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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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As some of you know, I have been amassing cast lists for the soaps for many years. I figured that it doesn't do much good having all of this information and not sharing it. So this thread is for anyone that's curious about the cast members of past soaps. If anyone comes across any information I don't have, let me know, and I'll add it. If any of my information is wrong, please let me know. I'll add a little trivia here and there among the lists. Anyone's input is welcome, and I hope that there will be some new information some of you didn't know.



N/A means they haven't been posted yet. Hoping to round out the cancelled series in 2019.


Page numbers will be updated as shows are updated and bumped up.

ALL MY CHILDREN 2.0              AMC 2.0        (2013)       116        
ALL THAT GLITTERS          ATG                                          86
ANOTHER LIFE                          AL                                      68
AS THE WORLD TURNS             ATWT                              149
BARE ESSENCE PILOT                      BEP                           122
BARE ESSENCE                           BE                                  168
THE BAY                                     BAY                                  180
BEHIND THE SCREEN           BTS                                         86
BEN JERROD                              BJ                                     178
THE BENNETTS                           TB                                   178
BERRENGER'S                            BERR                                  88
THE BEST OF EVERYTHING      BOE                                  138
THE BLVD                                                                              178
DAY IN COURT                                                                      180                                 
                  BEYOND SALEM                   BS                       122
BRIGHT PROMISE                        BP                                   106
THE BRIGHTER DAY                    TBD                                  108
CAPITOL                                         CAP                                92
THE CATLINS                                  TC                              132
THE CITY                                         CITY                             63
THE CLEAR HORIZON                     TCH                           152
CONCERNING MISS MARLOWE      CMM                       107
CONFIDENTIAL FOR WOMEN         CFW                        178
DARK SHADOWS Prime Time        DSPT                  116
A DATE WITH LIFE                             DWL              160       Paul Raven's episode/cast guide
THE DOCTORS                                   TD                      134-135
EDGE OF NIGHT                         EON                                161
THE EGG AND I                                   E&I                            91
EMERALD POINT N.A.S.               EPNAS                        114
FAIRMEADOWS, USA                          F,USA                          101
FARAWAY HILL                                     FH                             101
FIFTEEN                                                FIF                          70
FIRST HUNDRED YEARS                     FHY                          93
FIRST LADIES DIARIES  EDITH WILSON                      122
FIRST LOVE                                          FL                         179
FLAMINGO ROAD                                  FR                        101
FOLLOW YOUR HEART                       FYH                        178
FOR BETTER OR WORSE                   FBOW                     179
FOR RICHER, FOR POORER               FRFP / L&F             121
      (aka) LOVERS AND FRIENDS    
FROM THESE ROOTS                          FTR                        107
FULL CIRCLE                                         FC                         174
GENERAL HOSPITAL                             GH                      165
            EMERGENCY HOSPITAL20  +VIDEO   + extras
GENERATIONS                                       GEN                100
GOLDEN WINDOWS                               GW               107
THE GREATEST GIFT                              GG               107
(THE) GUIDING LIGHT                            GL          120
                                          70th Anniversary Special Cast   116
THE HAMPTONS                                   HAMP             84
HAWKINS FALLS                                      HAWF           161
THE HEART OF JULIET JONES (Pilot)                          179
HIDDEN FACES                                       HF                    163
HIGH HOPES                                            HH                     60
HIGHWAY TO THE STARS                      HTTS              179
HOTEL COSMOPOLITAN                         HC                 179
HOUSE ON HIGH STREET                       HOHS              179
HOW TO SURVIVE A MARRIAGE           HTSAM        108
KINGS CROSSING                                     KC                       92
KITTY FOYLE                                            KF                  121
LOVE OF LIFE                                          LOL                   177
LOVING                                                     LOV                  108
LOVING PILOT                                                                 108
MISS SUSAN                                             MISS              165
MODERN ROMANCES                              MR             Updated   105     Paul Raven's episode/ cast guide
MOMENT OF TRUTH                                MOT              106
MORNING STAR                                        MS                   106
NEVER TOO YOUNG                                 NTY                178
A NEW DAY IN EDEN                              NDIE                  90
NUMBER 96                                             N96                   102
THE NURSES                                              TN                  121
THE O'NEILLS                                             TO               102
ONE LIFE TO LIVE                                      OLTL            ACTORS WITHOUT ROLES     130
                                                OLTL                          A, B--117          C, D, E     118    E-119    F-123      G   124     H-K      131..... k 132.... L    141..... m    142   M, p, Q and q ---180    N.O.V, X, Y, Z  155
                                        ROXY'S FRATERNITY ROW EPISODE      116
ONE LIFE TO LIVE 2.0                                OLTL 2.0         116
ONE MAN'S EXPERIENCE                          OME/OWE    63
ONE MAN'S FAMILY                                     OMF          97
OUR FIVE DAUGHTERS                              OFD            178
OUR PRIVATE WORLD                                OPW            149
PARADISE BAY                                             PB               165
PAUL BERNARD, PSYCHIATRIST                PBP            178
PORT CHARLES                                            PC             165
PORTIA FACES LIFE                                      PFL           97
                (AKA) THE INNER FLAME
RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE                        RTPP         121
RITUALS                                                           RIT            112
ROAD OF LIFE                                                 ROL              102
ROAD TO REALITY                                          RTR              86
ROMANCE THEATER                                       RT              75
RYAN'S HOPE                                                   RH            113-114
SANTA BARBARA                                              SANTA     Preview      A's    117
SCARLETT HILL                                                 SH            110
SEARCH FOR TOMORROW                              SFT               171
THE SECRET STORM                                        SS                161
SECRETS         (European/Miniseries)                SEC           60
THE SEEKING HEART                                        TSH           126
SOMERSET                                                          SOM           106
SPYDER GAMES                                              SG                 101
STRANGE PARADISE                                          SP                102
SUNSET BEACH                                                   SU BE         61
SWAN'S CROSSING                                             SC               177
TEXAS                                                                    TEX              115
THESE ARE MY CHILDREN                                  TAMC            96
THREE STEPS TO HEAVEN                                   3STH             107
A TIME FOR US                                                      ATFU                91
             (AKA) FLAME IN THE WIND                       FITW   
A TIME TO LIVE                                                        ATTL         152
TODAY IS OURS                                                      TIO               159
TOM CORBETT, SPACE CADET                              TC,SC        127
TRIBES                                                                       TR             102
TRUE STORY                                                               TS              105    Paul Raven's episode/ cast guide
VALIANT LADY                                                           VL            94
VALLEY OF THE DOLLS (late night)                          VOD        102
THE VERDICT IS YOURS                                           VIY            178
THE WAY OF THE WORLD                                         WOTW     147   Paul Raven's episode and cast guide  
WHERE THE HEART IS                                               WTHI        121
A WOMAN TO REMEMBER                                         WTR       93
WOMAN WITH A PAST                                                 WWAP       110
A WORLD APART                                                          AWA     108
THE WORLD OF MISTER SWEENEY                           WOMS        114
THE YELLOW ROSE                                                        TYR    89
YOUNG DOCTOR MALONE                                           YDM         106
THE YOUNG MARRIEDS                                                TYM       165
ALL MY CHILDREN                   AMC  
ANOTHER WORLD                     AW   
DARK SHADOWS                              DS                 
DAYS OF OUR LIVES                        DOOL     
ONE LIFE TO LIVE                           OLTL       L-Z; UNNAMED ROLES
PASSIONS                                          PAS   
SANTA BARBARA                               SANTA    
Edited by slick jones
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First up is :




