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B&B: August Discussion Thread

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Brooke ruined what would have been Hope's first time. Hoep said everything about her was all Brooke's idea. From the lingerie, to the Brooke perfume to her entire getup; she was channelling her mother and it made her uncomfortable and awkward. Brooke in hindsight should have left her alone to do this on her own terms, comfortable with what she was safe with instead of pushing her "sex kit" on her. Hope looked like a little girl trying to play dress up and dressed up to look and smell like her mother!

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What Brooke did was strange and out of line and yet, I think Hope would have found a reason to back out in any case. She's not ready and I'm not so sure someone who isn't ready for sex is ready for marriage. It's not as if she is holding out for religious reasons. If this marriage actually happens, Hope is one marriage closer to her mother's record, cause there is no way it's going to last.

I think Hope needs to see someone and deal with her mother issues...no, not Taylor!! tongue.png

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I think she's scared of sex and I definetly dont think she would have done it. I think its psychological as she keeps bringing up Brooke's name whenever the subject comes up. She's terrified of ending up like her mother.She has all these negative connotations about sex and she assoicates that with Brooke. The scandals, skanky reputation, the humiliation and ridicule (which Brooke drew her into last summer with necklacegate) is all stuff Hope is actively trying to avoid and I think she feels that if she has sex, she's doomed to suffer

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I like Hope too---but I'm way over the interminale "burden" of who she gives it up to too. I like Liam and Hope, and I could live with Steffy and Ollie. I won't respect Liam if he boffs Steffy over blue balls, and I didn't like Hope and Ollie.

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I think it's boring to but I respect her for it & understand. She wants her first time to be perfect & doesn't want it all to happen so fast.

Literally, all the pairs you have up there, I like. Steffy/Liam/Oliver/Hope, I like all the potential pairings in there! It's crazy. Though, I don't think Steffy really fits in there since I think her heart is still with Bill even though she's kinda blocking him out right now.

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Neither Hope nor Steffy have any formal college education experience and both have 'parent' issues. I don't know if the writers are complete misogynists or if they're so fascinated by this type of character that they haven't even thought of the misogyny. Hope's issues with Brooke are only because the Forresters have dragged much of Brooke's life into the public arena. Steffy has the same hang ups in different ways. She has a mother who plays pure, but whose sexual history is as extensive as Brooke's or worse - Taylor's history, like the character, is overlooked and set aside as inconsequential.

Steffy doesn't think her behavior is wrong, no matter how sleazy, becuase she ahs a mother whose behavior has been a bit wreckless at times and who still gets a pass as a 'good' person. The same with her grandmother. Steph lied about Ridge's paternity for decades, always knowing the truth, and it's no biggie. She had sex with two men within days? Weeks of one another and never revealed the truth.

I still don't get it that Brooke gets the 'slut' label while Stephanie, Taylor, and Steffy walk free.

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Oh. Lord.

Now Hope's "entire life" was rife with men tramping in and out of her mother's bedroom. What a crock. The only men Brooke has bumped into post Deacon are Nick and Ridge. Other than those two minutes up against a wall with Ollie.

Sorry, I don't believe Steffy's "Hope and I would be friends except for our mothers drama" either. Aside from Ridge, Steffy and Hope really have nothing in common.

BTW...has Steffy EVER had sex on-screen? I didn't think she and Rick did...Bill was a no-go. Am I forgetting somebody?

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She and Rick have had sex. He's actually the only one. For all her talk, she really isnt all that experienced

Im getting sick of Hope badmouthing Brooke. She is coming across very pretentious. She has some major psychological issue stemming from sex and seems to be traumtized by having Brooke as a mother. She keeps bringing up Brooke's sexual past to justify why she wont have sex and she has been doing that alot lately.

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God...I don't know who's more obnoxious. Steffy "Hope is a c*cktease who won't want to screw you ever" or Taylor, who's advocating Steffy's relationship with someone who CONTINUES to be by definition, someone else's man.

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I choose not to choose, PJ. They're equally disgusting, IMO. The writers are way to fascinated with Brooke's parts. The only men she's ever been with are men she's been in a serious relationship with (engaged) or married to. Deacon was the one exception, I believe.

Taylor had sex with 'strange men she didn't know' and ran through TWO families... no such comments on her lackluster love life... it's always about Brooke's life. If I was the actress, I'd be a little peeved that taylor's life never rates for much, even the seedier side of the character's life.

We don't know who or what Steffy was doing when she was off traipsing across continents, but unlike Pheebs, there was no pretense that being with Rick was her 'first time'. Maybe it's like Brooke

The reference was to boarding school, not college, from what I remember. Pheebs came home early, Steffy chose to stay and then traveled. Thomas is the only one who was supposed to have gone to college. It was one of the conditions of Ridge beating Thomas in that ridiculous fashion show -- divorce Gabby, go to school

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