Constance Towers April 1971-72 lonely wheelchair bound wife of Sanford who was attracted to Pete Chernak.

Lily Garrison...Caroline Miner 68-69 7yr old asthmatic daughter of Spence and Jean


Chandler Garrison...Martin Wolfson 1968          

...William Post, Jr...1968-71 domineering father of Spence, against Spence's relationship with Iris ex wife to Margaret ,married to Jean who was cheating with Mark Elliott.

Edited by Paul Raven
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Mrs. ___ ___ Lovett   had papers that Viki
    was curious about in the search
            for her daughter
       Rebecca Schull   1989
Max Jacobs    
          Paul Carlin      ????
Jean Claude  Malakeva Bartender
                 friend of Pamela
         Jaroslav Stremien     1986
Kurtis Blow    singer
        Kurtis Blow   12/1990
Reverend Cameron Olliver
      Minister father of Pamela Buchanan O'Neill
          On  Malakeva  with Pamela        
                 ??????       January 1986

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Trying to identify this actor playing the first Reverend Cameron Olliver, Pamela's father in January 1986.  He was portrayed by Louis Turrene when he visited Pamela in Llanview and was held hostage in the local prison, saved by Mitch Laurence.
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WRITER      Bob Wald




Bill Kenney        Pat Fay       pianist/"The Singer's"  True Love   

"The Hometown Sweetheart"     Warren Stevens   Singer/Small Town Banker's Son

The Music Teacher       John Besher

The New York City Successful Singer  Patricia Jones  (first day only)

                                                             Barbara Moses

"The Singer's Bobby-sox Sister"      Susan Thorne

"The Singer's Brother"       Hal Studer        worked at the bank

"The Singer's Invalid Father"    Earl George

"The Singer's Mother"     Charline Osgood


Fantastic Job @Paul Raven

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AUGUST 19, 1957-APRIL 11, 1958 CBS



House Detective       Henderson Forsythe

Narrator           Donald K. Woods 

originally hired        Chester Morris   never aired


Walter Brooke    1957

John Holmes    1957

Lois Holmes       1957

Wesley Lau     1957

James Pritchett  1957

Tom Shirley    1957

Diana (Dinna) Smith   1957

Mary K. Wells        1957

William Windom     1/1958

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Parole Officer John Collier          Phillip Abbott 

Judge James Gehring                  Judge James Gehring

Dr. Harris B. Peck                          Dr. Harris B. Peck    Psychiatrist


First script written by Jim Elward


 Collier tries to find out why a 16-year old boy from a good family steals a car.


Alma Evans        Enid Markey

David Evans      Clay Hall     16 year old car thief

Leo Evans        Donald Madden

Marion Evans     Dorothy Rice

Nancy O'Donnell    Frances Heflin

Policeman          William Cottrell

Court Officer    Shaun Dooley


"A Man Who Thought with his Hands."


Judge George W. Smyth presiding


Gilbert Parker       ???????????

Jane ____ Parker    Louise Latham

Johnny Parker     Anthony Alda

Lloyd Parker      Duke Farley

Catherine Parker ____    Ursula Stevens    


Violence erupts between a husband and a wife after 22 years of marriage.  Jane Collier (Louise Latham), after being hit several times by her husband Lloyd (Duke Farley), a former professional boxer, wants him imprisoned.  Collier's interviews with the couple, their married daughter, Catherine (Ursula Stevens), and their two sons, sheds light on why the parents have grown apart, and reveal how their older son, Johnny (Alan Alda), has contributed to the rift.


Other Storylines:


A story of a polio-stricken Italian father (Daniel Rubinate)


Father       Daniel Rubinate


A runaway girl joins a gang and gets involved in a criminal case.


A husband strikes back against his nagging wife and her attempts to reform him.


A woman leaves her husband when he "insists" on reliving his year in a concentration camp.


A young American artist is charged with assault and battery of his young French wife.


A young couple brings their marital difficulties to Domestic Relations Court.


A teenager slays his step-father with a supposedly unloaded shotgun.


