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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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I agree, but this seems like such a hardship to the actors, I am not sure they really want that, it might be more trouble than it's worth to them, I just think there has to be a reason there is still no deal after all this time and PP has told ABC to write the characters off GH next month

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Right & given that ABC Disney stands to make nice buck from both these shoews the next 15 years, I see them doing this,

Its not a hardship. I think what will happen is that KA RH & ME will go to CT & Film OLTL. I dont see them filming that long. Maybe few weeks to a month then go back to GH. Then visit OLTL when story calls for it. Remember these soaps tape out of order & some pre-tape. I dont see it as a hardship at all.

PP has been working on these reboots since summer 2012. I think more is done BTS then we know & that this has been blown out of Portportion

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I guess what I have read and it is probably wrong is they need them for the first arc which will air May thru August and then after that they might be allowed to be written back into GH, but that would be six months off GH and it is probably unlikely they would be written back in being off that long and what if PP wants them to do another arc? Who knows maybe these actors don't want to be away from their homes and families for a month, they might prefer just to be released from this mess that they had nothing to do with and find work that they want to do

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Based on what I've seen now and in the past, and what I've heard both now and then, my guess as to what happens is this. I can't take full credit for this prediction, though, because a friend of mine postulated a lot of this out loud first and helped me crystalize it in my own mind.

Prospect Park will fail to produce on time. They will, once again, release virtually no timely public statements as the principal elements - money, facilities, and finally disgruntled actors and then stiffed writers - fall through and begin to make their voices heard, just like last time. Some time after that, Prospect Park will finally come out and acknowledge the 'delay,' citing other factors and parties as the problem and not themselves. They will then announce that as they work to regroup and redouble their efforts, Disney/ABC has granted them a vague 'extension' on their rights to OLTL and AMC to continue their 'hard work' on reviving them as soon as possible.

The upshot of this: Disney stays in business with their friends (to ABC Daytime's chagrin). PP continues to make money off these characters at GH while doing nothing and holding them hostage. And OLTL and AMC are off the air for ten years.

I really, really, really hope I am wrong, but I do not think so.

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10 years from the day the deal was signed based on resumption of production soon after the end of one life to live. If production did not resume, full rights would revert back to ABC. Hence, why this had to be done now. Therefore, 9 years is left.

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I think you are wrong. I believe both will begin production by Feb 28th 2013 (Filming) & then shows will start to air. I think that may not be til may though. I dont see this failing I see them moving forward and hopefully itll be a success for years to come

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With the length being shortened to 30 minutes, it will allow for less characters and less filler (though B & B seem to still provide filler even in its 30 minute structure). If you look back in the 70's and earlier, 30 minute soaps were very well done and still provided a nice balance amongst the canvas. Hopefully, both AMC and OLTL will not provide us with an OD of certain characters.

I do believe something will be provided to us given the deals made with all three unions, writers hired for OLTL (and they have started writing as of last week), and space seems to have been secured with a tentative start date of late Feb. Will it be successful? Time will tell, but I think people are going to have to accept that watching online will eventually be the way to go and tv stations will evolve into something else (i.e. radio going to all talk and music.. no more original stories/shows, etc).

Plus, my mom is in her 50's and she is a wiz on the computer. She and my dad have given up cable and will be watching all shows from the internet (they have a device that makes viewing on their tv possible).

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