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All: Best and Worst Resurrections

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I don't think they had any interest in keeping the Spectra group around. They may have known Darlene was in failing health so they just wrote them all out, except for Clarke. I'm surprised they didn't kill off CJ. I guess you don't have to kill off someone, you just pretend they don't exist. As they now do with Sally.

Of course we have Jackie and Owen and Whip to be the new Spectra <_<

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I remember when Michael Fox died and Darlene said that she would have pounded the desks of the execs with her fist if they'd refused to do a funeral for Saul. It's too bad nobody did that for her. It's as if Sally never even existed and there was no real goodbye. I like Alley Mills but Pam and Honey Bear just isn't the same. Sally was a more sophisticated type of camp, as you always believed Sally was real and she could break your heart.

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Reva's return circa 1995. Annie Dutton was a dud of a character before Reva's return, as far as I'm concerned. Her 'big secret' was that she'd had a history of alcoholism and it cost her in her marriage to Rick Bauer (YAWN). The writers could have taken the easy road and simply had Annie relapse and use her alcoholism to try to regain Josh's sympathies. Instead they cooked up the storyline of Annie carrying a dead baby, waiting to frame Reva for 'pushing' her and causing her baby to 'die'. They even went the extra mile of having Annie take the baby's body to prevent an autopsy, further covering her tracks.

That storyline led to Blake's 'Fern LaPlante' persona being revealed and the 'fact' that one of the twins she was carrying was Rick Bauer's child - thank goodness they reversed that storyline.

The way the writers brought Reva back was weak, but they made up for it once they got her back on screen.


Taylor's return circa 2005. The writers made a point of telling us she was really most sincerely dead. Bell commented that she would be shown in her coffin for days (real time and soap time). So no one noticed that there was a wax dummy in an OPEN casket funeral on a warm California day???? Ridge kissed the wax dummy's lips and didn't notice? That sure doesn't say much for taylor's sexual appeal - which is nonexistent.

The writers still can't think of a darned thing to do with Taylor - who just happens to drain the life out of every storyline she's in. The character was better off dead. Now the writers are instead killing the show trying to find a way to make her, and anyone to do with her, fit. Poor Rick Hearst. The guy is brilliant but only has so much talent and trying to make scenes between Whip and taylor work requires powerful dark magic.

What a stark contrast to Reva's return. Reva's return caused an explosion of storylines on GL. Taylor's return caused an implosion.

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What I do like about Sally not having died, though, is that when holidays roll around, they sometimes mention that she's living it up in some tropical paradise or something like that. I like the idea of Sally being out there, living large. On the other hand, though, Sally wouldn't just lay up with towel boys without wanting to come back to LA to breathe some life back into Spectra.

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Darlene put The Bold in The Bold & The Beautiful. She was irreplaceable & one of a kind.

Brad should have kept Bobbie Eakes & continued Brooke Vs. Macy as an extension of Forrester Vs. Spectra. Those two were a LOT more compelling as rivals than Brooke & Taylor.

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