A disagreement between an orphaned brother and sister running their family, which includes two younger children, erupts into a serious fight--and a stabbing--that brings the older children to court. 19 year-old Maria Schiller has had most of the responsibility for keeping the family together since the death of her parents and she resents her brother's bossy- ness and assumed the role as "head of the family." In this, the third of four parts, 17 year-old Matthew ultimately admits to caseworker John Collier (Abbott) that his efforts in business haven't been too successful.

Matthew Schiller      Keir Dullea

Maria Schiller     ????????


The 13-year old son of a successful doctor stabs another youth in a fight.


Actors reported to have appeared:


Martin Balsam

Patricia Bosworth 

Lilyan Chauvin   

Irene Dailey

Leora Dana

Sylvia Davis      2/1960

Clarence Derwent week of 8/5/59

Bennye Gatteys        week of 12/21/59 

Lynn Loring..

Horace McMahon           week of 12/21/59

Anne Meacham

Kay Medford.

Sylvia Miles

Jan Miner          week of Dec. 21, 1959

Laurie Peters       week of 8/5/59

Frances Sternhagen


Thanks mostly to @jam6242 and @Paul Raven's intrepid research!!





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JULY 5, 1954- DECEMBER 30, 1955   NBC




Quentin Andrews                              Frederic Downs    boss Zack

Garth Brown                                      Eric Dressler   

                                                            Bernard Lenrow         

Priscilla "Petey" Cummings              Rita Fredricks     

_____     Davis                                       Dean Harens 

Jack Doyle                                           Court Benson     

Chuck Gibson                                      Humphrey Davis    

Leona Gilbert                                       Nancy Pollock   landlady

Peggy ___ Gordon                                Henrietta Moore  

Phil Gordon                                           Len Wayland

                                                                Joseph Warren     

 Wallace Grant                                       Richard Keith

                                                                 Henry Stanton

Judge __ ___  Holcombe                          ??????  1954                           

Dr.  _____   Hughes                                   Harrison Dowd

Captain _____  Hunter                              John Boruff     

Laurie Kennedy James                            Patricia Barry  

Matthew James                                        Paul McGrath  

Zack James                                               Tod Andrews        

                                                                    Val Dufour   

Doris Kennedy                                           Peggy Allenby  

Judge_____ Kennedy                                  Howard Smith        

Mike Kennedy                                            John Dutra

Paul Kennedy                                             Melville Ruick     

Amy _____ ___McKee                                    Rosemary Prinz   

Amy McKee's Mother                                  June Walker  

District Attorney Bruce McKee                  Jay Barney    

Jenny McKee                                                Barbara Myers   

Tony Morgan                                                Peter Cookson                           

Sam Morrison                                               Hal Currier         

Mrs. ___ __   Sherry                                        Carol Veazie

John Sims                                                       Arthur Storch                  

Jim Taylor                                                       Alan Stevenson                                     

Ruth ___ Taylor                                                Scottie MacGregor   

Sidney Thompson                                           Mercer McCloud


Blair                                                                  Harry Holcombe   

Chris                                                                  Frank Thomas  Jr. 

Dave                                                                  Bob Courtleigh 

Diana                                                                 Patricia Wheel  

Glenda                                                               Jan Miner                                    A. K. A.        "Madge the Manicurist"

Harriet                                                               Shirley O'Hara   

Nina                                                                   Augusta Roeland

Packy                                                                 Ray  Brown, Jr. 


                                                                     Ronald Dawson      1955   

I'm glad we found what we have.   I'm trying to gather most of the lists into a bundle -- and a little more easily readable her. I've made some headway on the OLTL M's, but it's the character info that takes a bit more to organize from several old notes/papers.  I also stumbled across some more GH info from 1978 - 80 while looking up something about an OLTL character -- a few are Hoppers as well!   I'll be typing the next couple of days to post some OLTL when they're ready. Keep the info coming and I'll add it in as usual.

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New information for the upcoming season of THE BAY Courtesy of @janea4old

On GH in March/April 2015, Dee Wallace played Bobbie and Luke's sister Patricia Spencer for a few episodes.

update: Dee Wallace will once again play Jacklyn Zeman's sister,
this time on "The Bay", filming in 202
Her character on The Bay will be "Charlotte Grace", this sister of Zeman's character Sofia Madison.

