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Kirk Cameron criticizes Stephen Hawking over 'heaven' comments


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Woah, this is way later than I expected. She did this AFTER she was fired or...? Cos really the whole premise really is a rather thinly-veiled message to GP if it was shot after she was fired.

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I had forgotten about that episode. To me the later seasons were worse and worse - I hated how one-note the characters seemed to become.

I thought Cameron said he had saved or delivered his sister. If so then good luck to her...

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Just watched the episode. Ugh, I hate how stilted and "and then we learned..." the ending is. UGHHH. I don't blame Bea for her comments, really. But the girls really had the talent to pull off the awful punch-liney humour, which is likely what saved them for so long.

You know, back to Kirk and his sister. They talk a lot (still) about gays "recruiting the children". What do you call what Kirk did to his sister then? :huh:

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beebs ..I keep forgettng you are a male and not female...lol

That episode of GG is pretty bad.

As for Kirk and gays...I'd like to meet him and see what he would tell me about being gay.....lol

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LOL. I don't post enough so I suppose it's an easy assumption to make! I'm a bit of an enigma like that :o

I didn't mind the episode, but yea, GG was definitely running on fumes by this point. The fact that S7 consisted almost entirely of clip shows speaks volumes.

You'd probably get exorcised in a hot minute. Or just get a lot of loosely homo-related biblical passages hollered at you from a distance of 20ft so he didn't catch anything :P

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Candace isnt an extreamist tho. She is deeply religious and speaks out about it and all of that, but she isnt going around screaming people are going to hell. I was worried when she came onto Make it or Break it knowing she had creative control over her character as far as things with her religion go, but its been done great.

Kirk is like many born again types. He has the fear of god installed in him and feels the need to force that onto everybody. And the mere idea that someone disagrees with him drives him insane.

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okay yeah, I should have realized that if she was as crazed as Kirk, she probably wouldn't even be on MIOBI. On her website, though, she has a link to the Way of the Master craziness, but I guess she's just being nice to brother.

I just don't know what to say about Kirk, though. I've no problems with people who are dedicated to their religion at all, that's just something you have to deal with and accept in this part of the country, but Kirk's just nuts. Watch the "Are you a good person?" thing on his site.

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CC is pretty deep into it, i think she is just able to separate her personal life and her career to a point. She wont be playing a gangbanging hooker or anything, but she does quite a bit on this show that goes against her religion.

There is nothing wrong with being religious and passionate, but people like Kirk isntall fear and play off that fear.

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