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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Many AA's (including myself) stopped watching the show following Trump defamed President Obama. And they didn't care to watch last season either, hence why Donald was smart to pick controversial, brazen, and outspoken characters this season like Vivica, Terrell, and Kenya--people that will generate and bring back an audience that have flocking away from this show in masses.

Again, I don't believe it's real. This is Hollywood and this Donald Trump. Both parties will do anything to garner press. I'm sure he's paid Kenya & Viv a nice chunk of money to act out and get the people interested, which we're doing. But again, if true, Vivica ain't no saint. Dig dirt and you'll learn she's abrasive too.

Lastly, Porsha didn't whoop Kenya's ass but she should've if she known what was gonna happen. All that for her pulling hair. You lost your job and you're getting prosecuted for pulling hair. Failure. Just a failure. :P But that's on Porsha; she should've known (but this Dumbsha) that there was always possibility Kenya wouldn't've responded how she thought (as Kenya is a wild card), and there was a possibility she'd get arrested and fired.

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Really? I just think people said her doing what she did was uncalled for and impulsive. Kenya's not an innocent victim and she didn't get her ass beat. A hair pull is not an ass beating where I'm from but that's neither here nor there.

ETA: And if Kenya did steal her phone she aint sh-t for doing it but I will wait for the episode to air to give an actual opinion.

Edited by Eric83
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I would love to see the AA ratings for the show because I just don't believe their AA viewership suffered all that much. The show doesn't have the best ratings to begin with so losing anymore viewers should have meant cancellation. Add to that the fact that he has been spewing his views on Obama for years....this isn't just something that has happened in the last couple of years.

Haven't seen anything confirming Porsha being fired (and could really care less) but at the end of the day...Kenya is the one who is called the most hated woman in reality TV and Porsha got props for finally doing what many of Kenya's victims has wanted to do so and then apologized for her behavior so to most people she's not a failure. If she doesn't come back, she can walk away with her head held high while Kenya who has yet to apologize for her role in any of this or anything else she has done, is still playing dirty in the gutter trying to stay relevant. If Bravo was smart they would keep them both....Kenya, as much as her and her fans want to believe, isn't the "star" of she show. Hell even the husbands episode had more viewers than her little special she had (along with Porsha and Nene's who also had more viewers than Kenya's).

Edited by PJA
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Neither is it where I'm from. If you get an ass whoopin then you call the cops...not for some little hair pulling. But not only did she press charges, she claimed she had flashbacks of domestic violence. That's why I said she got her ass whooped...because that's how she and her fans are acting.

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Celebrity Apprentice gets good ratings for NBC, but just because a large demographic (the AA community) chooses to not watch the show does not mean the show still won't flourish. Most of the AA demographic online have openly stated that they don't watch Celebrity Apprentice because of his comments towards President Obama. With social media growing into a power that it is, it is apparent that Donald has taken note and has decided to cast controversial characters to try and get us to watch.

Now if you want to believe that Porsha is staying, fine. Numerous bloggers with intel, who are normally on point, have stated time and time again that Porsha is gone and if she is to be brought back, it'll be in a lesser role (i.e. a friend). Kenya being the "most hated woman on TV" means nothing. Tiffany "New York" Pollard has held that title. So has Teresa Guidice. So has Camille Grammar. And fictional characters like Alexis Colby and Abby Fairgate. Guess what? People still tune in to watch them, hence why Kenya is going nowhere. And people on here have already broken down why Kenya's special didn't deliver--1) her special didn't get advertised like Nene or Porsha's 2) Nene & Porsha had strong lead-ins, being the season finale (Nene) and the reunion (Porsha). Kenya's lead-in was a clip show, which no one hardly watches; however, she (unlike Nene/Porsha) maintained 95% of the audience throughout her special. Nene & Porsha supposedly had dips in theirs. And if the husbands got a high rating it's because it was heavily promoted and people watched to see Apollo's dumb ass further implicate himself, which he did.

But for someone who says they don't care for Porsha, you sure are trying to push a square peg into a round hole. happy.png

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What I said was I could care less if she returns or not. I have no problem with Porsha and never said I don't care for her.

Again I know a lot of AA (myself included) who still watched CA so I would have to see a ratings report.

I never heard of TG being called the most hated but have heard that about Omarosa, and Miss NY. Where are they now?

Kenya needs to bank this money while she can because she is ruining her reputation and when she's all out of drama and finally gone from RHOA, who is going to want to work with her? Who is going to respect her (besides her handful of fans)? She is one huge epic fail.

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Have you been living under a rock for the past two-three years? Teresa went from being fan favorite to being disliked by the mass. People have eased up on their hatred of her (because Melissa played victim too much), but she was hated. And Omarosa still has a following and when NY is brought up anywhere, people still want her back on TV. If VH1 was to offer her a show, trust and believe, the ratings would sore. Fans miss her dearly.

And Kenya found work pre-housewives and she'll get it post-housewives. Kenya is a hustler, so I'm not too worried on how she'll do after the show is behind her.

But I still feel like you're trying to make a square peg (Porsha) go into a hole (RHOA). :P

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Don't see how when my original post had nothing to do with Porsha and all about Kenya. I think YOU are trying to bring up Porsha to deflect from the main issue and that is that Kenya is once again up to her shenanigans.

BTW I don't watch the other housewives so I only know Teresa from CA and don't recall seeing her called the most hated woman in reality tv. I'm sure you're right that she has held this title...I just didn't hear about it.

