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OLTL: Echo

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So With

So why Make Her Rex's Bio Mom. Why Not Have Roxy Had Twins, Sky & Rex

im Not Buying Echo as Maternal and these Grandma scenes with Shane Should Be Roxy

They Could have just used Echo In The Charlie Story And Not Of This Rex Mess

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Well, that's always the problem with the Countess DiSavoy, isn't it? Whether it's 1983, or 2011, the question remains the same: What in the hell is she doing there?

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OLTL, and soaps in general, does not care about mother/child relationships. It's fathers only. Having Echo as Rex's mother was a splashy end to a stupid and constantly changing story. Now Echo will go and they can focus on the "real" relationships - Jerry ver Dorn and Bob Woods carrying water for talentless JPL.

I did like the Echo/Shane scenes but they were very short.

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Yeah, I liked Echo taking a sudden interest in Shane's life and getting all nosey and very protective right off the bat. But I agree that there's room for some Roxy in there too, and more reason to play up the little rivalry they've already established. Problem is, OLTL seems so uninterested in these types of juicy little character driven opportunities. That's one of the things that bugs me the most about OLTL. They take the talented cast members and rich characters they have for granted, they don't dig deep enough, they play surface and they don't spread the wealth. For instance, 3/4 of a week may be devoted to Aubrey/Cutter or Tess/Ford/Starr/James stuff that could have been accomplished in half as many scenes. I really like the show's supporting players and it's almost a cruel joke how much I do and how they're lucky to get half an episode a week. The fact that Charlie is being ruined is a whole 'nother story.

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It takes twice as much time with failures like Aubrey/Cutter and the Fords, because you need extra scenes where other characters are trashed to make them look better. Oh Tess is so annoying/Clint is so mean, I hope Ford gets them. Gee, Joey is so dumb and Clint is evil, I hope Aubrey gets everything.

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I enjoyed the Echo/Shane scenes as well. I thought they had decent chemistry together and I also think they look like they could be related. I thought that Echo came off believable as Shane's concerned, proud grandma. I wouldn't mind seeing them interact together more.

I wouldn't mind if Clint got to know Shane better and developed a soft spot for him, in spite of his disdain for Rex. And in spite of not wanting Rex to be apart of his family. I think that if that happened, it could be interesting and could go towards "redeeming" Clint. I'm not sure how long this bullying storyline will go on, but if Clint started to get closer to Shane before the bullying stuff comes to a climax and the big fallout from that storyline, it could be interesting to see how Clint reacts to whatever happens to Shane.

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