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Y&R: November 2012 Discussion Thread

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I think Maria has just been trying to cash in on Nina's popularity. She knew the viewers liked her, so she used her whenever she could.

Previously Tricia Cast had decent airtime even though she was traveling, so I don't see why this regime couldn't try to use her as well. Ah well.

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I wrote my thoughts on Y&R at TWoP and thought I'd post it here too.

I had a period of two weeks with my laptop not working, so I got behind on my soaps. I watch all four, so it took some time, but I flew through B&B and GH. DAYS took some work, but Eileen Davidson kept my attention. Y&R has shockingly enough been the hardest to watch. It's my favorite and I was excited to get to Jill's return, but the show still sucks. I still say it takes a good six months to get a feel for a new regime so hope isn't lost, but it's not WOWing me off the bat.

- Too much Adam. The character was destroyed by Maria Arena Bell and I've always felt Michael Muhney is an overrated actor, so seeing him daily is driving me crazy. It also annoys me to see so much of Chelsea, when she was probably the most unnecessary actor brought on from another soap. The ONLY reason she has a job is because she's Melissa Claire Egan and the actors and crew like her. The character serves no purpose and she's a limited actress (as we saw on AMC).

- The show is overall very boring. I like that it's more character driven and the scripts are better since the writers are allowed to go in that direction. Where the show is failing is with all of their new storylines. Every new storyline is putting me to sleep. The Newman takeover COULD be great, but I fail to see why Jack is the villain. DO Victoria and Nick not remember gleefully working at Jabot when Victor stole it? IIRC, Victor owned Jabot for most of the 90s and all those characters were working together. Why is Jack so evil for doing the same thing?

- CHRISTINE. Lauralee Bell has revealed MAB intended to write her off with Danny and leave the show, but the new writers have changed that. I'd be all for Christine as a regularly recurring character (like Lauren), but why is it so hard to write for her? She was an interesting character in the 90s, but I hate that the writers keep making her the bad guy in stories. It doesn't seem true to all the years I watched her. This new story with Nina and Paul is *so* out of character for her.

- The minorities. In JFP's first interview she mentioned wanting to boost this side of things, but so far I have to say I don't see it. I know there are some new minority characters coming on, but based on how much we've seen Devon, Neil & Lily thus far, I'm not hopeful it'll be more than the 1st & 15th we got with MAB. This regime threw out actors as fast as they possibly could and immediately threw their characters and stories to the frontburner. If Neil or Lily were important, the same would've happened for them. Like every regime, they say it's going to take time to put something in place for the black characters and then you get very little. Debbi Morgan is a damn good actress and whether you're going to keep her or not, they should've given her a proper exit story to pave the way for something new for Neil and Devon. Not giving her a final scene with Devon (or Katherine) was shameful, but it showed what kind of future Neil will have.

I think the lack of Victoria Rowell causes writers to lose interest in the black characters, Shemar Moore as well. I do think there is hope, but they have to try hard and keep trying. I think they could've salvaged Yolanda based only on the merits of Debbi Morgan's acting. Tonya Lee Williams is also a 15 year frontburner vet and could provide story. They need to build on what resources they're allowed to use and go from there.

And the one thing that really annoyed me was them letting Jennifer Landon go. She's a great younger actress and I loved her chemistry with everybody. She puts so much heart into all of her scenes and I feel there was more to learn from her. She's better than Summer or Eden, who are still around. MILES better and more interesting than Liz Hendrickson, Melissa Claire Egan or Christel Khalil. I just don't understand why she wasn't given more time. She's also Paul's only family member. I could see them taking Landon's added toughness and making her more of a Katie Logan-esque character and pair her with Adam. That could work.

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I haven't looked at the TWOP stuff for Y&R lately - I mostly remember lots of talk about Adam. (I think there's probably lots of talk about him at most places, except here).

Nothing about Jennifer Landon suggests a JFP actress, so I wasn't surprised she was let go.

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Jennifer Landon is just fabulous. It shocks me she hasn't found a primetime gig. I see her one day winning an Oscar. Crazy talk I know, but if she got in the indie film circuit, I think she'd take off. Speaking of her not being a JFP type of actress, she does remind me of someone who would be perfect as Lulu on GH.

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