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Sheila’s only just arrived in B&B at this point. She still has to marry Eric and then go through marital problems before the Catalina events of 1995…though of course the three of them will have interacted on both shows between “now” and Catalina, discovering Sheila’s still alive, etc…

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Welcome and thank you for the dropping the Cala episodes into the Vault.

Try this with the .ts file: open in QuickTime player and then save as .mp4. This has always worked for me and there is no loss of quality.

Can you tell us more about the Cala broadcast. When did they commence airing Bold? How many episodes per week? Are they currently screening 1995 episodes? Does Cala have a website where they stream the episodes after broadcast?

Whatever episodes you capture and post to the Vault will always be very much appreciated by everyone. Full complete episodes (with closing credits) if possible

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Thanks again.

Edited by boldbeautifulau
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That's awesome news. I was just thinking about Cala classics recently and how the uploader disappeared. It's great that there's someone else with access now! It sounds like unlike videoland there's no archive so no way to get those missing episodes? But still would be amazing if you could capture them going forward. I would suggest maybe to try and capture the daily episode and have the weekend marathon as a backup in case there's a problem, but if all you can do is the marathon that's perfectly fine, believe me we TRULY appreciate anything someone can give.

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I haven't had the chance to check out the videos yet. I would suggest using Handbrake to reencode. It's free. They have a web optimized button to check off which generates a high quality video with a reasonable file size. It would help to know exactly what your process is to capture them. I'm not familiar with ts files but Handbrake usually works with everything I've tried. I'm definitely not an expert or anything like that, but if you want to send me a PM I can do some research and try to help you figure out a solution. 



That's awesome news. I was just thinking about Cala classics recently and how the uploader disappeared. It's great that there's someone else with access now! It sounds like unlike videoland there's no archive so no way to get those missing episodes? But still would be amazing if you could capture them going forward. I would suggest maybe to try and capture the daily episode and have the weekend marathon as a backup in case there's a problem, but if all you can do is the marathon that's perfectly fine, believe me we TRULY appreciate anything someone can give.


I haven't had the chance to check out the videos yet. I would suggest using Handbrake to reencode. It's free. They have a web optimized button to check off which generates a high quality video with a reasonable file size. It would help to know exactly what your process is to capture them. I'm not familiar with ts files but Handbrake usually works with everything I've tried. I'm definitely not an expert or anything like that, but if you want to send me a PM I can do some research and try to help you figure out a solution. 

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Oooh I’ll give that a shot. Haven’t used QuickTime in forever haha 


I know absolutely nothing in regards to anything Cala other than that the episodes are airing now and that they aired before and someone uploaded 1994 episodes haha. 
I believe it’s 10 episodes a week and from y’all’s searching it seems like 1995? They don’t have a functioning website or any streaming options at this point that I can find.

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The Official YouTube just published a huge batch of episodes - through June 8, 1987 (Episode 56).  Time will tell if they got wise to people wanting to binge watch or if they just made a mistake. The exciting thing is once they get up to July maybe we'll finally find out the dates for each episode number (due to July 1987 preemptions). Although, once they get up to those dates a lot of newbie fans will complain that there are missing episodes because they won't realize. They should have titled them by episode number instead.

Edited by BoldRestless
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Silly me. Not sure why I wrote 1995. In my head I didn't think it possible Sheila romanced Eric, he got divorced from Brooke, Sheila married him, and had marital issues all within the space of 18 months! Things happen fast on soaps!!! Catalina was indeed November 1993.

Yes they really should put both episode number and airdate in the video title. Although if you expand the description it shows the episode number.

This was a planned thing to drop up to episode 56 on October 1st, it was advertised in their banner as coming October 1. So yes I agree, they've listened to complaints about the daily drop and will likely drop them now in blocks.

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