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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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UNAIRED PILOT: Jenny Barnes...Stephanie Braxton AMC,EON,RH,LIAMST,ETC

London Dwyer...Robin Leary ATWT

Elliot Fine...Tom Hallick Y&R, DAYS

Sandy Hutchinson...Barbara Crampton various

Judd McBroom ...Joe Lambie EON,GH, SB, FC SFT

Dabney...Jane Merrow

Rosemary...Tammy Taylor Days

Steve...actor...Mark Arnold GL, SB, EON, OLTL


...Christine Jones various

...Matt Lattanzi movie

...Philece Sampler DAYS, AW

...Joanne Willette

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I'm sure there were more recurring cast members I don't have, I didn't have a VCR until 83, but you could only tape one show at a time. I couldn't tape the channel when it was on!

Brett Adams...Kevin King

Samantha__Adams...Pamela Bryant

Virginia_____Ashcroft...Christine Dickenson

Agent Baldwin...Michael Swan B&B, ATWT,DAYS, SB

Dr. Barnett...Matthew Faison GH, etc.

Rowdy Barrington...Steve Doolittle

Charley Bismarck...Larry Freschette

Dr. Brooks...Michael Laskin... primetime

Larry Burns,,,Chip Frye

Al Carson...Billy Long, Jr.

Bill Cavanaugh...Charles Lanyer

Brady Chapin...Marc Poppel

...Jon Lindstrom SB,GH, GEN

Carter Robertson "Chapin"...Monte Markham DAL primetime

Dakota Lane Chapin...Claire Yarlett DAYS, Colbys

...Mary Beth Evans GH, DAYS, OLTL, ATWT

Jeff Robertson"Chapin"...Tim Maier

Katherine Wingfield Chapin...died before premiere Never Seen

Lisa Thompson Robertson "Chapin"...Wesley Anne Pfenning AW

Marissa Mallory Robertson"Chapin" ... Patty Reagan

...Janice Heiden... GH, Santa

Patrick Chapin...Dennis Patrick... Dallas DS OLTL primetime

Philip Clinton...Stanley Grover various

Dr. Kevin Coleman... Grant Goodeve Eight is Enough, OLTL, primetime

...Roderick Spencer

Blanche Crouch...????????? ...potential surrogate

Esther _____Cunningham...Meredith MacRae Petticoat J'unction

Nancy Cunningham...Kimberly Sedgwick

Michelle Davenport...Kelly Bennett

Chuck Elliott...Lou Felder

Robert Farnsworth...Bob Bancroft

Aaron Field...Vince Cannon Liamst

CJ Field ...Peter Haskell RH, SFT,primetime

Christina Thompson Robertson "Chapin" Field Christine Jones OLTL GH AMC AW RH L&F/FRFP ETC.

Julia Field...Andrea Moar AMC

Margot ______Field...Sondra Currie primetime

Mark Field...Adam Saltzman

Blake Fine...Charlie Brill primetime

Dr. Fromati...Joseph Whipp GEN, GH, DAYS,etc

"Caviar" Gallagher...Baby Dauphine

Diandra Santiago Gallagher...Gina Gallego SB,B&B,DAYS,ETC, PRIMETIME,, FR

Eddie Gallagher...Greg Mullavey... MHMH, primetime

Katie Burns "Gallagher"...Danielle Yamtov

Lacey Jarrett Burns...Philece Sampler DAYS, AW

Mike Gallagher...Kin Shriner soap hopper

Noelle Gallagher...Karen Kelly CAP

Sarah Thompson Gallagher...Lorinne Vozoff primetime

...Laurie Burton

Tom Gallagher...Kevin Blair (Spirtas) OLTL, Days

Det. Lucas Gates ...Antony Ponzini OLTL,GH,AW,ETC...

