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The Madonna Thread


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I absolutely love Masterpiece and Falling Free... The acoustic version of Love Spent is great as well, and really enjoyed I Don't Give A and Beautiful Killer. The rest is kind of meh, but it may grow on me with further listening...

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I'm getting the clean copy tomorrow from Ticketmaster unless they slag on that promised delivery date like with everything else. I'm going to buy the Deluxe (Non-Clean) Version on Week 2 because of Gang Bang (<- soooo wrong yet soooo right).

Masterpiece is probably the most old-school type ballad she has in there and she sounds terrific on it. My only problem with it is I felt it was more of a demo than a fully developed song. It could easily end at the 2:30 - 2:40 mark and be better for it.

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FYI: Madonna will also be taking questions on Twitter tomorrow night (well tonight) at 10 pm.

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This is about a third of the chat that I have C & P'ed. For the full chat:


Ryan Seacrest: SInce Tim Tebow is moving to NY now, will you show him around?

Madonna: I'd love to show Tim Tebow around town...we have so much in common. He's "like a virgin" and so am I! wink.png

Twitter: every question sounds the same you gotta step into my world! Favorite cereal from childhood?

Madonna: captain crunch. peanut butter flavor

Perez Hilton: would you PRETTY PLEASE join Twitter permanently??? Not just for one day!!! Puhhhlease! *begging here*

Madonna: but then you'll get used to me and take me for granted.

twitter: What did you like about Jimmy Fallon?

Madonna: the way he moves his hips.

Twitter: hav u got a name for this new tour?

Madonna: yes - its the MDNA tour

(Somebody asked if she's really tweeting herself.)



Twitter: Where are u now and what ur wearing?

Madonna: in my living room. t-shirt that says "bitch club" on it.

Twitter: what do you think about justin bieber ?

Madonna: he's awesome. I'm a huge fan. I love it when he raps.

Justin Bieber to Madonna: seeing that is a huge honor. Yours is a career artists dream of. Congrats on the new album!

Justin to his fans: Nothing like your fans blowing u up saying Madonna talked about u. #livingTheDream #DreamBIG


Madonna: Come and join me on stage when I'm on tour when we are in the same city and congrats on your new single.

Jimmy Fallon: Did you know they spelled your name wrong on the cover? (Some letters are missing.) Hope you didn't print too many copies!

Madonna: i fired the guy who did it, but it fits better on a t-shirt so we're rolling with it...

Twitter: will there be a tour documentary?

Madonna: maybe

Twitter: have u got nay more injuries from rehearsals?

Madonna: yes. I have a broken finger. I broke it the other day. My pinky just at the top.

Twitter: Hey Madge, can i get a free bottle of Truth or Dare?... im BROKE!

Madonna: sure come on over.

Madonna: I'm at a place called Macys

Perez: How did you break your pinky????

Madonna: Fighting Off a sniper in Gang Bang

Twitter: what u think about Katy Perry ?

Madonna: she's hot. If she was my girl I'd never cheat on her.

[Katy Perry comes online after Madonna has been booted by the bird]

Katy Perry: which evolution of you in your career has been your favorite/ most fulfilling, besides the present?

[she learns of Madonna's "she's hot..."]

Katy Perry: Well played my Queen. My move...

Twitter: What do you do to relax after a performance???

Madonna: I get a massage (with a happy ending)

Twitter: My birthday is August 17, we have a party together???? s2 s2 s2

Madonna: will you pay for it?

Twitter: Why are you tweeting with your glasses on? tongue.png

Madonna: cause im cool. all this new found fame is freaking me out.

T: Do you believe in law of attraction??

M: are you attracted to me?

T: Hey Madonna can I be your next boyfriend?? I'm 20 and I love private jets smile.png

M: send me a picture!

T: was it fun working with Kelly Osbourne and Taylor Momsen in Material Girl?

M: Yes, they are both lovely girls.

T: How is NickiMinaj as a kisser?

M: soft lips sink ships

[Nicki was giddy on Twitter after the kiss back in December. There was a camera there and the video of the kiss came out yesterday: https://twitter.com/...v%3DF1jqi_YmzVA]

T: Are you a good kisser? wink.png

M: most definitely

deadmau5 (they're DJ's who wear some weird mouse thing. One of the guys called her a f-in idiot on Facebook earlier in the day for asking the audience at the EDM Fest if "they've seen Molly." Molly is a reference to Ecstacy) : You're a role model to 100's of millions. You have a powerful voice,EDM could use your positive influence, not "molly" talk.

Madonna: lovemau5


deadmau5: fair enough, i was just voicing my concerns as i usually do. +1 respect for clearing it up personally.


Madonna: Communication is always best. You should have called me first, we could have cleared it up "privately." wink.png See you on the road.

deadmau5: sure. regardless, just be a little more aware of what you *should* represent at EDM events, and ill watch my mouth.

[Later, after she return for a minute after being booted]

Madonna: broken pinky swear


deadmau5: not gunna lie, thats pretty gross. that'll do though.

T: Is your love a revolver?

M: my sex is a killer

T: can I have your Chanel gloves you have on? tongue.png

M: After I am done sweating in them and ripping them to shreds.

T: How long are you tweeting? I have to work in the morning

M: not telling. hang tough baby.

T: How do you feel about bullying and what do you think about Gaga's work with the Born This Way Foundation

M: I applaud Lady Gaga support of the gay community and her commitment to stop bullying.

T: could you tweet me so i can be the cool kid on my block?

M: you are amazing. lets be bffs.

T: what is your favorite place to hide?

M: bathroom

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Billboard adds their educated-predictions to the mix, which are basically the same as the above. For the price of Madonna's tickets those "free" CD's should count. I was surprised when I was hearing it wouldn't count, but I guess that was inaccurate.

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It's #1 in the UK midweeks as well. Meaning this Sunday when that chart is published, she'll beat Elvis for most #1 albums for a solo artist on the UK album chart.

It's also #1 on most worldwide iTunes charts. Say what you want about her, but Madonna is one of the very few stars with GLOBAL appeal that we have.

Here's her lipsyncing Like A Virgin on Top of the Pops in 1985 with a very bad pink wig on!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Jz_Q0HsOm7M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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The 80s and horrible hair decisions, heh.

I was looking at her international numbers (from the 80s thru to today - sales, #1 and Top 10 singles/albums) not too long ago, and they're friggin' amazing. Despite #1 openings for her albums, the U.S. has ignored her singles for those albums so I would not have guessed what huge hits Hung Up, Sorry and to a lesser extent Celebration were internationally.

This is another good documentary on Madonna. This is the U.K.'s version of "Driven" so it's more sexed up and more scandalous. It's a pretty good counterpart to "Driven." We have the female partner that discovered Madonna in this one, the male one was in "Driven." There's A LOT of old boyfriends and some of the people she used to club with. So Madonna and Stephen Bray were an item? I don't know why I didn't guess that, haha.





Link to Part 5: http://madonnabce.vodspot.tv/#1755083

Ugh, part 6 won't link. Go to this site: http://madonnabce.vodspot.tv/ Press the big right side arrows 5 times. 3rd Row, 2nd Column.

I'll probably post Rising this weekend. That's an MTV special where she goes around her old places in NY late at night.

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