September 24, 1951-February 1, 1980...CBS

Locations: Barrowsville, New York City, Rosehill





Paul Ailey...Stephen Elliott 1973...Tess' attorney various soaps, FC, DAL  ATWT,SS,SFT,ES,EON,BH,YDM,AWA

Dory ______Patton Alaeta...Sherry Rooney 1977-78... Attorney SFT

Edouard Alaeta...John Aniston 1975-78 SFT, DAYS, various series

Eloise Alberini ( nee Brewster?or married to Rev. Brewster? not sure there)...Patricia Arnell 1979

Dr. Mary Albertson...OBGYN, Diana...1976...?????????

Daisy Allen...Shari Freels...1971

...Irene Cara...-71.....famous for Fame

....Sharon Brown...1970-71 Generations

Jeff Allen...Norman Matlock                                71

Nurse Loretta ________ Allen...Ja'net DuBois 1970-72 Wilona, Good Times, BH90210

Tony Alphonso...Peter Gatto...1979-1980...+Bambi, +Kim, father of Tran          EON,TD,ATWT

Officer Andy Ames..???????....guarded Arlene, 1979

Jack Andrews...Donald Symington...1958 swindler, married Meg   ATWT,SC,TD

Lawrence(Larry ) Andrews...Paul McGrath...1970 FL,GL,EON,TD

Lucy(?Lacey)_____ Andrews...Flora Campbell...1970  TD,SH,FH,VL,LIAMST

Todd Andrews...Rod Gibbons...1972

Dr. Carl Applegate...Humbert Allen Astredo...1979 + Leonia Baxter Brewster   LOV,TEX,DS,HODS,SOM,OLTL,AW,EON,GL

Terry Applegate ...79...Mara Hobel                          TD


Dr. Babson...doctor, Carrie Johnson...1976...????????

Evans Baker...Ronald Long...1951-57 lawyer, Meg

"Big" Al Barton...+Bambi, boss, RayS. 1978????????????????

Mark Belder..famous lawyer(Ben)...1976,,,?????????????

Josh Bendarik...Brian Brownlee...1972

Mrs. Bendarik...Lois Smith...1972    mother...    GL,TD,AW,OLTL,DH,AMC,EON,SOM

Mr. Bendarik...Ed Grover...1972...FATHER

Captain Benson...cop,boss, Burt Garfield...1975...????????????

Marla____Blake...mother, Michael...Never Seen

Michael Blake...Vietnam POW...1976-78...Richard Council  AMC,AW,ATWT,LOV,GL,OLTL,SFT

Zachary Bly...+ Lynn, friend, Elliott.....78....Jake Turner   AW,OLTL

Joe Bond...Lincoln Kilpatrick...1968-70 high school history teacher    MP,SIS

Rita___Bond...Darlene Cotton...1968-70

David Boyce...1953...+Judith=Carol ...??????????

Arthur Brewster...+ Katherine, father Barbara...1979...?????????

Bambi Brewster...(young)...Maureen Frawley 1979

...Anne McCarthy...1976-80    TEX,AW

Barbara Brewster...not Bambi...1979...?????????

Kathleen_____Brewster...+ Arthur...faux Brewsters..1979...?????????

Leonia Baxter Brewster...mother Bambi ...Never Seen?POSSIBLE FLASHBACK SCENES...79

Reverend Richard Brewster...Earl Hammond...1979   TCH,EON,VL

Dr. Brett...Jack Davis...married Van & Bruce

Gerry Breyley...Julia Duffy 1971-72   TD,OLTL,PAS

Mrs. Breyley...Rue Mc Lanahan...1971... WTHI,AW,TD

Claire Mackey Bridgeman...Renee Roy...1967-70 tavern owner, +Richard R

Ed Bridgeman...Russell Gold...1967

...Hugh Franklin...1967-70 went on to AMC as Dr. Charles Tyler  EON,DS,YDM,ATWT

Christy Brigham...Leah Ayres...1979 dated WeS,drugged Gina......EON,9TO5,THE BRADYS

T.J. Brogger...Martin Zurla

Hamilton Brown...Tom Shirley crooked banker 1954

Dr. Paul Bryson...Earle Hyman 1975-76 psychiatrist, David H. , Cosby Show,EON,SFT,ATWT


Alex Caldwell...Charles White 1971-? second hubby, Sarah Dale Pharmacist,ATWT,AW,EON,TD

...Fred Stewart...1966-71 passed away in 71     TD,DS

Dr. Joe Carelli(Corelli) ...Tony LoBianco 1972-73 +Tess HF

...David Little...temp Guiding Light,OLTL

...Paul Michael Glaser...1971-72 Starsky and Hutch, LIAMST,TD

Henry Carlson ... Tom Shirley...1959-61 paper company   HC,FTR

...Jack Stambaugh 1961-71

Jeff Carlson...William Bogert...???...OLTL,ATWT,AW,MP,KL,TD,COLBYS

Vivian ________Carlson...Eleanor Wilson...1959

...Helene Dumas 1959-1971             SOM?

Scott Carmichael...dated Meg...Scott McKay    hospital administrator 79, EON

...James Congdon...79         RH,SOM,AW,EON,

Headmaster Carruthers...1953,,,Beano(Ben)'s school...????????

