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Nostalgia has its place no matter what. No tyranny at all. Just dedication and loyalty to a show we got to see from its premiere and going forward for 40 plus years. We like to think we kept the true faithful to the show to have made it last as long as it has lasted because shows come and go all the time. We, who have hung in there and stuck by the show during times of change in Executive producers and writing teams and changes in casts at times. All My Children would not be All My Children if the show never got off in a good way and never found a fanbase it which to start from and grow from. Fanbase commitment from the beginnings to now. Shows get cancelled all the time and that includes Daytime Soap Operas too. Those of us who know and remember the brilliance of the 1970's and 1980's and the greatness that was the glory decades of the show. The 1990's and 2000's started the decline but the lifetime fans kept the show going due to characters we brought to life and supported from the 1970's and 1980's glory years.

Nostalgia has its merits to reflect and keep alive the true meaning and historical value, that is Agnes Nixon and her beloved creations.

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No, but writers go crazy by changing a character too much and going too far with characters all the time. and in life itself, people never change from their 20's going forward. They stay in their high school/college frame of mind their entire adult lives. Soap writers get fired all the time because they go too far or do too much to a character/characters to irreparable damage and then the next writing team has to clean up all their mess and do quick fixes.

No, but writers go crazy by changing a character too much and going too far with characters all the time. and in life itself, people never change from their 20's going forward. They stay in their high school/college frame of mind their entire adult lives. Soap writers get fired all the time because they go too far or do too much to a character/characters to irreparable damage and then the next writing team has to clean up all their mess and do quick fixes.

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There is good in everyone including Jesse. But fans just dwell negatively on the negative. The Cindy Aids storyline was what the general public was going through in that era of not understanding what HIV/Aids was and still today, 2013 and so it was Topic specific and so on point. Angie gave up Frankie for adoption behind Jesse's back and got divorced behind his back so she kept her pregnancy and alot of other things secret from Jesse and had her own boatload of lies to him too. So tit for tat.

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Huh? People grow up and they evolve their attitudes and way of thinking. Certain situations will call for different reactions when you are an adult than when you were a teen bc life experiences shape who a person is. People do change and a certain level of maturity is earned through time. Its ridiculous to say people stay in the same frame of mind that they were in in HS and college their entire lives. Given the ish Jesse allegedly experienced when he "died", which you've used to defend him, its understandable why he would NOT be the same way he was in the 80s as it would have had a profound effect on him. If you are still stuck in your HS frame of mind, then more power to you, but most people evolve past that.

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Linda dear, can you please unclench. I mean come on now! In the span of 30 years a character is bound to change dramatically otherwise they would become stale. Now, there is a natural human tendensy to look back on the past fondly and not remember all the bad stuff. I myself am partial to Bianca as a character and have had moments of spliting hairs to defend her decision to impregnate herself with her sister's husband's contribution (I blame Reese). But even a dedicated fan needs to be able to step away and realize that the show does not belong to them, and the characters are not real (If they were JR's behind would be in jail along with half the other citizens including Bianca). So, there is no obligation to portray Jesse any kind of way for any particular community, just like there is no obligation to portray Bianca any particular way for the sake of any community that might identify with her.

I get it, I do. But you are very intense and seem to be unyielding to reason on this matter. David gets just as bad of a slam job from the writers but it is part of the show. Everything is always David's fault no matter how illogical it seems to be blaming him, and Jesse is a control freak who lies to his wife a lot. It doesn't mae him a bad person, it makes him a soap character.

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Nostalgia is lovely in tiny doses but it becomes poison when people become stuck in their memories of the good ole days and refuse to evolve. It's especially toxic when the memories that people fixate on are inaccurate. The tyranny comes when you demand writers to serve this wholly inaccurate vision of how good it used to be and that's a big part of what was killing soaps. People who only want to see the same thing over and over again and reject anything else as character destruction.

You "remember" Jesse as this perfect, strong uber-hero yet conveniently gloss over his cheating and AIDS related bigotry (which while ugly, was a legitimate representation of how people thought at that time period). I've been watching this show since the 70s too. I think Jesse's return story was a big fail because it didn't make sense that he would stay gone for 20 years, let alone have another family then abandon them too but I submit that the Ellie lie and this mess with Cassandra, while annoying, is pretty consistent with what Jesse has always been. The dude was never going to win a medal in the good judgment olympics. He's always been impulsive.

You asked how we would get back to the Jesse of the 80s. My answer is that we shouldn't. A character in his/her 50s acting the same way he/she did in his 20s is pathetic. Look at Erica. I love the character but nothing annoys me more than when that beautiful old woman proceeds to act like an ingenue.

Gah, I can't believe that after all these years someone has finally made me hate talking about Jesse/Angie.

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I am way beyond my HS frame of mind. and that goes for my college frame of mind too. But there are people stuck in those frames of minds out there. Some people never grow up or they grow up and later on in life have a mid life crises and regress.

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Can we all just collectively agree to call the troll a troll whether they acknowledge themselves as such or not is unimportant. I am finally at the point of seeing that trying to reason is going nowhere and needlessly eating up thread space.

Now then, I agree that I would like the next few episodes to focus on other stories Particularly I would love some progression on the David/Cara/Oliver front The man deserves to know he has a son and Cara's reasoning is seeming less and less believable she wants to protect her son from David but not from JR? Really?

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