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I find it a little low-life that Helen put it in Elissa's hands to use the MVP on Howard. She so thinks she owns Elissa. It would serve Helen right if the "Elissa is probably going home, so vote for her best friend in the house" CBS edit got her the MVP.

Helen's also patting herself in the back for getting Nick out. Maybe she watched the CBS edit of that but she probably played the smallest part in that.

Helen convinced Elissa to put up Nick which was initially a terrible idea with the highest risk factor.

Amanda was arguing with McCrae all week about his whack logic in going with evicting Elissa. He eventually agreed to flip his decision if Jessie flipped hers.

Elissa got Jessie to agree to flip.

Judd watched Jessie like a mad man in the 2 days after that.

The team had all the votes they needed.

Then Helen nearly ruined the plan by convincing Howard and Spencer they had just enough votes. She's lucky they were stupid enough to flip and not tattle and threaten.

I really want Helen out of this house in a double eviction. She reminds me so much of those punk players that get people from their own alliance evicted.

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Helen is probably golden until jury, but her overplaying and arrogance are somewhat irksome.

I do wonder what she will do if she gets MVP. I think she might. I wonder if she will try to pin it on Elissa.

I just hope that Jeremy doesn't win POV, or that Kaitlin doesn't win and not use it. I would like to believe that she isn't quite that pathetic. We'll see. She is certainly very pathetic though, even if she was trying a little today.

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She wouldn't try to pin it on Elissa. Helen CANNOT keep a secret to save her life. She is all over the place, but the crazy thing is, it's kinda working for her? She is playing a bad game on paper but she's also working it. I can't describe it.

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I can see her trying to pin it on Elissa if the CBS edit got (Helen) the MVP. She wants all the blood on Elissa's hands in public - SO Elissa is more at risk when her alliance is not in power - while she takes the credit in the background.

Helen talks way too much but I see merit to the plan and Elissa is sticking to her initial game plan n a lot of ways (girl power). They're giving Jeremy a false sense of security as everybody is ratting out Howard. Now he may not be picked for veto or try as hard for veto unless news leaks. Aaryn is kind of isolated and Amanda and Helen are playing on her loneliness separately. Jeremy is the main target this week and they're trying to get his alliance to vote that way too.

I have a bad feeling though about Howard.

I actually get what you're saying, it's like dumb luck.

You're also probably right about her big mouth not being able to hide it for long.

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Um Elissa's whole selling point to keeping her was using her MVP so why wouldn't Helen and everyone else assume they can tell her what to do with it? And once she doesn't they better but her ass up and vote her out.

Um Elissa's whole selling point to keeping her was using her MVP so why wouldn't Helen and everyone else assume they can tell her what to do with it? And once she doesn't they better but her ass up and vote her out.

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She says that but I think she'd like to outdo Rachel's first go at it. She definitely wants to outlast Jeremy and his crew to a point just to make a point. She has a bit of Rachel's competitive drive.

Yes, her selling point was "use me." I guess I should look at it as being sort of boss that she's there handling herself well while the others scramble and she has no real fear of leaving the house like a lot of the others. I hope she sneaks into the Final 8 this way.

Helen talking so much and taking so much credit for herself may very well backfire on Helen. I don't dislike Helen but she's so full of conceit when she's doing so many things wrong but lucking out... I may change my mind if this week works out like she wants it to but the woman really needs to learn how to STFU.

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I think it was genuine. She didn't try to come off as a saint in her confronting aaryn about it.

It's easy to be confident when you know production is on your side and the games set up for you to win tho.

Helen is taking way to much credit but so is Andy.

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I agree. BB pushed Amanda to do that, IMO, and she was excusing Aaryn the whole time. I like Amanda but she's not at all politically correct.

I think the chance of McCrae and Amanda jumping ship is above average. They have to feel like they have half their alliance when things take a turn and I don't know that they're secure in that. I hope it lasts long enough for them to wipe out the other side though. How often does that happen? BB might fix it to as punishment for the behavior in the house this season.

Due to this week, I think Helen is going to have a target on her back from most of her own alliance.

*plays violin for JP* ;b

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McCrae was desperate to be the first one to tell Elissa which he's done during BBAD. He was handling it well but then Amanda came in and is ordering Elissa around. We saved you, we'll continue to do so, but you must do as we say, blah, blah. Elissa realizes she has no choice in the matter if she wants to stay and she sees the validity in the backdoor attempt of Jeremy through Howard but she ain't happy others (re: Helen) won't do some of the s**t work. She thinks its tacky that Helen didn't nominate Howard herself if that's the way she wanted it. Word up. They're also trying to throw Candice under the bus to her, pfft.

Aaryn wanted to apologize to Elissa. Elissa would not give her the time of day. If Elissa gave her a chance, would she apologize to her like she apologized to Jessie earlier? Hah. I can't blame her, Aaryn's been a cruel racist bitch since she got in the house.

Howard is telling everybody in the big alliance (plus Spencer) the truth about everything right now minus Amanda and McCrae (and I think Helen) who he'll tell later. He's so friggin sweet. He wants to help them take down the other team because they're full of bullies although he does feel bad for Jeremy's girls. He says what happens after that happens. He was almost crying as he talked about what Anthony (and the girls) were doing to others was so against the man he is. His only weak point here is he's in love with Spencer who is as bad as the guys on the other team. Spencer sold Candice out fast when El asked who was the rogue vote in Eviction 1. Such a jerk. This meeting is so unusual. It's like they're in a therapy session. I still hate Spencer though.

Candice needs to get her brains out of her pants and convince Howard, Jessie, Judd and Elissa (and maybe Andy) to be her alliance. The crew everybody uses.


I did LOL at Judd making fun of the boys - especially Spencer - downstairs to McCrae and Amanda.

Elissa just confirmed she's MVP again I think.

Elissa is alone with Helen and calling her out on them seemingly being friends but Helen clearly thinking of her as her pet dog. Hee. She's doing it in a nice way but she's doing it. Helen keeps on trying to dodge out of getting it straight.

Helen just said the show said not to put up Howard. El is putting Spencer up. Amanda and McCrae have been summoned and Helen's once again spilling that the DR does not want Howard on the block period. BB keeps on giving us fish. Why does Amanda want Howard on the block so badly?

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