Stephanie Sloane fo TVinsider said only that Charlotte Grace is a "pivotal role" but didn't reveal her connection to Sofia.

The Michael Fairman article gives the new info that the character Charlotte is Sofia's sister.

Before Jackie passed away in May 2023, she had already filmed all of Season 8 of The Bay.
Season 8 of The Bay dropped to streaming in autumn 2023, and is still available to view on streaming.

The key is that Jackie Zeman's character on The Bay "Sofia Madison" is a psychic medium.

In January 2024, The Bay's showrunner Gregiori J. Martin was asked how The Bay would address the death of Jackie Zeman, and he said  "I plan to keep her character alive in season 9. We’re going to go to the spiritual route, because that’s who Sofia was and that’s who Jackie was."

Quote is from an article by Deanna Barnert which was done to preview the January 2024 primetime GH special celebrating 60 years of GH.
In this article, the author Barnert mentions several topics related to GH history, Maurice Benard, the passing of Jackie Zeman, etc etc etc; and also includes the quote from Gregori Martin about Jackie on The Bay.  
(Barnert used to write for soaps.sheknows years ago, but now she freelances.)
(Womansworld is owned by A360, same company that owns soapoperadigest and bought soapsindepth)

Season 9 of The Bay begins filming in late May 2024 and will drop to streaming in late 2024.
Now the announcement that Dee Wallace is joining The Bay in Season 9 as Sofia's sister ...

Speculation from me: I wonder if this is the spiritual thing that Gregori Martin was hinting about?


Additional casting news for THE BAY
A different interview with Deanna Barnert for a different publication she freelances for. 
This one is with "firstforwomen", also owned by the same A360 corporation that owns womansworld, soapoperadigest, and soapsindepth.

April 22, 2024, interview with Deanna Barnert
Mary Beth Evans says she has loved working on The Bay, but reveals she’s taking a break from the series.
“Maybe I’ll come back, but it is too much right now because my grandkids live in the neighborhood and I try to be active with them,” she explains. “I just feel so blessed! I’m also an avid gardener and always have a lot of projects going on.”


Season 9 of The Bay updates:
(begins filming late May 2024, drops autumn/winter 2024)

Olivia d’Abo joins the cast as Felicia “Fifi” Martin, daughter of Commissioner Lex Martin (Tristan Rogers) and Dr. Liza Garrett (Ilene Kristen).

Tristan Mack Wilds will assume the series regular role of Will Campbell,
previously played in Season 3 by Derrell Whitt.

(reported by multiple sources, including Stephanie Sloane at tvinsider, MichaelFairman, and Navell Lee at Buzzworthyradiocast.com )


Errol just posted this:
Jordi Vilasuso will be joining The Bay as a series regular in the role of Justin Ramos.  (character previously portrayed by David Lago who played Raul on Y&R. )




I'll be adding the new info in, soon.

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Judge Milton Braddock    Pat Corley        1980

Chuck      John Fragnoli   1978

_________ Delancy        Stan Yale         1/86

Mrs. ___ __ Blockey       Diana Webster       1984

Mr.____ Ames     Christopher Carroll     1978

Dr. Harry Fraser        Darrell Osteen     1980

Dr. Hank Faraday       Thomas Bellin    1980

Jay Fenwick    Brent Davis     1980

Mr. ___ Hopkins     James Beach      1978

Marty     Brion James     1980

Officer Steven Sloane    Don Marshall     1980

Tex       Don Hepner    1980

Announcer     Jane Webb      1980

Butler       Tim Chic     1980

Clerk     Joseph G. Medalis    1980

Cops     Junero Jennings      1980

               Larry Watson    1980

C. C. U. Nurse   Mary Kate McGeehan    1980

Detective     Michael Karm    1980

Lady Friend   Dinah Anne Rogers     1980   (+ Clem Briggs)

Left -Handed Boy    David Hyman    1980

Med Student    Brian Byers      1980

Nanny...Arva Holt       1980

Pawn Broker    Chris Wallace     1980

Rental Agency Manager    Laurence Haddon    1980
Store Clerk    David Hyman    1980
Technician     Shawn Michaels   1980
Ticket Seller   Stanley Brock    1980
Trucker     Clint Young     1980


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Alan         Ron Leibman                            1967

Alan Smith     ?????    June/July  1967  Kid porter; drug addict; creeped out Angie; stabbed Sam Reynolds with a screwdriver; robbed the hospital pharmacy, stole morphine; held Patti hostage

@slick jones I believe they are same character.

