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K-Pop Appeciation Thread


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biggrin.png Ive been meaning to post in this thread again.



Last week I watched Big Bang's appearance on YG On Air where they performed songs from Alive. Man I LOVE Ain't No Fun. Ive been listening to that song nonstop this past week. Love Dust is also quickly becoming one of my faves. Here's the link to the entire episode


tumblr_mj4fbnIlIE1qb6lhao2_250.giftumblr_mj4fbnIlIE1qb6lhao1_250.gif tumblr_m7tplsZIjl1rtitnjo2_400.gif



GD and TOP were my first exposure to the group but man Id be lying if I said that Seungri and Taeyang have really grown on me


How cool is this outfit?


I love when their faces got so close to the camera


Daesung just came out with his first album and with it a new look. I like it on him. I wasn't a fan of him being blonde before but this cut suits him much better. I actually like this song:


I actually watched their Alive concert in SK (South Korea) last week but saw that another one from Japan went up and some of the songs are switched up. I'll try to get to it next weekend and post my thoughts. Let me know if you want me to link you to that.

Tonight is Boogie Back




Back to Beast. They did a performance yesterday in Jakarta. All I see is some fancam vids online but hopefully some official stuff gets released



These pics were from Seoul Art School but I cant find a video


I wish I knew what they were saying!

Edited by Cheap21
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SEUNGRI wub.png wub.pngwub.png He's about to replace Dongwoon.

Thanks for sharing that YG On Air video, Cheap. Just watched. Wow, I'm really feeling "Blue" (the first song). I LOVE the melody. Downloading, stat! I just watched the video too...


Beautiful. Ok I've been neglecting, but I'm starting to really get into this group now.

But IDK, Cheap. I find "Ain't No Fun" sort of annoying...LOL we just do not agree on Big Bang songs do we? tongue.png

Your new signature is to die for. Awesome!

I definitely want to see that concert, send me the link when you can!


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Seungri is so adorable! I wasn't really feeling him at first but the more I see, the more I fall in love with him. Glad you like the signature!

I love Blue. After Fantastic Baby, that along with Bad Boy were the first songs I heard off that album, mainly bc they have music videos to them. Its real interesting to see TOP go slow and do some singing instead of rapping. I loved his bit bc its different from what we're used to.

Ive been listening to the Alive album for a while now and I wasn't a fan of Aint No Fun at first either, but that performance sealed it for me. I love that Taeyang gets a lot of singing parts (he's in every verse!) and really love how the guys seem to just be having a lot of fun in it. Another Taeyang heavy song from the Still Alive album I love is Round and Round (Bingle Bingle)


I don't know if you'll find it annoying


Feeling is also good

Link, sent!


This one? I love me some Junhyung!

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I know! I wish I would have screencapped it ages ago! I was all types of sad when I saw your name and it wasn't there anymore. Maybe one day I'll have an even better vivid picture and can describe it better. But just keep bringing out the K-Pop Icons and all will be good.

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Maybe I posted the original pic in this thread. You may want to look back. Was it this guy?


ETA: OMG, I love this and AMDatGH, I think you would too!


That's a pretty dope mashup/remix


TOP wub.png

More Small Bang


Super cute


This is the breakdown of YG sales for 2012. Big Bang and GD are making the company ALL their money. That's crazy! Over 75% of their profits come from this group. Not surprising though bc they are amazing.


Awwww, how cute is this? Im imagining DongWoon as a dad

CL took some glamour shots and man did they come out great!


She's a beauty
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OMG...BIG LOL wub.pngwub.png That right there is what I call genius mix. 1:10-1:17 - Damn, I can't stop rewinding that part. Yet another addicting KPop toon for me to download & listen to over and over. Thanks Cheap!

Btw I enjoyed Bingle Bingle and Feeling!

THAT DONGWOON PIC. LOL. Adorable! Surprised me at first, I didn't read your caption and I was like OMG Dongwoon is a dad of twins? ohmy.png

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