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APRIL 1985

All My Children

Head writers: Wisner Washam & Lorraine Broderick

Executive producer: Jacqueline Babbin

Nina got into a cat-fight with Linda, who admitted that Zach has been bilking Nina for big bucks. Nina freaked out to leam Zach had shown Cliff the bedroom photos of her and Zach. Tad blamed Donna for his money troubles because she originally brought Zach to Pine Valley. Mike was wounded while rescuing Brooke and Mark. Cliff later operated on Mike, whose heart had stopped after surgery. Jesse came to Sloane's rescue after Zach punched out Sloane. Myrna worried that Zach's blackmail schemes will blacken the Cortlandt name. Jake and Marvin were arrested. After another confrontation with Zach, Ross bought a gun. Linda's furious that Zach tried to blackmail Cliff. Yvonne offered Jesse a key to her new pad. Benny dreamed of a future with Donna. Suffering from insulin shock, Nina had an accident. Bryan welcomed Brooke back to her TV news job.

Erica cried buckets of tears over Mike, who died after regaining consciousness long enough to say that he loved her. Ross discovered Daisy standing over Zach's dead body with a knife in her hand. Daisy saw Nina leaving Zach's pad. Sloane realized Palmer had lied that he'd been driving around at the time Zach died. Myrna took a gun away from Palmer. Angie told Jesse to get out of her life after catching him in the sack with Yvonne. Edna was upset that Dottie went off to attend a design school in New York City. Tad begged Hillary not to marry Bob even though he learned that Bob is dying. Linda learned that Zach had planned to take his blackmail money and split town without her. Cynthia worried about Ross, who had arranged to turn over their blackmail money to Zach. Bryan told Brooke that he saw Cliff try to strangle Zach. Erica and Mark left to scatter Mike's ashes in Tibet.

Daisy was arrested for killing Zach, but she kept mum that she thinks Nina knifed him. Cliff found a note from Linda, who split town. Cynthia was furious that Palmer hired a fancy lawyer for Daisy. Bob collapsed just before he was to marry Hillary, but they were later married despite Tad's protests. Jesse nixed moving in with Yvonne. Eugene convinced Angie that Jesse might try to kidnap Little Frankie. Donna was shocked when Tad said Zach deserved to die. Ross pleaded with Ellen to provide him with an alibi for the time that Zach died. A crazy mystery woman pulled a gun on Tad. Andrew worried that Cynthia might have killed Zach. Ross remembered struggling with Zach. Bryan caught Cliff, who was searching Zach's pad for the blackmail photos of Nina.

Tad stole some jewelry from Mickey Barlowe, a woman who had once robbed him. Daisy insisted that her trial begin right away after evidence began to indicate that Nina could have killed Zach. Dottie returned home and Andrew renewed his romantic interest in her. Tad was furious that Bob admitted Tad had threatened to kill Zach. Ross confessed to Adam that he'd spent one night in the sack with Cynthia. In Tibet, Erica and Mark searched for the monastery where she plans to scatter Mike's ashes. Palmer and Daisy convinced Nina to keep mum that she was being blackmailed by Zach. Brooke and Bryan agreed that they can share the TV news anchor job. Palmer flipped out when Ross admitted that Zach had once tried to rape Cynthia. Donna realized that she could fall in love with Benny. Vera warned Yvonne to keep her mitts off of Jesse.

Another World

Head writer: Gary Tomlin

Executive producer: Stephen Schnekel

Cass broke up with Kathleen after he saw her innocently kiss Jamie. Donna decided to brick up the secret cellar room after she learned someone had recently been in the room. Jake reported to his mystery boss. Brittany was stunned to learn that Catlin is alive. Zane brought Brittany to Bay City so she can see Catlin, but Liz kept them away from Catlin. Catlin and Sally's wedding was interrupted by a power outage. Peter tried to warn Catlin not to marry Sally, but Liz intercepted Peter's telegram. Catlin isn't aware that Brittany is alive. Jake gave Bridget a sample of Marley's hand-writing. Mac was upset that Rachel refused to sleep with him and then moved into a guest bedroom. Marley complained that she's having nightmares. Bridget prepared a special tea mixture for Marley.

Jake's secretly having a torrid affair with Marley's twin sister, Victoria, who suddenly surfaced in Bay City. Zane and Brittany arrived too late to stop Sally and Catlin's wedding. Jake and Bridget photographed Marley's bedroom and some of her clothes. Peter returned to town and agreed to help Brittany win back Catlin. Bridget took a job as Donna's housekeeper in order to get a look at the Love mansion. Wallingford and Zane Lindquist share a past association. Nancy was upset that Dee passed a pre-cotillion interview. Everyone learned that Brittany is deaf. Liz nixed telling Zane where Sally and Catlin are honeymooning. Alice left for Washington, D.C. Cass and Kathleen are still bitter toward each other. Felicia tried to warn Dee that Cass isn't in love with her.

Larry promised to help Brittany after learning that she's still married to Catlin. Victoria passed herself off as Marley when Donna caught her searching Marley's bedroom. Donna doesn't know that Victoria is Marley's twin. Felicia fumed that Wallingford talked her into buying the North Woods Inn, just before the restaurant was condemned. Mac realized that he'll have to court Rachel to get her to love him again. Dee flipped out when she learned that Cass hired Dee's cotillion date from an escort service. Nancy and Perry smooched after admitting they love each other. Victoria wasn't happy that Jake escorted Marley to the cotillion. Rachel was unnerved when a shrink said her amnesia is a result of mental stress, not a medical disorder.

Thomasina didn't tell Carter that she's experiencing abdominal pains. Brittany was disappointed that Catlin didn't rush into her loving arms upon returning from his honeymoon with Sally. Mac was upset that Rachel decided to get her own apartment. Donna accused Bridget of stealing one of Marley's bracelets, but Victoria committed the theft. Donna is still unaware that she's really the mother of twins. Dee admitted that she loves Cass and refused to believe that he loves Kathleen. Cass fumed that Peter serialized Cass's exercise book in Brava Magazine. Sally was shocked to learn that Brittany is still alive and thus still married to Catlin. Mac was jealous to see Rachel getting chummy with Peter. Dee came through the cotillion with flying colors.

As The World Turns

Head writer: Susan Bedsow Horgan

Executive producer: Robert Calhoun

Frannie returned for Kim and Bob's wedding, but everyone noted her worried expression. Betsy and Craig tricked Russ, who was arrested for trying to kill Steve. Michael Christopher sent word that Sierra could come out of hiding. Betsy arranged a reunion for Sierra and Craig. Lucinda and Craig had a one-night stand. Maggie disbelieved Cal, who told her that Frank is on Jake's payroll. Nancy Hughes arrived for Bob's wedding. Sierra wants to meet Lucinda. Frank lied that he's working undercover, then turned Jake's bribe money over to the police. Jake cleared out his gambling equipment before officer McClosky raided his casino. Stewart is interested in a painting that Lisa had given to Marcy. Jake's thug, Louis, has a taped conversation in which Frank admitted he's working with Jake. Frannie saw Jay kissing Spree.

Bob's brother Don and sister Penny arrived in time to watch Kim and Bob get married. Kirk noticed that Marcy wasn't jealous that Stewart escorted Frannie to the wedding. Maggie refused to believe Frank was on Jake's payroll until Cal gave her Frank's taped confession that he's Jake's police informant. Craig leveled with Sierra about his unsavory past deeds. Frank went off in a rage after overhearing Cal admit that he still loves Maggie. Frannie refused to accept a mysterious long distance phone call. Frank admitted to McClosky that he's trying to get the goods on Jake. Heather told Tucker she believes her future is with him, not a music career. Lucinda was upset to see how close Craig is to Sierra. Lisa cooked up a plan to trap Jake. Stewart had his man, Alfie, check out Marcy's past.

After dueling with swords, Stewart got Rick to confess to the cops that he had tried to rape Marcy. Jake bound and gagged Maggie and Cal. then left them in the casino with a live time-bomb ticking away. Jake took Lisa as a hostage. Lisa hid Jake's casino books in a cleaning bucket after lifting them from his safe. Lucinda called Lily on the carpet for wearing an emerald that matches the one she had given Sierra when she was a baby. Sierra was curious to find that Lucinda has been tailing her. Jay and Kirk were rounded up with the other gamblers who were arrested when Lt. McClosky raided Jake's casino. Kim and Bob's wedding reception guests were mistakenly jailed along with the gamblers. Maggie gave Frank the tape that proves he's taking money from Jake. Lucinda's jealous that Craig's been spending time with Sierra.

Lucinda kept mum that she's Sierra's mom. Lucinda insisted that she saved Sierra's life because she was a friend of Sierra's parents. Frank diffused the bomb before it could blow up Maggie and Cal. Tom and Margo rescued Lisa and arrested Jake. Steve was released from the hospital. Stewart was hounded by reporters after Rick was arrested for attempting to rape Marcy. Nancy gave Kim and Bob tickets for a honeymoon cruise. Dusty and Lily nearly kissed. Lucinda warned Lily not to confuse friendship and love. Lucinda vowed to thwart Craig's plans to live with Sierra. Kirk objected to Brian wanting to sell Diana's yacht-nightclub. Frannie panicked to learn a boy she met in college is coming to Oakdale to see her.


Head writer: Henry Slesar

Executive producer: John Conboy

Cheetah's uncomfortable around Sandy. Trey and Thomas got in a brawl over Kelly. Zed promised Jarrett that he'll get Thomas to perform surgery on Jarrett's legs. Trey learned that Myrna hired a private eye to find Kelly. Brenda's suspicious that Sam's being nice to Wally. Paula related to Myrna that Josh claims Sam is a blackmailer. Kelly's art show was a success. Charity recalled how Glenn had mysteriously disappeared from her life.

Myrna and Sam were shocked when Kelly revealed she's "K," the mystery artist Myrna sponsored. Sloane didn't believe Trey's lie that he hasn't been seeing Kelly. Sloane took a one-week job in New York, where Zed wined and dined her to get information on Trey. Kelly paid, back the money that Myrna had paid her to get her out of town. Charity learned that Ed bought a portrait she had painted of Glenn. Cheetah stalled telling Nino that Sandy makes her nervous. Ronnie seduced Jordy.

Paula failed to prevent Mark from taking Clarissa on a trip to Paris. Ronnie taunted Julie about the love letter Zed had long ago written to her. Josh wasn't happy to learn that Ed is spending time with Charity. Thomas successfully operated on the knee of young athlete, Terry. Cheetah freaked out when Chip returned to town. Nino punched out Chip, who won't stay away from Cheetah. Kelly warned Sam to get off her back.

Tyler phoned Julie to say that he's alive after his mob contact, Polo, was murdered. Zed demanded that Ronnie leave town or return the blackmail money he had paid her. Trey kissed Kelly after rescuing her from a former John. Zed hired Chip to track down Kelly. Thomas convinced Jarrett to undergo surgery. Sandy offered to help Cheetah put her baby up for adoption. Thomas told Sloane that he's been romancing Kelly. Charity quizzed Ed about his past.

Days Of Our Lives

Head writers: Sheri Anderson, Thom Racina & Leah Laiman

Executive producers: Betty Corday & Al Rabin

Larry lied that he was planning to commit suicide with the poison Gwen "accidentally" ingested. Gwen recuperated in the hospital. Liz and Neil fretted over Noelle, who was diagnosed as a victim of juvenile diabetes. Shane told Kimberly he doesn't intend to return to Stockholm. Anna tried to cover up the fact that Calliope, not Anna, is the creator behind Anna DiMera Designs. Anna returned home without Nicky, who stayed in his mother country. Bo and Hope squabbled over the pros and cons of marriage. Pete was furious to learn that Melissa and Ivy are sparring with each other. Marlena's murder trial got under way with all the evidence stacked against her. Jimmy lied that Marlena had an affair with Stefano. Kate testified against Marlena. Marlena told the court about her past troubles with Stefano.

Anna accepted Nicky's marriage proposal, then went nuts when he was later found murdered. Gwen left town after recovering from the poison Larry had given her. Bo worried about Hope, who saw Nicky die. The murder charges against Marlena were dropped when Hart admitted the prosecution had no case against her. Kimberly had more dizzy spells and blurred vision. Larry burned the tape Gwen had made when Larry admitted that he had killed Megan. Neil and Liz tried to cope with the fact that Noelle has juvenile diabetes. Hart sought psychiatric help from Marlena. Pete tried to comfort Melissa, who was mugged. Shane suspects that Nicky's killer also killed Shane's wife, Emma. Tony was jealous of Anna's love for Nicky. Don's not completely happy. Anna agreed to sign Anna DiMera Designs over to Calliope.

Calliope seethed while Eugene married Madeline Rutherford. Liz and Neil let Janey, the singer, crash at their place after she collapsed on stage. Alex hired Speed, who had tried to blackmail Linda over the torching of Anderson Manufacturing. Shane learned from his I.S.A. boss that a mysterious killer called "The Dragon," had killed Nicky and Shane's wife Emma, because they were descended from British royalty. Bo failed to prevent The Dragon from murdering Sonia, Don's house guest. A mysterious man who had been beaten arrived to see Janey. Liz secretly believes that Neil tried to keep her from learning that Noelle was diabetic. Hope accused Bo of being afraid to commit to marriage. A woman that looked like Shane's dead wife Emma was spotted boarding a plane to England. Melissa fended off Pete, who kissed her.

Liz was shocked when her brother Tod Chandler arrived on her doorstep. Tod is smitten with Janey Richards, who refused to sing at Chris' new nightclub. Linda found Hart, who was hospitalized after attempting to commit suicide. Ivy was upset when Pete pulled a no-show after she had planned a romantic evening for them. Marlena felt guilty that she didn't try to help a recuperating Hart deal with his emotional problems. The Dragon made a failed attempt to kill Hope. Kimberly admitted that she loves Shane and agreed to accompany him to London. Pete schemed to be around Melissa as much as possible. Calliope went into a rage when Madeline refused to give Eugene an annulment so that he can marry her. Vanessa schemed to keep Eugene married to Madeline. Tony passionately kissed Anna. Alex paid Speed to trash the Brady family fish market.

General Hospital

Head writers: Anne Howard Bailey / Pat Falken Smith & Norma Monty

Executive producer: Gloria Monty

Robert foiled Slater’s attempt to knife Anthony, but Frisco's interference helped Slater to escape. Robert was upset to realize that Sean knows more than he's telling about the attempt on Anthony's life. Sean tried to cover up the blunders his gang has been making. Monica and Rick fought the sexual vibes flying between them. Rick slept with Ginny, who still feels that she is losing Rick. Derek was upset to learn that Ginny's sharing Rick's bed again. Donely sent Slater out of town. Celia learned that the Quartermaines, not Grant, had put up the bucks to celebrate her artistic triumph in New York. Holly tried to buck up Tania's mood. Anthony's coma deepened. Celia and Jimmy Lee celebrated her success as an artist. Monica fumed that Alan has no sexual interest in her.

After spotting Rick cozing up to Monica, Ginny slept with Derek. Later, after Rick said he wants to make their marriage work, Ginny realized that she wants to have his baby. Rick took Bobbie's advice and cooled his relationship with Monica. Tania was ecstatic that Anthony regained consciousness for a moment. With Frisco and Felicia's help, Robert learned that there was a connection between Slater and Peter, and that Slater shot Anthony. Sean tried to keep Robert from learning that Slater is one of Sean's gang members. Ginny learned that Rick once had an affair with Monica. Sean realized Slater stole some of the Aztec treasure before leaving for New York, where Slater tried to sell the treasure. Sean is worried that Robert will find out Slater used Sean's gun to shoot Anthony. Celia hired Jake to get her a divorce from Grant. Maria recognized a photo of Slater.

Slater tried to sell the jewels he stole from the Aztec treasure to a lady crook, Anna DeVane. While receiving an award in New York City, Robert was shocked to see Anna, who has a connection to his past. Anna had someone secretly check out Holly's past. Anthony regained consciousness but he's partially paralyzed and can't speak. Tania suffered a miscarriage. Ginny rebuffed Derek's advances and got closer to Rick again. Robert learned that Sean is also looking for Slater. Lorena and Jimmy Lee agreed to be friends. Holly advised Celia not to jump into marriage with Jimmy Lee after Celia divorces Grant. Josh nixed Terry's offer to sleep with him. Steve slipped up and told Sean that Anthony's recovering. Anna refused to accept Sean's phone calls.

