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Big Brother (Live Feeds/Other Spoilers)

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Feeds keep getting taken off because Helen keeps saying DR does not want Howard to go on the block.

I say capitulate to the DR -- it is a bad look for the show to have Howard go on the block but they all seem to agree Spencer is just as untrustworthy, why incur Grodner's wrath when you can just have him go instead?

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DR needs to talk to Amanda. Howard is not going after her that hard that she needs to have him put on the block plus Spencer is a much bigger douchebag. All the boys wanted Amanda out after Elissa, why's she targeting Howard so hard?

Elissa needs to think about this. Production on her side ... or Amanda? Amanda is being a little irrational about Howard - so much so that I think she'll try to get the vote against him if they can't get Jeremy up there. Production hasn't told Elissa their wishes but they definitely told Helen as she made clear several times.


McCrae and Helen both tell Elissa they'll say they got MVP if she does their bidding with Howard.

Elissa should have just kept her mouth shut about getting MVP to stop the harassment. Amanda is totally being a bully. Elissa's nominations are the kiss of death.

Why does Judd want Howard nominated too? Judd, why?

Amanda is trying to bully Candice into saying Howard should go on the block.

McCrae just lied and announced he got MVP. Pfft, he's a bad liar.

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I got to think production will harass Elissa before she nominates. She didn't really want to nominate him in the first place. I will say I think McCrae is being real about taking the MVP blame but argh. I don't want Elissa to have to lie to Candice and Amanda will eventually rat her out not that it will make a huge difference because it doesn't take a smart person to see Amanda is leading the charge,

Hopefully Spencer can change Amanda's mind. I know he's a threat physically and he has used the Bible but...

DR called Elissa firmly. They mean business.

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I don't know. She's in between a rock and a hard place. She needs this alliance strong to go further in the game, she can't go further in the game just by AG making games that she may win and putting ideas into HG head. I hope Howard can talk Amanda down while Elissa is in the DR getting harassed. Yikes, Amanda ain't really backing down. Damn she's a bitch, lol. Candice needs to think fast. I feel bad for Elissa because she really likes Candice and Candice was just talking about how much she likes Elissa and I don't think either woman is going to be okay with Elissa lying here about MVP. But, but it's a game. Amanda has it out for Howard.

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I really hope the most masterful player in this game can convince Elissa... see spoiler for who i mean...

She is playing the best game this season...

She better make Elissa realize nominating Howard would totally alienate Candice.

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LOL, read my post above.

Why doesn't AG make a game that Howard can win - something like who has the biggest and most beautiful muscles?

I have to say these feeds are almost never boring. It's just week 3 and drama every night.

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Elissa came out of DR and claims she didn't win MVP. She's probably lying. I think she made her nomination and it wasn't Howard.

Amanda's calling b-s on that and trying to kill Elissa, lol. Amanda went too hard on the Howard hate for anybody to think she wouldn't get him out over even Aaryn.ot Jeremy but Aaryn.

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roflmao, I am watching Amanda flip out at her. This season is [&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] hilarious <3 And Elissa is not even staying consistent in her responses roflmao.

I LOVE Elissa's obvious lie -- sometimes she seems so mature and then sometimes she is soooo Rachel. She said earlier she had another sister we must have a Reilly on the show every season from now on.

Elissa -- "All I've done is spill my guts since the first day I got here. I've never done anything against you but I can't do something I'm not comfortable with"

Amanda -- "Who did you put up?"

*Elissa laughs*

Elissa -- "I'm not MVP lol"

Holy [&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] this season [&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] delivers.

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