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Scratch what I said about Nia. Started watching episode 7 and she went TOO far in the previous episode. Im on Team Jordan here. He was wasted and he went to bed to go to sleep and she went to him to provoke him. Not jus that but she kept picking at him and kept going in on him. She poured vodka down his throat and dumped cereal and Cheetos on him. Then she put her hands around her throat and threateaned to murder him repeatedly. WTF? Why didn't someone from production step in to at least scold her. He did not bite her like some dog on the attack. It was light and playful and this was before the situation took a bad turn. He spit the cereal in her face but that was only after she kept dropping it on her. It wasn't even wet spit. And when she started freaking out bc he followed her to her room and wouldn't leave....bitch you JUST did the same when you went to his room and wouldn't leave.

Him doing the monkey noises wasn't right but to me he was drunk and he wouldn't have done that had she not provoked. She completely set him up and she did it on purpose. I didn't like how the next day when he was sober and he brought up the fact that she poured vodka down his throat, her response was if you didn't want it then you should have said something. WHAT? He was DRUNK! This is the same chick that was raped after being drugged. Maybe if you didn't want the sex you should have said something. I really cant believe that came out of her mouth knowing what happened to her. She is messed up and I think the way she is is an act to cover it all up. I think Jordan may remind her of her rapist and the reason she has targeted him is a way to direct that anger and get some type of vindication via him since the actual guy got off free. I feel bad for Jordan bc she is calculated and she is 100% wrong in here.

Starting to come around on Anastasia. I liked how she yelled at Jessica for trying to act traumatized and turn what happened about her. I like how she defended Jordan on the race issue and explained what happened bc she saw it and Nia was exaggerating and playing up the victim role.

Edited by Cheap21
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Episode 8 and Im officially over Johnny. Don't like Jessica, but him going after her and calling her fat and ugly was just wrong. He being a man jumping into a females fight is such a weak ass move. Averey can handle herself and didn't need him getting involved.

Jessica reminds me of Rachel Berry and I cant stand Rachel

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Just wait until you get to this week's episode... girl has some serious anger/violence issues, but she still brought the drama this season. If it hadn't been for Nia, this season would have been BORING as hell.

And that's why I'm so confused as to why they chose to bring Anatasia and Jessica to the Rivals Challenge this season... why not Nia/Avery, or at least make up some rival excuse to bring in Johnny, Jordan, Nia, Avery. Jessica and Anastasia will be squashed like little bugs in that Challenge and will be gone in the beginning (prediction - I haven't seen spoilers). Nia/Avery could give at least some competition.

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All caught up! LOTS to say

Beginning of the episode....Team Nia. Im with her in terms of the dog fight. It is Avery's dog. If she and Johnny are too irresponsible to take Daisy out on frequent walks, then they should be handling any poop she does in the house. Avery is standing there laughing as Nia recounts how she stepped into it bare foot. Johnny was out of line to tell Nia to pick it up. Da f--k? Really? He was out of line for that. Id be damned if someone told me to pick up dog sh-t for a dog that isnt mine. Averey and Johnny looked ridiculous saying Nia was forbidden from touching or talking to the dog.

End of the episode...Team Johnny/Avery. Nia is crazy and has too many issues with anger and violence. I cant beleive she came after Johnny with a blow dryer and I dont blame Avery for jumping in to defend him. Why wasnt she kicked ou of hte house after that? Isnt there a no violecne policy? Its worse bc she threatens to continue the violence beyond the initial fight, saying she is going to f--k them up every day (not to mention the threats of murder against Jordan)

My question is WTF was production? Even on the Bad Girls Club, they jump in to stop this stuff. I cant beleive they just let the cameras running instead of intervening. MTV did play a message against violence in between the commercial break but they should have done something.

I see this week there is a house vote on if she leaves or not but there shouldnt be a vote. Honestly the bitch should be in jail. It would have served her right if Avery had pressed charges on her. NOT cool

Anastasia. I was like why is she about to leave after Ive warmed up to her? Why couldnt this happen like 7 episodes when I hated her? Thank god she still stayed. I really like how she tries to be the peace maker.

Jordan like up and disappeared from the series. After the drunk episode, he barely appeared.

Jessica is a drama queen and seeks attention. I like how Ana called her out on it.

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Totally agree - I was Team Nia, but then she totally went off the deep end. If I were Avery, I would have beat the hell out of her too once she brought the blow dryer out!