Dr. Brad Campbell          George Kane            1962-  May 65 engaged to Patti but she got involved with Everett Moore. After that he let Patti know he was still available but she turned her attention to Len.

Laurie 'Millie'_____ Miller           Freida Altman           April  1965-66 Sam Reynolds long time housekeeper who relocated from NY to Henderson.

Susan Carter           Sharon Smyth      May - ? 1965 6 yr old who Allison Metcalf met whilst volunteering at a day care center. Fred and Allison cared for her from time to time.   

Helen Carter  ??? Susan's mother. Single mother who worked as Bob Rogers secretary.  


Dr. Nick Hunter            Emily's husband

                        Burr De Benning                    1965-66

Dr. Nick Hunter            Emily's husband

                        Burr De Benning                  June  1965-66

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Deniece Williams   Deniece Williams  August 18 and 22 1983    cameo, singer performed 'I'm So Glad It's You' and 'I'm So Proud'.

Dr. Doug Cassen   Nat Polen  June 1956-66  husband of Claire,married her in 1958.His devotion to work leads to trouble in his marriage and Claire has an affair. Up on malpractice charges in 1962 when covering up attending to Claire's suicide attempt rather than dying  patient Mr Rice. Cleared when Claire confesses the truth, resulting in a reconciliation.Father of Neil Wade by Judith Wade. Favors Neil at the hospital but is rejected by Neil when he learns the truth.Eventually reconciles with his son. Killed by Ted Rogers, grieving and angry husband of a patient Doug couldn't save.

Chuck Henderson          ?????          Jan- ?      57   college student who dated Penny when in Oakdale. Penny thought Chuck was more interested than  he was and was devastated when he announced his engagement to another girl. That led to Penny eloping with Jeff Baker.

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Eve Jones       Lorna Lynn

Juliet Jones      Catherine McLeod

Henry "Pop" Jones      Cliff Hall

Natalie __ Palmer    Viola Roache   

Norman Palmer    Ed Jerrome

Rex Palmer    Eugene "Gene" Peterson






JUNE 29,1959-JUNE 24, 1960 CBS



Host          Jim Bannon

Counselor:     Dr. James A. Peterson



The Case of the Childish Bride  (The Case of Jane and Russell)


Bess   mother of the bride      Grace Albertson

Carl     father of the bride         Frank Albertson

Chris   Jane's Date                    ???????????

Gertrude   Jane's Aunt              ???????????

George    Jane's dead uncle        ??????????

Jane the Bride                           Dyan Cannon

Russell     the Groom                Ronald Foster


Story of a young girl who periodically falls in love and finally decides on marriage, much to the disappointment of her parents.  Subsequently, the carefree girl finds making a success of marriage is not as easy as she had imagined.


Title Unknown


A marriage is threatened when a husband and wife differ over the importance of a home.



The Case of Mike and Linda


Mike                              William Redfield

Linda                             Peggy McCay

Maggie Nugent            ???????????


A study of a childless marriage.  A successful businessman refuses to accept the responsibilities, obligations, and sacrifices of fatherhood.  Linda has a revealing encounter with Maggie Nugent.



The Case of Roger and Edna


Roger                               ????????

Edna                               ?????????? ??

Roger's Daughter           ?????????


 A woman feels she must fight the memory of her husband's deceased first wife to gain the love and acceptance of her husband and step-daughter.



The Case of Fred and Claire


Fred                        ?????

Claire                      ????????????

Betty               ????????????

Problems of a woman forced to choose between career and family.  Betty reveals Claire's true colors. 


About a later episode starring June Vincent

Better June Vincent.jpg


Other actors that are reported to have appeared........


Barry Cahill

Marge Redmond

June Walker

Bob Turnbull

Beverly Tyler




Mother-in-law.      Frances Mercer            

Spanish Girl.          Marianna  Hill


Edited by slick jones
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