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GH: August 2012 Discussion Thread

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I think it's refreshing to have a young man less modely like the guy playing Michael in such a pivotal role on a soap, but if the general consensus is that he lacks charisma and sex appeal, I can see the problem. As we all know that is something that can transcend looks.

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Um no! Leave his ass underneath the chandelier where he belongs. And this goes for any other OLer you think would make GH better! Those characters are not needed and GH might fair much better if it were the sole focus of a writer and not a hack trying to resurrect a dead POS!

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I'm actually a natural blonde too, so I guess I hate myself? whistling.jpg

I have a genuine dislike for Alderson's "talent" and what I perceive as her lack of beauty. I have never been able to stomach her while she's on-screen. I also think she contributes absolutely nothing to this show and has been shoehorned in.

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It happens to all of us wink.png .

I admit that I'm a bit sensitive about KA since I grew up watching her and liking her, but even I recognize her weaknesses in talent and looks now--although I don't think she looks THAT bad.

I wasn't trying to sound cruel or anything, it was just an interesting observation I had (LW, KDP, KA, MR, DH--I don't watch the British soaps so I don't know what you say over there! laugh.png ). Sorry if I can came across the wrong way :( .

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