Hal Carson...+Arlene...Kipp Whitman {temp} 79.   EON,ATWT

.David Snell(temp) ...79...EON,ATWT,GL,OLTL,RH

...W.T. Martin 1979-80   LOV,ATWT,OLTL,GL

Reverend Carson...1979...????????? knew the Brewsters

______ Cartwright...58...????...brother, Sally, didn';t like Tom Craythorne!

Sally Cartwright...Patricia Wheel...58...affair w/Jack Andrews     TD,WTR,GL,SFT,EON

Kate Swanson Phillips Chandler...Leonie Norton ...1967-69... singer  ...AW,TN,OLTL

...Sally Stark...1969-75            AMC,DOOL,GL

Dr. Ted Chandler....Keith Charles 1974-75 sex therapist SS,EON,GL,ATWT,WTHI,SOM,RH,OLTL,SFT,DAL

                                     ^^^CHARACTER DIED IN 78

Mrs. Chang...foster mother Tran...1979 ????????

Mr. Chang...foster father Tran 1979 ??????

Tran Chang...child of Kim and Tony...1979 ??????

Lamar Chisom...20 weeks...Damon Evans  ...Early 70s  Jeffersons

Mr. Claxton...M.R. Miller//editor, Des Moines...78or79

Judith Cole...Marsha Mason.. reporter ... 1971-72...DS,OLTL,WTHI,LIP JUN...currently recur The Middle

Lisa Cooper..1976...gallery owner....?????????

Corby's Cat...   Lucifer

Evelyn____ Corby...Lee Kurty ...1970-72 ex wife Matt (Paul Raven)    SFT

Matt Corby(Paul Raven after surgery)...Robert Burr...1970-72    SFT,AMC,TD,SOM,LIAMST,RH,EON,GL

Stacy Corby...Cindy Grover...1971-72...daughter got into drugs

Bert Craig...Stephen Gethers ...Hal's dead twin

Hal Craig...Stephen Gethers...1953-56...gambler + Meg

Bill Crandall...Stratton Walling...1959-62 teacher          EON

Ginny_____Crandall...Barbara Barrie...1960-62 secretary, affair w/ Bruce  SFT Barney Miller

James Crawford...Kenneth McMillan...father Tom Betsy...4/75      RH,DS

Linda______Crawford...Romola Robb Allrud..  mother, Tom,Betsy...4/75

Dr. Tom Crawford...Richard K. Weber...1976-79 +Arlene OLTL among others

...Mark Pinter...1979-80 AMC,AW,ATWT,BTS,GH,GL,LOV,SOMH,Y&R, PP'79

Cindy Craythorne...Kimetha Laurie...1958  daughter,Tom    ATWT,EON,BP

Tom Craythorne...Charles Braswell lawyer + Meg    TD

...Lauren Gilbert,,...1958 EON,F,USA,3STH,FTR,CMM

Nurse Crow...Ruth Klinger nurse, Bambi....79

Alex Crown...Russell Thorson 1953 (Vanessa's first love)   

Ellie Hughes Crown...Lenka Peterson    AMC,AW,RH,GH,OLTL,SFT,GL,YDM,SS,FITW

...Bonnie Bartlett...1951 award winning actress     GH,O&A,TD,KL

...Hildy Parks...1951-57            MR

...Mary K. Wells...1955-56    EON,ATWT,TBD,GG,MR,RTPP

...Bethel Leslie...1956 TD, writer, SS           LOV,AMC,AW,TD,ATWT,OLTL

Jill Crown  (AKA Barstow)...Natalie Priest...1953    MISS SUSAN,RH,AW,EON

Dr. Joe Cusack...1976-78...Peter Brouwer friend, Tom C ATWT, GL,OLTLAMC


Will Dale...Ed Jerrome...1951-53 father, Van & Meg

Paul Davis...Vince Carroll    68    LIAMST

Sammy Davis, Jr. ...Sammy Davis, Jr.    74      GH,OLTL

Toni___ Lamont Prentiss Davis...Frances Sternhagen...1967-68 various stage and screen  OLTL,HOHS,AW,TD

...Louise Larrabee...1969        69

Senator Ed Deakins...Joseph Boland 1954

Arden Delacourt...Geraldine Brooks...1971                   ES WWAP

Headmaster John Dennis...Coe Norton  real dad, Alan Sterling   -64   SFT,SS

Mother Dennis...63-64.. Eleanor Phelps....mother, John, grandmother,Alan Sterling    SS,SOM, AMC, TD, GL

Denton...murderer, Julie Murano...?????????...65

Russ Dorman...Bruce Martin...1974        EON

Bonnie Draper...Carole Walker

...Karen Grassle... Caroline Ingalls, Little House

Mrs. Draper...Janet Ward     67        AW,GG


Jay Edmiston...Arlen Dean Snyder.. 1977...OLTL, ATWT friend, Meg publisherSS,SFT,DAL,DYN

Reverend Sam Erwin...Leon Russom married Sally and Jamie  LIAMST,PC,AMC,GL,AW,ATWT



Jonas Falk...Roy Shuman *??                   ATWT,BOE,SFT

...Ben Piazza...1965              GH,DYN,SANTA,DAL,GEN

...Roy Scheider...1965-66     ATWT,SS,SFT,HF,EON

Hester Ferris...Marie Masters...1966-67 ATWT, OLT    AWL

Jason Ferris...Robert Alda...1988-67 father, Alan famous actor           DOOL

Mark Ferris...Jack Ryland...1976 AW,ATWT,OLTL,GL,SS,SFT

Sharon_____Ferris...Eileen Letchworth plastic surgery story on AMC,66-67   OLTL,SS,FRFP

Eve Fine...Marian Baer EON,TD,SS,GL ATWT,SFT      76

Mavis ____Fleming...Ketherine Meskill aunt, Felicia...  77   TD,EON,SFT,GL,FHY,MR,WTHI

David Flood...friend, Diana...???????????...76

Dr. Flowers...July 1974...NYC Kate...???????????????????

________Fowler...John Buckwalter      60



Eleanor ____Galatti...Eleni Kiamos 70-71           ATWT,TD

Greg Galatti...Richard Kuss   70-71       SFT,RH,EON

Sandra Gamble...1952-53...painter, + Charles H. ...?????????

Miguel Garcia...Raul Julia...1969

Lt. Burt Garfield...Robert Anthony. 1973-76..investigator

Steve Garrett...Michael Beirne...1968 or 69...

Gina Gaspero...Amy Niles...1979...sister, Ray S + Wes

Guido Gaspero...Bruce Ornstein 1979

Mama ___ ________ Gaspero...Vera Lockwood...1979... RH,PC,MHMH

Papa___ Gaspero... 1979 ??????????

Dr. Gibson...OBGYN ...1958,,,????

Mrs. Gibson...wife, Dr., friend Sally...1958...????

Dr. Goodrich...1974...Kate's throat...??????????