Robert was upset that Holly is now pals with Anna, who's staying at his and Holly's home. Jake reluctantly helped Celia, who plans to get a quickie divorce in Haiti. Celia signed a form agreeing never to claim any of the Quartermaine fortune. Ginny panicked when Derek threatened to reveal that Mike is his son. Robert rescued Sean, who was in a shootout with Slater. Slater escaped, but warned Sean that he wants his share of the Aztec treasure. Sean failed to get into Anthony's hospital room. Anthony recognized Tania, but can't recall anything about his shooting. Jake encouraged Bobbie to drop her hostility toward Ginny. Grant signed Celia's divorce papers. Robert reminded Anna that years ago they had agreed never to see each other again. Anna told Robert that she must undergo surgery.

Guiding Light

Head writer: Pamela K. Long

Executive producer: Gail Kobe

Quint feels neglected by Nola, who's caught up in making an exercise videotape. Reva arrived in Alaska moments after Roxie (Rosie) married Kurt. Philip recovered from the seizures which were caused by the aphrodisiac India gave him. Philip later told India to get out of his life for good. Fletcher confided to his reporter pal Trevor that he suspects Ed fathered Claire's baby. Reva and Kyle kidnapped Roxie, who refused to return home with them. Kurt stowed away on Kyle's jet and later made Reva and Kyle parachute from the plane. Trevor encouraged Fletcher to accept Claire's baby as his own. Alex tried to bribe the prison warden into protecting Lujack from the other prisoners. Beth visited Lujack in prison. India received a shock from a tape recorder rigged with an electrical wire. Louie misses Katie, who eloped with Long John Reed.

The cops didn't believe Philip, who admitted that he had hired Andy, and that there really is a blackmail tape. During a prison benefit talent show, Beth helped Lujack make a break from prison. Bradley tried to block Lujack's escape. Gina helped Beth and Floyd, who realized India hid the blackmail tape in a music box. Claire collapsed with abdominal pains. India checked into a cheap motel. Floyd told Beth that he loves her. Kyle and Reva parachuted into a barn owned by Mennonites Thurmond and Abigail Yoder. Kyle's pilot, Vic, flew Rosie (Roxie) and Kurt to Springfield against their wishes. Rosie (Roxie) used her key to get into Rick's apartment. Kurt insisted he and Rosie (Roxie) must return to Alaska. Rick realized Roxie had been in his pad. The warden's secretary, Carol Adams, helped Lujack's escape.

Beth and Lujack jumped through a prison window into a river and, later hid out on Kyle's yacht Floyd kidnapped India, took the blackmail tape from her, and insisted that she write a note admitting that she killed Andy. Floyd later told India that he had killed Andy. Rosie (Roxie) agreed to stay in Springfield and talk to Rick, who wants to help her regain her memory. Kurt and Rick are both vying for Roxie's love. Philip decided that he's divorcing India. Lujack and Beth made love for the first time. Reva and Kyle returned to Springfield to hospitalize Billy, who Kyle had hit over the head with a board. Sally realized that Kyle loves Reva. Reva assured H.B. that she didn't sleep with Kyle. Ed learned about Fletcher's vasectomy. Kyle admitted he was devastated at the time he had learned Sally was a hooker. Bradley told Beth that he's a changed man.

Quint and Nola left town after he accepted a job on a dig in Tanquir. Ed refused to believe that he may be the father of Claire's baby. Alex got the governor to pardon Lujack, who tried to convince Floyd to turn himself into the cops for killing Andy. India was arrested for Andy's murder, but Philip suspects that she's not guilty. Shrink Eileen Lyndon treated Roxie, who remembered once being a hooker. Reva snuck into Kyle's pad where she found a portrait he had painted of her. Reva and Kyle each insisted that they don't love one another. Maureen learned that her medical tests prove that she'll never conceive a child. To protect Philip, India destroyed the blackmail tape before Floyd could turn it over to the cops. Kurt and Rick agreed to give Roxie some space. Billy came out of his coma and vowed to get Kyle.


Head writer: Agnes Nixon

Executive producer: Joseph Stuart

Jack and Stacey romped in the sack then made plans to get custody of his and Ava's baby after it is born. Shana was furious, but forgave Mike for not telling her that Noreen is returning. The sexual attraction between Shana and Father Jim resurfaced. Harry pretended to be concerned about Steve's welfare. Curtis urged Lorna to use her feminine attributes to get Linc to hire her as the Amourelle model. Ann is convinced that Shana has turned a recuperating Cabot against Ann.

A shocked Lorna told Curtis that Gwyneth helped Dane take over Alden Enterprises. Dane accused Ann of looking down at him and Ava because of their poor background. Noreen had a warm reunion with Mike. Gwyneth was furious that Keith offered Steve a job. Stacey warned Jack that Ava will never let her raise Ava and Jack's baby. Dane stole a kiss from Gwyneth. Ava realized that Jack's been sleeping with Stacey. Lorna warned Shana that Mike still has feelings for Noreen.

Noreen told Jim that she's still attracted to Mike. Shana confided to Jim her doubts about marrying Mike. Cabot told his family he wants Dane ousted from Alden Enterprises. Gwyneth gloated that Dane sided with her, not Ann, in a big business decision. Curtis warned Gwyneth he'll get proof that she betrayed the Aldens and is in cahoots with Dane. Ava used her pregnancy to keep Jack in line. Shana was suspicious when Gwyneth didn't object that Lorna, instead of Trisha, become the Amourelle model.

Ava's sister Sherri arrived for a visit and is impressed with the Alden family wealth. Stacey fretted that everyone will learn that she's romping in the sack with Jack. Harry told Gwyneth that he wants to give up his criminal ways. Lorna insisted she's over the trauma Jonathan had caused her. A mysterious man is tailing Keith. Linc wined and dined Lorna. Dane plotted to spend time alone with Gwyneth. Steve's suspicious that Gwyneth is being nice to him.

One Life To Live

Head writers: Sam Hall & Peggy O’Shea

Executive producer: Paul Rauch

A returned Alex secretly watched Laurel and Larry tie the marital knot. Aida shot and wounded David, who refused to leave the country. Aida's men dragged David onto her plane and they soared off into the wild blue yonder. Jenny later gave Herb the coded music, which she'd secretly taken from David's briefcase. Delilah rejected Rafe's marriage proposal, insisting that she'll give him his child when it's born. At the Backstage Bar, Nicole (Viki) tried to renew her old romance with Harry. Harry broke a date with Dorian to be with Nicole (Viki), who split from the bar when his back was turned. Alex insisted to Marco that he didn't kill gangster Descamedes. Jinx told Marco she's quitting the National Security Bureau. Rob learned Alex is back. Asa agreed to pay Clover big bucks to get Jesse out of town. Wanda gave Jesse a job as a waiter. Cassie doesn't know David was a spy.

Bo rushed Delilah to the hospital after she fell down some stairs. Rafe worried that Delilah would go into premature labor. Alex insisted to Rob that he didn't kill Descamedes. Harry admitted to Nicole (Viki) that he's still physically attracted to her. Tina needs the missing page from Victor's letter in order to prove she's his daughter. Didi helped Rafe set up a nursery for his unborn child. Viki's having conversations with Victor's "ghost." Giulietta balked that Bo wants her to return to Italy. Rob kept Cassie in the dark about his meetings with Alex. Dorian negotiated with Klaus, an imprisoned gangster, who said he has information on Descamedes' murder. Jenny admitted that her marriage to David is over. Asa got a court order preventing Becky from taking Drew across the state line. Jenny learned David was last seen deboarding a plane in East Berlin.

While disguised as Niki (Nicole), Viki received a flesh wound during a robbery attempt at the Backstreet Bar. Harry later disarmed the would-be robber and Clint suggested that Viki interview Harry for the newspaper. Bo let Giulietta move back into Llanfair after she refused to return to Italy as he'd instructed. Dorian found proof that Alex had been at Laurel and Larry's wedding. Clover stole a check that Asa had tried to bribe Jesse with. Becky fumed that Asa is keeping Drew hidden from her. Delilah had a daughter, whom Rafe named Samantha, in memory of the child's real mother. Dorian realized that Harry's cooling their budding romance. Tina moved in with Jenny. Ed and Carla didn't agree with Dorian, who thinks Descamedes' and Alex's deaths are related. Connie broke her engagement with Brad. Larry and Laurel returned from their honeymoon.

Bo burned up Nine Lives' signed statement that Becky had slept with Jesse. Asa suffered chest pains. Bo returned Drew to Becky and Jesse despite Asa's protests. Clint found Victor's secret room, but Tina warned Clint that Viki may mentally go off the deep end if she learns about the room. Samantha went home with Rafe and Sadie. Delilah misses Samantha. Dorian told a TV news audience that Alex's grave was empty. Jenny told Brad that she and David are caput, but she will only be friends with Brad. Niki (Viki) kissed Harry. Rob rejected Dorian's demand that he split up with Cassie, so Dorian threatened to reveal that Alex staged his own death. Bo urged Becky and Jesse to leave town and take Drew with them. Klaus told Dorian where to find the gun that was used to "kill" Alex. Cassie admitted to Rob that she knows Alex is alive.

Ryan’s Hope

Head writers: Tom King & Millee Taggart

Executive producer: Joseph Hardy

Rick was shocked that the videotape showed Sydney and Max in a heated argument. Siobhan took the videotape from Rick before Max could get it. Chantal was surprised to learn that Siobhan and Jacqueline had both been married to Joe. Max insisted to Siobhan he knew nothing about the videotape until Rick found it. Jill accused Frank of keeping her in the dark about the videotape. Tiger vowed to take Maggie away from Dave.

Jack was shocked when Siobhan admitted that she's no longer sure Max killed Sydney. Pru testified against Max. Katie convinced Johnny Mathis to record one of Dave's songs, but she gave Maggie credit for the coup. Tiger's determined to make Maggie a big star. Frank called Jill to testify against Max. Rick warned Ryan to butt out of his personal life. Ryan won the student council presidency. Max nixed bringing up Sydney's past during his murder trial.

Siobhan admitted to unprofessional behavior during the time she had investigated Max. The jury deliberated on Max's murder trial verdict. Siobhan was shocked that Sydney's videotape wasn't mentioned during Max's trial. Maggie rebutted Roger's lie that she had slept with Frank. Katie got a role in an off-Broadway play, and the producers want Dave to write music for the show. Jill confided to Max that there's trouble between her and Frank. Siobhan dreamed that Max killed her.

Siobhan fainted when the jury found Max not guilty of murdering Sydney. Pru freaked out over the not guilty verdict. Jill moved her things out of Frank's pad, but she doesn't know if she wants a divorce. Max nearly told Siobhan the horrible secrets he's keeping about Jacqueline's mom, Gabrielle. Tiger made sure that Maggie didn't arrive in time for a meeting with Dave's parents. Chantal warned Max to keep his past buried forever.

Santa Barbara

Head writers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Executive producers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Warren was shocked to learn that Maggie's husband Ben is an invalid who is also a mute. Cruz suspects that Peter had been blackmailing Channing Jr. and Lindsay. In hopes that C.C. won't dump her, Gina lied that she's pregnant. Lionel begged Augusta to take him back. Sophia rejected Minx's order that she leave town. Cruz assigned Maggie to investigate Lindsay. Marcello realized that Eden faked being under his hypnotic spells in order to find out what he's up to. Sophia remembered that long ago Minx used the tunnel under the Lockridge mansion as a secret rendezvous spot. For a fee, Mason agreed to get C.C. some info on Hank's past. Cruz and Eden made mad, passionate, love. Gina was injured when she tried to run down Hank with her car. Mason went into the prostitution business with former madame, Ginger, to whom Mason owes money.

C.C. went to Haiti to get a divorce from Sophia. Gina recuperated from injuries incurred in her car accident. Hank charged that Gina had tried to murder him. Cruz learned Marcello's real name is Hans, and that Marcello was adopted by the Armanti family. Cruz and Eden also learned that Marcello was in Santa Barbara at the time Sophia had supposedly drowned. Cruz learned that someone altered Peter's suicide note to include a confession that Peter had killed Channing Jr. Warren admired Maggie for sticking by Ben after his near drowning, which caused Ben's paralysis. Cruz learned the tunnel beneath the Lockridge house connects to a tunnel under the Capwell house. Lionel was jealous to see Augusta flirting with another man. Gina's hooked on pain pills. A mystery person raged that Channing Jr's murder case has been reopened.

Eden flipped out when Cruz told her that Brandon is Channing Jr.'s son. Amy's new boss, lawyer J. Stanfield Lee, acted nervous when Brick mentioned Dr. Renfro, who is Amy's baby doctor. C.C. and Gina were married. Ted and Jackie were arrested but released, along with some hookers that Mason let crash at Ted's pad. Mason agreed to take on Ben's lawsuit after Maggie said Ben's paralysis was caused during a workrelated accident at Capwell Industries. Lionel was jealous to see Augusta on a date with Stanfield. Augusta learned that Lionel staged a fake orgy to make her jealous. Eden turned down Cruz's marriage proposal. A mystery person trapped Cruz in the tunnel under the Capwell and Lockridge mansions. Gina was shocked when Eden revealed that Brandon is Channing Jr.'s son. Eden found C.C.'s old Army dog tags in Marcello's suitcase. Kelly is in Bermuda. Mason learned that Channing Jr. had had a male lover.

Brick discovered Jeff, who had been brutally murdered. Santana returned to Santa Barbara. Kelly came home after both Marcello and Eden persuaded her to leave Bermuda. Warren and Maggie kissed passionately. Eden accepted an engagement ring from Cruz. Cruz told Eden that Channing Jr.'s killer is still at large. Mason blackmailed Lindsay Smith, Channing Jr.'s supposed lover, into working for Mason. C.C. denied that Capwell Industries was responsible for Ben's accident. Cruz called a gathering of "everyone connected to Channing Jr.'s death”. Ted realized that Gina is addicted to pain pills. A mysterious person is following Cruz. Someone set off a bomb in the tunnel under the Capwell-Lockridge mansions. Sophia desperately wants to mend fences with Eden. Kelly unwittingly crossed paths with a mysterious courier.

Search For Tomorrow

Head writers: Paul Avila Mayer & Stephanie Braxton

Executive producer: Erwin Nicholson

Ryder and T.R. were stranded in a barn during a thunderstorm after they took her sports car for a trial run. After their platonic night, T.R. and Ryder discovered that her car had been stolen. Charges that Suzi murdered Warren were dropped when new evidence proved he had been terrorizing her, and that he had provoked her into shooting him. Sailor's keeping his past a secret. Suzi is worried that Cagney doesn't love Jonah because the boy was fathered by Warren.

Hogan McCleary surprised everyone by arriving back in town. Hogan no longer seems interested in his former love, Sunny. Liza fretted that life, and love, are passing her by. T.R. and Lloyd rushed Ryder to the hospital with a high fever. Ryder's pal, Cruzer, moved to Chicago. Stephanie and Jo argued over how to plan Suzi's wedding. A superstitious Suzi is worried that the heirloom brooch Kate gave her is bringing Suzi bad luck. Sailor's secretly spying on T.R. Stephanie gave Quinn a TV job.

Ryder was angry to see tough guy Bela Garody, who is a "friend" of Ryder's mother. Sailor intercepted a note Ryder left for T.R. before Ryder snuck out of the hospital. Liza and Lloyd realized that they are attracted to each other. Sunny was devastated when Hogan said their romance is caput. Hogan told Suzi that her brooch carries a family curse with it. Stu is suspicious of Sailor. Jo agreed to help Stu buy a landmark mansion and turn it into an inn. Quinn punched out Chase, who had kissed Adair.

Lloyd fired Hogan for writing a scathing newspaper article about Liza's business ineptitude. Suzi was plagued by nightmares foretelling of a death in her future. T.R. is worried about Ryder while Sailor kept Ryder's whereabouts a secret from T.R. Quinn schemed to take over Chase's job while Chase recuperates from the beating he gave him. Wendy and Quinn are attracted to each other.

The Young And The Restless

Head writer: William J. Bell

Executive producer: H. Wesley Kenney

Kay regained consciousness and told Carl that Brent didn't shoot her. Alana told Amy that she has a special man in her life, but that man isn't Robert. Mr. Anthony insisted that Alana get a roommate since she doesn't want Jazz as a bodyguard any longer. Jack was suspicious that Dina paid Brent's bail. Nikki arranged for shrink, Dr. Peters, to see Ashley. Traci was jealous when Cricket Blair reported seeing Danny and Alana together. Paul and Lauren argued over when to start a family. Gina quizzed Neil about his feelings for her. Joe and Carol went out on a date. Danny is fascinated by Alana. Jill viciously hoped that Kay will die. Nikki is jealous of Victor's protective attitude toward Ashley. Carl failed to get Brent to tell the truth about Kay's shooting.

