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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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I read that it was said during the Fairman interview that they don't know when they'll be taping again. I think someone said when Robert Wilson left, someone said something about seeing him next month, so they must have pushed back taping again.

Marceline the link didn't work for me, says it's unavilable :(

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Says it's unavailable for me, too. They do have the OLTL one up, though. Maybe they meant to only put up that one and not the AMC one..

Yeah, they did say see you in Sep. so who knows? You would think they can't push it too much because they want to get the filming done before the holidays I would suspect. Of course it also depends on how many episodes are going to be filmed.

I don't know why people have a hard on for the telenova concept with these shows. Telenovas designed to be telenovas are fine but AMC/OLTL are not.

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Julia Barr said see you in September twice- when Rob left early and when her & Ryan were ending the interview. They didn't have a date but my sense is maybe they've been told its not until after Labor Day. Rob Wilson says that everyone understood going in that there would be bumps and changes in a new medium & they signed on for that. A caller asked about Alicia and Eden and Julia said they didn't know anythign about Alicia but Ryan confirmed that Eden is onboard.

Out of the Fairman interviews, its not the most revealing which makes sense as they haven't taped in awhile & obviously its just a different type of interview than Ginger Smith. Its a little disjointed jumping back & forth between the three about their current stories, RB's career trajectory, Rob Wilson talking about shirtless scenes, Julia's Emmy wins etc. But its definitely worth a listen for AMC fans. The next 2 weeks will be OLTL related in the run up to their earlier finale then the 2 weeks after that AMC but no guest announcements.

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Ooh that's good. They're including AMC/OLTL in with Corrie, 90210, Revenge and foreign soaps. A nice way to sell the shows to the viewers most likely to "buy" them. It's a far cry from the "ghetto" the networks have kept the genre in for years.

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I don't have a "hard-on" for the telenovela concept but you can't ignore that telenovelas have been healthy and successful while traditional American soaps are barely hanging on. If the model works it's only fair to look at it. There's no reason AMC/OLTL can't work using that broadcast model. Some people obviously will only accept five days a week, year round but those people weren't enough to keep these shows on the air.

Now live in a world where people will wait a year between seasons for shows like Mad Men or Breaking Bad or Sherlock or Downton Abbey. We've seen time and time again that if you give people content they like they will wait for the next installment. I can't speak for anyone else but I like AMC enough that I would come back after a break. Hell, I just waited more than a year for the third season of Luther and that was only four episodes.

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