Dr. Paul Graham...Richard Fasciano...1979...+ Bambi

...Gary Giem...1979-80 Y&R  EON

Mrs. Grimes...1977...baby nurse, Charlie...Ruth Klinger



Dr. Eugene Hall..Frank Elmore...1979...in cahoots with Eloise

Glenn Hamilton...Bert Convy...attacked women...1963 game shows, primetime

Steve Harbach...Paul Craggs...1979-80...ex cellmate Ben, law school  Liked Vanessa

Vicky Harcourt...1958...actress, threatened producer with molestation charges...???????????

Reverend Harding...former beau, Leonia Baxter...Never Seen...79

Dr. Jason Harmon...????????????

"Beano" Ben Harper...Dennis Parnell...1951-57 bigamist

...Tommy White...1957-58

...Christopher Reeve...1974-76 Superman     RH

...Chandler Hill Harben...1976-80 Texas, AL,TD,EON

Charles Harper...John Graham   53         DOOL,VL

...Paul Potter1951-53    GL

Suzanne Crawford Harper...Tamara Hummell

...Heather Bicknell   79-80

Elaine ______ Harris...Eugenia Rawls     66-67   TD,RTR,ATWT,GL,TN

David Hart...Brian Farrell...1974-75 betrayed bad guy dad  set fire to Country Club

..... temp Gary Tomlin         AW, SFT

Mayor Jeff Hart...Charles Baxter...1973- 12/ 74 corrupt     AW,GL,LIAMST,ATWT,EON,FHY

Meg Dale Harper Andrews Craythorne Alaeta Hart...Jean McBride...1951-58

...Jane Wenman temp.???

...Tudi Wiggins...1974-80 SP, AMC,     PB,GL,RT

Wendy Hayes...Elaine Grove...1977-78 friend, Mia +Joe=preggers     legal assistant, Dory

Lynn Henderson...Amy Gibson...1976-78 alcoholic teen, stayed with Van/Bruce +Andy   GH, Y&R

Mother ___Holden...1965...?????????

Philip Holden...David Rounds...1963-65 headmaster, +Barbara wrote novel  LIAMST,MHMH,RH,BH

Lt. Hollenbeck...Robert Elston...Ian Russell's murder investigator ATWT   LIASMST,EON  

Doc Holliday...Jack Lee   ?73?

Daughter Howells...daughter of Howie...???????

Howard Howells...1974...Ed Crowley...bad guy    RH,DS

Ace Hubbard...Jed Allan 1964... Days, Santa, GH, PC ,SS,BH90210,THE BAY

Helen __ Hunt...Polly Rowles... realtor    70-72     RECURRING   SOM,TN


Nurse James..Louise Stubbs              LOV,GL

Dr. Jessup...Bambi's doctor...?????????????     78

Carrie ____Lovett Johnson...Peg Murray 1974-80 Arlene's mom Olga Svenson, AMC, temp Ada, AW.  LOV

Nurse Jones...Wendie Malick.... Hot in Cleveland,  Just Shoot Me,AMC,AW,DYM:reunion   79

Collie Jordan...Carl Betz ...1954-55 Lawyer   partner,Paul Raven

Grace Jordan...Patricia Sales  ...54-55


Speed Kendall...????...55 Vanessa dated this crime figure to gather evidence

Dr. Keno...doctor, David H....???????    75

Greg Keyes...Robert Aberdeen...1978-80

Al King...Ed Bryce       GL,EON,SS,AW,TCSC,SOM,ATWT,LOV

Loretta Russell King...Never Seen...mother, Amy Russell

Cheryl Kingsley...Judy Landers...+ Wes1979-80 primetime   SOM  

Anna _____ Krakauer ...Jocelyn Brando...1966-67     DAL

"Aunt "Carrie (Krakauer??)...Frances Fuller 1967-?71 FITW   ran the Potting Shed with Sarah

Laurie _________ Krakauer...Claudette Nevins... 1965-68      PROV,KL,DAL,BH90210,BTS,ALLY,MP

Mickey Krakauer...Alan Yorke (Feinstein)...1965-68 EON, GHSFT,KL,BERR,DS,SANTA,FC    

Dr. Otto Kreisinger...Leon B. Stevens quack    husband, Lydia Bruce   TD,SFT,EON,OLTL

...Barnard Hughes    SS,DS,GL,ATWT





That's about half or now, more later!


I would like to thank all of you here on the board that have provided me with information. These cast lists wouldn't be half as full if not for all of you!

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I had not known that Roy Shumann had been on this show. I only knew him from As the World Turns,The Best of Everything, and Search for Tomorrow. I think that he was one of the best daytime actors (although I think that he was not good on Search for Tomorrrow because he was miscast).

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He may not have been, many of the old books I had used(a long time ago) had some other misprints. It may have been Roy Scheider that they meant, so that one isn't necessarily right, although it may be. I was looking for a date to correspond with the appearance, and I didn't find one. I'll go back and put a ? next to it until I find the book. Other than that one, I'm confident about my lists.

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Charles Lamont...Stan Watt...1971 owned bookstore

...Jonathon Moore...1966-78     RH

Charlie Lamont(Alaeta)... baby, Felicia and Eddie ????????????????

Felicia Fleming Lamont...Pamela Lincoln...1974-77 teacher The Doctors, OLTL   AWA

Betsy Crawford Harper Lang...Margo McKenna...1978-80 reporter ATWT, EoN

...Marcia McClain temp 75-76 or 76 ATWT

...Elizabeth Kemp...!973-77

D.A. Elliott Lang...Ted LePlat...1978-80 OLTL, SB, GL   WTHI,BOE,BE,RT,SOM

Mitch Larkin...??????????? former accomplice, Hal Craig    56

Mr. Lasko...accountant ...?????????    75 OR 76

Barbara Sterling Vento Latimer...Zina Bethune...1965-71 GL, SB YDM,PO5

...Lee Lawson...1961-65, 1970(temp) GL     AW.OLTL

...Nina Reader...1959-61 SfT      

Caroline "Cal" Alaeta Latimer...Deborah Courtney...1973-76

...Roxanne Gregory...1976-78      SOM

Guy Latimer...John Straub 1962-63 strong armed Henry C.

Hank Latimer...David Carlton Stambaugh 1970-78

...Justin Sterling...1965

Julie Murano Latimer...Jessica Walter...1962-65 primetime/ movies  TD,90210,OLTL,J&J,BE,KL,ATG

...Jane Manning ...1965 LIAMST, AW,SS,AMC

Rick Latimer...Paul Savior...1960-66 owned nightclub GH, EON    DOOL,Y&R

...Michael Ebert...1966-70 ATWT       TD,EON,SOM

...Edward Moore 1970-72 LOVING     ATWT,EON,AMC,LIAMST

...Jerry Lacy 1972-78 Y&R, Mr. Julia Duffy, Atwt        KL,DS,HODS,SS

Dr. Lederer...Shirley Blanc... Rebecca's doctor       73

Chuck Levine...Phillip Vandervoort       

Herbert Lodge...father, Judith...1956...????????