After talking with Dina, Ashley regained her memory, but insisted that she hates Dina and Brent. JoAnna freaked out to learn that Gina accepted Neil's marriage proposal, ruining any chance he would want her back. Lauren agreed to have Paul's baby as long as he doesn't interfere in her career. Mr. Anthony flipped to learn that Alana chose Amy, a cop's daughter, as a roomie. JoAnna avoided Eric's bed. Brent visited Kay, who collaborated his story that Brent accidentally shot Kay. Lauren quizzed Mary about Paul's daughter, Heather, who lives in New York with his ex-wife April and her new husband. Nikki hasn't told Victor she accepted the job at Jabot. Jack kissed Nikki while celebrating her first modeling assignment. Traci secretly kept tabs on Danny. Paul punched out Shawn.

Jack joined Nikki in Hawaii, but kept mum to Victor about Nikki's whereabouts. Ashley returned to the Abbott home, but refused to tell John what caused her traumatic experience. JoAnna was pleased that Lauren insisted she'll put a stop to Neil's plan to marry Gina. Lauren told Paul that she's no longer taking birth control pills. Jill is convinced that Kay's shooting and Ashley's disappearance are somehow connected. Jack pocketed a baby photo that he found in Brent's room. Tim visited with Traci and encouraged her to finish college. Jack's arrival interrupted Ashley and Victor's passionate kiss. Dina was relieved to learn that Ashley hasn't mentioned that Brent is Ashley's father. Danny is thrilled over Gina's engagement to Neil. Victor's convinced that Jack knows where Nikki and Victoria are.

Kay refused to give Jill the blackmail negatives even though Jill threatened to squeal that Dina shot Kay. Andy and Paul devised an elaborate scheme for Robert (Tyrone) to save Alana's life, thus ingratiating Mr. Anthony to Robert. Alana was upset to learn that Danny hadn't previously told her that he was married. Amy fretted that Mr. Anthony will kill her and Tyrone. Ashley announced that she's returning to work, but Jack vowed he won't let her take the Jabot's position as president away from him again. Ashley cried on Victor's shoulder over her illegitimate birth. Nikki and Jack spent a romantic night together in Hawaii. Nikki flipped out when she returned home and found Victor and Ashley together. Victor was furious to learn that Jack had been in Hawaii with Nikki. Dina filled Ashley in on the facts about Brent's past.

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The Jack/Victor feud and the Victor/Nikki/Ashley triangle are two of Y&R's signature storylines. So much of what FrenchFan has recapped has paved the way for the better part of the last 25 years.

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MAY 1985

All My Children

Head writers: Wisner Washam & Lorraine Broderick

Executive producer: Jacqueline Babbin

Jesse moved in with Yvonne after Eugene had lied that Angie's dating intern, Ken. On the witness stand, Nina was tricked into admitting that Zach had been blackmailing her. Dottie and Greg talked about sharing a pad in New York City. Hillary discoverd that Tad's having a sexy affair with Mickey. Tad conned Edna into negating his debt to her in exchange for his silence about her romps in the sack with Zach. Jesse insisted he'll always love Angie. Cliff doesn't believe that Linda could have killed Zach. Nina suspects that Cliff killed Zach. Sloane revealed that he overheard Zach and Palmer arguing. New York hotel maid, Selma, testified that Zach stayed at the hotel where she works. Zach and Cynthia were also at the hotel. Erica met Tibetan monk, Kantu, who shared his good memories of Mike. A mystery man watched Erica.

Someone stabbed Linda to death. Adam checked out Mickey's past after Mickey rebuffed his advances. Erica accepted a job as editor of Adam's magazine, Tempo. Erica insisted her visit to the Tibetan monastery has changed her outlook on life. Brooke and Mark were reunited. Palmer threw Cynthia out on her ear after learning that she had slept with Ross. Ellen lied that Ross was with her at the time of Zach's murder. Andrew admitted to Palmer that he's not really his grandson. Jesse learned that agent Rusty, is trying to take over Yvonne's singing contract from him. Bob is worried that Hillary is still hung up on Tad. Tad proved that Nina lied when she confessed that she had killed Zach. Dottie befriended Andrew. Adam schemed to get Erica back. Jesse wants to reconcile with Angie, who spent time with Ken.

Tibetan monk, Kantu, sent another monk, Jeremy, to New York City to protect Erica. Tad freaked out to learn that Mickey's former boyfriend, Barton Crane, has mob connections. Palmer and Daisy spent a night together. The jury found Daisy guilty of murdering Zach. Former Tempo editor Dabney resigned when Erica took over. Erica hired Dottie as a "girl Friday." Despite Edna's and Enid's disapproval, Greg and Dottie moved to New York City together. Tad arranged for Adam and Mickey to meet. Jesse signed Yvonne's singing contract over to Rusty. Yvonne said she hopes Jesse and Angie will reconcile. Benny proposed marriage to Donna. Adam is confident that he can win back Erica's love. Daisy and Cliff realized that Nina's mentally cracking up. Bob's disease is in remission, but he lied to Hillary that he's dying. Ken wooed Angie.

Daisy was sentenced to 25 years-life for killing Zach. Cynthia learned June was once involved with Zach. Bob told Hillary he wants a family. Adam paid Dabney Paine to spy on Erica. Erica hired Jeremy Hunter at Tempo after he showed her a potrait of her Mike commissioned him to do. Jesse punched Ken who was on a date with Angie. Donna accepted Benny's proposal. Brooke is worried

Nina's mentally ill. Adand and Jeremy don't like each other. Andrew and Dottie kissed. Dottie and Greg moved into their pad. Cynthia has an alibi for Zach's murder. Bob had nightmares about losing Hillary to Tad. Angie warned Ken not to be condescending toward Jesse. Adam hired Tad for the mailroom. Ross admitted he fought Zach.

Cynthia lied she was pregnant by Palmer then lied Ross got her pregnant when she learned Palmer was sterile. Benny found Zach's blackmail photos of Nina, Cynthia and Ross. Bob struggled with guilt he's keeping Hillary in the dark about his remission. Tad blackmailed Dottie into letting him crash at her and Greg's NYC apartment. Adam's paying Tad to spy on Erica. Jeremy hid a mysterious amulet from Erica. Ellen wouldn't reconcile with Ross after learning of Cynthia's pregnancy lie. Adam had Tad keep a close eye on Jeremy. Eugene and Jesse feuded over Angie. Olga is attracted to Jeremy. Mark and Brooke postponed wedding plans. Benny fretted Donna, having nightmares, might have killed Zach. Andrew kissed Dottie.

Another World

Head writer: Gary Tomlin

Executive producer: Stephen Schnekel

Bigamist, Catlin, must decide which wife he wants, Sally or Brittany. Cass and Kathleen's tryst in a secluded cabin resulted in another lover's spat. Dee snuck into Cass's bed while he was asleep. Victoria spent a night trapped in Marley's bedroom. Marley's haunted by nightmares that she has a twin sister. Carter punched out a guy who came on hot and heavy with Thomasina. Thomasina experienced more abdominal pains. Mac was dismayed when Rachel took him to a disco. Victoria was jealous to see Jake give Marley an innocent kiss. Peter schemed to get Sally away from Catlin. Sally was upset that Brittany's teaching Catlin to use sign language. Dee moved in with Felicia. Brittany, who's recuperating, was struck down by a car right after Catlin told her he wants a divorce.

Perry overheard Bridget and Jake plotting to get Marley away from Donna. Rachel partially regained her memory. Mac was upset that Rachel recalled her past with Steven Frame, not Mac. Donna cast a roving eye on Mac, who rebuffed her advances. Cass threw Dee out of his bed, and she later insisted that she no longer loves him. Jamie talked Kathleen out of leaving town even though she's distraught over her fights with Cass. Thomasina was hospitalized after she passed out. Sally freaked out that Brittany wants Catlin to move in with her. Perry and Nancy talked about becoming officially engaged. A mysterious new man in town could hold the key to Willa's murder. Catlin moved out of his and Sally's cottage. Donna mistook Victoria for Marley. While pretending to be Marley, Victoria snubbed a puzzled Nancy.

Mysterious lady tycoon, Daphne Grimaldi, wants Cass to run her Bay City shop, Le Soleil. Perry admitted to Victoria that he had bugged Jake's room. Later, during a struggle, Perry slipped and fell off a ladder. Carter learned that Thomasina is suffering from high blood pressure, which could complicate her pregnancy. Brittany asked Catlin to move in with her. Sally insisted to Catlin that their wedding is not legal because he's still married to Brittany. Brittany said she'll fight Catlin's divorce request. Larry realized that Dale, the teenaged baby sitter Clarice hired, is heavy into cocaine. Peter's arrival foiled Donna's attempt to seduce Mac. Rachel remembered another former lover, Mitch Blake. Zach bought a boat.

Nancy was devastated Perry died from his fall. Carl got out of jail for Perry's funeral. Kathleen and Cass vied to be director of Daphne's spa. Marley has a rare blood disease and needs a bone marrow transplant as Marley's twin Victoria is the only one who can do it. Mac agreed to help Rachel find Mitch Blake. Carter felt guilty after losing his rent money on a bad stock tip from Wallingford. Sally is upset Brittany won't loosen her hold on Catlin. Catlin and Brittany discussed their son's death. Jake told Victoria he wants to end their schemes against Marley. Zane took Brittany for a boat ride. Felica brought Liberace to town. Peter and Jamie feuded.

Teen babysitter Dale disappeared after telling Larry she once saw the now dead Willa with a drug dealer. Felicia was surprised to see old friend Gerhard in Bay City. Cass and Kathleen are still vying for the job at Le Soleil. Carter was forced to cash a check Quinn gave him to pay his rent. Bridget fretted Donna would catch Victoria who assumed Marley's identity for a day. Jake watched over an ill Marley. Unaware she was talking to Victoria, Donna admitted she's Marley's mom. Donna kept Marley in the dark about the seriousness of Marley's illness. A jealous Rachel decided to move back in with Mac after he hired Brittany to work in his stables.

As The World Turns

Head writer: Susan Bedsow Horgan

Executive producer: Robert Calhoun

Brian tried to befriend Paul, who later disappeared while at a ballgame with Brian. Kim and Bob left on their honeymoon cruise. Lisa hid her feelings of love for Bob. Frannie freaked out when college boy Kevin Gibson arrived on her doorstep. Vengeful thugs, Chuck and Cruiser, set fire to the Hayloft Bar after Jay and Kirk bought the place. Lucinda sent Craig to Hong Kong where he talked acupuncturist, Dr. Tien Hung Chen, into lecturing at Memorial Hospital. Lyla agreed to help John defeat Lucinda for the hospital board seat. Paul can't stand to see Barbara and Brian together. Lucinda intercepted Craig's note to Sierra, who wondered why Craig went out of town without telling her. Lily was upset to overhear Dusty's lie that he and Lily are sexually involved. Lisa wants to turn Diana's yacht into a Japanese restaurant, with Cal as her partner. Stewart got closer to Marcy.

On their cruise, Kim and Bob played matchmaker for two lonely people, Joe Kravitz and Princess Rosilinda of Golenstein. Jay and Kirk vowed to find out who burned down the Hayloft Bar. Brian slapped Paul after learning that the boy had faked his disappearance. After arguing with Barbara, Brian suddenly went out of town. At a tennis match, the press assumed Frannie and Stewart are a romantic twosome. Marcy was crushed to see Stewart comforting Frannie, who was upset by Kevin. Kevin insisted he dumped his fiance, Marie, and now he wants Frannie back. Lily was upset that Sierra moved in with her and Lucinda. Craig realized that Lucinda is manipulating Sierra. Sierra said she wants to work in a hospital and someday return to Montega to help her own people. Lionel arranged to move to Arizona where he's enrolled Heather in law school.

Tucker and Heather decided to get married, but Lionel won't give them his blessing. Marcy played matchmaker for Kevin and Frannie, who shared a romp in the sack. Princess Rosilinda and Joe hit it off after she admitted she's not really a princess; she's Rose Welinski, a retired teacher from Brooklyn. Joe admitted he's been lonely since his wife died. Lucinda vowed to keep her hold on Craig, even though he quit her employ. Chuck and Rocco plotted to set fire to Diana's yacht after Kirk and Jay said they're taking over the yacht. Stewart agreed to help Kirk and Jay catch Rocco and Chuck. Lily saw Dusty smooching with schoolmate, Allison. Lucinda learned that Dr. Chen isn't coming to Oakdale after all. Margo saw John and Lyla sharing a kiss. Barbara followed Brian to Innsbruck, Austria.

Stewart saved Jay and Kirk as Chuck torched Diana's yacht Barbara and Brian romped in bed in Innsbruck. Marie, Kevin's ex-fiancee, arrived to tell a shocked Frannie and Kevin she's pregnant with Kevin's baby. Kim and Bob ended their cruise to visit Bob's dad, Chris Hughes. Stewart told Marcy he couldn't save his mom in a fire. Stewart fumed to catch Marcy reading his journal. John was enraged losing the hospital seat to Lucinda. Lisa opened a dinner club on Diana's yacht. Craig went back to work for Lucinda. Betsy's back from Greece; Steve stayed to visit his dad. Lionel had an attack after stopping Heather and Tucker's elopement. Frannie didn't tell Bob she flunked out of Yale. Cupid hit Joe and Rose.

Mystery woman Shannon O'Hara returned from Greece on the same plane with Steve and took a mysterious pouch she found in a travel bag not hers. Lucinda was furious she failed to bust up Craig and Sierra. Frannie cried when Kevin said he'll stck by a pregnant Marie. Lyla realized John isn't serious about renewing their romance. Shannon came on to John. Lisa tried to keep rough customers patronizing Jay and Kirk's new club, Grand Prix, out of her chic club, Diana's. Heather was relieved John saved Lionel's life. Heather split up with Tucker, whom she accused of causing Lionel's attack.


Head writer: Henry Slesar

Executive producer: John Conboy

Charity learned that Ed and Josh Harrington are linked politically. Thomas was puzzled when someone temporarily stole Jarrett's medical file. Zed destroyed the film when a photographer snapped Jarrett's photo. Trey is worried that his marriage will fail after Sloane starts work on the New York City TV news show. To Brenda's dismay, Wally agreed to manage Sam's Atlantic City gambling casino. Ronnie returned to Zed the old love letter he'd written to Julie. Zed followed Sloane to New York City again.

Kelly and Trey romped in the sack, but he insisted that he still cares about Sloane. Charity suspects that Josh is the key to her questions about Glenn's disappearance. Sandy's henchman, Smitty, learned that Jarrett once had an accident that necessitated Jarrett having facial surgery. Nino insisted to Cheetah that Sandy didn't plan to sell Cheetah's baby on the black market. Paula had Ronnie lie to Myrna that Josh is having an affair with Paula.

Julie recovered in the hospital after accidentally investing pills and booze. Smitty tampered with a syringe in the operating room where Jarrett will undergo surgery. Josh agreed to pretend he's having an affair with Paula, then suggested they have a real fling. Josh is suspicious of Charity, Mark was jealous to see that Clarissa and Jarrett are friendly. Smitty terrorized Ronnie, who nixed dating him. Chip offered Cheetah money to help her care for her baby. Zed learned Tyler's in Europe.

Ronnie tipped off Zed, who foiled Smitty's plan to kill Jarrett. In a struggle with Ted Smitty electrocuted himself. Julie was shocked to learn Kelly and Trey are Scotty's parents. Trey fretted over Julie who passed out after injesting more pills and booze. Jarrett survived surgery but Thomas doesn't know if he will walk. Maggie was puzzled Trey rejected her plan to help him spend more time with Sloane. Zed and Ronnie patched up past differences.

Kelly refused to let Trey publicly claim Scotty as his son. Zed sent Chip to find Tyler. Julie rejected Sam's demand she check into a drug clinic. Trey asked Julie to keep mum about Scotty's parentage. Thomas saw Kelly kiss Trey. Zed caught Charity about to crack Josh's safe. Nino insisted to Cheetah he cares about her and won't let Chip harm her. Zed told Thomas Jarrett is often mistaken for dead gangster Victor Markham.