Cherry __Lane Gibson...Sharon Farrell Y&R,PRIMETIME

Roger Gibson...Brett Halsey SFT,GH,Y&R, LIAMST

...Del Hinckley GH

Hammer Gonzalez...???????...boxer

Arthur Green...Richard Sarradet GH

Governor Harrison...Peter MacLean GHDAYS etc.

Dr. Houston...Richard Partlow

Tracey Hunter...Barbara George

Art Jarrett...Gene Ross

Marion ___Jarrett...Joy Claussen EON

Al Keefer...Michael Cavanaugh various daytime/primetime

Bernhardt Kraus...Cameron Smith GH

Patty DuPunt Kraus...Winifred Freedman Primetime

Dr, Eve Lewis...Kim Miyori St. Elsewhere

Sammy Loakes...Jack MacBeth

Philip Mason...Richard McGonagle... LOV, GH

...William H. Bassett DaYS, Y&R, GH,etc...

Bill McKee...Alan Jordan

Scott Nelson...David Anthony Smith

Father O'Donnell...Father Bob Curtis FR, FC

Larry Pellegrino...?????????? hated Tom

Susie Pellegrino..Never Seen, sister, Larry

Phillip Pierce...?????????scientist

Frank Rice...James Ingersoll

Walter Richards...Paul Cross

Enrique Santiago...Armande Silvestre

Bob Spencer...Mark Harrison primetime

Tracey_______Spencer...Julie Sommars Matlock

Chief Bob Stalworth...Hank Garrett GEN, Santa etc

Mr. Stoner...Terrence Marinan

Dolph Stubbins...Charles Bouvier

Dr. Brian Thornton...Nicholas Guest

George (Leonard) Tibbits...John H. Fields

Clay Travis..Michael Weldon

Marie Trieste...Renee Jones +Lucky Days, Santa, primetime

Mrs. Vandergrift...Rosanna Huffman

Mr. Vandergrift...Paul Kent............ various

Count ____Von Platen...Never Seen

Taylor Chapin _____, ______, Field Von Platen...Joann Pflug primetime

Tina Louise Gilligan's Island, Dallas

...Francine York DAYS

...(????Lorinne Vozoff in finale???)

Dr. Donald Wallace Mark Norman

Stanley Kamel DAYS, Monk

Suzanne_____Walsh...Ellen Tobie ATWT,EON, OLTL

Carl Washington...Felix Nelson

Lucky Washington...Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs Welcome Back Kotter

...Randy Brooks Y&R, DAYS, AW

Maddie________Washington...Ketty Lester Days, Little House

...L:ynn Hamilton. Y&R, GEN,etc...Sanford and Son

Judge Robert Wiffin...Paul Kent various

Beverly_____Williams...Deborah White GH

Logan Williams...George Lazenby... GH, James Bond

Dr. Barbara ___ Wilson...Lisa Wilkinson AMC

Alex Winston...Terrence Cooper

Joshua Winters...Daniel Chambers

Dan Youngblood...Joaquin Martinez primetime

Theresa Youngblood...Never Seen...killed by Aaron


Carlos...+Diandra...Richard Yniguez primetime

Clara...wife, justice of the peace...Gloria Leroy primetime

Claudia...+Lucky...Alexia Robinson GH,Y&R

Donald...Donald Bishop

Dutch...Charles Cyphers

Elena...henchperson...Ruth Britt

Gloria...+Bernhardt ...Cindy Riegel FC

Karen...Susan Ursitti... GH

Kelsey...Allen Koss

Ken...cop,..Steven Dart

Les...cop...Wesley Thompson Y&R

Luis...hench...Mike Gomez

Lyndon...?????????...manager, Hunt Club

Maria...Isela Vega

Martha ...Janet Rotblatt

Melinda...Alisa Shirley

Muffy...???????..."Haddie" from Hadden Hall


Stavros...Jack Heller

Steve...actor...Shawn Klugman

Tom...Paul Turner

Valerie...Susan Wolf


Bartender...Don Conte

College Student...Jan Douglas

Cop...Gary Sayer

FBI Agent...Beau Stan

Medic...Richard Partlow

Nurse...Amy Aikman

Paramedic...Gary Miller

...Paul Sherman

Police Commissioner...Joseph Whipp

Racetrack Waiter...John Otrin

Reporter...Jill Andre... GL,DAYS

...Deborah White

Waiter...Brad M. Bucklin

...Don Conte

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Slick had a question about the name of an actress who appeared on Love Is a Many Splendored Thing. Her name is Avis McCarther.

