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Thanks. He seems very grounded, like a lot of the cast (the ones who came back, anyway...). It was interesting hearing him talk about how difficult it was to get into filming the scene. The way he framed meeting Shelley and James again I wonder if that won't be a very happy reunion. 


I didn't realize Catherine Coulson passed away days away after filming. That must have hit the cast hard. What a strong woman she was. 


The AV Club review of one of the episodes mentioned how rare it was for a show to so openly show actors getting older, actors dying, etc. There's a lot of truth to that. Of course in some cases they likely had no idea (like with Miguel Ferrer) but it adds more pathos to the material. 


It's nice that Dana always has such praise for Don Davis. So I guess Harland passed away not long after the original show ended? That must have sent Bobby into a tailspin.


I wonder who would have brought all the new technology into the sheriff's office. I doubt Harry would have cared. Maybe his brother? 


The Madeline Zima interview was a lot better than I thought would be. She seems very intelligent and very aware about Hollywood and the business. I guess being a child actor you have to be. The part where she said she struggled in taking a part with nudity but going ahead because it was David Lynch and the part about her convincing him to consider some ideas her way were especially interesting.


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In Episode 4 Bobby says Cooper was the last person to see his father alive.


In the Secret History, the book ends with Briggs getting a visit from 'Cooper' (the doppelganger) the day after Episode 29. After the meeting Briggs says something is wrong and that he is going to his listening post in the woods to warn other people in Project Bluebook. The book ends there.


According to Bobby, Major Briggs died in a fire at the listening post that same day. One can assume the doppelganger killed him and then left town immediately after.


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Thanks for finding that. 


I guess the ratings should have reminded me, but sometimes I still am bewildered at how many people who write about this show have no real idea of it. This review doesn't even know basic details:




And an Advocate article about a trans activist furious over Denise called her "Denise Richards." 


Anyway, I am going to rewatch all of episodes 3/4 (aside from the vomiting...) and before I forget I meant to say just how fascinating and brilliant the scenes of Cooper escaping the Black Lodge were, especially the scenes where he was with the eyeless woman. I doubt it was intentional but the way it was filmed reminded me of the old Little Nemo comics, and also this:


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I know some feel that we have seen too much of the Black Lodge for it to be effective, but the expansion of it this season has worked very well for me - it felt like a creepy, dangerous place even with just the curtains and zebra floors, but there's another level entirely now - something more truly eccentric, truly bizarre - that eyeless woman jumping to her death (?) after helping Cooper. Ronette's doppelganger, or whatever she was, saying her mother was coming home. And the scene of the purple ocean was just gorgeous. I really wish I knew how to get that as wallpaper for my computer...

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The editing on that sequence was incredible. Reminded me of the old 'pixelvision' experimental shorts of Sadie Benning. I believe the stuff with electricity and outlets dates back not only to Eraserhead or FWWM but also Lynch's famous unmade script Ronnie Rocket. (IIRC, the 'outlet' on the wall in the chamber changes numbers depending on where it sends Cooper - first to the cigarette lighter, then to the outlet at Rancho Rosa.) I think the eyeless/eyes stitched shut? woman ("Naido" played by Nae Yuuki, who appeared in Lynch's Inland Empire) was shocked and sent flying, presumably to her death but who knows.


The critics still mostly love it and think the show is unbelievable, so I don't get worried about the occasional malcontent (here's looking at you, Michael Ausiello) or the occasional pockets of audience who hate the show for being different. Those who don't get it don't get it, and that's fine. Apparently the streaming numbers are quite good, too.


Meanwhile, some fanart from comic book artist Francesco Francavilla:



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As per their policy with many new premieres, Showtime is offering TV-14 edited versions (cut by Lynch himself) of the premiere episodes on YouTube this weekend.





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Thanks for finding those. It's nice to hear Kimmy talk more about her character and being on the show. She always seems like a real character. Hearing her defend Lucy (as Lucy and Andy and their kid seem to be the most talked-about part of the revival to me) and talk about filming the Wally scene was good. Sheryl always seems very down to earth. I always wondered about the screaming so I was glad she got asked that question. 


I lost my Missing Pieces disc so I didn't realize until a few days ago that the phone confusion thing Lucy had in episode 4 was a throwback to a FWWM deleted scene. 


It's good so many of the things in the new show are from FWWM, as some of the sneering at that film (which is different from not being able to watch it because of the subject matter of course) annoys me a great deal.

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I keep forgetting to ask - someone repeatedly told me Wally is gay. I can't remember that being said on the show but I didn't want to tell them that as they seemed very happy about it. Is he canonically gay and I just missed the line (I easily could have)??

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