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Y&R: MAB OUT! Hamner OUT! JFP IN! Griffith IN! Sheffer UNKNOWN!

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It's the HW, or ideally, it should be the HW.

But JFP is such a hands on producer, with sometimes very tyrannical tendencies, that the writing team itself may not wholly matter (see her work on OLTL ot AW).

Sally worked with JFP and Griffith on Hollywood Heights, I wouldn't rule out a return. But she's always been a very mediocre, boring, and camp writer, IMO. Generations only gets noted for having an Afircan-American core family from the beginning, but the show was a total mess from beginning to end and that was all Sussman-Morina.

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Oh dear...

Oh dear...

Oh dear...

I guess I better swot up on 'that-global-online-video-resource', taking in as much of her material as I can (though I did end up watching the Frankie Frame murder after a past thread about horrible/gratuitous deaths).

I'm guessing a lot of it won't make pretty viewing.

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As I mentioned earlier in this thread, JFP works best with very strong and creative HW's (like Curlee/Demorest at GL). But when she's with someone like Megan McTavish? Oh dear would be correct...

I don't think Josh Griffith is that strong to strike much of balance with her, and unlike at Hollywood Heights, he'll presumably have no producing credit at Y&R.

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Could someone answer a question for me? What black family did JFP write off OLTL? I read on another board she wrote off the only major black family on OLTL. But I remember the Gannons being the only family on OLTL around then and the Gannon's dissapearing when FV was in charge.

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I don't even recall this, but Carl mentioned that OLTL was trying to build up a black cast a few months before JFP came on board, but it was never fully realized.

As mentioned, JFP used the "black family" (God, I hate that term) at GL a lot, so it's not like she's some big racist, and it's not like most of her shows had a significance black presence to begin with before she got there. Could she have done more? Perhaps, but then, so could everyone else in daytime.

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I don't remember there ever being a great black presence on OLTL and considering RJ Gannon never got a love scenes as long as the character had been on the show lack of diversity on OLTL can't soley be put on her. I keep hearing FV loves disversity but I have yet to see that. I can't think of any soap right now showcasing diversity at the moment except Brad Bell throwing us some bones here and there.

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IIRC, JFP did not write out any black family at OLTL. The Gannons remained. She just didn't do much with them, and she sent Rachel to prison within six months of her arrival. I believe she also got rid of Jacara, R.J.'s love interest. She played around with Rachel two years later but didn't put her on contract, and soon she and her new love interest disappeared. Hank was a back burner character by then and R.J. had the pairing with Tea and little else (they did have love scenes, I believe) - though he did remain active.

It wasn't until Brian Frons that the Gannons were phased out. Upon his arrival Nathan Purdee split, Sherri Saum was killed off, and TDS was slowly phased out until finally disappearing from Llanview in 2008, I believe, and then making only a few guest appearances in the last couple years. RC brought Rachel back but she was iced in the purge of minorities/outcasts in early 2010.

As I said before, I think JFP follows a writer's lead only if she respects them. If the writer uses AA characters and she likes the writer she may go with it. Otherwise, [!@#$%^&*] 'em. She has no particular interest on her own, IMO, but no particular prejudice either. Just indifference.

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Sally was a storyline consultant for Y&R from '83-'87 and was also a scriptwriter from '84-'88 before she left to create 'Generations'...she returned in 2005 as an associate head writer and breakdown writer before LML fired her in 2006, this was Sally's 'audition' for Y&R, she lost out to LML, such a shame that happened.

I am an ardent Sally Sussman Morina fan, I loved her stint at DAYS and her years at Y&R in the 80s were good years, she has the Bell pedigree.

I would like to see Sally be Josh's Co-Head Writer or at the very least write breakdowns to give the show some effing Bill Bell style structure.

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I get the impression that with SONY basically assuming control of the show and installing someone who was described on here (I think) as the anti-Bill Bell as EP that perhaps that style may be something they try to avoid. It was done before with Lynn Marie Latham, perhaps they are giving the new team license to turn the show upside down.

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Sally's big claim to fame during her 2005-2006 consultant/breakdown stint was having Sheila poison Lauren through A F.UCKING NECKLACE.

After that, I fully knew she was no better than the average garden variety of hacks, in addition to her sub-par work at DAYS and her own creation (Generations).

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