She was a model who appeared on the cover of Ebony magazine. She decided that she wished to begin an acting career, and this role on Love Is a Many Splendored Thing was one of her early roles. Later, Lisa Wilkinson, who had created the role of Nancy Grant on All My Children, decided to leave the show, and Avis McCarther was her replacement. Then, a few months later, Ms. Wilkinson returned to the role and played Nancy until the role was written off the show. (although Nancy did return for one of the anniversaries of All My Children)

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On The Doctors, I did not see the Jo Henderson episode either, but I was told about it on a post on danfling's cancelled soap opera messageboard.

I also understand that the actress who played Enid Nelson on All My Children was on an episode.

I have seen these people on The Doctors: Faith Catlin (Ryan's Hope), Paul Michael Glaser (Love of Life, Love Is a Many Splendored Thing), Mel Boudrot (All My Children), and Bernard Barrow (The Edge of Night, The Secret Storm, Ryan's Hope, Loving).

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There was an earlier post about Maria on Love Is a Many Splendored Thing.

The actress who played her, Lisa Sarafin, later replaced Diane Dell as Lisa Britton on The Secret Storm.

Also, Jock Porter's mother was also seen on Love Is a Many Splendored Thing. She may have been on one of the lists above, but I did not see her. I cannot remember the name of the actress right now, but the actress had played Claire on As the World Turns.

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Danfling, Judy Safran replaced Terry Falls as Lisa on The Secret Storm. Terry was a very brief replacement (fall 1971-spring 1972) for Diane.

On Love is a Many Splendored Thing, actress Jan Farrand played Jock's equally scheming mother Alexandra "Alex" Porter.

Avis McCarther was lovely. In the early 80's she was on As the World Turns as one of the nurses at Memorial.

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My understanding was that another actress played Jock's mother on Love Is a Many Splendored Thing. I remember John Karlen on the show, but I don't think that I ever saw his mother. I saw a clip of the show which had her. I did not know who the actress was, but I was told that she was an actress who had been on As the World Turns.

I am not denying that Ms. Farrand played the role, but the person who told me about this was viewing another actress or was wrong about the identification.

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I wonder if the person who told you that had heard an audio recording? Jan Farrand and Gertrude Warner had very similar, quite unique speaking voices. Warner played Clare on ATWT.

Jan Farrand is the actress playing Alex in the episodes I have, and to my knowledge, no one else played the part.

I too am incorrect on occasion and can have a faulty memory at times, so I performed a quick internet search. The following article verifies that Farrand did appear as Alex.


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Due up tomorrow, barring unexpected plans, Somerset. Just wrapping up gathering dates for appearances. Texas is next, halfway through the dates for Texas. Thanks for all the extra information, everyone.

I also have a list of As the World Turns characters Without actor's names I will be posting, before I start posting my cast list. That one will take a few days. I'm basically hoping to find out if the characters appeared on screen or were just mentioned. I'll probably post that this weekend.

'til tomorrow...

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The clip from Love Is a Many Splendored Thing was visual - not audio only. I did not know who played the role, but whoever showed it to me said that it was Gertrude Warner. I never knew the name of the mother of Jock. Was it Alex?

Also, I meant to post this earlier. Martha Greenhouse (Ryan's Hope) created the role of Sarah Hanley on Love Is a Many Splendored Thing. Then, Sasha von Schuler (All My Children) played the role for the much longer amount of time.