Arnie Logan...Richard Dow terrorized Felicia       76,SOM

Kay Logan...1962-63...Joan Copeland...twin, Maggie P     OLTL,ATWTHTSAM,SFT,EON

Connie Loomis...Chase Croseley {Irene Kane}...+Tony Vento...1962-65     SANTA,GH,PC,SIS,TD,HYP.BAY

Nurse Candy Lowe...Nancy McKay 1972-73 switched paternity results

...Season Hubley 1973-74 movies, TV                    AMC,BH90210


Mrs. MacCreary...1976...nurse, Charles...??????????

Bobby Mackey...Richard Cox.....nephew Claire Bridgeman 1972-73      GL,LOV,ES,SFT

Gloria ____Madden...Rita Lloyd...1974... GL,ATWT,LOVING   AMC,EON, FITW

Price Madden..Tom Fitzsimmons...1974.....     AMC,DAL

Cherie Manning...Elizabeth Stack...1978-79 +Tom,+Andy, friend Lynn

Faith___Manning...Gretchen Walther...1978 boutique owner  SFT,TD,HF,LOL,EON,ATWT,AMC,SS

Dr. Andrew Marriott...Richard Higgs...1977 TD, committed suicide IRL

...Ron Harper...1977-80 AW, CAP, GEN, movies          LOV,MP,BH90210,LIAMST

Andy Marriott...Chris Marlowe...1977-78...+Cherie+Lynn  

Jim Marriott...Never Seen...killed in crash

Mary Jane Owens Marriott...Corinne Neuchateau...therapist Charlie L., + Mike B

Mia Osbourne Lowery Marriott...Velekka Gray...1977-80 Atwt, SOM, Y&R    LIAMST,HTSAM

Dr. Marshall...psychiatrist, Laurie...1967-69,,,Frederick J.Nassif

Leon Matthews...Jack Marks 1978             RH

Sgt. Ed McBain...Alan Austin...1968      GL

Eileen McCallion...Renne Jarrett 1969                 SOM,EON,PFL

Mr. McCallion...George Markham 1969

Sarah ______Dale Caldwell McCauley...Jane Rose...1951-56  SFT,SS,SOM,DS,EON

Joanna Roos...1968-78 many ATWT,TD,EON,SFT,LHS

...Valerie Cossart...1978-80        FHY,KF

Professor Tim McCauley...Sheppard Strudwick 1979-80 OLTL,      AW,ATWT,SS

David McKay...Jay Morran 1968-69 AW

_______Merlin...Hector Mercado    SANTA

DA Earl Merrick...Thom Christopher 1977 prosecutor, Arlene OLTL, GL, LOV    EON

Alden Miller...Frank Milan

Walter Morgan...Richard McKensie...1972-73 accomplice of Bobby Mackey   COLBYS,KL,SOAP

Link Morrison...George Kane 1969-70    SFT

...John Gabriel ...1970-72 RH,GH, LOV, Gen   OLTL,GEN,B&B,LHS.

Cissy Muldoon...1979...reporter?????????????????????

Lester Mullett...Conrad Bain Diffrent Strokes         EON,DS, SFT

Loretta ____ Murano...Josie Nichols TEXAS, AW     WTHI,FITW


Warren Nash...Grant Richards...1952-53

Lynn Nelson...Amanda Treyz(Tree)

...Andrea Martin

Monica ____ Nelson...Beverly Todd DOOL    FC

Dean Newman...Jack Ryland         AW,ATWT, GL, TD, OLTL, SFT, SS, LIAMST , ?GH

Mary Elizabeth O'Connell...Nancy Moses ...79, Attorney, Elliot's firm

Wes Osbourne...Woody Brown...1979-80 }+Christy, +GinaG+Kelly +Cheryl      Y&R,FR,GH,DYN

Pa Owens...Jamie Green  77  father Mar


Miles Pardee...Joe Allen, Jr....1951 smuggler, +Meg         SFT

Bob Patton...Never Seen...ex husband, Dory

Kevin Patton...Mike Kennedy 1978...Dory's son       DAL

Kirsten Patton...Jessica Rooney 1978...Dory's daughter

Dr. Peck...David Sabine       72

MRS.Penn...58 wife Noel    ???????

Noel Penn...Gene Peterson...1958 Producer, Tammy's show    EON, GG,DYN,DAL

Dr. Dan Phillips...Drew Snyder...1970-74       AW, EPNAS,RH,SFT,ALLY, DYN,     died in car crash

Dr. Lloyd Phllips...Douglass Watson 1972-73 AWs Mac Cory!!!!!!   TEX,FRFP,SFT,MOT

Rebecca Phillips...Lisa Kindeman     73

...Jennifer Leto   73
...Terri Cohen    73-74

Vinnie ______Phillips...Beatrice Straight...1970 primetime     SANTA,BH

...Nancy Marchand...1970-74 Sopranos, FRFP, Lou Grant, AW   EON,BH

Mr.Don   Piedro...1978..threatened Bambi's family ?????????????

Inmate Pierson...Earl Miller     76

Link Porter...Gene PellegrinI ...1961-69

Maggie Logan Porter...Joan Copeland 1961-62...leukemia, tried to set up Link with Vanessa  OLTL,ATWT,HTSAM,SFT,EON

Sandy Porter...Bonnie Bedelia + Alan S movies, primetme, Parenthood    61-65

Tammy Forrest Porter...Scottie MacGregor...1956 Mrs. Oleson, Little House on the Prairie

Anne Loring...1956-70 alcoholic actress             EON          

Ted Porter...Sept 1978, proposed to Bambi...??????????