Days Of Our Lives

Head writers: Sheri Anderson, Thom Racina & Leah Laiman

Executive producers: Betty Corday & Al Rabin

Alex and Linda want to buy up waterfront property, so they hired Speed and his pal Chino to terrorize the neighborhood. Ivy suspects Speed and Chino of the vandalism. Tod was upset when his "business" partner, Savannah, arrived in Salem. Janey admitted to Tod that she's suspicious of Savannah. Marlena resigned as the hospital psychiatrist after refusing to treat Hart, who shot himself to death. Neil treated Kimberly, who was shocked to learn that she may be going blind. Anna admitted that she's still in love with Tony. Tony insisted to Jasmine that he doesn't love her. Pete and Melissa romped in the sack. Later, Pete worried about Ivy, who was hospitalized with stomach pains. Marlena learned Abe's new police boss, Richard Cates, had been a pal of Roman's. Ian reprimanded Melissa for skipping a probation meeting.

Savannah reminded Tod that they have to produce a music video tape soon or their mystery boss will kill them both. Liz was puzzled that Tod objected when Savannah wanted Liz to make a music video. A guilty Melissa confessed to Ian Griffith that she's mixed up about her feelings for Pete. Pete promised to stick by a bed-ridden Ivy. Tod talked Janey out of leaving town. Marlena insisted to a disbelieving Tom that she resigned from her job so she can spend time with her children. Ian bawled out Melissa for missing a probation session. Tony staged an elaborate, romantic scene in order to seduce Anna. Ian and Pete engaged in a wrestling match over Melissa. Marlena and Abe reminisced about Roman. Bo, Hope, Kim and Shane worked together to search for The Dragon. Kimberly's curious about Shane's past and his deceased wife Emma. Larry used Linda's money to buy a piece of waterfront property.

In England, Shane was shocked to see that his wife Emma is still alive. Marlena is intrigued by Richard Cates, the new Chief of Police. Marlena came out of her professional slump long enough to convince jailbird Jake Sellers not to kill his hostages, Melissa, Ian and Melissa's dance student, Latoya. The Dragon abducted Hope, who escaped from an eerie castle by swimming across a moat. The Castle is owned by the Duke of Earle, whom Shane thinks could be a future victim of The Dragon. Abe's brother Theo Carver arrived in town. Theo menaced Tod and Savannah. Theo claims he's a record producer. Bo's vocal talents were a hit at a local London disco. Mickey agreed to help waterfront store owners who are concerned over the attacks of vandalism in the area. Anna and Tony romped in the sack. Alex is smitten with Savannah. Pete was jealous to see Ian embrace Melissa.

The Dragon was arrested after a sword fight with Bo. A grateful member of British royalty paid the plane fare so Bo and Hope's families could come to London for their wedding. Shane restrained Emma, "programmed to kill" Bo and Hope at their wedding. The Dragon escaped from jail, vowing to kill Bo and Hope. Shane learned the Dragon is royalty. Kimberly feared she's lost Shane since he has Emma back. Shane admitted to Marlena he's in love with Kimberly who had more dizzy spells. Hope and Bo started their honeymoon in a London jail cell. Tod argued with Savannah who wants to sign Liz to a music video contract. Melissa told lan she loves him. Eugene kept mum he's columnist Battina Lovecraft. Abe thinks Theo's up to no good.

Theo got Bo and Hope out of London jail and secretly begged Bo to help find the men who killed Theo's friend. Theo admitted he was ousted from the police and said his friend was involved with the video music company Tod works for. Marlena rescued Richard, slightly injured in a gas explosion at police headquarters. Savannah warned Tod he's dead if he crosses their "organization" boss. Ian reluctantly admitted he's smitten with Melissa. The Dragon secretly reprogrammed Emma to kill Bo and Hope.

General Hospital

Head writers: Pat Falken Smith & Norma Monty

Executive producer: Gloria Monty

Sean balked, but let Anna cut herself in for a share of the Aztec treasure. Anthony recognized Frisco. Robert learned that Anna had lied that she has money problems. Sean put Anna in charge of his dockside warehouse and she squealed that Frisco's working on the dock to get information about the Aztec treasure. Grant accompanied Celia to Haiti, where they got a tacky and quickie divorce. Robert and Holly were shocked to see that Anna's face is badly scarred. Jimmy Lee rushed to Celia after Grant had lied that he was on a second honeymoon with her. Fed up with Jimmy Lee's and Grant's shenanigans, Celia returned to Port Charles with a mysterious Frenchman. Ginny was put on probation as a result of her obstruction of justice hearing. Frisco conned Josh into snooping around the dock area. Ginny panicked when Rick asked questions about Mike's real father.

Rick was shocked to learn that Derek is Mike's real father. Anna set up Holly, who was arrested for possession of stolen art objects. Jimmy Lee was jealous that Celia showed Frenchman, Pierre, around Port Charles. Steve has a heart condition. Felicia and Frisco are stymied in their search for Slater. Anna kept mum that Slater is hiding out in her New York City pad. Grant is depressed over losing Celia. Bobbie advised Ginny to leave town. Robert freaked out when Ian printed a newspaper story about Holly's arrest. Anna denied Sean's charge that she's more interested in getting her hooks into Robert than she is in her share of the Aztec treasure. Grant agreed to help a paralyzed Anthony, who may soon be released from the hospital.

Robert and Anna each had memories of their long-ago romance and their marriage in a mass wedding ceremony in Italy. Holly was cleared of theft charges. Anthony went home with Tania. Derek vowed to be a part of Ginny and Mike's lives. Celia and Jimmy Lee are upset that the Quartermaines are planning every detail of their upcoming marriage. Grant learned that Anthony's memory is slowly returning, but Anthony doesn't remember who shot him. Robert and Anna remembered their tenure as W.S.B. agents. Anna lied to Sean that she and Robert were only W.S.B. partners, not lovers. Frisco and Felicia hope Anthony will recall facts about Slater and the Aztec treasure. Felicia wants to rekindle her old romance with Frisco. Anthony silently worried he'll never be a whole man again. Robert realized Anna framed Holly. Jake and Bobbie made plans for their future.

Tony finally spoke and kept repeating Sean's name. Robert has proof to link Sean to the treasure and Tony's shooting. Robert recalled Emma once betrayed him on a WSB assignment. Sean panicked when Grant tripped a warehouse alarm. Anna refused to give Robert information on Sean's business. Grant and Lorena comforted each other about Celia and Jimmy Lee's marriage. Sean plans to hide the treasure in the medical supply ship Grant, Alan and he own. Robert learned Sean was in Mexico when the treasure disappeared. Frisco was jealous to see Felicia with Kevin. Grant hopes to get Celia back. Celia begged Edward to be a real dad to Jimmy Lee.

Terry freaked to see Kevin O’Connor, with whom she shares a past. Ginny is pregnant but doesn't know if Rick or Derek is the dad. Monica soothed Rick who threatened to divorce Ginny and keep her baby. Robert confronted Sean and Anna about the Aztec treasure after getting more proof Sean stole it. Robert found Sean didn't order Tony's shooting. Sean, Anna and Robert were shocked to find the treasure missing. Grant made plans to rendezvous in Africa with the medical ship. Tony forgave Felicia for unwittingly causing his shooting. Frisco hunted the treasure and Tony's would-be killer. Mexican officials agreed not to prosecute if the treasure is returned. Slater's headed for town.

Guiding Light

Head writer: Pamela K. Long

Executive producer: Gail Kobe

Floyd was arrested after he admitted to the police that he had killed Andy. Kyle stole a kiss from Reva, who insisted to H.B. that Kyle means nothing to her. Mindy wants Kurt to fight for Rosie (Roxie) so she can have Rick for herself. Roxie (Rosie) remembered that she's afraid of a man named Bubba. Kyle fumed that H.B. told a TV audience to boycott Kyle's companies. H.B. publicly announced that Kyle isn't his son. For Maureen's sake, Fletcher convinced Ed to keep mum that Ed fathered Claire's baby. Ed realized Claire doesn't know about Fletcher's vasectomy. Lujack refused to work at Spaulding Enterprises, then took a job as a hospital orderly. India fumed that Philip told the press that he's divorcing her. Kyle told Roxie about her hooker past and apologized for causing her grief. David threatened to quit his job with Kyle. Kurt bedded Rosie (Roxie).

Rick brought Bubba to town in hopes that Bubba's presence will trigger Roxie's memory. Ed and Fletcher are worried about Claire's baby after they learned that Claire and Ed have opposite Rh blood types. Claire was puzzled when Ed gave her a shot to prevent her baby from developing an Rh blood problem. Reva insisted that she loves H.B., who forced her to join with the rest of the Lewises, who want to run Kyle out of town. Some out-of-work Spaulding workers sided with Kyle, who offered them jobs. India vied for the job of Philip's assistant after Warren resigned. Alex laughed that Warren said he's opening a nightclub. Mindy admitted to Kurt that she's in love with Rick. Lujack introduced Bea to Judd Lile, a crotchety hospital patient Lujack's befriended. Ed, who's a recovered alcoholic, was tempted to take a drink. Roxie moved into Kyle's condo.

Roxie regained her memory after Bubba admitted that years ago he'd raped her. Claire was shocked when Ed and Fletcher told her that she's carrying Ed's baby, not Fletcher's. Lujack and Beth put their marriage plans on hold while he tries to launch a singing career. Kyle officially took over Lewis Oil, but didn't change the company name. Kyle offered to let Billy continue as Lewis Oil's president. Alex asked her former beau, musician Loche Walls, to dissuade Lujack from a singing career. Mindy and Kurt are becoming friends. Philip gave India a job as his secretary. Claire isn't sure she wants to marry Fletcher. Kyle insisted to Reva that he loves her. Alex laughed at Warren, who is remodeling his new nightclub. Kurt is convinced that he's lost Rosie (Roxie) forever. H.B. admitted that he feels threatened by Kyle.

Reva visited Abigail and Thurmond Yoder after Reva admitted to H.B. she has feelings for Kyle. Beth enlisted I.Q.'s aid to persuade Lujack to enter a music video contest. At Alex' request Locke discouraged Lujack from a singing career. Claire begged Ed to tell Maureen he's the father of Claire's baby. Roxie struggled with her feelings for Kurt and RicK and nixed Rick's proposal. Billy kept mum he's in financial trouble. Maureen learned Fletcher didn't father Claire's baby. Alex went to Barbados to see her sister Victoria. Ed treated Locke, who has cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure and diabetes. Mindy is smitten with Kurt who is staying.

Beth convinced Philip to finance Lujack's video. Locke was hospitalized. Reva resisted the urge to fall into Kyle's arms after he arrived at the farm. Fletcher let Maureen believe her theory Trevor got Claire pregnant. Ed confided to Ross he fathered Claire's baby. Philip cut India off financially after learning she charged expenses for her hospital charity ball to his accounts. Tony gave Kurt a bartending job at Company. Claire mistakenly thinks Maureen knows Ed fathered her baby. Sally insisted to H.B. his marriage to Reva is over. A guntoting Billy is looking for Kyle.


Head writer: Agnes Nixon

Executive producer: Joseph Stuart

A supposed dead Jonathan, who's a ringer for Keith, snuck back into Corinth and pretended to be Keith when it suited his purpose. Thinking he was Keith, Gwyneth fell for Jonathan's romantic advances. Dane and Gwyneth stole kisses behind Ann's back. Jonathan secretly kept tabs on Lorna. Ava learned that her unborn baby may be dead. Shana worried when Mike reminisced about Vietnam. Jack told Ava that he wants a divorce. Harry thinks Gwyneth loves him. Curtis caught Colby kissing Keith.

Ava lost her baby, then begged her sister Sherrie to let her have Sherrie's baby when it's born. Sherrie's husband, Tug, was shocked by Ava's demand. Jonathan snuck into Keith's lab, knocking him unconscious. Jack and Stacey romped in the sack while Ava was in the hospital. Lorna's afraid to let herself love Linc because of her past experience with Jonathan. Trisha and Steve are in love. Colby slept with Keith. Jonathan set up a basement hiding place.

Harry vowed to get even with Gwyneth, who laughed in his face at his assumption that she loves him. Noreen and Mike got closer while they watched over an ailing Rose. Tug agreed to meet Jack and to consider Ava's request to raise Tug and Sherrie's unborn baby. Tug and Sherrie worried about their daughter, Tina, who needs hip surgery. Jonathan spied on Keith, who smooched with Colby. Dane warned Ann to cut down on her drinking. Steve and Trisha planned a future together. Rita Mae took a job as Lorna's assistant.

Jonathan kidnapped his brother Keith to assume his ID. Noreen and Mike found their divorce isn't final. Leaving a drunken Ann, Dane seduced Gwyneth on a business trip. Jonathan slept with Colby who thought he was Keith. Jonathan warned he'll kill Colby if Keith doesn't cooperate. To get his divorce Jack considered paying off Ava. Harry considered Gwyneth's offer to pay him to bust up Trisha and Steve.

Lorna was shocked Jonathan is alive and impersonating Keith. Shana was upset to learn second-hand Mike and Noreen aren't divorced yet. Feeling guilty, Harry agreed to Gwyneth's plan to pay him to bust up Steve and Trisha's romance. Ann's drinking is out of control. Dane is jealous of Gwyneth's interest in Keith (Jonathan). Ava padded her stomach to keep Jack from learning she had a miscarriage. Keith paced his make-shift cell.

One Life To Live

Head writers: Sam Hall & Peggy O’Shea

Executive producer: Paul Rauch

Asa gave Becky a divorce and let her have custody of Drew. Becky and Jesse decided to stay in Llanview so that Asa can visit Drew. Tina was shocked when her former lover, Mitch Laurence, arrived from California. Viki went into a rage when copies of Victor's letter of admittance that he had fathered Tina, had been inserted into the programs for Viki's tribute to Victor. To protect Cassie from the mob, Rob broke off their plans to elope, then dated Joy. Giulietta was innocently swept along into the getaway car with some teenaged thugs who had committed a robbery. Didi helped Rafe with Samantha. Rob realised that he's being tailed by Frank, a man who claims he once knew Alex. Dorian learned Klaus was murdered in his prison cell. Ed warned Dorian that the mob knows she's snooping into Alex's "death." Asa was smitten by Clover, but is unaware that she's Jesse's sister.

Bo believed Giulietta, who insisted she didn't help the teen thugs who had robbed Dorian's pad. Tina slept with Mitch, who said he thinks Viki's having an affair. Rob realized he can't stay away from Cassie. Jenny lied to Cassie that David is off doing good works somewhere and won't ever be back. Harry broke up with Dorian after he learned she had Tina tailing nun around town. Clint went off on a vacation after Viki insisted she wanted to stay alone at her cabin. Clover wants Jesse to buy the Backstreet Bar and feature Becky as the club's singer. Frank's mob boss is hoping that Rob will lead them to Alex. Viki fumed that her tribute to Victor had been ruined. Mitch told Tina he had inserted Victor's letter in the tribute programs. Niki (Viki) was upset to see Harry with Dorian. Asa learned Clover is Jesse's sister.

Bo hired exchange student Paolo to tutor Giulietta. Paolo remembered seeing a photo of Giulietta in an Italian fashion magazine. Mitch found the rest of Victor's will, which states that Viki is to be disinherited if she has a recurrence of her split personality. Tina would then be Victor's sole heir. Frank and thug, Cody, roughed up Rob, who refused to tell them where Alex is. Niki (Viki) agreed to go on a weekend tryst with Harry. Tina nixed Viki's offer to pay her to renounce the Lord's name. Clover decided to upgrade her unage. Cassie reconciled with Rob, but, for the mob's benefit, they decided to pretend they're still feuding. Mitch unwittingly followed Viki (Niki) to the Backstreet Bar. Bo told Delilah that their old romance is over for good. Clint had Victor's secret room sealed off. Brad found a buyer for Victor's stolen paintings.

Jesse and Becky took Drew and left town so Becky can sing at a Memphis theater. Dorian reluctantly agreed to hide Cassie and Rob from Frank's mob boss. Tina realized Viki is having a split personality again. Mitch heard Harry report Niki Smith (Viki) missing. Viki told Jenny her split personality has resurfaced. Frank and Theresa plotted to use Rob to get to Alex, who learned Rob was beaten. Rob agreed to be hospitalized so Alex' enemies will show themselves. Mitch "befriended" Niki at the Backstreet Bar. Tina fumed Brad agreed to share with Mitch the profits from sale of Victor's stolen paintings. Asa agreed to be partners with Clover, who bought the bar.