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MARCH 30, 1970-DECEMBER 31, 1976





Nancy Barrett                       TD, RH, OLTL, DS

Hillarie Bass

Judy Landers                LOL

Barbara Lea pre 77 OLTL,ATWT,LOL

Leon Russom...               AMC,AW,ATWT, SFT, LOL, GL, PC, LIAMST





  Bob...son, Gretchen...????????...1974

Bob...Delaney employee...Ed Bryce...1972-74

Buffy...Roxanne Gregory... friend, Heather

Connie...Marilyn Spanier...1976

Dolly...+Monk...knew his plans for Hilda...???????...1974

Gretchen...friend , Ellen...(June, 1974)....??????

Kenny the bartender...Bob Gabriel...1972-73

Mac...golf pro...Dennis Patrick...1970

Marge...Lynn Lowry ???????...1975-76

Monk...swindler, Hilda worked with Martin/Stephanie...????...1974

Ursula...Jessica Biscardi...1975-76

Doctor...Gary Adler                       TD, SFT, ATWT, AW, OLTL, LOL, GH,DOOL

Extortionist...Bill Parker...75

Judge (Greg Mercer trial...?Sept. 76)...  Leon B. Stevens

Minister...James Ray...1975            MARRIED JERRY&HEATHER

Nurse...  Carolyn Byrd

Prison Guard...Henry Parker...1971


Bill Wolff


For character stories/ information I suggest :

Somerset Online

Somerset Register

Also for in depth dates: The Another World Homepage...Spinoffs

The cast to follow.

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Wayne Addison...Robert Milli...1970 AMC,AW,GL, etc.

Rudy Aloris...Joe Sirola...1973 The City, etc.

Crystal McGuire Ames...Diahn Williams...1972-74

Lena ___Andrews...Abby Lewis 1975-76 AW etc.

Bernie Bailey...Richard Bright...1976 partner David G.

Detective Baxter...Bill McDonnell...1970

Hilda ____ Benson...Eleanor Phelps...1974

Judge Brad Bishop...Allen Gifford...1972-74 various

Nurse Breen...Virginia McKensie

Dan Briskin...Bernard Grant...1976 OLTL, GL, etc.

Mirium _____Briskin...Mae Questel...1976 (not sure on this one)

Sarah ____Briskin...Molly Picon...1975-76

...Dorothy Blackburn 1976 various

Mr. Bruno...Humbert Allen Astredo..1970 can't think of a NY soap he wasn't on

Randy Buchanon...Gary Sandy...1970-72 SS, ATWT, WKRP in Cincinnati

Julian Cannell...Joel Crothers....1972-76

Dr. Kate Thornton Cannell...Tina Sloan....1974-76 AW, SFT, GL,etc.

Zoe Matson Cannell...Lois Smith...1972-74 TD, OLTL, EON,etc.

Eugene Carroll...Never Seen...+ Terri, died in Vietnam

Rafe Carter...Philip Sterling...1970-71 GL, AW, etc..

Joe Castor...associate, Steve Slade...1976 ???????? ?Never Seen

Rachel Davis Matthews Clark...Robin Strasser,..1970, 1971 OLTL, AMC, SS, PAS, KL, Coach...etc

Ted Clark...Stephen Bolster... 1971-72 TD, ATWT, OLTL, etc...

Greg Connollly...Richard Niles 70 EON,ATWT,TD

Ralph Conrad...brother Dorothy...1975...????????

Lt. Conroy...Percy Rodriguez...1971-72 various

Tom Conway...Michael Nouri...1974 AMC, SFT etc.

...Ted Danson...1974-76 TD, Cheers, CSI, Becker

Dr. John Coolidge...(doctor, Brian Gammage) 1976...??????