Bill Prentiss...Gene Bua...1967-72 musician several shows     SOM,HTSAM

...Phil Clark...1970           TEX,AW,SC,DYN,EPNAS

John Prentiss...Andrew Tolan stepfather Bill

...John O'Hare

Johnny Prentiss...Oren Jay       -71

...Raymond Cass    71-72

...Trip Randall...1972-78

Tess Krakauer Prentiss Randolph Prentiss ...Toni Bull-Bua...1966-73           SOM,ATWT

Larry Prince... Joe Silver ...1973...music producer, Kate         RH,EON




More to come

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The Rest:




Mrs. Rahlsonn...Lois Holmes...67

Inmate Ramirez...Angelo Cotto     76

Amanda ____ Randolph...Joan Lovejoy

...Margaret Barker   FRFP,AW,EON,TD,SS

...Carol Bruce...1969-70 GH, WKRP- Mother Carlson   Po5,KL, PacPal

John Randolph...Barton Stone...1967

...Byron Sanders...1967-69  CMM,PFL,FTR,SFT,SS,TD,EON.OLTL 

Victoria Randolph...Melinda O. Fee  69  Y&R,FR,GL,DOOL,DAL,BH90210,SANTA

Althea____Raven...Joanna Roos...1955-57ATWT,TD,EON,SFT,LHS

Ben Raven...David Lewis...1956... Paul's ne'er do well bother BP, Eddie Q, GHmurdered Judith,CVVR,Y&R

Carol Raven...Tirell Barberry ...1954-56...Judith's daughter...Paul fought for custody\witness, Bert Craig's murder

Judith Lodge Raven...Virginia Robinson...1954-57 Paul's ex wife Loving, murder victim

Paul Raven...Martin E.Brooks...1957 lawyer, FBI Agent   GH,DAL,KL,SFT,TD,SS

...Richard Coogan...1951-56   TCH,CVVR

Nita Ray...Rita Gam...1977 girlfriend, Frankie Sills   RT,EON,HF

Doctor Reed...(Ben's doctor)...???????????   76

Dixon Ridgeway...????...62...   Professor, blackmailed John Douglas

Jane _________ Ridgeway...????... 62Dixon's unhappy  wife   

Emile Rintleman...Never Seen, Vanessa's friend she wrote to spoken of for several years

Mrs. Rivers...Marie Kenney...1951 housekeeper

Augusta Rolland...Natalie Schaffer SfT, Gilligan's Island

Adam Rollins...Never Seen...stillborn baby of Diana and Jamie   76

Debbie Rollins...Mary Elizabeth Haring DROWNED, 72-73

Diana Martin Lamont Rollins...Diane Rousseau...1966-76 social psychologist       EON,TD,TN

ADA Jamie Rollins...Donald Warfield...1969-71 

Ray Wise 1970-76 TP, Y&REPNAS,KL,DAL,90210,BH90210,DOOL,DC,POP

Richard Rollins...Lawrence Weber 1969-71 affair w/ Claire  TD,TBD,EON,GL,SFT,SS,TEX,MR,VL

Sally Bridgeman Rollins...Cathy Bacon...1969-73 drug habit  

Sue ________Rollins...Louise Troy...1969-71GL

Gil Ross...1953...Beanie's buddy...?????????

Amy Russell...Dana Delaney...1979-80... thought she was Bruce's Daughter   RH,PASADENA,ATWT

Ian Russell...1977-78 Michael Allinson...father, April Joy  AW

Mildred Russell...1977...ex wife, Ian...?????????????

Danny Ryker...Robert McCone

Susie Ryker...Danielle Cusson


Dr. Herb Saltzman...Robert Gerringer doctor, Bruce GL, EoN, TX SFT,DS   63

...Walter Brooke     DOOL,3STH,HC,OMF,GH,TBD,FC,KL,YM,BP,PB,DAL   63

Nell _______Saltzman...Ruth Baker crazy, + Jason Ferris   66-67

...Adele Ronson... various soaps...SFT, EON    66

Cordelia Sanders..relative Vanessa...1969...?????????

Dr. Schreiber...Wesley Addy...  71    LOV, RH,EON, OLTL, DOOL 

Harlow Scott...Martin Rudy + Vanessa several soaps    50S   ATWT

Harlow Scott, Jr.... Warren Beatty... Movie Star   50S

______Scott...child, Harlow?????   50S

Mrs. Scott...wife, Harlow...?????????   50S

Jim Seligman...Leon B. Stevens...campaign manager, Elliott husband, Lydia Bruce  79,  OLTL,TD.EON,SFT RH

Ken Shea...Roger Stevens dated Barbara   EARLY 60S

Frankie Sills...1977...mobster with dirt on Ian Russell...???????

Fred Slade   ???   ??  Editor, Vanessa

April /joy Slater...Orla Gaynor  daughter Ian/Arlene... 76-80

Arlene Lovett (Harper-bigamy) Slater...Brigitta Tolksdorf   74-80

Baby Slater...   79-80

Ray Slater (Gaspero)...Lloyd Batista loan sharkracketeer OLTL,SFT AMC,B&B,DAL

Dr. Slatton...1976...neurosurgeon...????????

Matt Slocum...Burt French...1953-54

Cathy Smith...Mallory Jones...1978...mystery lady from Santa Barbara... AW   +Andy

Paul Smith ?(Smithers?)...1974 reporter

Kim Soo Ling...Irene Yaah Ling Sun...1979-80 mother, Tran ATWT, AMC,SUNB ,TD

Sarah Sprague...Zoe Cannell

Dr. Stark...1955, doctor Carol R...????????

Dr. Jennifer Stark...Joan Bassie AKA Jennifer Bassey...1969-71 +Bruce EON, SOM, AMC ATWT,PD,FC

John Stephens...Harrison Dowd   owned a cottage   56

Alan Sterling...Jim Bayer...1959-1964   son, John Dennis and Gaye Sterling ...Dennis Cooney...1965-67 ATWT  SS

...Dan Ferrone ...1964-65     LHS

...John Fink...1969-70    MHMH

Professor Bruce Sterling...Ron Tomme...1959-80 GL, RH,HF,DAL

Gaye Carlson Sterling...Never Seen

Vanessa Dale Raven Sterling Sterling...Bonnie Bartlett...1955-59 award winnerGH,O&A,TD,KL

...Peggy McKay...1951-55 DOOL, GH, Emmy award winner   DOOL,FBOW,GH,YM,PROV

...Audrey Peters...1959-80 SFT, AMC, LOV, GL VIY

Constance Stratton...Martha Galphin...1968 EON,SFT  SCULPTRESS    TD

Joel Stratton...Christopher Wyatt +Amy

Guard Solly Sullivan...?????????? jail guard saved by Ben H.   76

Beatrice Swanson...Jane Hoffman...1968-75 EON,HAMPTONS

                            ....Ruth Manning   72  (Temp)    GL

Dr. Tucker...1979...Leann's supervisor, Meg's Doctor...????????

Mrs. Vento...Bess Johnson housekeeper               SFT   ?62-65     

...Agnes Young                    60-61

Dr. Tony Vento...Ron Jackson...1959-65

...Jordan Charney...1965 AW, OLTL, GH, GL, SOM    KL,AMC,DAL,FC,EON,SS.SANTA,DYN


Pam Wagner...Jayne Bentzen EON     77- 78

Clay Walker...Michael Bierne publisher    79

Dr. Kenneth Wannberg...Frederic Rolf... TD GL,  AW,AMC

Elizabeth _____Wannberg...Sybil White

Phil Waterman...Michael Fairman henchman, Jeff H RH, GH, Y&R  73-75   SUNB,DYN,PROV

Howard West...1978...used car salesman...?????????

