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Chrissy is the type of woman that can't keep many female friends and is very territorial towards her man. Unless you are weak (Emily) she will go head to head. If you don't like her now you will really hate her in Season 2 she falls out or gets into it with everybody except Emily.... lol. I'm ready for you to get to Season 2 it was miles better than the first.

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Thanks. Just finished season 1. Helps that it was only 8 episodes and about 20 minutes. Cant stand Somaya. I didnt like how she came at Olivia claiming to make her "relevant" Bitttcccch...

Chrissy looked like a loser proposing to Jim. He's clear he dont want to marry her. Their relationship seems to work as it is. She needs to accept it or move on. LMAO at Nancy flipping out at Chrissy for not telling her about the proposal



Watching episode 1 of seaosn 2 now and I CANT beleive Mama Jones made a diss song about Chrissy! Bitch is psychotic!



I cant stand Yandy's voice. Its so irritating

So far Im not minding Kimbella. I thought she was like the villian of season 2 but she isnt giving me abad impression right now. I like that she wanted to be a woman and be honest to Emily about her relationship with Fab instead of lying. It was wrong of her to tell her though in front of a crowd. That should have been done in private.

Chrissy needs to STFU. I dont get why she is getting involved in Kimbella and Emily's business. She should be embarrased that she tried to physically fight Kimbella over this ish that does NOT involve her

ETA: Oh SH-T! As I was typing that last statement, Chrissy punched her out! I cant beleive she went there. Its not like Kim was screwing Jim. After this, Im hoping she was. WHY is Chrissy so pressed about this? She needs to get her ass kicked

LMAO...I was actually thinking about her for this as well

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Watched the latest episode of Atlanta

Mimi: "I don't know any man in they right f*cking mind whose gone carry around the next bitch pregnancy test in their pocket. Who does that?!" LMAO. That really was dumb. It's crazy to me how he lied to her in every episode that he didn't sleep with Joseline, then in this one he freely said he did it (and without hesitation). He's out of his mind!

Also, *shrugs*, I'm starting to feel bad for Joseline. She's still a shameless ho but learning more of her backstory made me feel for her a bit.

K. Michelle and her giant face is annoying as hell. I don't see the appeal in her voice. Didn't like her and Ariane talking mess about Karlie, I hope Karlie knocks them down a few pegs!

Glad we got a break from Rasheeda

Exactly what I was thinking as I watched! Just EMBARRASING. Chrissy seemed to old to be acting like that

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No up to episode 5 and Chrissy is trying my patience! Team Yandy! Chrissy is coming across as such a hater. It makes no sense for her to go on the attack on Yandy and I can only figure its bc she's friends with Kimbella and Chrissy felt threatened that maybe they might gang up on her. I also think she's jealous bc Yandy is young, cute and doing somthing with her life and Chrissy has nothing but Jim. I cant beleive she messed with his money and then Jim had the nerve to yell at Yandy for that. During their fight when she was leaving he said something about "and which hotel room did you get kicked out of" and she went back to hit him upside the head with her purse. LMAO at that

Where the hell is Mama Jones? I need more of her and puting Chrissy in check

Somaya....cant stand that chick

LMAO at Emily when she went to Kimbella's party and said "I see you've had alot of black men inside you, including my man" LOL

Hey AMD, I thought of a way to get Sister Patterson on the Hip Hop Moms show. VH1 should bring back NY to "pursue" a rap career! She can talk about how she's always loved hip hop and her story arc could be about trying to put out a single with Sister Patterson as her manager. Voila, now she's a hip hop mom! Haha, how fun would that be?

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I LOVED IT! That entire ep. was pure gold.

I loved Mimi going in on Stevie... LMAO I swear I have not heard a word from or about Benzino in at least a decade since that beef he had with Em.

I kinda knew what was up with Joss since Stevie's daughter told someone about it on Twitter.... btw his kids DO NOT like her. They clown him and her on twitter but they do like Mimi.

Scrappy & Stevie had me weak! Someone on Twitter said -- Scrappy was trying to fight, Stevie was trying to wrestle. My mom thinks it was staged because there weren't any cops.

The previews were killing me with Momma Dee -- I started busting out laughing when she told Erica she left him there to die. WTF?!

