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I think Steven Moffat has finally broken the Internet. The response I've seen to The Night of the Doctor is OVERWHELMINGLY positive. I'm a big fan of the Moff, but he tends to be something of a base-breaker when it comes to fan response.

Has McGann commented yet?

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I've seen some mixed reactions, as some Eight fans were very upset that they didn't just have him in Hurt's place, that they needed to give that role to another actor so Moffat could make his mark, that it erased headcanons of Eight, ruined them, etc. Someone said they were reduced to tears, they were so upset.

I have always had a problem seeing the Doctor fight in a brutal, bloody war, get his hands dirty, even the darkest Doctor, so in a way I'm relieved that this was addressed and we learn this wasn't quite a Doctor. I can see why some of McGann's fans feel betrayed, because they had these images built and they were torn away, but I have seen very little of his Doctor, so I wasn't as bothered by changing canon.

I thought this packed some real punch, and I was pleased that they broke away from the minisodes being too clever or whimsical. McGann did a great job, as you could see his Doctor was trying to be fun, supportive, but actually he was dying inside, long before the crash. The woman, Cass, killing herself because she preferred that to the Doctor's "help," was very stark and a real shock. It's been done before, in The Waters of Mars, but those were very different circumstances. The way this was done was a huge flip on audience expectations.

I was very happy to see the Sisters of Karn again, as the Brain of Morbius was a great idea not executed as well as it could have been. Vee told me a little about the woman who played the main priestess. I'd never seen her before but I thought she was great here. I hope they use her again.

I've been sort of apathetic about the anniversary, but this did juice my interest some, and I think it's a nice showcase for McGrann and his contribution to this show. I've heard there are petitions to have him in more Doctor Who material. I'm not sure if they would be able to fit him in anywhere, but I do hope they consider it.

I haven't seen any McGrann interviews, but here's a Moffat one.


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I think there's maybe a handful of people upset. 95% of fans seem overjoyed. There's always going to be someone angry about something, especially in DW fandom.

New trailer for the making-of film, An Adventure in Space and Time, which is supposed to be excellent.

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Sorry i thought it was one of their free articles but I guess I can only access it online because I'm a subscriber. I'll see if I can find a run around (though Star Trek fans may not wanna read her opinion on why Who is infinitely better.)

I admit, the current show has often lost me during the Moffat years, but I look forward to the special.

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Rule 0: The Moff lies.

Now I don't know whether to hope for Hurt-into-Eccleston or not, because of some of the remarks in the interview Carl was good enough to link to. The "check box" stuff seems to indicate that it would still drive him bloody batty if we didn't see Hurt-into-Eccleston.

But The Moff is also too smart to give something like that away.

Damn you, Moff! You magnificent bastard.

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Raw bootleg of a New Zealand cable spot for The Day of the Doctor.

"No more" was also glimpsed on the graffiti beneath Sarah Jane and K9 in the previous 50th Anniversay trailer. And of course, the War Doctor declared "Doctor no more" upon his regeneration on Karn. I still don't think that's Rose - I think it's the Bad Wolf.


Based on Eleven's dialogue here - and the announcer's voiceover - I have a suspicion that the rumor I've heard about the overarching plot for DOTD and the Christmas special is true - and we may be in for some very big changes to the very core and foundation of the modern Doctor Who.

Oh, and sources are whispering insistent claims that

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A certain individual speaks out of turn re: this weekend's 50th Anniversary.

Don't click if you don't want to know a huge casting spoiler for DOTD. I had heard increasingly definite rumors about this for a while, but with this particular potential guest there's always a chance they're just [!@#$%^&*] with people.

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The new minisode, "The Last Day," is now available on iTunes for free. It is a brief found footage piece, depicting the oft-mentioned "fall of Arcadia" on Gallifrey through a soldier's eyes.

Another former DW star will be appearing as a cameo in this week's biopic An Adventure in Space and Time:

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I don't want to give a link because the BBC has taken some down, but someone put up some Canada PBS intros from the 70s and 80s, by sci-fi author Judith Merril, who called herself The Undoctor, and gave recaps of episodes, history of the characters, mused on philosophy, etc. It's fascinating to watch.

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