Dr. Carl Westheimer...Philip Sterling     GL,   TD,SOM,SIS,ATWT,.EPNAS,AW,EON

...Mason Adams...1955    AW,FR Pilot,WTHI

Mr. Wilbur...1979-80...?????????saw the snake attack Betsy

Judson Williams...Frankie Thomas...63-64...boss, Philip Holden   TBD,WTR,TCSC,OMF,PB,FL

Bunny__Wilson...Virginia Kiser...1971   DAL,DOOL

Kelly Wilson...1979-80...Julia Kelly + Wes    SFT

Dr. Leann Wilson...1979-80...Mary Ann Johnson + Andrew      +Tom      DAL

Millie___Young...Sudie Bond GL        MHMH



Characters without last names:



"Miss   April   ...Ann Scott   59

Aviva...Julie Ridley ATWT   CATLINS,TD    77

Bernie...bad guy

Bert...Donald Warfield 1978

Betsy...Bess Armstrong famous actress      OTH

Bill...1977...gave Ben a job

Bob, director, didn't like Vanessa...1958...?????

Clyde the bartender...Barry Grael      62

Madame Collette...Mildred Clinton 66 GL,AMC,SS,EON,TD

Daisy.. secretary Noel P.).Patricia Englund SFT    FRFP

Dorothy...Never Seen, sister, Carrie Johnson

Duke ...prisoner with Ben...Thomas Calloway FC  76   FC,DAL,SOAP,SOM

Ginny...Linda Gillen...1967-68     GH,RH

Gloria the singer...Gloria Hamilton

Harry that threatened Arlene...Richard Leighton OLTL    78

Aunt Iris...1958...?????????????

Jane...Sacha Czack

Jill...1979...dated Elliott...???????

"Big"Jim...hood, Ben...????????     75

Johnny ...that threatened Arlene...Anthony Cannon TD    78

Josh..Rick Losey 71 Child

Kenny...????...+Judith, hated Vanessa   1955

Leslie...tried to split Jamie and Sally...1971-72...Eileen Dietz   GH,GL,TD

Liza...maid Vicky Harcourt...1958....????


Maggie...1980 ...operated on by Leann...?????

Mandy...Lisa Peluso OLTL,ATWT,SFT,AW,SOM,LOV

Marty...Earl Montgomery...1952-53 bookkeeper  MHMH,DAL

Marty inmate...Robert Manzari     76

Max...radio talk show host...Tom Aldredge    1974           GL, RH, SFT

Molly...June 1979 ...hospital patient...???????????

One Eye...inmate...Tracey Walter Nash Bridges,   76

Parker...chauffer, Ian R....1977...?????????????

Ronnie...1978...storm tossed lake...??????????

Speedy...narcoctics agent..?????????

Spike...David Winters

Tiny...954...mobster...Tige Andrews Mod Squad

Vicky... inmate...Chris Weatherhead    EON, Y&R, DAL DOOL, ATWT


Characters without names:




Analyst...Beverlee McKinsey the Queen of daytime    AW,GL,LIAMST,GH,TEX

Bartender...Floyd Levine        LIAMST, SS

Bass Player...Milt Hinton

Chief Waiter...Byron Clark   KL,DAL

Clerk...Barrowsville Hotel...James Karen BH90210,SIS,MP,ATWT,DYN,EPNAS,DAL,KL,ES,AMC,BOE  50S

College Dean...Clarice Blackburn OLTL,ATWT,SS,GL,TD,WTHI,DS,NODS

Drummer...Ron Traxler

Industrial Spy   Conard Fowkes ATWT,EoN,SFT,HF,FITW,SS,DS,KF,TD

Judge...Daniel Keyes     RH,TD,TEX,DS,WTHI

Legal Secretary...Jenny Eagan    DS

Minister...Josef Sommer PROV,ALLY,TD    72

Minister...Tom McGreevey   FC,DAL,DYN. SOAP

Model...Alanna Davis

Narrator...Charles Mountain   50S

Newspaper Editor...Frank Thomas, Sr.    TBD,PB,FL,OMF,TCSC,WTR

Nurse,..Clarice Blackburn   OLTL,ATWT,SS,GL, TD,WTHI,DS,NODS

Orderly...James Earl Jones   SFT,GL,ATWT   50S

Parson...(wedding)...James Karen  71   DAL,DYN,KL,EPNAS,BH90210,MP,ATWT,BOE,ES,AMC 

Pianist...Hank Jones   

Prison Warden...C.M. Gampel AMC     76

Restaurant Patron...Gary Adler                                        TD, ATWT, AW,DOOL, OLTL, GH, SFT, SOM

Scrubwoman...Pauline McCarthy   EON,   57

TV cameraman...Frankie Thomas     WTR,OMF,TCSC,TBD,PB,FL

Thug...beat up Ray Slater...Tom McGreevey   FC,DAL,DYN,SOAP

Villain...Alfred Markham.(?Markim?)   TCSC




Actors that are reported to have appeared without characters:



Colette Bablon LIAMST

Martin Balsam Archie Bunkers PlaceVL   GG,HOHS,SFT

Sally Beck             ATWT,AMC, GL

Peter Bergman AMC Y&R  OLTL,B&B

Jacqueline Brookes AW, SS,   AMC,ATWT, RH,GL,FITW,OLTL

Catherine Burns SFT OLTL

Lisa Cameron...AW, ATWT, TD, SS

Martin Cassidy...KL, Y&RFC, Santa,DALBH90210,MODELS INC

Kate Charleson GH,ATWT, sister, Leslie of GH     EPNAS

James Cresson AW

Michael Conforti EoN, GL   ATWT,AW

John P. Connell   YDM,DS,CVVR,EON,SS

Michael Corbett RH,SFT,Y&R  OLTL

Jacqueline Courtney AW. OLTL, EoN, OFD, TD, LOV,SS

Christian DeFrank...1974   SS

Kathleen Devine 1976 OLTL,SFT,GL       appeared for one day

Peter Falk Columbo

Roberta Feldner...        ATWT

Tovah Feldshuh 77-78? RH,L&O    ATWT,AMC,WALKING DEAD

Tom Fieldng

Lawrence Fletcher

David Ford DS   EON,SFT

Arny Freeman VIY, MHMH, CVVR  TD

Linda Gibboney AMC, SB, GEN SFT, DYN

Isabel Grandin SFT,OLTL,ATWT


Edie Huggins TD

Hollis Irving...51-52    wife,director Charles Irving

Anne Jackson primetime, movies

Christine Jones AMC, AW, GH,OLTL, RH, RIT, UB,FRFP

Robert Jundelin AMC   LIAMST,SS

Margaret Ladd Falcon Crest,   FITW

Joseph Lambie EON, GH, GL, SB,FC,RIT-Pilot,SFT.