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Bucky, oh I mean Shay is back on VH1! I hope she becomes a recurring character. I see her being trouble though. Momma Dee was saying she wants her with Scrappy and asked if they smashed. Thats kinda disrespectful to Erica, knowing their situation but I guess it will make for good drama

Joss, ugh! Ths bitch. WHY was she getting involved in the situation when it had NOTHING to do with her. Scrappy and Stevie could have squashed this till she asked if Erica screwed around with Stevie. Im ready for she and Erica to get into it and I hope they do at some point

Looking forwad to Karlie vs K.Michelle next week. That looks heated and seems like it will be great tv


Just got up to the infamous fight. Ive actually seen it before bc my sister watches the show but without knowing any of the characters, the situation or context. I can see it totally different now. I thought it was Kimbella starting mess with soem other girl and I came into this season thinking bad about her but I like her and see other girls unnecesarily starting drama with her,

Erica....who is she? She shows up and on her first episode she gets into a fight. Bitch. What I noticed about the scene was that it was she, Kimbella, Teiara and Yandy, 4 of the new girls. The new girls are holding it down and outshining the older cast. Somaya up and dissappeared from the show. What happened to her? Olivia...nothing happening there. Chrissy....same old drama. Emily...continues to be irrelevant. I heard about the season 3 changes and Im not too upset bc the new girls bring more drama

She may not mean it but I notice Yandy is the common denominator in all the drama. She thought Kimbella and Chrissy should be friends bc their men are, so she introduced them and Chrissy punches her out. She said Kimbella and Erica are the same person on paper so they should be friends, so she introduces them and Erica gets into a brawl with her. Is she really Kimbella's friend or does she just like setting her up to get her ass kicked? LOL

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Ew, I must have missed that part but it definitely is apparent that they did and he even said it. I was laughing that he said he wasn't down for a relationship with her yet. That trick is so thirsty for fame still and I did the same thing -- I'm not calling you Shay - your name is and will forever be Buckeey to me.

If I'm not mistaken she was implying that Erica got down with Stevie, not Scrappy. I was weak! Then she tried to stay Stevie has slept with a lot of women and may not remember them all. She needs to GTFO. She did get that ass whooped though which was lovely.

Erica truly is a nobody -- I think when I Googled her after that ep. it said she was a video chick much like Kimbella and had a baby by some dude I never really heard of. Sad thing is she's supposed to be one of the replacements.

Exactly why I couldn't stand Yandy -- she didn't know how to stay in her lane. She may not have meant all the harm she somewhat caused but she needed to know that it wasn't her business and to stay out of it. Dreading the fact that she's back.

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Yeah it was a typo...I knew that! LOL. Joss is such a messy skank. I actually felt a little bad for her during the abortion talk segments and then she had to start drama

Straight up hater then. She was rolling off the modelling gigs she did like she is coutre but I googled her too and she has less than classy spreads. She is pretty but man does her atittude stink. I hate girls like that

And in the preview for the next episode Im gonna see she sits down Erica and Kimbella. Bitch, stay in your lane and mind your business! She needs to leave it alone. Erica and Kimbella dont need to be friends. They dont roll in the same social circles and hadnt even met until Yandy intervened.

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LMAOO...this last episode was so funny.

Stevie J: "I'm thirsty for that bread" laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png He's a fool but a HILARIOUS one. Just his facial expressions and the sly way he says stuff.

Seriously...is it just me who notices that stupid little scrunch face he makes at the end of his DR's sometimes?? "But for now, I gotta see how those dance lessons are paying off. You know, just samplin' the product"

ETA: OMG, I found a pic of the face he makes LOL.


Omg so Joseline aborted the baby? WTF? I didn't like how she just dropped that bomb off to the audience and that was it. Back to hating her! She didn't even seem to be sad about aborting her own baby. (I know it's most likely fake & storyline-dictated LOL but still)

LOVED MIMI! "You know what Stevie, you can exit stage left" laugh.png I also love when she says "next bitch"

Omg Shay/Buckeey looks really different. She doesn't look as great as I remember. Good to see her back on Vh1 though

Didn't like Momma Dee this week, I found her annoying trying to get Scrappy to get with Shay! That's disrespectful to Erica. They have a child together. I haven't heard Momma Dee once mention her Grandchild yet

Erica vs. Joseline! LMAO.

"Who ARE you?!"

"I'm Joseline Hernandez, baby"

"Who? Oh, IRRELEVANT!" laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

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