Production usually always stops fights and steps in, especially when there is that much of a lag time. I couldn't believe they allowed Nia to keep going. Either they have changed and the cast agreed to allow fighting... or they knew that Nia was the only one giving drama this year. The ratings were TERRIBLE for St. Thomas last year bc it was so boring (not the cast's fault - they just couldn't go anywhere). I think production must have known this season would be equally boring thanks to the cast... so they brought in actress Nia to make some trouble. There's no other explanation! haha, reminds me of Kenya from RHOA.

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Nia belongs on the Bad Girls Club, not Real World. That violence was uncalled for and she is the definition of the angry black woman stereotype, which she made reference to earlier in the season, yet continued to play it up, without realizing it later on. She punched Johnny 14 times! She maybe could have gotten a pass for one, but 14? She was out of control. Not feeling Johnny but I don't mind Averey. She didn't deserve to get smacked on the back of her head. She needs therapy

Its possible that they did ask them but that one or both declined. Edited by Cheap21
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But I can't feel sorry for Avery b/c she took the first shot against Nia. And Johnny got a justified ass whoopin'. Anybody that would put a snot rag on me would just DIE. I mean DIE. I'm sorry but I sympathized with Nia whooping his ass.

Crazy enough though, Nia got majority of the online fans behind her. Though the scold her for her starting sh*t, which is Murray/Bunim Productions doing, people feel that she was justified in knocking fire out of Johnny.

Do I think she went overboard? Yes. However, I'd probably go batsh*t too seeing as that's one of the grossest things another person can do to you besides spitting or throwing human excrement at you.

Do I think she depicted an angry black woman? Yes, but she had reason IMO.

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to me Averrey was justified in grabbing and hitting Nia in that moment. If you see someone you care for about to get beat with a weapon, (and someone that can not defend themselves), you are supposed to just stand there and do nothing? Nia got her 14 hits in the bathroom. That should have been the end of it. To take a blow dryer and proceed to try and beat on Johnny was just ugly and she was dead wrong for that. I think Averey did what she felt she had to do to protect him bc Nia could have done some serious damage had she went for Johnny's head again like she did in a bathroom but this time with a hard object.

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But see that's where I feel that production should've stepped in. Not Avery. And Nia said on a live video chat that the argument actually started with her and Avery and she challenged Avery to fight (that morning) but Avery nixed it. Johnny, however, took the challenge on behalf of his woman and took the beating then Avery wanted to jump in. Again, I do think that Nia went overboard, but I can't imagine how I'd react if someone did that to me.

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Jordan is mediocre at best. When he opens his mouth, all that cuteness fades away.

As much as this cast has been through, I think there is hope. Jordan & Nia are in a good spot. So is Ana & Jess. There is hope that all eight of these people will be able to sit together and laugh at all this mess that went down.

Overall, I think this was a good season; however, I am going to need Bunim & Murray to cast a spitfire cast across the board for next season, the 29th season.

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I still hate Nia. I'm just disgusted by what I saw in the last two episodes. If I were Jordan I wouldn't hug someone who basically threatened to have me beat up to within an inch of life of not killed. Then of course she plays the "victim" card and starts the waterworks about how horrible her life has been and how she was a used by this and that man.

None of that gives you the right to act the way you did. And if she laid even one finger on me I'd dedicate my entire life to destroying her. Ughhh I hadn't even seen that last night. Even if Jordan is ridiculously hot.

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But you have to remember that Nia was somewhat manipulated by her fellow female cast members (including Averey, who swore on the reunion that she loved Jordan from day one *side eye*) that Jordan was mistreating them, hence why she jumped to their defense and took on the battle to demolish him. Jordan realized that and acknowledged it at the reunion, which is why him and Ana got into it b/c she was the main one pumping Nia up.

I'm in the minority (and fine with it) but I see good in Nia. She was clearly a plant in the house to stir the pot, MTV probably paid a her a hefty fee to do so, and she did her job. I'm not going to knock her. Furthermore, Nia is that type that you have to stay on and talk down then reason will come into play. Once people took time to talk Nia down, she did back down. Had Jordan had a heart to heart with Nia, the two of them would've patched things up a LONG time ago. Had Johnny/Averey/Nia hashed out their issues that day they "apologized," things would've been better.

Overall, Nia saved the season for me. Without her, as Joi said on the reunion last night, it would've been The Brady Bunch all over again, and I am watching seasons that are dull.

Glad Coral, who is my ALL time fave roommate, hosted the reunion but she could've been more equal. She kept the heat on Nia but never put the heat on the others, who are equally as deserving. Coral also needs to go look up assault (along with Johnny & Jordan) because putting a snot rag on someone or tossing a drink in their face IS a form of assault.

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