Rob, Larry and Marco caused the arrests of gangsters Frank, Cody and Theresa. Mob boss J.D., Descamedes' brother, was arrested. Alex turned himself in to the FBI after admitting he killed Descamedes to destroy the mob. Connie moved to NYC. Mitch and Tina vowed to find proof Viki is Niki. Clint threw Tina off the estate. Tina told Mitch she doesn't like his plan to drive Viki crazy with memories of Tina's mom Irene. Viki gave Clint legal custody of her sons and estate should anything happen. Harry was upset Niki (Viki) couldn't explain her disappearance. Cassie's ex-Greek boyfriend Nikos, working at the health club, was accused of stealing a necklace.

Ryan’s Hope

Head writers: Tom King & Millee Taggart

Executive producer: Joseph Hardy

Dancer Sissy White realized that Katie loves Dave. Johnny Mathis recorded one of Dave's songs and later admitted that Katie, not Maggie, had given him the music. Laslo refused to sleep with Siobhan, who had admitted that she loves Max. Jacqueline freaked out when Chantal said that Max loves Siobhan. Siobhan got a mysterious letter which said that Max's past is "buried" in France. Rick told Ryan to date boys her own age. Jacqueline delved into Max's past.

A Frenchman told Chantal that Siobhan is asking questions about the Dubujak family. Max learned Siobhan's in France. Tiger told Maggie she'll have to sleep with him if she wants to continue her successful modeling career. Siobhan was puzzled that the French police have no record of a past scandal in the Dubujak family. Max was questioned when his police informant, Detective White, was found murdered. Frank asked Jill to remarry him. Jack's worried that Siobhan could be in danger

Siobhan romped in the sack with Max in France. A mystery person tried to shoot Siobhan with an arrow. Chantal hid the fact that she's plotting against Siobhan. Ryan interviewed street bum, Ferdie, who dropped a paging device when he rushed out of Ryan's Bar. Max remembered an argument from long ago during which Gabrielle had sustained a head injury that caused her death. A woman who looks like the supposed dead Gabrielle is spying on Max. Maggie fretted Tiger will ruin her career.

Learning Katie loves him, Dave cancelled plans to wed Maggie. Chantal paid Chesey to impersonate Gabrielle, who is locked in a padded cell. Ryan was rescued from a punk rock gang by mystery man D.J. LaSalle. D.J. took Ferdie's paging device from Ryan, then threw it out a window. Maggie slept with Tiger who wants her to pose nude for an ad. In France Jack sought information on Gabrielle's death. Max told Siobhan he hated Gabrielle.

Determined not to lose Dave to Katie, Maggie lied she's carrying his baby. Johnny collapsed after arguing with Siobhan who moved in with Max. Katie was devastated Dave said he's going through with plans to wed Maggie. Chantal secretly watched as Chessey (Gabrielle) befriended Jacqueline. Ryan noticed D.J. has a pager like Ferdie's. Roger slyly agreed to aid Maggie with her fake pregnancy plans. Jacqueline threw a fit when Max said he loves Siobhan.

Santa Barbara

Head writers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Executive producers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

The mysterious lady courier tried to kill Kelly, who unwittingly is in possession of a "shipment" meant for Stanfield. Cruz, Santana, Ted and Gina were rescued from the tunnel cave-in along with Augusta, who had received a blow to the head. Gina's former hubby, Hank, was killed in the tunnel. A photographer, Nick, took photos of Kelly and Brandon. Nick later saw the gun-tottag courier in the developed photos of Kelly, but the photos were later stolen. Ted comforted Jackie, who learned that her military husband, Larry, is missing overseas. Eden and Cruz set a wedding date. Convinced that C.C. was responsible or his parents' deaths, Marcello vowed to get revenge on C.C. during Eden's wedding. Brick learned that Jeff had been sterile. Gina told a shocked C.C. that she knows about Brandon's parentage.

Mason altered Gina's home pregnancy test results from positive to negative. Lionel learned that Augusta is blind as a result of the tunnel explosion. Augusta's sister, Julia arrived to help her out. The Navy informed Jackie that her estranged husband Larry had been found dead. Cruz learned that Marcello had been in town the day Channing Jr. was murdered. No one believed Nick, who insisted that a mysterious lady (the courier) is trying to kill Kelly. Sophia accepted an invitation to Eden and Cruz's wedding. Brick told Cruz he's sure that Amy's life is in danger because she was once Jeff's girlfriend. Santana vowed to find out who killed Channing Jr. Ted got into a fight with Laken's new boyfriend. Unaware that she's already pregnant, Gina considered Mason's magnanimous offer to get her pregnant.

Brandy, the lady courier, fell through a skylight to her death during a struggle with Nick, who kept her from killing Kelly. Mystery man Jack Lee arrived in town. Santana made Mason burn a video tape containing romantic shots of Channing Jr. and Lindsey. Santana rescued Brandon, who freaked out and nearly fell off a roof after swallowing some of Gina's pain pills. Eden is convinced that something tragic is going to happen on her wedding day. Marcello plotted to kill C.C. in an elevator equipped with a machine-gun. Kelly recognized Stanfield, who she saw on a TV news show. Stanfield and a cohort arranged for a courier to deliver another mystery package to Kelly. Watching on a TV monitor, Marcello freaked out to see Kelly in the sabotaged elevator. Lionel tried to cheer up Augusta, who isn't dealing well with her blindness.

Kelly and C.C. were rescued from the sabatoged elevator. A gun spark started a fire in the hotel, interrupting Cruz and Eden's wedding. A wounded Marcello escaped from the hospital but told Cruz the ID of Channing Jr.'s murderer. The real Jack Lee is being tortured by men hired by a man impersonating Jack. Julia recalls past affair with the real Jack. The fake Jack told Augusta he loves her. The fake Jack's henchman Parker sought Amy and Brick, who hid in a barn. Jack has a special interest in Amy's unborn baby. Nick comforted Kelly. Mason and Gina's tryst was interrupted by the fire. Mason wants Gina to give him control of Brandon's trust fund. Marcello knocked Eden out when she caught him searching Cruz' boat.

Cruz reenacted Channing Jr.'s murder. Cruz rejected Marcello's confession he was the murderer. Sophia recalled events leading to Channing Jr.'s death. Amy had a son which Dr. Renfro insisted died shortly after birth. A mystery woman took the baby from the hospital. A suspicious Brick told Amy he's not sure her son is dead. Mason admitted Gina was pregnant by C.C. before Mason seduced her. Gina and Santana had a fight over Brandon who recovered from his accidental drug overdose.

Search For Tomorrow

Head writers: Paul Avila Mayer & Stephanie Braxton

Executive producer: Erwin Nicholson

Liza and Hogan were swept downstream on a raft after they had rescued two halfdrowned teenagers. Street thug Hardy forced his old friend Sailor to look the other way while Hardy planned to rob Liza's house. T.R. was repulsed when Sailor confessed that he cares deeply for her. Kate was nearly electrocuted by a frayed wire in Suzi and Cagney's cabin. Suzi worried over Cagney's safety. Hogan had a fit that Liza donated his old typewriter to a charity drive.

Hardy took T.R. hostage after she saw him kill Sailor. Liza's brother Danny Walton arrived home just in time to save T.R. from Hardy's clutches. Ryder also came to T.R.'s rescue. Liza and Hogan shared some exciting sex while stranded in a cave during a severe rainstorm. Suzi and Cagney were married despite her worry that Cagney will die because he married her. Justine was upset to learn that Quinn's having a fling with Wendy. Sunny's unaware of Liza and Hogan's affair.

T.R. hitched a fast ride on Danny's motorcycle. Bela ransacked Ryder's room. Liza and Hogan were rescued from the cave, but they can't forget their shared passion. Lloyd asked Liza for a date. Quinn accepted a job as Stephanie's male secretary. Rider and T.R. dreamed about a future together. Wendy and Quinn plotted to oust Chase from his TV job. Justine left town. T.R. can't face Sailor's death. A mysterious girl snuck into the Caldwell Mansion, which later caught on fire.

The mystery girl Quinn rescued from the fire is Jo's granddaughter Sarah Whiting. Stephanie gave Quinn a raise, fuming Wendy was promoted. T.R. was arrested after stealing Chase's car. Sunny wrongly believes Hogan's new novel heroine is patterned after Sunny. Lloyd proposed to Liza who can't forget the passion she shared with Hogan. Danny and Ryder sparred over T.R.

Danny and T.R. saw Bela kissing Ryder's mom Anna. Ryder's parents, Anna and Randolph, own a circus. Sunny convinced Liza to finance publication of Hogan's romance novel. A drunken Lloyd tried to get passionate with Liza whose thoughts were on Hogan. Ryder, Danny and T.R. found an old news clipping behind Anna's photo. Sarah admitted she's smitted with Quinn. Danny cozied up to T.R. Quinn and Wendy plotted to get Chase fired from Stephanie's station.

The Young And The Restless

Head writer: William J. Bell

Executive producer: H. Wesley Kenney

Victor was skeptical of the stranger who claims to be Victor's long-lost brother, Matt. Gina warned Danny that she doesn't want Neil to learn that her father is a jailbird and that she has a criminal past. JoAnna admitted to Lauren that she's been bedding Eric. Mr. Anthony was grateful to Robert (Tyrone) who "saved" Alana after causing a gas leak in her apartment. Unaware that Robert (Tyrone) is Jazz's brother, Mr. Anthony ordered Jazz to check out Robert's past. Victor admitted to Nikki that he has special feelings for Ashley, but insisted that he doesn't want to lose Nikki. Jack admitted to Carol he hates the fact that Ashley is his boss. Lindsey warned Ashley that Jack will try to overthrow Ashley as president of Jabot. Jack fumed that Ashley doesn't think Nikki should be Jabot's head model.

Brent quietly left town after learning that he's dying of a liver ailment. An unwitting Kay made plans to marry Brent, who left her a Dear John letter. Lauren asked Paul to check out Gina's past. Alana got Mr. Anthony to offer Robert (Tyrone) a job, but Mr. A. doesn't trust Robert. Victor's investigators found proof that Matt really is Victor's brother. Victor was upset to find out from Ashley that Nikki is modeling for Jabot, but he agreed Nikki could keep the job. Lauren enlisted Shawn's help to split up Neil and Gina. Jack learned the photo he found in Brent's room is one of Ashley's baby photos. Nikki insisted to Ashley that Jack will never bust up Nikki's marriage to Victor. Kay considered sending John one of the bedroom blackmail photos of Jack and Jill.

Mr. Anthony gave Robert (Tyrone) a job, but ordered Kong to keep tabs on Robert. Jill hired handsome hunk, Brad Carlton as the groundskeeper for John's estate. Jack tricked Ashley into admitting that she's Brent's daughter. Jack threatened to tell John about Ashley's parentage unless Ashley lets him be president of Jabot. Nikki and Matt are attracted to each other. Alana didn't recognize Tyrone (Robert) without his "white face" disguise. Kay was shocked to learn that Brent left town while she was making their wedding plans. Kay decided to have a jigsaw puzzle made from one of Jill's blackmail photos. Paul learned that Shawn gave Lauren a piece of expensive jewelry. Gina threatened to ruin Lauren's career if Lauren tries to bust up Gina and Neil. Kong told Amy, who he thinks is a hooker, his real name is Nathaniel, and then insisted he's never killed anyone.

John tossed the photo jigsaw puzzle pieces Kay sent but Carol retrieved them. Paul and Andy quizzed Shawn's friend Ruth, who said Shawn inherited a large trust fund. Paul talked with Shawn's ex-girlfriend Lacey, who won't admit he has violent tendencies. After a night of drinking Shawn made Lauren think they slept together. John reluctantly accepted Ashley's resignation as Jabot president and made Jack president. Victor offered Matt a job piloting Victor's jet. Tim and Traci agreed to forget their romance. Matt befriended Nikki after she and Victor fought about Ashley.

Traci was surprised Danny didn't jump at divorce. Lindsey agreed to get in good with Jack so she can feed Ashley inside info on Jack's management plans for Jabot. Shawn kept Paul from getting further info on Shawn's childhood. Carol got more pieces of the photo jigsaw puzzle of Jack and Jill making love. Matt covered for Nikki who helped Jack celebrate his promotion. Lauren told JoAnna Gina has an arrest record and that Gina's dad is in prison. Lauren pretended she's happy about Neil's engagement to Gina.

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JUNE 1985

All My Children

Head writers: Wisner Washam & Lorraine Broderick

Executive producer: Jacqueline Babbin

Daisy's court appeal was denied and she was sent to Covington Prison, where Sandy, an inmate, befriended her. Bryan told Brooke that he's convinced Daisy didn't kill Zach. Donna began to wonder if she killed Zach and then blanked it out of her mind. Marian's fiance, Jack, doesn't know about her promiscuous past. Jeremy caught Tad eavesdropping on Erica's conversations. Dabney agreed to continue working for Erica after Adam gave him a raise. Tad saved Dottie, who was attacked by a thug. Hillary was upset to learn that Tad is living with Dottie and Greg. Jesse punched out Eugene after hearing Little Frankie call Eugene, "daddy." Angie admitted she still loves Jesse. Erica spent time with Adam's twin brother, Stuart. Cliff vowed to stick by a distraught Nina. Dottie caught Tad peeping into the windows of neighboring apartments. Hillary's secretly taking birth control pills.

Marian was arrested after admitting she knifed Zach in self-defense as he strangled her. He threatened to expose her past to Jack. Zach had admitted he killed Linda before dying. Erica hid Gilles St. Clair so he can win a bet. Palmer fumed Marian let Daisy go to jail for killing Zach. Angie told Eugene she's not interested.

Con artist Robin McCall stole Greg's train ticket to Pine Valley. Tad drooled over his redheaded neighbor, Christie, who he met in the laundry room. Suspecting that Robin stole his camera, Greg chased her into the street where she received minor injuires when struck by a car. Eugene stole a watch and a wallet, planted them in Jesse's locker at the hospital, then tipped the cops, who found the stolen goods. Alfred learned that Bob's keeping everyone in the dark that he's in remission. Nina, who's packing a loaded gun, blames Donna for the trouble that Zach caused everyone. Nina's plot to shoot Marian was foiled when the cops wouldn't let her visit Marian, who's in jail. Andrew suggested that Cynthia should give Palmer a quickie divorce. Angie pooh-poohed Ruth, who warned that Eugene is constantly antagonizing Jesse. Erica introduced Mark to Gilles.

Jeremy insisted to his former soldier of fortune partner, Larry, that he's no longer in the revolutionary business. Mickey, who runs a call girl ring, warned Kristie to stop spending time with Tad. Hillary was upset when Bob announced that she might be pregnant. Tad romanced Alfred's sister, Abigail. Jesse escaped from the police. Brooke kept mum to Erica that Gilles agreed to do a TV interview with Brooke. Jeremy is becoming attached to Erica. Mark is jealous of Gilles' dashing image. Donna and Benny were married. Cliff grabbed for Nina, who fired her gun at Donna. Mark didn't approve that Brooke agreed to put Sandy up until she can get a job. Vera warned Eugene to keep away from Angie. Call girl Paula agreed to a date with Tad. Robin recuperated in the hospital and insisted to Greg that she's not a con artist. Adam warned Jeremy to stay away from Erica.

Another World

Head writer: Gary Tomlin

Executive producer: Stephen Schnekel

Victoria learned that Donna never knew she had given birth to twins. Victoria later presented herself to Donna, who realized that Victoria is Marley's identical twin. Larry went undercover to investigate the drug trade in Bay City. Felicia was surprised to learn she'd inherited 50 percent of Le Soleil from her former lover. Grant was upset to learn that Carter won't graduate because he missed his high school exams. Gerhard's son, Michoud, arrived in town. Brittany's hearing is gradually returning. Quinn disapproved that Carter and Thomasina share a pad with Dee. M.J. can't seem to juggle work and her relationship with Jamie. Catlin insisted to Sally that he loves her. Sally was upset that Kevin likes Brittany. Kathleen fumed that Cass gets on famously with Daphne.

Brittany didn't tell Catlin she has hearing and speech. Zane fell for Felicia. Victoria and Marley did the bone marrow transplant. Kevin disappeared as Nancy was babysitting. Brittanny tried to learn who killed Willa. Clarice wrongly thinks Larry's on drugs. Britanny was upset to hear Catlin tell his lawyer he wants a divorce. Larry is checking out Adrienne in his drug investigation.

