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AMC: Thursday, July 8, 2010

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I have wanted this, but with Show Killer Kreizman, the story will be over in 2 weeks. Look at how fast that moron is moving. With SKK, there is absolutely no time to enjoy the characters or stories because he has this "drive thru" method of storytelling. He just doesn't get it.


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JR was indeed with Frankie Stone more than a few years back! I think it was 9 years ago! That was the impetus for that shithouse storyline by Richard Culliton. Bianca caught JR and Frankie in bed and was so heartbroken that she ran off and blacked out. Next thing we knew, Erica saw her over Frankie's dead body. Erica assumed that Bianca shot Frankie out of a jealous rage and proceeded to do one of the WORST cover ups in the history of this show, by having a circus of a trial with Chris Stamp as her lawyer, whom she promptly fired and then chose to represent herself... which is how Alicia Minshew's Kendall was brought to town. Erica called her to testify for some obscure reason (the infamous "Hello Erica" slap)... and we were stuck with her for 8 years.

Oh... and of course "Proteus/Vanessa" murdered her niece Frankie, who was really working for Vanessa in the drug ring. :rolleyes:

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I agree, but I also wouldn't be as angry if AMC ever did give David back his medical license. I mean at least David is good at his job, and has made a name for himself in the field. No matter what, he is excellent at being a heart surgeon and puts his heart into whatever he has to do, no matter who it is he has to work on. Jessie makes everything so personal, and handles his job corruptly 99% of the time. I really think he has no business being a cop anymore lol unless he starts to abide by the book and keep things fair.

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As was Jesse before AMC wrote him OOC to prop Randi & David's useless asses.

And The Gut That Ate Pine Valley need not be a doctor until he can stop drugging people who don't volunteer to become one of his handmaidens & being a hypocritical sociopath.

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I might be able to stomach Greenlee and David as a couple if they never showed them kissing or in a bed together because that grosses me out. Besides it should be an universal rule than only women should have breasts when in bed with in a man.

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You guys have got to lighten up on the Gut Quad. If you keep complaining, we're going to end up with a show full of bucket guys like OLTL and I'm sorry but one Mark Lawson doesn't make up for a show full of talentless himbos.

Can somebody explain to me how Fusion works? We have Natalia, the face of Fusion Natural and Amanda the face of Fusion Glam. Natalia is also a working detective who is now on assignment in W. Va. and hasn't been on a photo shoot since her infamous nude session in the park. Okay.

OTOH we have Amanda who has been booked for a whole fashion shoot in Italy with a "celebrity photographer" and a wardrobe of custom fitted clothing who decides at the last minute that she doesn't want to do it. Not that she can't do it for, say, medical reasons but doesn't want to do it because she'd rather hang out at home with her husband and baby. Okay x 2.

So instead of doing what any other company would do and reading Amanda the riot act and billing her for all the money Fusion spent, what does nu mogul Bianca do? Does she find Natalia, the other face of Fusion? No. She gets misty then decides to send Randi the office girl and ex-hooker who ISN'T the face of Fusion.

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