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OLTL: Discussion for the week December 13

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I say "Yes" a lot of the time when people are calling me/asking/telling me to do something. I just think it's sounds nicer/softer than "What" does. Or if I don't say "Yes", I'll ask them what did they say or what did they need.

I think that "Yes" sounds nicer than "What" does. But one of the responses I dislike the most to when people are trying to clarify/ask something is when they go "I'm sorry?" (Usually with an attitude).

Like when you say something to a person and they don't understand what you said. And they go "I'm sorry?" I have noticed that a lot of the time when people say "I'm sorry" like that they say it in a rude tone. I don't care for when people do that.

Regarding Darren, I was okay with him telling Nate that his father was dead. Even though I think it might have been better if he hadn't beated around the bush as much as he did. I do think that "passed away" sounds softer, but I'm okay with someone saying a person has flat out died.

A lot of times when I hear that someone has "passed away", I think of people that have died of a disease or old age. I think that saying someone is dead or was killed, fits more with someone that has been murdered like Eddie, or someone who died in some type of accident.

Also I noticed often on soaps/tv people will say someone is "gone" when they die. And when I hear that to describe someone who has died, I usually think of someone who is presumed dead, without a body. (Like someone who was "killed" in a car accident or plane crash, but there body hasn't been found.)

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Very true indeed Carl. Watching the scenes where James was shot, to the scenes at the gym where James was supposed to be conflicted over taking the gun, Robuck's acting has been laughable in dramatic scenes.

The script for the Natalie and Rex scenes today is very clunky today. "Nobody can break up Bo and Nora!" Close up of MA's face. :lol:

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The Fords are constant lowered expectations. The idea is supposed to be they're so hot and sweet, who cares if they can act, if they aren't horrible, then let's praise them. But they really aren't hot or sweet or talented. If the show needed this type of role they could have cast a porn actor - some of them are more talented than the Ford brothers anyway.

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