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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I was a little disappointed here. First Andrea: The show spent an entire year having us follow her. Previous to that it was established Andrea was a tough customer who would go down swinging. Last week she got her battle but it was more like she was stalked and defended herself, and after the brave way she ended the previous season with guns blazing her story fizzles out thanks to a zombie geek? That was why we watched her this year, to die as an incident off camera and not even in the main field of battle saving everyone a la Merle and dying a hero?

Which brings us to the Governor. Here again we spent a year watching as the two tribes slowly march toward war. So what happens? The Governor kills all his own army, he has no one left to fight and the other team wins by default. That is what the build up was for? No Rick vs Gov fighting for their lives, no Daryl being cool with arrows? Just the Governor gets mad at his troops and kills them all? What is that? And then do we even know what his status is? He drove off with the main henchmen I guess to return next year so that basically means this year didn't matter because he will want a rematch.

And then who were those busload of women? If the entire town was finished because all the men got killed and all that remained was the women and children unable to defend themselves, why didn't Rick and co. just move into the town instead of bringing the town back to the prison? They had actual beds and baths there. And I don't understand why they even included the character of Tyreese. He doesn't do anything and now that is literally true. Everyone is going to the big showdown and he can pick any side he wants, so he decides to stay home. So why was he added to the show? He didn't save anyone or kill anyone. He and his sister served no purpose. Anyway, love the show but this ended with a whimper, not a bang.

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I have been thinking about the tragedy of Milton and Andrea's deaths. They were both decent people trying to hold onto their humanity. This is why Andrea did not kill Phillip in his sleep and Milton stopped her from killing him later in the torture chambers. Only for Phillip's cruelty, brutality, and madness to defeat them both.

I was glad that Rick went to look for Andrea. It is what separates him and his people from Shane/Phillip. It was very sad when Andrea said that she was glad that Michonne found her people since people could not survive alone. If anything the Zombie Apocalypse has shown us anything, it is that we need one another. This is the lesson that Rick is going to have to teach Carl before he turns into Shane/Phillip.

I am glad that both Tyreese and Sacha wised up to Phillip quickly and refused to be a part of his mob army. I hope that they get more to do next season.

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Quartermaine, ordinarily I'd agree because I wanted a battle royale. However, we were supposed to see the humanity left of the group and them simply defending their home. They were not successful with the farm. The first thing Glenn said before he began firing off rounds was "get the hell out of here". They had so many opportunities to kill all of them, especially Phillip, but that was not the group's goal. Imagine the damge they could have done with that weapon outside, but they simply disarmed it. My disappointment faded when I realized what the writers did here. Giving me Andrea's demise was more than sufficient! I'm still filled with glee wub.png

Andrea's death was about decisions. She made the wrong one - besides, her story was over the moment someone decided she should spend the entire season at WB (showed just how worthless Andrea really was)! Michonne was a friend to the end. But Andrea's gone, and there's no need for me to continue harping on it. It's all I've ever wanted wub.pngwub.png

Now, we have to see what the writers can do with all of those people because I'm just not sure about that.

Ann, I think the guys didn't kill Phillip because they believe in him, at least Martinez does. They had a few opps to off Phillip but didn't. It wasn't just fear. This man has been their leader and has kept them alive and protected them through all of this. Martinez called the others "pu$$ies" for punking out. He truly believes in Phillip but was just shocked at his "extreme" measures. Martinez doesn't get that this man is "mad"!

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Andrea did make the wrong decisions, but no one is perfect. We all make dumb decisions sometimes and hers led to her death.

But what I tell people, put urself in their shoes. If the zombie plague happened tommorow, we all would be screwed and I still think after watching zombie movies and shows, yep still screwed! We has humans freak out about everything! Look at hurricane Sandy and the massive snowstorms we got this year, people were doing just stupid things!

You have to give te show big props on how it handles what humans really would do under these kind of situations!

Buy I really wanted Andrea aroun to tap Rick, bc we all know home boy needs booty! Lol and someone needs to slap Carl a few times!

Edited by gtru1981
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I agree with some of what you're saying. I have a tough time with Andrea dying and the Governor living, because, narratively speaking, I feel like his story was done, while hers wasn't (admittedly she had no real ties left to Rick's group but I did want to see more of her with Michonne). I also think it's a very bleak message, with no real hope (this show isn't about hope but things like the CDC explosion or Lori's death had some hope mixed in with the pain). There are rumors Laurie Holden isn't happy either, and apparently she only found out before taping of the episode, which is somewhat unusual with the show.

The main problem with any confrontation is that the Governor would have blown them away. Yes, his people were a little slower, but he had tons more ammo, more manpower, and pure ruthlessness. I think that's one of the reasons the show actively avoided a direct confrontation.

The prison is better protected than the town, and also has room to plant crops.

Edited by CarlD2
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I would be surprised if they did not tell Laurie Holden until before they taped. If true, I think that was not cool. However, it does explain why she was not on Talking Dead.

I don't agree that Andrea's death was a bleak message at all. It was tragic to be sure, but the group was saved and they took in the weaker residents of Woodbury which is a very human ending to the season, imo.

I do agree that the writers were in a dilemma about how not to have our group slaughtered or decimated by Phillip's larger group. Quite a few people would be lost, much like in the comics so they decided avoid the problem by having Phillip kill all his people who were admittedly not battled trained,

I do think that prison is much easier to protect than Woodbury which has all sorts of entry points when you only have a limited number of guards.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I think both The Gov and Andrea's stories were done, and TWD did a soapy thing and kept The Gov. I thought it was going to be war and wanted 2 hours, but they decided to leave that threat lurking (not sure how I feel about this) and put Andrea out of our misery. She had no story left and LH will have to get over it and keep it moving.

I do, however, agree that there is no way a head on attack would have worked because the prison gang was simply out gunned. There would be no explaining how they beat Phillip's group. What could they do?

It didn't make much sense that Phillip's entire group went into the prison and left the outside unguarded. You don't leave a weapon like that with no guard. Both Andrea and Phillip should be gone, but I will settle for the ending we did get wub.png

Yes, I hated Andrea with every fiber of my being, but you guys can't tell me she had anything left after being away from the group for a whole season. It was a lesson about decisions. I'm cool with it.

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But was is most impressive is the 18 to 49 demos. They broke records again for that at 8.1 million compared to 7.7 back in Feb.

That is where the money comes from! They will be in second after football this year in the demo ratings which is very important!


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Damn, go TWD and TD! 6.4 in the 18 to 49 demo is crazy! I have to see the final numbers, but it looks like TD beat GOT in the 18 to 49 demo. TD was so good last night as well. I love Yvette and would love to see her four pages of notes. LOL!

Wait, didn't Jack Peyton go to last night's TD? I cannot wait to hear what it is like being in the audience.

Edited by Ann_SS
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