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It was a weird time for J&M.  Everything seemed really out of character and even when parts of it were in character it was the worst aspects of the characters.  After all the years and all the obstacles it was such a strange way to pull them apart.  And they were apart for a long time with things like John filing for divorce happening off screen.  

I am not sure if Tomsell wanted to reunite Roman/Marlena.  I think it was just to give Marlena the least amount to do lol.

Edited by carolineg
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Nope. He’s not justified in calling his wife a slut, nor is he justified in making her and the baby he raised homeless. This [!@#$%^&*] is why we hate Roman and why we laugh at you with your “Roman isn’t a jerk” posts. 

Getting his feefees hurt because he got cheated on does not give Roman the right to degrade the woman he supposedly loved, nor does it give him the right to be cruel to a baby, a baby he also supposedly loved. He’s a misogynistic pig. Can’t blame Marlena for cheating when Roman treated her like [!@#$%^&*] for years.

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Oh see, I would take the production of that time back than the one we have now, which at times is still too off-colour. The early days of Gary Tomlin & Christopher Whitesell were good, and I believe that was on the piggybacking of Marlene McPherson & Darrell Ray Thomas, Jnr (a team I much preferred). I believe a lot of that time involved some interfering with Sony Pictures Television due to the return of Eileen Davidson as Kristen. Both the hiring of the new head writers and the firing of Davidson as The Young and the Restless coincided. So that focus was clearly more with Davidson's return than anyone else.

Roman... wow. I much prefer this Roman over the bar-tending mutterer we have now.

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The issue, Donna dear, is that men should never call women a slut. 

It’s fucked up, Donna, that you, a woman, think it’s appropriate for misogynistic men like Roman to call women sluts.

The early days of TomSell were NOT good, lol 

As I pointed out earlier, they fired a ton of fan faves, wrote a homophobic storyline, and botched Eileen’s return.

They continued to [!@#$%^&*] up with other blunders like miscasting Krappie DePaiva as Eve Baron Donovan. 

They are the worst head writers Days has ever had, tied with the despicable Josh Griffith and his rape couch.


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I don't love this scene and I think he's overly harsh.  At the same time the reaction is perfectly normal.  Roman's whole world fell apart and publicly.  I think most people in this situation would say some pretty mean things.  I don't think he truly ever thought Marlena was a slut and this is all in the heat of the moment after hearing the details of the affair.  She slept with both men on the same night.  It's not great lol. 

As far as kicking Marlena out?  She's a grown woman who has a better career than Roman.  She can afford a hotel or an apartment and if she for some reason couldn't John wouldn't let her be homeless!  There isn't a real threat of Marlena having to live on the streets.  Were they both supposed to just keep living together?  Roman probably should have left instead, but he didn't do anything wrong.  And for the record, he only kicks Marlena out.  He keeps Belle with him.

I have issues with Roman trying to keep Belle from her (before the paternity came out), how he weaponizes Sami's anger against Marlena, and a lot of other things Roman does later on.  But in this moment?  I think it's a fair reaction even if it is pretty ugly.

Edited by carolineg
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John may have never called Marlena a "slut", but, let's be real, he has said and done a lot of hurtful things to her as well.  

Roman may have said mean things out of anger, but it was a perfectly normal response.  Plus, while Marlena may have been hurt by those words it didn't stop her from wanting to reunite with Roman, so she obviously didn't hold it against him too much.

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You once said you were a Jarlena fan but I’m not seeing it. 

As a woman you should be disgusted with a man calling a woman a slut or a whore or a bitch. 

At the end of the day, the fault lies with Isabella. Marlena was going to choose John over Roman until she found out Frizzy B was pregnant. I blame Brady as well.

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To be clear, I don't love the use of the word and I don't even think it's a very Roman thing to say, but it was a very heated conversation.  I think it's more of a soap cliche to call a woman a slut especially in the 90's on soaps, so I take it more of the sign of the times than anything.  It heightened the drama.  I also do see Roman as a character that would jump to anger before the hurt and sadness sunk in.   I will say some of the affair fallout scenes between Marlena and Roman make me wince and cringe because they are brutal, but putting myself in Roman's shoes that was really awful for him.   I believe John and Marlena suffered for years because of this and more than made up for their sins.  I still feel for Roman too.  It was 3 generally good people caught in a really bad situation.  Once Wayne leaves and Roman just ups and skips town I have less sympathy.

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