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Dying bees


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I haven't heard that much talk about it lately but millions of bees are still dying. Tens of thousands were found dead in Oregon, and tens of millions died in Ontario last year.


This article goes into some tips.


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Thanks (and to dragonflies as well). It's pretty dangerous. Some think curbing pesticides will help. I hope so. There is so much stuff that is killing our planet which goes unnoticed because of corporations or the bottom line.

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+1! I had to eliminate two snakes in my house over the past few months. Absolutely traumatizing. Well, probably more for the snakes than me in the end, but... I don't fux wit soypintz!

But in all seriousness, yes, this is indicative of a serious problem. Bees and frogs dying in great numbers are tell-tale signs that the enviornment is in peril. And bees have never really bugged (*Betty Rubble giggle*) me. One time though I was outside playing by myself, bored, and I stepped on a bee coming out of a hole in a plank of wood. Next thing you know, dozens of bees are flying out and stinging me. I ran across the field to my house, crying and getting stung. I got inside and my mom (who never got off the phone, lol!) helped me get undressed as the bees continued to sting me under my clothes.

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You're basically a surviving Thomas J!

Luckily for me I've never been stung by anything or broken any bones. I did need a couple of stitches though when my brother hit me accidentally wth a metal bat, which left a cool scar near the side of my right eye, and I needed to get my nose cauterized twice.

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Snakes serve no beneficial purpose to any crops or the environment, so people are free to wish them ill will. Out here in this part of SoCal, there are tons of rattlesnake advisories after heavy rain seasons and many people report them in their yards and houses.

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I was totally thinking of My Girl as I typed that post, thank God I'm not allergic. I had some face and ear stitches when my cousin pushed me off the bed into a nightstand. What exactly did they cauterize your nose for? On the inside, like a deviated septum?

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Yikes. My friend lives in Calabassas and she texted me one morning that she almost stepped on a rattlesnake when she was jogging along her daily trail. She said it rattled and hissed and she almost shat her pants. This is why I only do nature in the winter months.

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I used to get unwarranted nose bleeds for no reason and usually at the most inopprotune times. The first one didn't quite do the trick, but since the second time I have been nose bleed free. But let me tell you, to this day if anyting ever hits my nose or it gets runny, the fear returns. And I got the second one just in time too, because now you have to be physically bleeding in the moment for the doctors to do it now, apparently.

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