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AMC - Friday - December 3,2010

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yeah her hands completely ruin the look. I dont know what she was going for. She is also way too skinny to be wearing such a short dress. She doesnt have the curves to pull it off. She looks better when she sticks to pants


Good Hair Ho


After Glow Ho


Vigilante Ho


Whinny Ass Ho


Universal Propping Ho


Fashion Fail Ho

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More like Pointless Ho.

Maybe this is product placement for Urban Outfitters, Aeropostale or another of those chains that the iGen poseurs all love so much. Not quite as in your face as DAYS and the Cheerios and a whole lot better than Adam Chandler's random love for Prego's Heart Smart Spaghetti Sauce.

And Jamie Luner's hair :wub:. I don't usually covet the hair of white women but she should be doing commercials. Maybe a product placement for Garnier Fructis?

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Missed the show.

So Grandma Boring is wearing fingerless gloves? Any reason why? Is she trying to be "hip"? LOL!

I've worn those... but only on occasion when I go clubbing with friends.

Other than that, you can't get away with wearing them (unless you're Lady Gaga or Madonna).

Love the "After Glow Ho"! :wub:

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I guess that would make JR, Jack Rabbit Ho..srsly they had sex twice he wanted a third before leaving DC, prbly would have gone #3 if AJ hadn't called. I loved that dress JR bought Annie. :wub:


OMG what were they thinking. Are the gloves a hint that she's a lesbian? I mean IDK WTH that was all about.

Erica vs Liza, that needs to so happen. On top of Erica vs Krystal.

Colby is getting horny around Asher. It's not if, it's when she sleeps w/ him. Telling Damon "what about what I need!" translation it's Sahara Desert in her bed and Mr.Abs is walking around in her brother's shorts.:lol:

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Loved today's show!!

Did Asher borrow those workout shorts from JR?! I distinctly remember JR wearing those shorts in an episode back in June...the one where Annie was in the Chandler living room & JR came in through the back after a long run. He was hot & sweaty and he was wearing those same exact shorts I know it!

I understood Colby's frustration with Damon. He's caught up in work and she never gets to see him anymore. I understand his side to, though. He's working two jobs all for her. He's excited when he gets his paychecks so that he could take her out for nice dinners...aww lol. And he's working for Liza because eventually it could turn into something more and it'll be great for them. But I don't think Colby will be able to wait, she's going to get bored and jump Asher's bones any day now.

Erica/Liza is fantastic. And Erica is still kind of acting weird, why did she go back to the rooftop? I feel like something more went on that night. I hope so.

JR and Annie were great...I like JR's plan. I understand why Annie doesn't like it but I think it's great. He needs to get on Marissa's good side somehow. I hope it works because I think this custody suit just needs to be over already. Ready to move on from all of this.

Love Jill Ackles directing on AMC

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