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ABC to remake "Incredible Hulk"


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So, not only are we getting another remake, but the man who executive produced the dismal flop that was the Bionic Woman remake (and I believe even bragged about never having seen the original version), is going to help create this too. What can you say about network TV? Let's have someone who has already proven that they can't remake classic TV shows remake another one! I guess the networks just can't resist handing job after job to the more ponderous than thou BSG group, even though their track record has been poor on just about everything outside of BSG. I wish they could just go create some depressed, darkly lit, navel-gazing version of Qwark or something...


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With some of the people they've hired, I don't know. There were some very negative comments at Deadline from some posters who have worked with Eick, and he was just terrible on Bionic Woman, it really was a lousy show in just about every way, and that comes from the top.

I will be surprised if any of these shows are a success. Remaking Charlie's Angels? Why? Considering how misogynist the media is today, they will probably make the old show seem like Gloria Steinem.

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^^Nice. ^_^

When I saw only half of this thread title on the main page ("ABC to remake Incredible..."), for some reason my mind went to "Amazing Stories". I was prepared to semi-sh!t on that idea, "Certain shows just had their moment, if you can't really do it better, try smething new, enough with the remakes", but wow, yet another Incredible Hulk? I really spoke too soon.

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It's ridiculous. They did two poorly-received movies, might as well follow it up with a no doubt poorly-received TV series. I'm sick and tired of this "Oh yeah, man, we're gonna redo the theme song and include those iconic catchphrases, it's gonna be just like the original, just a little updated." Bullshit.

And I don't have anything against remakes, really. I just hate half-ass remakes that are crappy shows using a popular/beloved title and cast of characters to hook audiences into watching. At least 90210 had the sense to cut ties with the original and own that.

And those annual rumblings of a CA remake always frighten me because they don't make shows like CA anymore (and I mean that -- they don't make those types of detective shows anymore, at all), and shoehorning lame comedy and lame story arcs into it will render it unCA. Look at Hawaii Five-0. It annoys me that they considered updating the theme song more important than paying attention to the actual theme/tone/feel of the show. McGarrett and Danny should not be randomly playing basketball with DL Hughley for five minutes.

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This will be a disaster, I'm sure. The only reboot TV shows I really like are 90210 and the too-soon deceased Melreose Place. I Like Hawaii Five-0 But it feels more like a totally different show that happens to have the same theme song and characters with the same names.

I could get behind a Dynasty remake if they got Joan Collins, but other than that I think I'm against it as a whole.

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Remakes sound fun for about a second on paper. Well, they used to when they first started cropping up. Can't say that I remember (or even watched) a full episode, but when I caught Love Boat: The Next Wave, I remember smiling lightly as the old familiar theme played, thinking, "Aw, this is nice... good memories, good times, nice decent family show back on the air." But I guess it didn't do so well, writing was probably way corny, it got canned. Then there was the bizarre Fantasy Island retread with Malcolm McDowell and Madchen Amick. One of the first scenes was of MM's character ordering someone to burn all of those white suits. Hm. Okay. Interesting. We're going "darker" here. But we're destroying/disrespecting the iconograpy of the brand along the way. Iffy territory here. These folks want the lure of the brand yet consumed with their own arrogance about doing their new and hip way. Why not just do your own show that's inspired by a classic show. For instance, you don't remake The Golden Girls, but go ahead and give us Living Single or The First Wives Club. Don't give me a K.I.T.T. who isn't a Trans-Am, a Bumblebee who isn't a VW bug.

All in all, these remarks are just dicey, unpredictable ventures. I mean, what makes The Bradys a bomb and The Brady Bunch Movie a hit? Besides taste, wit and some great tongue-in-cheek material, of course. ^_^

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I didn't mind the Fantasy Island remake as much because the original Fantasy Island was supposed to be dark (the first episode is quite dark at times) but it was then toned down. I do think they went too far in the remake, but with proper time and guidance it might have worked. The problem is why do these shows need to be remade? If you're just cashing in on the name, then don't do it. Viewers may be stupid but they aren't that stupid.

The Brady Bunch has a long history of not knowing its limits. The Bradys in a manic variety show format? Flop. Brady Brides? Flop. The Bradys in a cheesy, way too dramatic, self-serious show with a recast of its most iconic character? Flop. The Christmas movie was a success because it captured the appeal of the original show and also kept it in a self-contained format, not a weekly series. Then with the movies, the first was fun and had some heart while still spoofing the original. The second was crass, and too hard-edged, and also pointless.

There are so few quality shows now and so few real stars so everything is just regurgitated and we're supposed to go along because it's somehow supposed to be fresh. Remember when they tried this line with the Bewitched movie, and then the whole ad campaign was Will Ferrell yelling.

Why not remake or update shows that didn't do all that well the first time or did well but can be improved on?

I've been watching some of that Rex Smith show, Street Hawk, and it's not bad at all, it's hilarious and cheesy and so serious but has some fun moments and the cast had good chemistry. Smith says he has an adaptation of that involving himself and his son. If you're that desperate then why not bring that back? Hell, throw Avery Brooks in too. Maybe Ron Moore can come along and then the press will have an orgasm.

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Just UGH... Nothing beats the original and I absolutely hated the Hulk movies. I'm already dreading the cheap special effects when Banner turn into Hulk.

Speaking of remakes, I thought Knight Rider had a good shot and Justin Bruening was believable however the writing was atrocious. If someone had really cared about the reboot the show could have been saved.

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