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Y&R- Week of August 16th

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The problem with Y&R is that the a bunch of hack writers are running it thinking what they're doing is so exciting, avant guarde, and groundbreakingly new, when it's not. It's horribly paced, executed, out of character bullsh!t.

They've completely forgotten about soap basics and telling an actual story. This show really needs to return to basics, because they can't do anything else. But with this writing team, we're stuck with this vision until cancellation. It's easier for me to not watching this BORING trainwreck anymore.

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They could borrow from Josh Morrow's past of nude photos.

They just don't know how to do ANYTHING. I guess you could expect that from Sheffer's trainwrecks at ATWT and DAYS and MAB's aimless months before other people were brought in, but I'm surprised that Rauch hasn't done more.

They don't even know how to capitalize on what they have brought in that some fans enjoy. Like all the love for Muhney. Even now Adam gets crappy storylines that are just repeats and make his character look pathetic.

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I'm not sure Adam is the best example. I mean, what could they really do with him at this point that would work well? Maybe he didn't outright murder Ashley's baby, but he made her mourn for the baby she lost and for Faith. The more I think about it the more it annoys me that the show has merged those two losses. Ashley grew attached to Faith and thought of her as a daughter thanks to Adam's lies.

Maybe, if the show hadn't used all of it's crazy doppelganger currency X1000, they could have salvaged Adam by making the one that did all those insane things last summer an impostor, but they can't go there now without this show being an even bigger joke than it already is. So now we are pretty much stuck with a character that is something along the lines of Todd Manning. A damaged character that is very, very hard to root for. MM is doing what he can with the role, but the writers have really mucked this character up.

Now his redemption is his love for Sharon.blink.gif Great, let's use his love for his victim to salvage the character. Never mind that this is going to make Sharon look even more pathetic and weak than she already does thanks to Nick. LML may have had many faults, but she wrote Sharon much better than MAB, imo. I loved the Sharon that was ready to move on without Nick and seemed to be pulling her life together on her own terms after their divorce. Goodbye to all that. Hello to loving the man who let you think you'd lost a third daughter.

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They could ignore all that and plow forward. It might disturb us, but many other fans would probably think it was not a big deal, and just think Adam is hot, Adam is tormented and the mean Newmans need to leave him alone, Ashley needs to get over herself, etc.

They could have written Adam out, but they've chosen to keep him around and yet the way they're doing it doesn't seem to please much of anyone.

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Is this show even worth talking about? I mean really.

Not too long ago, this thread would have been 22 pages, though it was mostly 5 people telling Alphanguy & MarkH that the show sucks, and the rest complaining about actors that actually look GOOD to us now.

You know the show has taken a wrong turn when fans are SCREAMING for the return of Vail Bloom.


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