Someone tailed Larry and M.J. as they moved drugs from Larry's pad to a warehouse. Adrienne sent an unwitting Carter on a drug run to New Orleans. Sally wasn't overly grateful to Brittany, who rescued a runaway Kevin from a caved-in mine shaft. Catlin was shocked that Brittany can hear again. Donna feared that Marley could die from an infection, probably caused by the sanitation cutbacks she had ordered at the hospital. Sally was skeptical when Catlin insisted that Brittany accept the fact that he loves Sally. Catlin failed to dissuade Brittany from searching for Willa's killers. Thomasina is disappointed that she may never realize her dream to become a doctor. Felicia is anxious to meet Michaud, but is unaware that he's the son of her former lover, Gerhard. Victoria suspects that Jake's fallen in love with Marley. Adrienne sexually propositioned Larry.

A recuperating Marley was delighted to learn that Victoria is her twin sister. Kathleen was furious that Daphne gave Cass the job of managing Le Soleil. Adrienne's husband, Tommy Lee, warned that she had better not be having an affair with Larry. Clarice threw Larry out of her bed because she thinks he's having a fling with Adrienne. Nancy freaked out when Carl sent her some of Perry's belongings. Larry was upset that teen babysitter Dale is still missing and her father blames Larry. Larry gave thugs Jimmy and Polo a drug shipment which they then turned over to Tommy Lee. Rachel went back to Ada's old house in hopes that seeing it would trigger Rachel's amnesia. Brittany decided to give Catlin a divorce, but secretly plotted to win him back real soon. Michoud launched a search for the perfect woman to represent the Le Soleil image.

As The World Turns

Head writer: Susan Bedsow Horgan

Executive producer: Robert Calhoun

Nancy and Chris Hughes moved in with Bob and Kim. Bob was upset that Frannie hasn't told him that she flunked out of Yale. Stewart's upset that his London bank hasn't been sending him his money. Dusty was intrigued by Shannon, while Lyla was jealous to learn that Shannon's crashing at John's pad. Lucinda arranged for a thug to steal Sierra's emerald necklace, which he then gave to Lucinda. Lionel changed his mind and said he won't prevent Heather from marrying Tucker. Tom learned that Stewart is one of his new European legal clients. Steve fretted that Stewart doesn't have the money to hire him to build a planned tennis center. Dusty and Andy are becoming friends. Kim warned John that he's not to see Andy without her permission. Sierra's curious about her supposedly dead mother.

Lucinda objected Sierra and Craig are going to Montega to get info on Sierra's mom. Lisa was upset Brian nixed her plan to buy the yacht club and remodel it. Stewart's lawyer Reginal Moffett found Stewart's trust fund is frozen as Scotland Yard investigates his mom's death. Stewart told his ex-nanny he doesn't recall anything about his mom's death. Nancy admitted Chris is ill. Tucker and Heather agreed not to wed.

Tucker moved to Alaska to work for a friend. Stewart agreed to return to London with Scotland Yard's Inspector Pearce, who is investigating the death of Stewart's mother. Stewart and his former nanny, Emma, collaborated on an alibi for the time that his mother died. In Montega, Craig and Sierra contacted her old friend Jorge, who had no idea where Sierra could find anyone who knew her mother. Paul advised Barbara not to accept Brian's marriage proposal. Brian reluctantly wished Lisa luck after she bought the yacht club. Kim and Bob discussed having children of their own. Marcy was upset to see Frannie on a date with Stewart. Shannon remembered changing her hair color from blonde to brunette and changing her name to "Shannon." Shannon took the mysterious pouch away from Dusty and Lily, who had found it. Frannie missed Kevin.

Stewart recounted to Inspector Pearce that he'd quarrelled with his mother the day she fired Stewart's nanny, Emma Hawley. Sierra and her friend Artemio rescued Craig from some terrorists. Sierra found a blurryold photo of her mother. Steve reluctantly agreed that Betsy can get a job to help pay the bills. Nancy and Chris don't feel comfortable living with Kim and Bob. Marcy followed Stewart to London. Bob fumed that John aced out the hospital and took out a patent on his cure for Wilhelms Disease. Shannon gave Dusty advice on how to woo Lily. Using the name Erin Casey, Shannon placed a collect call to her brother. Brian was upset that Barbara nixed his marriage proposal because Paul doesn't want them to tie the knot. Brian resisted the sexual advances of his secretary, Gillian. Tom is suspicious of Emma.


Head writer: Henry Slesar

Executive producer: John Conboy

Judson tailed Zed to an Austrian monastery where the trail to Tyler's whereabouts seemingly ends. Zed insisted to Judson that Victor Markham is buried in the monastery cemetery. A drunken Thomas punched out Trey after Kelly admitted she's been sleeping with Trey. Sloane, who's unaware of the affair, warned Kelly to stay away from Trey. Casino employee, Bumper, gave Wally a hard time. Wally and Brenda set a wedding date. Jarrett had his lawyer, Marshall, keep tabs on Zed.

Zed, Judson and Fr. Fabian helped Tyler escape the Austrian monastery. Trey put Julie in touch with lawyer Austin Sinclair who handles private adoptions. Zed and Judson know Victor Markham is alive. Trey is torn by his love for Kelly and Sloane who fumed to find Kelly secretly was at the wedding. Tyler was reunited with Julie.

Zed caught Charity searching his files for info on Victor Markham, who she thinks caused the death of her fiancé Glenn. Zed threatened to reveal Charity's art-thief past unless she steals a valuable painting from Leland Hanover. Sam convinced Jordy to buy out a company owned by Cyrus Miller, who's unaware that his company will soon receive a defense contract. Jordy flipped out over Cyrus' gorgeous wife Deidre. Austin told Cheetah that he's found someone to adopt her baby, but didn't say it was Julie and Tyler.

Jordy's buy out of Cyrus' company fell flat when Cyrus learned Jordy had bedded Cyrus' wife Deidre. Trey worried that Tyler will use Scotty's illegitimate birth to ruin Trey's political career. Tyler and Mark suspect that Jarrett may actually be Victor Markham. Clarissa agreed to vacation on the island of Columbe with Mark, who plans to check out Jarrett's home on the island. Paula announced the publishing of her book, "City of Dreams." Cheetah gave birth to a daughter.

Days Of Our Lives

Head writers: Sheri Anderson, Thom Racina & Leah Laiman

Executive producers: Betty Corday & Al Rabin

The Dragon (The Duke of Earle) fell out a window to his death during a fight with Shane. Emma recovered from the "spell" The Dragon had put her under after her second attempt to kill Bo and Hope was foiled. Shane worried about Emma, who is an accessory to the murders committed by The Dragon. Bo freaked out to learn that Theo's murdered friend was Danny Grant. Melissa smooched with Ian, who turned her case over to lady probation officer, Margaret Kellogg. Marlena and Richard like each other. Pete was upset to see Melissa in Ian's arms. Ivy's skeptical that Pete's share of Chris's new disco, Jump, is going to make Pete rich. Neil advised Shane to stay away from Kimberly, who kept mum to Shane about her blindness. Hope was upset that Bo didn't tell her he was accosted by the Vipers' gang members. Eugene admitted that he's Bettina Lovecraft, lovelorn columnist. Theo checked out Savannah Wilder's past.

Eugene and Calliope celebrated after Madeline agreed to a divorce. Anna's secretary Lionel is in love with Calliope. Kimberly told her family and Shane she's blind. Tod suspects Savannah uses Liz as an unwitting courier to pass info to Tod and Savannah's boss. Bo saw a mystery man with an eye patch. Ian agreed to take Melissa to her prom. Tony and Anna resumed their affair. Theo is managing Bo's career.

A devastated Emma overheard Shane admit that he loves Kimberly. Ian is finding it hard to continue resisting the sexual pleasures Melissa is offering him. Shannon desperately tried to rescind her order to her henchman, Patch, who she ordered to kill Bo and Theo. Marlena fumed when Richard kissed her soundly then told her to start living in the present, not the past. Calliope and Eugene plotted to spend time alone. Vanessa schemed to keep her share of Eugene's inheritance money, while Eugene doesn't care if he loses all the money. Marlena tried to help Jake, who refused to name the fellow prisoner who had beaten him up. Melissa convinced Ian not to go. through with plans to transfer to another police precinct. Larry is undermining Alex and Linda's business partnership. Tony and Anna spent their time making love and fighting.

Melissa was shocked when Ian's wife, Dale, said Ian can continue his little romance with Melissa, but she won't divorce him. Neil didn't have the time of day for Liz, who bubbled with excitement over her budding musical career. Tod was livid that a roll of microfilm had been slipped into Liz's purse during her visit to the New York music video studio. Savannah is desperate to recover the microfilm. Patch trashed Kimberly's pad looking for the microfilm. Marlena is protecting Jake, who is supposed to be in a prison. Richard can't stay away from Marlena. Anna agreed to marry Tony, who later postponed the impromptu ceremony. Bo and Hope threw a party for Alice, who was upset to learn her grandson Mike won't be coming to Salem to finish medical school. Upset over her blindness, Kimberly cried on Neil's shoulder. Shawn disapproves of Bo's lifestyle.

General Hospital

Head writers: Pat Falken Smith & Norma Monty

Executive producer: Gloria Monty

Robert learned that Anna had worked as a double agent on their last W.S.B. assignment in order to save Robert's life. Holly was upset to see a tender scene between Robert and Anna. Ginny learned that since Rick is her husband, her unborn child is legally his. Peter, Slater and their partner, Prescott, are searching for the missing Aztec treasure. Frisco forgave Felicia for Anthony's shooting. Robert had the medical ship quarantined so it can't leave Port Charles. Sean and Anna dissolved their partnership. Felicia realized that Sean is physically attracted to her. Terry was furious that Bobbie rented Kevin an apartment in their new townhouse. Robert learned that Bronson, a man Robert had supposedly killed during a W.S.B. assignment, is still alive. Mike learned that Ginny's pregnant. Kevin's convinced that Ginny's baby is his.

Felicia and Frisco found part of the treasure in Sean's home safe but someone stole the crown they hid. Robert told Holly he was married to Anna. Slater and Prescott Harrell sailed on the medical ship and found the treasure was removed from its onboard hiding place. Ginny quit her job but Rick was upset she helped Derek launch a charity event. Tony struggled to stand. Slater and Prescott plotted revenge on Sean and Robert and to kill Tony. Jake and Bobbie argued before Jake went to NYC to check Derek's past.

Upset because Robert had kept mum so long about his marriage to Anna, Holly went to London to visit with her former nanny. Rick told Jake to keep mum, that they learned Derek had been involved in several shady TV station takeovers. Frisco conned Josh into helping him flush out the people who are after the Aztec treasure. Rick reconciled with Ginny. Anna remembered meeting Grant during their D.V.X. days. Bobbie and Ginny agreed to bury the hatchet. Derek asked Ginny's former lawyer, Brett Madison, to help Derek get custody of Mike. Slater and Prescott returned from Panama, then began stalking Anthony and Tania. Felicia and Tania planned a surprise birthday party for Frisco. Slater and Prescott argued over when to kill Anthony. Sean didn't believe Anna, who said she's sorry she's caused trouble between Robert and Holly.

Sean shot and killed Slater, who got in a shootout with the cops while attempting to kill Anthony. Mike felt guilty that he had wished a hospitalized Ginny would have a miscarriage. Anthony was upset to learn that his paralysis has caused him to be impotent. Prescott met with Sean, who secretly hired Prescott to help him find the Aztec treasure. Prescott and Sean were shocked to find out that Grant has the treasure pieces that were stolen from Sean's safe. Robert was shocked to learn that Anna's facial scar is a fake and that she's worn it for years as a sort of penance for her long ago betrayal of Robert. Robert phoned Holly, who was ice cold to him. Bobbie caught Terry and Kevin arguing. Jake's upset that Bobbie won't commit to a relationship with him.

Guiding Light

Head writer: Pamela K. Long

Executive producer: Gail Kobe

Annabelle and Tony left town on an around-the-world vacation after Kurt agreed to manage Company. Locke humiliated Lujack in public. Reva and Kyle stalled sleeping together, but she agreed to leave H.B. for Kyle. Locke lapsed into a diabetic coma. H.B. wants Reva to get pregnant again. Claire was jealous that Fletcher attended India's charity ball with TV newswoman, Alicia Rohmer. Claire was shocked to learn that Maureen thinks Trevor fathered Claire's baby. Mindy insisted to everyone that she and Kurt are only friends. Philip considered entering the political arena. Warren took a liking to David's girlfriend, Suzette Saxon, who runs a recording company owned by Kyle. Sally dissuaded Billy from shooting Kyle. India signed Philip's divorce papers. Rick's worried he'll lose Roxie's love.

H.B. and Sally recalled their son Billy, that H.B.'s wife Martha raised him as theirs. Maureen fumed to learn from Trevor Ed fathered Claire's baby. Maureen alienated Fletcher, Ed and Claire since they kept her from the truth. David lured Kyle off on a European business trip to keep Kyle and Reva apart. Warren is attracted to Suzette. Alex flipped to learn Locke is dying. Reva told H.B. she hasn't slept with Kyle but wants a divorce from H.B. who secretly vowed he won't lose Reva. Rick learned Kurt's a Canadian citizen working illegally in the U.S. Beth and I.Q. gave Lujack's demo tape to Suzette, who was impressed. Maureen threw Ed out. Billy made money playing poker.

Ed checked into a motel, then got drunk on a bottle of booze. Claire spent a night sobering up Ed while Fletcher comforted a distraught Maureen. Trish accepted a job working for Ross at Spaulding Enterprises. Roxie took a waitress job at Company in order to pay her rent. Rick, who is at a medical convention, doesn't know that Roxie is working for Kurt. H.B. failed to convince Reva that Kyle is two-timing her. Suzette asked super-promoter Jackson Freemont to help her mold Lujack's musical career. Reva insisted to H.B. that she loves him as a friend, but wants to spend her life with Kyle. Mindy is curious about Kurt's phone calls to his mother, who lives in Canada. Locke told Alex he'll marry her after the concert Lujack has planned for him. Billy nixed Sally's offer to lend him money to pay his debts.

Alex was devastated when Locke collapsed and died in her arms during Lujack's concert. On orders from a mystery boss, thugs, Max and Stan kidnapped Kyle, who later escaped. India and Philip agreed to give their marriage another chance. Suzette wants to use I.Q. as a backup singer on Lujack's music video, but she doesn't want Beth involved in the project. Suzette wants to give Lujack a macho image, which doesn't include his fiancee, Beth. David, Max and Stan argued over the ransom money, which David has hidden. Sally reminded H.B. that he started his oil business on money she lent him. Airplane pilot Dan is worried about his pregnant teenaged wife, Alice, who was injured when their plane crashed. Ed prepared to operate in order to save Alice's life. Mindy fumed that Kurt has a date with her friend Tanya. Rick learned that Roxie's working for Kurt.


Head writer: Agnes Nixon

Executive producer: Joseph Stuart

Sherrie isn't sure that she wants to give her newborn son to Ava. Ava, who's out of town, lied to Jack that she gave birth to a son. Jonathan threatened to mark up Lorna's pretty face if she squeals that he's alive. Mike and Noreen shared a kiss, then he nixed eloping with Shana. Dane gave Ava money for her niece Tina's operation. Lorna is suspicious of Jonathan's strange interest in Father Jim. Steve escorted Tricia to her school prom. Ann put on a drunken display during one of Lorna's modeling sessions.

Ava let Cabot and Isabelle coo over Jack's supposed son, John Alden Forbes. Sherrie lied to Kate her baby was born dead and that she didn't give Ava her son. Colby was shocked Keith (Jonathan) abruptly ended their romance. Cabot blamed Dane for causing Ann's drunken sprees. Jonathan threatened to kill Linc if Lorna doesn't get rid of the bodyguard Gwyneth hired. Jonathan plotted to control Fr. Jim. Gwyneth promised to give Harry legal help after he splits up Steve and Trisha.

Harry badgered Steve into giving up Tricia so that Gwyneth will get Harry out of prison. Ann realized that Dane never loved her, he only used her to help him get control of Alden Enterprises. Jack accused Ava of neglecting Little Johnny. Jonathan plotted to reunite Father Jim and Shana, and to get Mike back with Noreen. Keith failed in an attempt to escape from his cellar "prison." Tricia was devastated when Steve dumped her. Dane romped in the sack with Gwyneth. Linc nixed moving in with Lorna.

