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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Chile Nene was my boo in Season 4 but when she said she was letting He-ree know what time it was and she said it was time for Nene to get her teeth fixed I DIED. :lol:

Nene also killed me with "What ima visit? Sticks?"

I love how Wig was getting her life while those two went back and forth. :lol:

That reunion is a gem. :wub:

Edited by Eric83
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I see they put it back up. Nevertheless, they make it seem as if Kenya changed stuff up on them without their knowledge while in the text the Executive Director says the event went well and he had talked to Nene about it. The whole thing is fishy and it'll be cleared up soon enough.

Nene will be on The Tom Joyner Morning Show in the morning so I'll be back with details. She said she is spilling all the tea.

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I don't think the Scheena thing is something she needs to get over. It's only an issue when Lisa brings her around. Once. Twice twenty times. That isn't the point here. If your husband cheated on you and your good friend put you in a situation with that women and pressed you to go talk to get about marriage I doubt you, or anone, would be all smiles and love. It's a shitty thing to do ever. Period. I think Lisa knows this and did a great job of avoiding it without telling Brandi ahead of time and now that they have started to fall out suddenly Lisa stops. They were still friends when Lisa did this. It was just a little awkward.

Kyle and Lisa's dynamic is fun to watch because they seem to have a respect of sorts for each other but also hate at the same time. It's a who's queen bee. And while Lisa clearly stole the show from Kyle, Lisa plays the game.

I think that in many aspects she is phony. And just cutting people out when they confront you is a disgusting trait to have.

Lisa being involved in the necklace the was a desperate move to be at the center of the drama. God for I'd there be tension or an argument without Lisa. She couldn't handle it. I loved seeing her push carlton to make a scene and Yolanda shut the [!@#$%^&*] down.

I'm sure just like anyone you turn on a camera on Yolanda plays it up. Of course. The difference is I think it's authentic. I don't think she puts a front that it's all perfect out here. She's been honest about the struggles with Mohammed and a brokenf mainly and feeling like a failure and taming David and her disease. That's not

Didn't they lose their charity standing?

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But how do we know those texts are legit? Not saying they aren't but I could list a dozen websites that could authentically produce and date those texts and look just as legit. And of course those could be real texts but not really with the legit person. It's very easy to change someone's name in your phone to the name you want to read, and have them send the texts you want the world to see. Wouldn't put it past her here, or in the case of Apollo. Not accusing her, just saying there is clearly a missing third piece here and we have to consider all possibilities.

I don't think I get the Tom Joyner show, and even if I do I'll be working so please get all the tea for us & don't spin it in Kenya's favor. wink.png

You're welcome for the compliment bitch wink.png and I'm not sure, that's what Eric said. I didn't look into it.


Their website still lists them as a 501©3 non profit.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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