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AMC: Wednesday April7, 2010

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Krystal, sit your ass down and STFU! She is at the jail yelling at David for not caring about Marissa. She actualyl asked him how can he act as if she doesnt exist. How many times has Marissa told him to leave her alone and how manmy times has Krystal warned her about having a relationship with David? Poor Marissa has the swine flu and cant be with her family and you dont even know. Um, bitch, you do realize he is currently in jail? What the hell was the purpose of her visiting him anyway? What is he supposed to reach out to Marissa so he can give the bitch an invitiation to start yellin at him again too?

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OMG it broke all the rules of Photoshop 101.... it was really cheap looking and very bad......

Deteoit Red Wings :rolleyes:

Krystal needs to go put that hat back on and sit in the back where no one will notice her. Her harping today was a little much.... what is it to her anyway? She must still have the hots for him deep down.

What was Natalia wearing? :unsure:

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Decent episode. Some story movement. Ryan actually made sense about Greenlee and Kendall being two grown women. However, I still :rolleyes: at Greenlee being even remotely cordial to Natalia. Sorry, but she was part of the Lynch Mob.

Red Wings... such red BULL! I wonder if JHC promised to paint one of the dressing rooms in that tacky shithouse red as she had done in NY for Thorsten's (please be really, really, really brief) stint.


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I'd be thrilled if Krystal & Marissa were written out. :P

I also still love Adam & Brooke. I was expecting Brooke to tell Damon off after he confessed to texting while driving, but I really liked how it affected Brooke by bringing up an emotional reaction based on Laura's death that she couldn't explain.

Annie & JR are growing on me as a potential couple. I'm looking forward to them being alone together in Washington (and her learning that Brooke will be recuperating at Adam's).

That was a really bad photoshop job on Erica's computer. I'm glad Greenlee is being proactive, though, and I can't wait for her to find out the truth!

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I'm GLAD we didn't get a Brooke tirade. I've said this years before she left, back during the Blonde Whora Laura years that Brooke really needs professional help dealing with Laura's death. I was getting tired of her FREAKING OUT over her children as a result. Laura stubbed her toe OMG! :wacko: Jamie got a hangnail OMG! :wacko: And of course we would be told that she was acting this way because "years ago, Brooke's daughter, Laura, was hit and killed by a drunk driver."

I much rather see the quietness of the pain, rather than the over the top antics designed to inform us of the Laura Cudahy story.

Moving on:

Not only was that a bad photoshop job, but why did it look like Kendall was holding a baby instead of a soon-to-be 3 year old? Maybe it was just my eyes...

Also, I loved the look of "Oh, shit, that's right! I'm married!" on JR's face when Colby told him that his wife was on the phone.

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