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B&B: July 2012 - Discussion Thread

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I really felt for Steffy today. I think JMW and SC sell the love between their respective characters for me. In their eyes when they look at each other and the emotion in their voices. Its too bad Liam is such a flake bc they actually could make for a good couple. I hated the thought of her being pregnant by him bc of that but the right soapy thing to do is to go there. Theres more potential there and would make for an interesting twist and roadblock.

Great scenes with Bill! Loved how accepting he was of Karen and Dani. She thought he'd be an ass, but he proved that deep down he is her brother and loves her regardless of whom she loves. I loved their hug at the end and love their relationship. Spencers were rocking it today

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I am waiting with anticipated soap bated breath for it to be revealed that Liam and Steffy slept together in Italy. Can.not.wait. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for her to confess it to Taylor.

I just love the coupling of Bill and Katie. DD & HT play off one another quite well. I wasn't crazy about her as Victoria, but love her as Katie. She brings something out in DD.

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I was skeptical when the Karen story was announced as some sort of cheap PC ploy, but after JJ came out, I was much more intrigued - especially reading about her struggles and history. I did like the Thomas reveal quite a bit. Now, after today's episode, Bell definitely made the right choice. I'm so glad they didn't make Bill an a$$ - especially after all the Hope drama. Showing him as a multidimensional character serves the show well. JJ has certainly been a welcome return to the show. There was a reason was she was always so popular - her acting is so effortless and warm. I really hope she stays around.

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I'm really enjoying this storyline. Of the reveals, I liked the accidental one to Katie the best. All of the ladies just played it so very well. But today Bill's was done wonderfully as well. I hope CC and JJ stay around for a good while. And I have to say, I'm enjoying this storyline a heck of a lot more than I'm enjoying Days gay storyline.

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Steffy and Taylor looked great today.

I didn't like Brooke calling Steffy, talking about how she wants to improve their relationship & become close again...LMAO that was just too much. Leave her alone Brooke! Also can she stop grilling Hope about Deacon? Geeze!

OMG...was that Liam's tablet that Hope and Brooke were looking at? Didn't that thing break after Liam launched it across the room? When Hope and Brooke were looking at pictures Brooke said there was a video but Hope just wanted to look at pics. Was the tablet still recording video after Liam threw it? Is that video of Liam and Steffy sexing it up?!

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I know. I was thinking how beautiful Taylor looked and Steffy of course was flawless

Brooke is an insensitive twit like her daughter. It almost comes across as if they are gloating that Hope "won". There was no need to call and I hated that Ridge thanked her for reaching out to Steffy. Ugh!

I forgot Liam was making a video message to Hope. LOL if it did record him with Steffy

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Did anyone catch the Sunset Dr. shot that I guess is suppose to be where Dayzee's is located? There was a billboard for the movie The Help and a billboard for "Project Runway" amongst others that you could see clear as day. LOL!

The Bill and Karen scenes were great yesterday.

I found both Brooke and Ridge annoying today. Brooke's insensitivity towards Steffy and Ridge still whining about not being the one to design Hope's wedding dress (his choice, by the way). Talk about a Debbie Downer. That moment just stuck out and rubbed me the wrong way. Not that I even care about Hope or anything, but it's like she and Liam are supposed to be in newlywed bliss and Ridge just decides to dredge that up today for no apparent reason.

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Its alot more than the US does. CBS has had only 2 soaps for about 2 years now and I can probably count the amount of times B&B has had a featured cover on 1 hand, not even using all fingers at that. Every week it rotates between Victor, Sharon, Phyllis, Nick, Victoria, and Billy from Y&R with some other random characters every so often
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