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I've become accustomed to the show having no real plotline, or if there is one, the plotline confusing me (did they want to kill the planet or was that a ruse to kill the Doctor?), so I went into this not expecting anything along those lines. In that context, I was able to enjoy more of the episode, mostly the emotional scenes with the Doctor and Handles (I hope he was buried beside Kamelion's remains...), and the Doctor and Clara. Clara's role seems to be similar to some of the lesser old school companions (complete with being asked to leave the room), but JLC gave a lovely performance. She's really done well here and in the anniversary special, as they've dropped some of the banter and one-liners.

I was uncomfortable with the way Tasha Lem was treated - essentially, a horny woman hitting on the Doctor, a woman tortured and murdered because of the Doctor, a woman who only managed to regain control because of the Doctor, and the Doctor using Clara to make her jealous. I've heard a lot of theories that she's River Song, which I'd rather not believe - I think if we see River again it should be Alex Kingston.

I hope we'll see more of Clara's father and her relationship with him.

The Amy/Doctor scene was a little rushed for me, and the music in these scenes (especially the post-regeneration scene) drowned out the dialogue for me, but I'm glad Karen agreed to return. The moment was touching. The Doctor's speech about how he will always remember this incarnation was a classy, appropriate way to handle regeneration, superbly played by Matt Smith.

Smith has never let me down as the Doctor and this episode was no exception. He hurt himself during filming but still his performance wasn't affected. The scenes in the Christmas town were a great showcase of everything he brought to the role - boyishness, joy, and the heart of a warrior under the facade of a clown. He also continued to do a wonderful job with child actors. I'm really going to miss him. I think he could have lasted a few more years, but I can see why he wanted to go to other career ventures, and I wish him well.

This is a chance for the show to start fresh, especially with Clara, so I look forward to seeing that happen.

Edited by DRW50
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One of the most nonsensical articles I've ever read.


What is the example of fans influencing Who?

That's it.

And of course people are using this article as gospel, and inventing all sorts of other things that weren't even said in the article (tying up the loose ends of the exploding TARDIS and such) to try to give it credibility.

The above has nothing to do with pandering to fans. It's clearly something that Moffat has been wanting to do for a long time.

The joke is that this man apparently wrote a gushing review of The End of Time, comparing it to Shakespeare. TEOT is the most fan pandering nonsense imaginable.

It's too bad that the UK press does the same contortions-for-hipness that has soured so much media coverage in the US.

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What was done in TOTD was also discussed more than once in the classic series - the Time Lords promised either the Master or someone else a full new set of regenerations if he did X or Y, I can't remember what. Or maybe it was the Valeyard, trying to get more life if he framed the Doctor for some corrupt Time Lords. And then the current group gave the Doctor just that on Trenzalore - a new set of regenerations.

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First pix of Peter Capaldi filming.

Unless I'm mistaken that may be the same outfit Clara was wearing in TOTD, so this may be from the first post-regeneration story - i.e., Capaldi's outfit is likely not final. It looks a little too similar to Smith's, because it probably is one of the Eleventh's. Oh, and the report confirms it's from the first story.

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Am I the only one who's come to the conclusion that Capaldi's cameo in The Day of The Doctor came about for the main, if not sole, purpose of being able to fanwank that the War Council's knowledge of "all THIRTEEN!" made them realize that whenever Smith's Doctor's time was up, the Time Lords would need to find some way of giving him another regeneration cycle?

Thus the creation of a stable time loop?

Edited by katie_9918
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