Audrey Landers     SFT, SS, SOM, OLTL, DAL, DAL 2.0

Basil Langton 1968    SS,DS,GH

Dan Lauria OLTLRH,Po5,PROV

Barbara Lea pre-77 OLTL,ATWT,SOM

Connie Lembcke ATWT   GL

Rosetta LeNoire AW,EON, SFT, GL,RH

Victoria Loving Catlins  DM


George Matthews   DS

Billie McBride 68 or 69 Broadway

Marcia McCabe AMC, AW, ATWT,OLTL, .SFT

Caroline Miner granddaughter of Frances Fuller an actress on LOL LIAMST

Jan Miner EON, Radio, Madge the Manicurist  HOHS,PD,SFT

Anna Minot ATWT,AWA

Donny Most SFT, Happy Days

Kathleen Noone OLTL,AMC,ATWT,KL,SUN,PAS,Po5,DOOL,BH90210

Harry Packwood TD   SS

Scott Palmer Y&R, DOOL, GH, AW, B&B,KL,DAL

Nancy Pollack   TD, FTR

David Ramsey


Barry Snider   ATWT,BH

Lou Steele....8/66       SS

Mary Steenburgen...crowd scene, her elbow was in scene she said!

Deborah Solomon Steinberg AMC,ATWT

Barbara Tarbuck GH,Santa,KL,,FC, DAL,DYN

John Tripp AMC ATWT

??????Jon Voight?????????

Eli Wallach...pre 59


Muriel Williams AW   TBD, ATWT

Ian Ziering GL, TD, BH90210, MP





Herb Duncan   50S RH

Don Hancock   50s

Ken Roberts    60s- 80    OLTL, TEX,SS

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Thanks Slick- that is an amazing effort.Well done and much appreciated.

I am going to have to read through it several times to get my head around it.

One thing I did pickup was Stan Watt as Charles Lamont. I have it that he was a temp in 1971 while Jonathan Moore filmed the movie 1776.

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I had that , too on my paper, probably looking at something else when I typed it. I was reading about Watt being a replacement in Google Archives article just the other day. I fixed it in the list,thanks for catching that. some of the dates may be a little off, a lot of the characters without actor names came from SOD synopses, so they may be a little off.

Several of those characters also came from synopses French Fan posted(now in archives)....So thank you FF, your efforts were a big help for all soaps!

Another thanks to all of you that have posted episodes of past and present shows! A lot of my info came from credit crawls. Also, thank you to anyone that has posted articles on the boards with information. You all are great, and your efforts are truly appreciated.

Finally, a special thanks to Depboy, who has really been an enormous help in gathering information. Your research has helped me clear at least 100 blanks I had, between GH and other shows.

I'll post a few more smaller lists this week. Next bigger cast I'll put up will be Rituals, this weekend.

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Due up tomorrow: Love is a Many Splendored Thing, at some point...



SEPTEMBER 18, 1967 -MARCH 23. 1973



Actors without Characters:



Colette Bablon...pre-70 LOL

Jane Alice Brandon OLTLAW

Larry Bryggman ATWT, movies

Tony Craig EoN, GH, Days,GL, PD

Maia Danziger AW, TD,AMC,B&S

John Devlin AMC,Y&R,DAL,AWA

Alice Drummond AW, ATWT. WTHI, movies

Robert Elston ATWT, LOL

William Gray Espy Y&R, AW     appeared as an extra

Bruce Fairbairn AW,ATWT,KL

Ginger Gerlach EoN, TD, GL

Mitchell Goldman.....1971 cast photo

Robert Hennessey TD

Anna Maria Horsford   GL, B&B, SFT, EON, TD


Susan "I am Erica Kane dammit" Lucci AMC, DAL, DM tv movies  ATWT,TD     1069


Tiberia Mitri         AW, ATWT           1971

Michael Nicholas                   1971


Petronia Paley TD, OLTL. AW, GL and others


Peter Rattray           AW, SFT, OPW, RH, BP, LOV, 

David Rounds LOL,BH,MHMH,RH

EdSetrakian...ATWT, RH          71

P.J. Soles 1970RT

Jean Stapleton WWAP, WTHI April, 1968...3 days

Paula Trueman     AMC

Betsy Von Furstenberg....72,ATWT,AW,SS,TD

Bruce Weitz GH, RH, SS,SIS,Y&R

Ed Winter....SOM, DAL, SS,KL, FC, DYN, SOAP



Characters without Last Names:



Charlie ....Joseph Boley 1970

Eddie ....Robert Doran AW 67

Elizabeth .......Carmen Maya 1970-72

Ginger .........Irene Yaah Ling Sun ATWT,TD,LOL,SUN,AMC primetime

Mother Irene...nun...Kate Wilkinson 1973 AW, GL, AMC,EON

Lily...Caroline Miner 69 LOL

Maggie ....secretary...Jane House ATWT,EON

Ross ....David Jay  72 DS

Rosemary ...Avis McArthur( McCarter?) seen both...AMC  GL,ATWT 73

Susie ...Elaine Hyman EON, DS




Characters without Names:



Attorney, Spencer Garrison...Jon Cypher    GH,ATWT,SANTA,DAL. DYN,OFD,KF


Doctor...Floyd Levine                      LOL, SS

Intern ...Alan Rachins LA Law  DAL,GH

Judge ...Conrad Nagel                68

Kidnapper ...Vic Valero        

Secretary ....Gwynn Gillis AMC,RH,GL,OLTL,LOV,ATWT

TODDLER...CUSI CRAM   OLTL                     73







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Thanks for that Saynoyoursoap, I'll go in and adjust it!

Fixed...Boy, Bobby Mackey sure has given me some grief! I

I've never liked Richard Cox's characters in anything I've seen him in....I guess there's a reason.

Please let me know of anything else any of you ind, I'm glad to fix it so it's more accurate.

BTW Saynotuorsoap, many of your videos over the years have been a help as well, so Thanks!

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Maria was the foster child adopted by Mark and Laura Elliott after Laura had to return Billy to Iris and Spence. Maria was a troubled child who locked Mark in the garage and set it on fire (September 1971) and subsequently caused a pregnant Laura to fall down the stairs and miscarry Mark's baby.

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