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Didnt they play truth or dare and that's when it happened??

That sucks that they are trimming down the episodes. I'm not sure how the novelas on Telemundo tape. The Univision novelas are shown in Mexico first before we the USA viewers get them so feedback and low ratings dont matter instead the novela is moved to the afternoon or late at night if ratings are low. I think the Telemundo novelas are first run USA novelas and then go to Mexico but not sure how far advance the taping is. There was no point in doing the gay storyline if they werent going to show kissing. They completely dropped the intericial storyline as well. The show seemed to pick up when Miranda/Mauricio were on 24/7 but too much of a good thing isnt good as the ratings have dropped to .3 in the key demos. I think had the stories been better balanced with growth the ratings would have improved. Instead we got chopped, dropped and incomplete stories.

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Wait, are you referring to the pool scene? Nora kissed Ale and then Nora told Sebastian to kiss Ale. Sebastian was about to kiss Ale, but Ale said no it wouldn't be right.

Have they also downplayed the Cassius / Sofia plotline? That was one of the stories I seem to recall them promoting, but nothing really happened between the two in the episodes I saw. I didn't realize that. It's rather pathetic that they buy the rights to such an edgy program and then dilute it. And you know what's funny, I find the most offensive dangerous relationship to be the one between Miranda / Mauricio when Miranda knows the truth. Go figure.

I wonder if Miranda's father will end up popping up. I got the sense one of the show's arcs involving the drug deals would eventually involve bringing on her not-so-dead father to save the day.

I saw a couple of scenes on youtube. I liked that everyone reacted to Miranda being accused, but I hated the whole execution of Olivia / Miranda / Mauricio. There were a few moments of pure joy for me (Mauricio realizing Georgia's consent laws were different / Mau fliritng with Olivia in Savannah / Orlando telling Olivia she was jealous of Miranda) but a lot of the other beats fell flat. Olivia seemed obsessive, Miranda indecisive, and Mau horny. Throwing in the J.P. didn't help. I'm disappointed with the final results.

I'm sure this will be rather unpopular, but I love the whole Diego is going to marry Nora so Nora can have her greencard plot. I know Nuke / ATWT fans might cry follow after Amera, but I feel like the dynamics are different. I love Nora's mother telling her to marry a doctor's son. I love how Sebastian offered to marry her (did this actually air, it wasn't in the clips I saw). I liked the Sebastian / Nora / Diego / Ale story, but I wish it had been written properly.

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Tonight's show had a tag with the final weeks to its previews. This really sucks. So many stories that have been cut. The gay storyline...just ugh......so much that could have been told. What a waste.

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So Miranda was finally arrested with Mauricio for trying to leave the country.......and Diego is going to buy a wedding ring so that Nora wont be deported with Alex in toe to buy it....lol..and Nora following them....lol......Its interesting how some of the flashbacks of Diego and Alex are some that I havent seen....like the one last night with Diego telling Alex he was in love with both of them....when was that shown??

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There is another scene after Miranda's marriage with Diego and Alex that doesnt make sense either....Alex talks about Diego kissing him again during the wedding but we never saw it...ugh....this is the pits....I thought things couldnt get worse....

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Wow talk about dropping stories...the finale is on Monday with a lot of stories dropped....lol

Everything else so rushed...the graduation...now they are working with jobs....most with children.....oye.....what a mess of a soap this became

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Here is the ending they didnt go with....seriously I have so much to say about this soap opera that had so much potential.......from the gay storyline to the interrical storyline...and the bizarre wedding that never happened that was dropped...and Miranda and Mauricio wedding that was never shown either.....not to mention secrets that never came out.....sigh

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He had a threesome with 2 other guys the night he got wasted with drugs and booze. I think thats what you are refering to?? I dont think it was picture but an actual video..recorded by Max. If that is what you are referring to ...then yes it was revealed to everyone. Sebastian's dad had a fit and started beating the crap out Gonzalo when he saw the video of him having sex with his other son.

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No Ale didnt...he made some comment about how he was treated for being gay yet Gonzalo had already done the dirty with guys...lol......but he never confronted Gonzalo or Max for that matter. The next time they were all together was at the end during the reunion of their graduation.....Gonzalo was drug free doing well for himself and wanted back Elizabeth but she chose Max over him. That would have been a perfect time to have Ale confront them but no instead Diego professed his love for Ale no matter who was against it....such a cheap ending to storyline that had potential. There were no more scenes with his dad about Ale or with Ale's parents.

Patty's insta story with her getting married to a guy she dumped was completely dropped....lol...what a mess.

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