Harry doesn't trust lawyer, Sam Fletcher, who works for Gwyneth. Lorna was puzzled when Jonathan promised her eternal beauty and a successful future if she obeys his every order. A lovelorn Tricia was comforted by a friend, Rick Elkins. Stacey's convinced that Jack will never divorce Ava. Jonathan insisted to Keith that he can control people, especially Father Jim. Lorna was uneasy to see Keith (Jonathan) holding Little Johnny and predicting the infant will have an unusual future.

One Life To Live

Head writers: Sam Hall & Peggy O’Shea

Executive producer: Paul Rauch

Mitch had Tina steal a cassette tape on which Viki talked to Jenny about letters Niki used to write to Viki. Rob and Laurel nixed being included in a Federal witness protection program with Alex. Bo noticed that Trent's attracted to Delilah. Mitch left Viki a note signed "Niki." Psychiatrist Dr. Polk warned Jenny that Viki could revert to her Niki personality forever if she doesn't receive counseling. Marco and Jinx slept together. Didi spent a lot of time with Rafe and Little Samantha. Marco and Jinx proved that, as part of an insurance fraud scam, socialite Hortense Halderwood framed Nikos for the theft of her diamond. No one accepted invitations to the party at which Dorian had planned to announce that Tina is a member of the Lord clan. Tina objected that Mitch wants to publicly reveal that Viki has a split personality.

Viki convinced Clint she's not having an affair but he's upset she can't explain her absences. Niki (Viki) rented a room above Clover's bar. Rob dissuaded Cassie from going to Europe to find David. Dorian was upset Herb kept mum to her David's spying again. Delilah warned Trent not to come on to her. Bo learned Trent cheated on the bidding to buy Alex’ yacht out from under Bo. Bo's Vietnam baddy Woody Woodward landed a copter at Llanfair. Harry rejected Niki's apologies for reneging on a romantic weekend. Mitch failed to get info on Niki from Harry. Clover gave Rob a bartending job. Dorian fretted there may be proof Victor excluded her from his last will.

Dorian showed Victor's secret room to Viki, then watched in shock as Viki reverted to Niki and then accused Dorian of trying to steal Harry from Niki. Delilah bristled to learn that Bo's agreed to finance Woody's (a.k.a. Michael James) latest film project, which will star Mimi King. Harry fumed that Niki (Viki) stood him up after inviting him to her pad. Didi and Rafe are getting close romantically. Delilah broke off her budding romance with Trent after learning that he'd cheated Bo out of buying Alex's yacht. Viki agreed to undergo therapy sessions with Dr. Polk after she admitted to Clint that she's suffering from memory losses. Bo was miffed when Woody admitted that he's set his romantic sights on Mimi. Searching the secret room, Dorian found nothing to prove that Victor had disinherited her. Brad came on to Clover.

Delilah left on a European tour with her football team, the Cougars. Asa romantically pursued a returned Muni King, who is now a budding Hollywood starlet. Asa flipped out to see movie producer Clay Monroe come out of Mimi's bedroom. Joy, Cassie, Rob, Annie Barnes, Giulietta, and Dan pitched in to rent Timberdark Farm for the summer. Unbeknownst to the teenyboppers, Timberdark's supposed dead owner, Ivan Kipling, is very much alive and secretly living on the estate. Clint and Jenny agreed to keep a vigil over Viki while she's undergoing sessions with Dr. Polk. Clover learned that Brad is a penniless con artist. Mitch realized that Dorian was searching for something in Victor's secret room. Mitch lied that he was going on a vacation, then secretly stayed in town. Dan is curious as to why Annie won't talk about her family.

Ryan’s Hope

Head writers: Tom King & Millee Taggart

Executive producer: Joseph Hardy

Max freaked out when he saw Chessey Blake, who he thought was his dead wife, Gabrielle. As Maggie's wedding got under way, Bess realized that Maggie tricked Dave into marriage. Johnny's recovering from his heart attack, but he's disowned Siobhan. The real Gabrielle's mental health is improving. D.J. reported to a mystery boss and told Ryan that his parents are rich. Katie is devastated that Dave's marrying Maggie.

Maggie flipped as Dave refused to make love on their honeymoon. After another sighting of Gabrielle (Chessey) Max feared he's crazy. Bill was enchanted by Chessey. Rick shocked everyone by joining the police. Leigh told Jack she's getting married and moving to the West Coast. Katie was curious to see Maggie and Roger plotting together. Ryan was arrested for car theft. D.J. kept mum to Ryan his mom Grace is a lush who is a maid in the posh house Ryan thinks is DJ.'s.

Maggie nixed Roger's offer to get her pregnant, but secretly considered letting Tiger do the deed. Ryan protected D.J. while Jack learned that D.J. has a long arrest record. Max flipped when Gabrielle (Chessey) phoned to ask him to meet with her. Johnny was released from the hospital. Johnny was upset that Siobhan took her son Sean to live with her at Max's pad. The real Gabrielle's condition continued to improve. Chantal gave Chessey one month to convince Max that Chessey is Gabrielle.

Siobhan shocked her family by agreeing to marry Max. The real Gabrielle tried to kill Chantal with a letter opener. Maggie slept with Tiger, then learned he had a vasectomy. Jacqueline vowed that Max will never marry Siobhan. Maggie pleaded with Roger to help her fake a miscarriage. Max hired a private eye to find the mystery woman (Chessey) who looks like Gabrielle. Bill was puzzled that Chessey nixed his date offers. Ryan learned that D.J. lives in poverty with his drunken mother, Grace. Leigh moved to San Francisco.

Santa Barbara

Head writers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Executive producers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Sophia was shocked to realize that she'd accidentally killed Charnning Jr. with a gun she didn't think was loaded. C.C. felt partially to blame since, unbeknownst to Sophia, he'd loaded the gun. Eden broke up with Cruz, who had to arrest Sophia for Channing Jr.'s murder. Gina secretly feared that she might be pregnant by her ex-husband Hank, who had raped her before he was killed. Marcello was arrested after he admitted setting off the explosion in the tunnel. He also admitted he took Sophia to a mental hospital after Channing Jr.'s death. Gina checked into a hospital in order to kick her pill habit. Eden wrongly assumed that Cruz is having a sexual fling with Santana. Gina was upset to overhear C.C. admit that he still has feelings for Sophia. The fake Jack Lee's henchman failed an attempt to kill Brick, who's looking for Amy's son.

Gina bought pills from a hospitalized drug addict. Amy's son is in the hands of royalty in a mysterious country where he is heir to the throne. Jack told Amy Jeff may have been in a baby-selling ring. Sophia was released on bail. Eden opened her restaurant. Augusta recovered her sight and insisted to Lionel she doesn't love him Kelly and Nick got closer while checking out (the fake) Jack Lee, whom Kelly thinks once tried to kill her. Teen runaway Christie stole valuables from Augusta's home. Frank the mailman told Lionel he likes Augusta who thinks Frank is a former astronaut. Laken confessed to Ted she's afraid to make love with him. Kelly convinced Nick not to lear after he told her of his tragic life in Vietnam. Julia resisted the fake Jack Lee's kisses. Christie propositioned Ted.

On the fake Jack Lee's orders, Dr. Renfro and two thugs kidnapped Kelly and Nick, who are investigating (the fake) Jack Lee. The fake Jack Lee vowed that he will be as successful and important as his cousin, the real Jack Lee. Christie Lupone is jealous of Ted's and Laken's wealthy lifestyles. Maggie slept with Warren. Nick escaped from the kidnappers but feared they had killed Kelly. Augusta.and Julia kept Lionel in the dark that Augusta's eyesight has returned. Eden and Cruz stopped feuding long enough to search for Kelly and Nick. C.C. is puzzled that a hospitalized Gina still seems spaced out on drugs. Julia became suspicious of (the fake) Jack Lee, who didn't remember that she was responsible for the scar on his shoulder. Maggie had a catatonic Ben committed to an institution. Santana wants custody of her son Brandon. Dr. Renfro wants to use experimental drugs on Kelly and Nick.

Gina escaped from the drug clinic then showed up on Mason's doorstep. Nick rescued Kelly, but not before Dr. Renfro injected her with an amnesia drug in order to make her forget ever meeting (the fake) Jack Lee. Augusta and Lionel's plan to romp in the sack fizzled when he suddenly became impotent. A suspicious Julia left for Vienna with (the fake) Jack Lee. Ted learned that Christie's mother is a drunk and that her sister Mary is a nun. Brick and Amy pressured Dr. Renfro, who was shot and killed before he could reveal the whereabouts of Amy's baby. Nick and Kelly hid in a ghost town after eluding (the fake) Jack Lee's henchmen. Christie vowed to get her own pad after her mother accused her of sleeping with Ted. Cruz insisted that he loves Eden, who won't give him the time of day. Nick and Kelly are falling in love.

Search For Tomorrow

Head writers: Paul Avila Mayer & Stephanie Braxton

Executive producer: Erwin Nicholson

Hogan said he's in love with Liza, who suspects that she's pregnant. Lloyd pressured Liza to marry him. Danny gave T.R. "kissing" lessons. Liza hired the painfully shy Sarah as a mother's helper. T.R. accepted a job at Anna and Randolph's circus. Bela threatened Ryder and T.R., who realized Bela wants the newspaper clipping they found. Stephanie agreed to let Quinn work in production at her TV station. Sunny's still drooling over Hogan.

Bela refused to let Anna end their affair. Ryder and T.R. realized Bela wants the clipping about a past gold robbery. Hogan and Liza were sad to learn she's not pregnant. T.R. was upset Liza told Lloyd she can't marry him. Wendy cried she's in love with Quinn, who rejected a fantasy about sharing domestic bliss with Sarah. Lloyd and Randolph are old Army buddies. Kate saw Hogan kiss Liza.

Quinn and Wendy booked wrestler Hulk Hogan, who agreed to a match with his enemy, The Magnificant Morocco, on a special segment of Knights of the Turntable. Thanks to Quinn, Chase lost his TV producer job. Danny found the missing T.R., who realized that Danny can't be relied upon as a faithful friend. Wendy was upset when Quinn invited Sarah along on their date. Sarah fantasized about a romance with Quinn. T.R. and Danny began their circus jobs. Jo and Stu need money to remodel the Caldwell mansion.

Chase realized that Quinn is taking credit for Wendy's TV production ideas. Liza stood Lloyd up in order to share a romantic rendezvous with Hogan. A jealous Wendy told Sarah to give Quinn some space. Danny and Ryder sparred over T.R.'s affections. Sunny spent time with Lloyd. Wendy pulled off a successful talk show interview with Hulk Hogan and the Magnificent Muraco. Sunny submitted chapters of Hogan's new book to a publisher.

The Young And The Restless

Head writer: William J. Bell

Executive producer: H. Wesley Kenney

Kay saw Jill flirting with Brad. Kong saved Amy from a gang of thugs, but she insisted she doesn't welcome his feelings for her. Paul warned Shawn not to buy Lauren any more expensive gifts. Lauren went to New York to further check out Gina's past. Jack promoted Lindsey to his assistant after believing her lie that she's on the outs with Ashley. Dina convinced Kay to have Jack's face air-brushed from the blackmail photos of Jack and Jill. Kay sent John the final pieces of the jigsaw puzzle photo after Jack's face was erased from it. Victor didn't like Nikki's latest sexy photo session for Jabot. Jack kissed Nikki right after Matt had warned Nikki that Jack's sexually interested in her. Brad consoled Traci after she and Danny decided to get a divorce. Ashley had a run-in with Matt, then learned that he's Victor's brother.

Lauren tried to bribe Gina's ex-cellmate Frances into going to Genoa City. Kay showed John the blackmail photos of Jill in bed with Jack. John didn't recognized Jack whose face was erased. Jili panicked to find John unconscious after a stroke. Danny got his own place. Brad offered his "services" to Jill. JoAnna and Lindsey are vying for John. Nikki insisted to Matt her marriage isn't jeopardized by Victor's obsession with Ashley. Amy told Kong she can't be friends since he works for Mr. Anthony. Jack hired Matt to pilot the new jet but Jack doesn't know Matt is Victor's brother.

Matt doesn't believe Ashley, who said that she and Victor are only good friends. Shawn lent Lauren some of the money she had paid Frances to come to Genoa City. Neil was shocked when Gina was forced to admit that she served time in prison after Frances blabbed that Gina was a jailbird. John regained consciousness, but isn't able to speak. John became agitated at the sight of Jill. Kay worried that she caused John's stroke because she showed him the blackmail photos. Jill is unaware that John's seen the photos. Brad consoled Traci, who fretted over John. Jack lashed out at Victor, who comforted Ashley over John's condition. Tim was disappointed that Traci didn't enroll in any of the college classes he teaches. Amy offered to teach an illiterate Kong how to read. Mr. Anthony learned that Alana loves Robert.

Robert (Tyrone) and Alana were aghast when Mr. Anthony announced that they will be getting married in two weeks. Jill was devastated when Kay admitted that she'd shown John the blackmail photos of Jill. Dr. Steele warned that John could die if he keeps getting so worked up over Jill's visits to the hospital. Amy was uneasy as Alana talked about how she's falling in love with Robert (Tyrone). Dina realized that Jill will inherit John's estate if he should die. Gina vowed vengeance on Lauren, who refused to admit that she'd brought Frances to town. Gina and Neil put their wedding plans on hold. Matt piloted the Jabot jet while Jack wined and dined Nikki during a "lunch flight." Nikki later learned that Matt is Jack's pilot. Kong enrolled in Amy's remedial reading class. Brad offered Jill his body.

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Good Lord, was Tad going through some sort of sex addiction story at this time or something?

I didn't even know Alfred had a sister. What was she like?

I see that this was also when Gilles St. Clair showed up, which I heard was one of Brooke's all time worst stories. Was he the one who died while trying to high wire between buildings?

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JULY 1985

All My Children

Head writers: Wisner Washam & Lorraine Broderick

Executive producer: Jacqueline Babbin

Nina was admitted to a hospital after her failed attempt to shoot Donna. Greg worried about Dottie, who agreed to help Tad prove that Mickey and Kristie are running a call girl ring. Robin returned Greg's cameras, which she had stashed in a train station locker. Hillary lied to Bob that she's pregnant, then flipped out to learn that he kept her in the dark about his remission. Robin moved in with Myrtle. Cynthia tried to get proof that Palmer and Daisy are committing adultery. Erica was livid that Brooke's interview with Gilles was aired on TV before she could release her story on Gilles. Erica and Jeremy locked themselves in a wine cellar in a failed attempt to reconcile Ross and Ellen. Tad is afraid of Mickey's boyfriend Barton Crane. Mark cried that Brooke spends too much time at work. Vera's hiding Jesse from the police. Donna and Benny postponed their aborted wedding ceremony.

Dottie and Tad hid out at Mrs. Gonzales' pad after Mickey accused them of stealing her jewelry. Barton Crane beat up Kristie, who had lied that Tad stole Barton's computer disk containing the names of Mickey's prostitution clients. Jeremy insisted he didn't take sexual advantage of a drunken Erica while they were locked in the wine cellar. Adam posed as Stuart in order to spend time with Erica. Palmer fired Sandy Turner as Bobby's babysitter because Sandy is an excon. Cliff reluctantly signed the papers to have Nina committed to a mental institution. Bob learned Hillary's been taking birth control pills after she lied that she had a miscarriage. Benny and Donna finally tied the marital knot. Det. Young suspects Jesse, who's out on bail, isn't guilty of theft charges. Andrew is upset that Dottie and Tad, who are still married, are living together. Brooke and Mark are feuding.

Everyone mourned Kate, who suddenly died 'after a short illness. Public Defender Peter Grace was assigned to Jesse's case after Jesse insisted to the cops that he's not a thief. Jeremy realized that Adam posed as Stuart in order to spend time with Erica. Ross left to romance Ellen, who is vacationing in Mexico. Palmer told Cliff he no longer blames Cliff for Nina's mental instability. Mark is upset that Sandy tells all her troubles to Brooke. Cliff rehired Sandy despite her ex-con past. Tara Martin and her teenaged son Charlie attended Kate's funeral. Jeremy is having a hard time resisting Erica's sexual charms. Tad and Dottie are still one step ahead of Barton, who tried to pry their whereabouts out of a tightlipped Erica. Andrew flirted with Mickey in order to find the diamond necklace she claims Tad and Dottie stole. Myrtle encouraged Robin to get a job.

