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IMO Harrier is still way better in a few months than Shenell was in a few years. I think she has good days and bad days and a unique appeal. I'll give her time.

So the second episode of the week was - well, it had some good stuff but it also was emblematic of a number of OLTL's issues, with some scenes still coming off as thumbnail sketches. While both TOLN shows sometimes have pacing issues and are sometimes a little too brisk on beats, AMC has mostly conquered that issue IMO. On OLTL, OTOH, it's still difficult to get longer dialogue scenes for characters like Cutter and Natalie together. They're a very cute couple, but they haven't had the time to develop or just talk that Matthew and Dani, or Destiny and Jeffrey or the vet couples have. And that's got to change. Even Bo and Nora, off in their Nightbird subplot which is cute but mostly just easy listening, have more going on. So that needs work.

The Dani/Destiny fight was a long time going, but too rushed and too brief. They should've let their interactions simmer for a few shows, then had her explode, and had more meat to it. They also need to keep on Laura Harrier about not rushing her lines. KM was of course great. I thought after she had the first big line which didn't go down well ("R U SLEEPING WITH MAT-THEW???") that LH improved, but still.

The D&D stuff was as good as it was on Monday - they finally did the work this week to tell me what was wrong with these two and why, articulating it and most importantly, not just putting it on David. I thought the stuff with Tuc and Robin at the end was some of the best, most quiet work Robin's done in years. She hasn't been that subtle in ages and ages. And it was really good. Both of the mature couple break-ups have been very well-done, for the most part.

And then there was Marnie Schulenberg as Jo Sullivan. I absolutely detested this chick on ATWT as the blandest, most dishrag-esque version of former wacky vixen Alison Stewart possible; she was the human equivalent of Sominex to me and looked about 45 years old. But this - wow. Who knew? She was immediately viviacious and a gifted comedienne, and I just loved her right off. Both she and Seganti (as Bandini) are already working when they really don't have a right to given their recent soap history. I hope they give her more to do. A lot more. She has the kind of energy that that age range on the show is currently lacking, at least when Natalie isn't on the warpath. I miss Natalie on the warpath.

The cutting on both shows sometimes has issues with plopping characters into the show very randomly, but OLTL has a bigger issue with this, largely because of the Roger Howarth taping schedule concerns, which I understand - up to a point. But having literally no Todd and Blair until the last segment was very, very random. That said, their love scene and the song were both perfect, and hot. I didn't know Roger Howarth could get down like that.

Michelle is obviously nuts - I don't believe she was a virgin, I believe that's just what she tells guys. She has all the tells of having been here before, many times, with many "jerks."

So, one good episode, one okay episode, and yes, room for improvement. Same song.

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Although the show's have been back for over two months, it's really only be 30ish (are we at 40? I can't keep up at the moment) episodes, a normal soap gets at least 20 a MONTH, so I'm still down to give her some time, but yeah ... she's not great. LOL. I like her though and see the potential. I guess it's more frustrating than anything because I personally think it's there with her. Can't say Brett is at all off in his assesement though.

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When you subtract the More episodes it's really only been about 30 episode total. So by soap standards not a long time. Jennifer Pepperman and Allison Goodie like her and seem invested in her so let's hope the investment pays off. I just don't want the character to be held back and be reduced to being Matthew's baby mama and Jeffrey's girlfriend because the actress isn't strong enough.

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All of this!!! I was NOT happy to see her name in that casting announcement- my reaction was out of all the unemployed soap actors in the universe, they've gone and picked up duller than paint dry recast Alison to act opposite Tuc? But she worked instantly. And I couldn't help thinking that Jo felt more like who Alison should/could have been than Marnie's Alison ever did.

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I immediately liked the actress, too. Not familiar with her previous work but like her energy with Tuc.

Dee41, totally agree with your comments about Laura. There is something I like about her and I want her to succeed. The "valley girl" voice and mannerism have to be kept in check.

Vee, I don't think Dorian's view point was really represented in the David and Dorian scenes aside from her fears of him cheating so I felt shortchanged. It was clearly presented what was going on with David and I'm glad that they gave his character much-needed dimension. Hoping more is shown from Dorian's perspective in future episodes as I see that she is on next week.

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As mentioned, I think minus the ten weeks (are we at ten weeks? lol Not sure...) of MORE we are around 30.

Which does show how quickly these shows do move compared to network soaps (to be clear something that *mostly* I really like--minus some of those missing beats Vee mentions, though both shows seem to be improving with this.)

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I did the math because I'm that bored right now. We're at week 12 and ep 30 when you minus out MORE.

On the whole, I'm really so impressed with what both shows have managed to do with 30 23-25 minute episodes. Yes, there have been some obvious missed beats but at the same time I feel like they still get important character moments right more than the remaining 5 day network soaps or their own final years on ABC. And with new writing teams writing for the actual schedule, I'm optimistic they'll do even better.

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