Ginger Kurtz Cooper...Meg Wittner...1972 GH, etc

...Renne Jarrett...1972-73 EON, LOL.PFL

...Fawne Harriman...1973-76 various

Joseph Rex Cooper...Sean Ward ...1975-76

Laura Delaney Cooper...Dorothy Stinnette...1970-73 AL, EON, AW, ec.

Rex Cooper...Paul Sparer...1970-76 GL, etc

Tony Cooper...Douglas Chapin...1970-71 ATWT

...Ernest Thompson...1972-74

...Barry Jenner 1974-76 AW, DAL, etc

Daniele "Danny" Cotsworth...Melinda Plank...1971-72 GH, SFT,Y&R,etc.(AKA Cordell)

Lenore Moore Curtin...1970...Judith Barcroft... AMC, ATWT, RH,etc...

D.A. Walter Curtin...Val Dufour...1970-71 AW, EON, SFT, etc.

Gerald Davis...Walter Matthews...1970-71 AW, GH, etc.

(temp)...Dolph Sweet 1971... AW, EON, Gimme a Break!

Pammy Davis...Pamela Toll...1970-71 TD, etc

Jasper Delaney...Ralph Clanton ...1970

Jessica Buchanon Delaney...Wynne Miller 1970-72 various

Peter Delaney...Len Gochman 1970-72 ATWT

Robert Delaney...Nicholas Coster...1970-72 soap hopper

Ada Lucas Davis Downs...Constance Ford ...1970-71, 1973 SFT, AW, EON, etc.

Ernie Downs...Harry Bellaver...1970-71

Mitchell Dru...Geoffrey Lumb...1970-71 SFT, AW, ATWT

Dr. Angus Duncan...Steve Simpson...1976

D.A. Leonardo Durgin...Peter Walker...1976

Sgt. Frank Evans...Tucker Smallwood...1976 ATWT. SFT, GL, etc...

Jill Grant Farmer...Susan MacDonald...1970-72, 1974-76 EON

Mitch Farmer...1971-72...Richard Shoberg EON, AMC, GL etc.

Nurse Ruth Fellows...Judith Sullivan...1976

Ambrose Ferguson...Stuart Germain 1974 EON. etc.

Brian Gammage...Robert P. Fields 1976

David Gammage...?????????...1976

Rose ______Gammage...Pamela King...1976... ATWT

Florence__________ Geisler...Mae Questel...1975-76

Herb Gellar...?????????...1972

Margaret ______Gellar...Helen McDonald

Susan (Beth )Giles...Mary Alice Riley... 1971... AW

Peter Goodwin...Mark Lenard...1975 ATWT, EON

Ben Grant...Ed Kemmer...1970-74 soap hopper

David Grant...Ron Martin...1970-74

...Thomas Callaway 1975-76 LOL, FC, etc.

...Philip Mac Hale...1976 OLTL

David Grant, Jr. Bridget Duffy...76

Ellen Bishop Grant...Georgeann Johnson 1970-76

Lai Ling (Lying Sun) Grant...Helen Funai...1975-76 Days, etc.

Bill Greeley...William Hunt...1972-73 GH, etc.- 75

...Bill Moor ...1971-72(bartender)

Dr. John Hallaman...Michael Ebert...1973-74 ATWT, etc.

Dr. Halstead...psychiatrist, Kate...Dino Narizzano       TD, SFT  1975

Bobby Hansen...Matthew Greene...1975-76

Ike Harding (Harry Wilson)...Fred J Scollay..1970-71 EON, TD, AW, GL, etc.   oltl

Marsha ____Davis Harding...Alice Hirson..1970-72 OLTL,EON,GH, DaL, etc.

Buffy_____ Harrington...Bonnie Parker...1976...

Fred Harrington...Joe Sirola...1976

Doris _____Hiller...Gretchen Wyler...1973-74

Chuck Hillman...Ed Winter...1971-72 prietime

India Bishop Delaney Hillman...Marie Wallace...1970-72 various

Dr. Hudson...??????...mentor, Stan Kurtz...1974


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