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I see GM being the MVP nomination but I don't want Howard to win veto because that'll tempt Amanda to wanna keep Spencer and get rid of Howard. I want Candice to win it so she can't be nominated and she can save Howard. I'm all for him going but not on racist b-tch's HOH reign.

Anyone but Candice, Howard, or Elissa can leave this week. I want them there when Eva Braun gets the boot.

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Aaryn is contemplating if the audience was gasping as Elissa's ball fell into the 0 instead of the 36+ because they feared Aaryn would not get the HoH. Bwahah. Also her sister sent her a letter where she's basically telling her to stop being a mean racist bitch without those exact words (she uses words like morals) and Aaryn is all "what does it mean?" Aaryn feels confident Elissa won't nominate her at first opportunity because of the hugs and the thank you.

The biggest obstacle in Howard's way is Howard. He's way too paranoid.

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America picked AMANDA as the third nom.

PoV Players:

Jessie, Candice


Howard, Spencer, Amanda

Aaryn told someone that the DR doesn't want Howard out this week. Jessie and maybe Aaryn are likely the only ones who wouldn't use the PoV unless Amanda enforces it.

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If Candice doesn't wine veto and save Howard one of them is gone. The entire house is convinced he is MVP. This fucked his game up more than anything else.

If she saves him, I am pretty sure spencer is gone.

Sucks too because I was just liking both Howard and Candice. I'd love to see spencer gone tho. He and GM are the most worthless houseguests. Everyone else adds something to the game.

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So Candice and Howard will play for Howard. Candice will go up if she saves Howard in all likliehood? JP, can the HoH nominate the person that saves the nominee?

Amanda will try to force Aaryn and Jessie to use MVP if they win.

Spencer is in it for himself.

Judd is cursing so much. I almost feel like he wasn't to put on a white sheet and hurt Howard. He gets so volatile. Stop being a bitch Judd. To think I once thought he was the nicest guy in the house.

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Wow. A white sheet and hurt him? That's extreme. This isn't Amanda or aaryn.

I question the casting of Judd tho just because of his anxiety. The stories he's told sounds like it was a life altering issue for him. Even medicated, this game [!@#$%^&*] with you hard and them [!@#$%^&*] up his dosage sure didn't help.

If Candice wins and she's it on Howard spencer will go. If Howard wins and saves himself Candice will go. If spencer wins Candice will go up and Howard will go. If anyone else wins Howard will go and whoever is MVP next pick will go.

Jesse and aaryn prob won't use veto but it's best for the alliance if they win. If Amanda wins whoever goes up shouldn't matter.

No aaryn can't nom her if Candice wins and saves Howard.

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Helen and Elissa agree its way to early to take Amanda out because she's loyal and a big target and it's best to keep her and show her loyalty and let others target her and take her out later.

Elissa is posses she saved Howard and he put her up last week. Lol. They all think he's MVP and got it because he is Daniele R's brother. Thi is hilarious.

As if now, unless Candice wins veto, she or Howard are absolutely going.

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JP, it's just that he gets so f'in hateful.

It's not for from the truth though. Instead of trying to team up with Elissa after what she did for him, she's Target #2 for him. Elissa is forced to choose predator Amanda in a strategic manner here.


The paranoia with the MVP twist is delicious but also frustrating.

I want these people to start discussing why America would vote Amanda as the nominee. They'll eventually blame America again.

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THIS is what MVP should have always been. Actually making it what it was supposed to be instead of the MVlissa was the best choice for this season. Now I just need these houseguest to figure out how they can split votes and [!@#$%^&*] using the third nom to an advantage instead of just ignoring one nom.

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So Amanda, McCrae and Judd are holding a bash Candice, Howard and Elissa session. The way Judd talks about Candice in-particular is horrendous. McCrae is saying a bunch of disgusting insults he would throw at Elissa if she has the coup-whatever power and puts him up.

The theories:

Howard has won MVP twice and also has some special power that will allow him to remover 2 of the 3 nominees with his own nominees.

Elissa has been MVP all along (and has a special power). She nominated herself, then Amanda to frame Howard.

America loves Howard and have been voting him MVP because he's targeting Elissa.

America loves Howard and are targeting Amanda because she hates Howard.

The list goes on and on.

It's as if they have ADHD. They're jumping from one paranoid scenario to another about MVP and the special power every 30 seconds.

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To me Amanda on the block is all about America hating powerful female players. There were people on Facebook saying they wanted to "teach Amanda a lesson" which to me is gross.

Jessie just said, "Why can't Candice think with her head instead of her vagina?" lmao. I started off loving Candice but she has thrown everything away for Howard, and for what? Honestly, production could probably save Howard if not for Candice's awful campaigning which is damning him. But whatever. Howard needs to go.

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I loved Candice but I'm over it however I don't blame her. The racist comments and living in those conditions bonded her and Howard in another level most of us can never understand, black, minority or not. She can't walk away. She's stuck there in this house with those people. It sucks but I'd rather lose her than Howard at this point. Either way one is going.

The Helen/Candice stuff was sad but great to watch. I'm catching up now.

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