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I'm not deflecting. I've always said that Kenya is a messy bi*ch but that's the premise of the show. Someone has to have "that role." Before her, it was Nene, Kim, Sheree, and even Phaedra. Kenya has just perfected it and the ladies hate it.

And trust me, Teresa was well loathed on RHONJ season 3 till about midway season 4. She still gets heats but it's not like it was then. By the time she did CA, the hatred eased up.

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And when you step in that role you have to prepare for the consequences....hair pullings, ass whoopings etc.

As far as the ladies hating her for perfecting her role...the only person that MIGHT be true about is Nene (and even she has valid reasons for not liking Kenya). Phaedra hates her because of the issues with Apollo and Porsha hates her because of the continuous attacks on her.

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If these women know that it's the there is always the "messy one" then why engage her? Why hit her? Why not ignore her? Oh yeah, they can't. They'd rather resort to violence then show restraint.

And Nene has no valid reason to hate Kenya. She only hates her because she's threatened by her. Kenya is garnering the press that Nene used to get and she doesn't like it. Nene hates sharing the spotlight. Why do think she had a hand in getting Sheree & Kim booted? Now Phaedra ... she hates Kenya because she's intimidated by her. While there might've been some harmless flirting that might've occurred between Kenya & Apollo, it's clear that she hates Kenya because her man would rather be lying next to Kenya than her Frodo Baggins, hobbit realness looking a**. And it's clear that Phaedra is only targeting Kenya to remain relevant, but knows that Apollo is really cheating with another woman. Porsha ... meh. Dodo bird. She and Kenya rarely interacted this season and only had that one incident in Mexico, which wasn't that major. Plus, Porsha gives and good as she can take so, her coming for Kenya at the reunion was stupid. Kenya didn't even have beef with her, and everything that Kenya said about Porsha's "marriage" was said previously by Porsha her damn self.

None of these women have real reason why they hate Kenya. They just do because excels at being able to pull their strings at any given moment.

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Carole's date was fun. I haven't cared much for her this season but she was so likeable in that scene.

That scene with Kristen and her husband was so uncomfortable to watch.

Kristen....What a BITCH! This fake ass heffa came for a fight and when Ramona didn't give her the reaction she wanted, she stuck to her preplanned script and when in on the attack. Honestly, I don't think Ramona owed her anything. She already apologized the previous week. Kristen didn't feel that was sincere enough? Whatever. Ramona came with flowers, approached it differently and apologized profusely to her, showing remorse, regret and owning up to it. Is that enough for Mrs. Pretty? Of course not. OVER YOU HO! Insinuating Ramona has a drinking problem was so low, out of line and a great way to turn that exchange negative for no reason. She was being a jerk, playing the victim and making her some suffering martyr. Not once did that bitch apologize for her role and accept responsibility.

Mrs. Pretty: "Are you trying to jeopardize my career?" OMG, STFU! What career? You are an aging has been that struggles to get gigs bc you just aren't that hot. I cant believe she tried to make it seem like Ramona was purposely trying to scar her to ruin her nonexistent "career". I cant with this bitch. Ramona really held her own and handled herself well. Kristen is ugly and very unlikeable and that wasn't a read on her looks

Yay to Aviva returning!

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LOL I saw the Kristen/Ramona thing differently. Yall probably think I'm crazy :P

I think what she did was smart. Ramona has been gunning for her from the start. By disregarding the risk that it might make her appear ungracious and refusing to accept Ramona's fake apology, Kristen showed Ramona she is not going to allow herself to be manipulated. One of Ramona standard games is to say or do something nasty then shrug it off with the "no filter" and "my bad childhood" and "I'm just being honest" garbage. She relies on people's fear of looking bad if they don't let her slide, and I can see why. It works. People let her get away with her behavior all the time out of fear they will look bad if they persist in challenging her. Kristen showed Ramona that game isn't going to work on her.

And by hitting Ramona back fairly hard by asking about her drinking and anger issues on camera, Kristen sent her a message. She will call Ramona out on her [!@#$%^&*]. Onscreen. It might make Ramona think twice before she tangles with Kristen again.

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if that was the goal then she failed miserably bc she looked awful in that scene. She came across as a jerk, saying and doing the most. She was the aggressor here and Ramona won that scene bc she didnt give Kristen what she wanted, which was an excuse to play the victim again. She said she didnt expect Ramona to come with flowers and act the way she did. She was hoping Ramona would fight back, make a scene and give Kristen ammo to look like her victim, but Ramona just let her talk and hang her own rope, not giving her any material to work with. Ramona played that scene quite well

I dont get what the hell she wants from Ramona. Last week she went in on Ramona bc she didnt like her apology. This week, Ramona sees she handled it wrong and comes to her with a much more sincere tone and Kristen throws it in her face. What does she want? Does she want Ramona to go to AA and therapy and come back with her AA anniversary coin and doctor bills to prove something to her? Does she need Ramona to start kissing her ass to make herself feel better?. Im beyond sick of her martyr/victim act? She is dragging this thing and milking it for way more than its worth. Next week she is STILL on this crap and she's desperately latching onto Ramona for a storyline. She is coming across very irrational and disturbed and I think she is channeling some of the frustration and anger she has in her own life (as seen by her scenes at home) on Ramona. Let it go HO!

Ugh! If I didnt dislike Brandi as it is, I cant stand her more for unleashing this twit on us

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