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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Here are my comments on last week. Kim G is annoying me. I have to say I liked her sticking up for Christopher though and calling Danielle out on not saying anything when Danny called him the f word. Speaking of which why does she need to bring thugs everytime she is around those ladies, as if they are going to kill her or something? I mean really? Danielle is such a drama queen

I dont like Ashley, Jaqueleine's daughter. That girl is a brat and she's adding to this Danielle drama. Kids are so stupid these days with Facebook and airnig all their dirty laundry on there, putting up messages and pictures of their crimes as if people cant use that as evidence ot show the police

Did you guys here that Theresa's family filed for bankruptcy? They all alot of bills and taxes. I am not surprised bc this woman has no concept of a budget with the way she spends money. Im shocked her husband just gives her his credit card and lets her run up any bill she wants

And in case anyone wanted to know (or rather not know), Danielle just released a sex tape of herself. WTF is wrong with this woman? She has kids for heavens sake. She is such a horrible example and role model for them and I roll my eyes at the stuff she does on the show. She is pushing her eldest to be a young model, all while she's showing off naked videos of herself. I do not understand this woman's logic. She is a nasty piece of work. She is such an attention ho

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aww man I didnt expect that. Im going to miss her too bc she was one of my favorites. It was probably for the best bc Danielle is too psychotic. She has a husband and daughter to think about and good for her, choosing to focus on them


Anyone watching the NY Reunion. Three parts and its pure drama. Kelly looks even crazier on this than she did on the show. She seems delusional.

How fake was Jill? The only reason she is so apologetic now and wanting to make ammends is bc of all the hate she's gotten in the press and from the public. She is trying to redeem herself

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So anyone watching DC housewives? Im hooked on these shows. Here are my thoughts on the new gals

Stacie - One of my faves. I love how down to earth she is. I really like her family and she seems the most level headed, sensible and smart one of the group

Mary - my second fave. She seems to have a cute and bubbly personality and seems like a genuinly nice person. So far she's the onyl one not involved in conflict and I thnk she will acted as the mediator. She is teh glue that ties all the women together as I beleive she's the one that they all knew prior to the show.What do you think of her having a keypad on her closet that only she can access via her index finger that it reads. Anyone else think that seems a bit excessive

Lynda - rounding out the women that I like is her. She's not a fave like the top 2, but she's not too bad. I will say that I dindt like how she insinuated that Michaele had an eating disorder and talked about it with that guy. I dont think she did it as someone who was concerned as I dont think she cares for Michaele. She should have talked to her directly about it.

Cat - Ugh, cant stand her. Talk about opening mouth and inserting foot. I dont think she's racist as the show seemed to insinuate but I do think she doesnt know how to act around other races. I dont think she thinks before she speaks and doesnt realize or understand what she says. I think she should take a class on rac relation bc she doesnt realize when she's being offensive. She is too opininated and there are times when you need to calm it down and hold things back.

Michaele - The Heidi Montag of DC. Hate her! She is such an attention seeker and seeing her on this show, I completely see why she would crash the White House party bc she's all about making a spectacle and having people focus on her. I also cant stand that weasel of a husband she has. I love all the husbansd and boyfriends on this show except hers

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I have never watched any of these shows but tried to watch the D.C. one the other week since I'm from those parts. I was pretty let down by the selection of housewives to rep the area. And I just KNEW that Paul Wharton was going to be on this show, I just KNEW it and sure enough there was his copper penny looking self.

The episode I saw as when they went to Tairq and Michaele's (who I'm still not convinced was born with lady parts) vineyard, I guess it was pretty entertaining, it held my interest. Stacie is definitely the most likeable and I think she'd much rather be doing this show with her college buddies than these ladies. Maybe I need to see more eps, but Mary seemed like an annoying cry baby drip to me.

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I love reality tv and the trash that it is. Guess who is joining the cast next season? Melissa Gorga, Theresa's sister in law! You know I was thinking what would they do next season bc they cant have another one strictly of the women vs Danielle bc that ran strong for 2 seasons and none really have a connection with her so it would feel really forced. So in comes Melissa. They set up her intro perfectly. Danielle drops the bomb about Theresa not seeing her "newphew" when he was born and the rumors ofher husband, Joe being the father of the child circulate. Now theres controversy and they bring in a new rival for Theresa. Melissa is married to her brother and apparently is richer and has a bigger, better house than her. Should be juicy:


On a related note, Danielle has been fired and wont be in season 3. Probably for the best bc like I said, the women have no connection to her anymore and what we got in season 2 seeemd kinda forced at times. She's hiniting that she may have a spinoff int eh works similarly to Bethenny. I dont know who would watch that as she was incredibly unlikeable and only good for the drama, she gave the other housewives


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Theresa's brothers wife. Theresa apparently does NOT like her and Im sure these rumors dont help. I read that Theresa held off on signing to be on Season 3 bc she heard the sister in law was going to be in it, but really she cant afford not to do the show considering she's 11 million in bankruptcy. That season most definetly will be explosive

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