Robin helped clear Jesse's name of theft charges. Joe was delighted when Charlie agreed to stay in Pine Valley. Angie confronted Eugene who had admitted setting up Jesse and stealing from Phoebe. Angie took the blame when Eugene was injured during a fight with Jesse. Dottie and Tad got jobs with theater producer Monty. Lawson, who's an actor, took a shine to Dottie. For a fee, Andrew agreed to stop Cynthia from selling Palmer's family secrets to a rag newspaper. Palmer is secretly plotting against Cliff. Mark is jealous that Gilles is romantically pursuing Brooke. Barton is still on Tad's and Dottie's trail. Kristie kept mum when Mickey asked about the missing client diskette. Greg disapproved of Brooke wanting to do a story about Tad's and Dottie's disappearance. Tad poked fun at Andrew, who was unable to seduce Mickey. Ellen and Ross reconciled.

Monty quizzed landlady Mrs. Gonzales about Tad and Dottie, who assumed the stage names, Alfred and Susan. Robin came to the rescue when some punks hassled Myrtle. Eugene disappeared after attempting to charge Jesse with attempted murder. Det. Young convinced Jesse to do some undercover work. Adam fired Erica, who enlisted Palmer's help in an attempt to take over Brava Magazine. Brooke didn't go along with Mark's wish for a quickie marriage. Jeremy reluctantly became a part of Erica's scheme to make Adam think she's having an affair with Jeremy. Jesse hid out at Vera's pad, but he's afraid of her jealous boyfriend, Bernie. Cliff warned Sandy not to trust Palmer, who secretly dug up facts about Sandy's past. Greg hired Robin to work as his darkroom assistant, but Enid doesn't like Robin. Lawson discovered Tad and Dottie's real identities. Edna learned that Barton's looking for the computer disk.

Another World

Head writer: Gary Tomlin

Executive producer: Stephen Schnekel

Victoria freaked out when Donna recognized a hair comb Victoria was wearing as the mate to one found near Perry after his death. Bridget insisted that Victoria was afraid to admit she'd stolen the comb from Marley. Felicia is curious about Michoud's obsessive interest in her. A frustrated Rachel underwent hypnosis, but still can't remember her past. Catlin was shocked to find Larry's briefcase full of drugs. Larry's superior refused to hide Clarice and the kids in Canada while Larry's on his undercover drug assignment. Polo and Jimmy cornered Larry in the warehouse where they've been dealing drugs. Nancy became more depressed over Perry's death. Cass was surprised to see Daphne tearing apart a room in the Chapin mansion. Clarice's interference foiled Adrienne's attempt to warn Larry that Polo and Jimmy were out to get Larry.

Tommy Lee foiled Adrienne's plan to free Larry, who was taken prisoner by Jimmy and Polo. Catlin learned the drug Ecstasy, which he found in Larry's briefcase, is not an illegal substance. Society chick, Muffy, gave Nancy a dose of Ecstasy. Daphne discovered mysterious hieroglyphics on a painting in the Chapin mansion. M.J. is unaware that her new police partner, Det. Calley, is in cahoots with Jimmy. Michoud put off Felicia, who was curious that the North wing of the Chapin mansion is kept locked. Kathleen's dating Le Soleil architect Daniel Gabrielle. Carter nixed M.J.'s suggestion that he quit his job with Adrienne, who sent an unwitting Carter on another drug pickup. Mac failed in an attempt to jog Rachel's memory. Donna told Marley and Victoria (who already knew) that she's their mother. Catlin resisted Brittany's attempt to seduce him. Sally and Kevin are visiting Alice in Washington.

Dr. Christopher Chapin started working at Bay City General. Chris realized that Nancy is taking the designer drug, Ecstasy. Catlin rescued Larry from Tommy Lee's clutches after setting a smoky fire at the Plains Motel Disco. Larry failed to dissuade Brittany from conducting her own investigation of the goings on at the Plains Motel. Victoria admitted to Peter that she was present when Perry fell to his death from the barn hayloft. Mac freaked out when Rachel stood up to some wouldbe stickup men. Rachel wrongly believed Mac had hired the thugs to help her get her memory back. Thomasina was mugged in her own home. Larry sidestepped police orders, vowing to break up the local drug ring on his own. Victoria threatened to expose her affair with Jake. Daphne was shocked by the resemblance between Chris and his father, Frederick. Felicia smooched with Zane.

Cass pressured Michoud to use Kathleen as the Le Soleil woman, while Michoud wants Sally for the job. Rachel regained her memory, and later shared Mac's bed. Jamie fumed that M.J. spends all her time at work and doesn't seem interested in his romantic advances. Catlin posed as Chicago hit man, Roy, who was hired by Tommy Lee. Christopher (Chris) befriended Nancy, who downed more Ecstasy after hearing Victoria's account of Perry's death. Sibling rivalry sprang up between Marley and Victoria. Catlin was jealous to see Tommy Lee coming on strong with Brittany. Brittany overheard Jimmy confess that he had killed her cousin Willa. Jake considered leaving Bay City. Zane has fallen head-over-heels for Felicia. Sally fretted that she's losing her job at Cory Publishing. Nancy canceled a date with Chris.

Thomasina and Carter learned that their unborn baby should be born happy and healthy. Daphne was upset with Michoud, who offered Sally a job at Le Soleil. Sally doesn't know that Michoud wants her to be the Le Soleil woman. Sally's worried about Catlin, who didn't tell her that he's secretly working with Larry. Victoria fumed when Peter nixed turning over her share of the Love family money. Victoria and Marley traded identities for a day. Victoria secretly worried that her murky past will catch up to Marley while she's pretending to be Victoria. Brittany was caught trying to free a drugged Dale, who's being held prisoner by Tommy Lee. Michoud told a puzzled Daphne that he doesn't like Felicia to spend time with Zane. Catlin's and Brittany's undercover work is drawing them closer together.

As The World Turns

Head writer: Susan Bedsow Horgan

Executive producer: Robert Calhoun

Stewart was arrested for killing his mother, Lady Veronica. Lucinda made sure that Sierra could get no information about Mary Ellen Walters, the woman who Sierra believes was her mother. Craig suspects that Lucinda is Sierra's mother. Jay admitted that he loves Frannie, who cried over Kevin. Tom fretted that Marcy will interfere with his investigation of Lady Veronica's death. Lyla admitted that she's afraid to love John. Dusty and Lily ignored Lucinda's orders to stop seeing each other. Craig kept mum that he's sterile when Sierra talked about having children. Cal realized that Maggie and Frank are feuding. The Cushings’ gardener, George Giles, remembered seeing Stewart's car the night Lady Veronica was murdered. Emma revealed to Marcy that Lady Veronica wasn't a loving mother to Stewart.

Alfie, who is really Emma's brother, Timothy Alfie Basker, took Marcy hostage after she realized that Alfie had killed Lady Veronica. Bob and Kim convinced Nancy and Chris to stay in Oakdale. Steve warned Craig to level with Sierra that Craig is sterile. Sierra got a job at the Refuge, an orphanage. Shannon told Lyla that there's nothing romantic going on between Shannon and John, but Lyla still insisted that she's through with John. Lisa planned a costume ball to benefit the Refuge as well as to celebrate the opening of her yacht club. Barbara and Brian botched an attempted reconcilation. Cal insisted that he's over his old love for Maggie. Lucinda gazed at the photo Sierra found of a much younger Lucinda holding an infant Sierra. John didn't carry out his plan to oust Shannon from his apartment.

Frannie was ecstatic to see Kevin at Lisa's costume party. Dusty fumed while Lily was escorted to the party by society kid, Harrison Blake. Stewart was released from jail after Alfie was arrested. Lucinda told a surprised Sierra that Craig is sterile. Kim freaked out to find the body of a dead woman, who Frank suspects was killed gangland-style. Dusty drooled over Shannon's bikini-clad body. Craig didn't, believe David, who said Craig's sterility seems irreversible. Marcy was surprised when Shannon said she'd met Stewart in Europe. Brian broke a date with Jillian in order to take Barbara to Lisa's party. Kirk feels there's no future for him working on Brian's newspaper. John danced the night away with Shannon while Lyla was on a date with Dr. Jim Crane.

Shannon rebuffed Dusty's awkward romantic advances. Dusty was later hit by a car while riding his bicycle. Shannon panicked when she learned that the police have linked her real name, E. Casey, with the death of the mystery woman. Kirk left town to work on a New York City newspaper. Barbara and Brian ended their tumultuous love affair. Lucinda admitted that she loves Craig, who said he can't reciprocate her feelings. Sierra moved in with Lyla. Craig was taken off parole. Kevin told Frannie that Marie lost their baby, so he wants to renew his romance with Frannie. Shannon played with the diamonds that were in the pouch she found on the plane to Oakdale. Steve didn't remember that he had met Shannon on the flight to Oakdale. Kevin told a disbelieving Frannie that Jay still loves her.

Margo found the car that belonged to murder victim, Evelyn Stone. Shannon was upset to learn that Richard, the mystery man she's been phoning, has seemingly vanished. Dusty was rushed to the hospital after Steve found him lying by the roadside. Craig called an ambulance for Dusty, but kept mum that he was the one who ran the kid down. Steve became a suspect in Dusty's hit-and-run accident. Dusty doesn't remember anything about his accident. Margo learned Evelyn Stone was poisoned, and that the woman had underworld connections. Sierra noticed that Craig is acting very nervous. Marcy was upset to learn that Stewart suddenly left town again. Kevin wants a job in Lucinda's business empire. Margo thinks Evelyn was looking for someone from the Ryan family, but Barbara, who was a Ryan, didn't recognize Evelyn's name.


Head writer: Henry Slesar

Executive producer: John Conboy

Julie secretly paid Austin money to adopt a baby. As part of Sandy's plot against Tyler, Austin turned the money over to Cheetah, who still doesn't know that Julie's adopting her daughter. Kelly was upset to see Trey with Sloane. Zed introduced Charity to Leland, then ordered her to steal Leland's Goughin painting. Jordy began working at the Clegg gambling casino. Myrna doesn't want Brenda to marry Wally. Myrna fumed that the Clegg clan is depicted in Paula's book.

On telephone orders from Myrna, Del. Philip Wilkinson took photos of Trey making love to Kelly. Believing that he was working for Sloane, Philip gave the photos to her. Clarissa and Mark left for Colombe, the island that Jarrett calls home. Zed and Charity celebrated after she hung a fake Goughin in place of Leland's real Goughin painting. Trey told Julie that he loves both Sloane and Kelly. Sam warned Paula not to publish her book. Hal doesn't have long to live. Mark's divorce from Paula is final.

Zed freaked when Jarrett admitted that he's really Clarissa's supposed dead husband, Baxter McCandless. Julie realized that Jarrett is using a fake name. Paula fired Ronnie, who then gave Sam and Myrna a copy of Paula's book. Sam cunningly encouraged Wally to start gambling again. Jordy began work as a pit boss in the Clegg gambling casino. Zed was startled by Sloane's sudden passionate kisses. Sloane berated Thomas for keeping mum about Trey and Kelly's affair.

Tyler and Julie took Baby Allison home after Cheetah signed the infant's final adoption papers. Tyler doesn't know that Julie paid Austin money to adopt Allison. Art dealer Brooks Turner invited Kelly to the Beaux Arts Ball, but she declined. Wally's amassed more gambling debts. Paula arranged for Allison's christening for the day Brenda had planned to marry Wally, thus stalling Brenda's wedding. Jarrett warned Zed to keep mum that Jarrett is really Clarissa's husband, Baxter. Sloane flirted with Zed.

Sloane romped under the sheets with Zed, then quizzed him about his vendetta against Trey. Trey realized that Sloane had bedded Zed. Tyler was stumped when Jarrett's fingerprints proved that Jarrett is not gangster Victor Markham. Mark gave Clarissa an engagement ring. Thomas learned that Wally's gambling again. Kelly became ill after a confrontation with Sloane at the Beaux Arts Ball, which Kelly ended up attending with Brooks.

Days Of Our Lives

Head writers: Sheri Anderson, Thom Racina & Leah Laiman

Executive producers: Betty Corday & Al Rabin

Patch warned that he plans to kill Bo. Kimberly was upset that Shane considered taking a London job offer. Emma can't face the fact that her marriage to Shane is over. Hope got in the way of Bo and Theo's investigation of the Salem music studio that Savannah and Tod are working out of. Savannah and Patch searched everywhere for the missing microfilm. Kimberly considered Neil's suggestion that she get a job working with handicapped children. Marlena fought her budding feelings for Richard. Pete offered Melissa a shoulder to cry on after learning of her aborted romance with Ian. Ivy was upset to learn that Pete outfitted Melissa's dance studio. Larry continued his plot to drive a wedge of suspicion between Linda and Alex. Anna and Tony planned a posh wedding ceremony.

Ivy was hospitalized with abdominal pains, but told a visiting Pete to get lost. Emma taunted Kimberly that she'll get Shane back. Kimberly cried her troubles out on Neil's shoulder while Liz was busy in the video recording studio. Speed told Ivy that Pete is having an affair with Melissa. Marlena failed to elude Richard's kisses. Bo unwittingly found the microfilm that Savannah and Patch are looking for. Bo and Theo found heroin hidden in a video tape cartridge, indicating that Tod and Savannah are mixed up with a drug ring. Hope planned to make a big drug bust in order to earn her policewoman's wings. Eugene fought in court to keep his inheritance. Savannah romped in the sack with Chris while keeping Alex at her beck and call. Liz unknowingly delivered a shipment of heroin for Savannah.

Bo admitted to Hope that he and Theo are trying to catch the drug dealers that Savannah works for. Hope and her police partner made a drug bust which foiled Bo and Theo's plan to find out who Savannah gets her drug shipments from. Marlena took off her wedding ring, put her memory of Roman in the past, and spent time with Richard. Patch found the microfilm, but didn't hand it over to Savannah. Neil resents the tune that Liz is devoting to her career. Eugene kicked his mother, Vanessa, out of his house after he lost his inheritance. Ivy nearly had a miscarriage during an emergency appendectomy. Shane kissed Kimberly while Emma plotted to win Shane back. Speed told a reporter that Ian is having an affair with Melissa. Bo wrongly blamed Patch when Shawn was injured by masked holdup men, who are secretly working for Alex.

Anna and Tony fumed to learn that their marriage was a sham since Alex had hired an actor to perform the wedding ceremony. Anna and Tony went on their honeymoon to Bangkok anyway. Oriental tycoon, Baba, abducted Anna into his harem before she could marry Tony for real. Bo's mom, Caroline, was shocked to see her former lover, the wealthy and mysterious Victor Kiriakis, is back in town. Victor gave Pete money to pay for Ivy's hospital bills. Bo remembered long ago catching his then best friend Patch in bed with Bo's girl. Ian told Melissa he's being forced to resign from the police force even though he didn't really have an affair with her. Emma vowed to get revenge when Shane asked for a divorce. Shane's I.S.A. boss, Mr. Lancaster, wants him to find a crime figure who has reportedly moved into Salem. Patch searched for photos made from the film that Savannah wanted. Pete threw the photos away.

Victor, who is Savannah's and Patch's boss, was livid that they let Pete and Melissa get out of town with the photos Victor wants. Hope's superior, Officer Bob McBride, is on Victor's payroll. Ivy freaked out when Pete phoned to say he and Melissa are heading for Los Angeles. Savannah sent Patch after Pete and Melissa. Alex noticed that Linda is afraid of Victor. Shawn and Caroline objected when Kimberly went out with Victor. Chris captured an arsonist that Linda and Alex hired to torch Chris' club. Savannah threatened Alex, admitting that she knows he's behind the recent waterfront disasters. Shane's gathering all the info he can on Victor, past and present. Shane is upset that Kimberly is seeing Victor. Liz is afraid to have another child for fear it will contract juvenile diabetes. Tony and Eugene rescued Anna and Calliope from Baba's harem.

General Hospital

Head writers: Pat Falken Smith & Norma Monty

Executive producer: Gloria Monty

Sean diverted everyone's attenton while Grant and Prescott removed the Aztec treasure from the basement of Bobbie's brownstone. Anna was knocked unconscious when she accidentally caught Grant and Prescott with the treasure. To get Robert out of town, Sean secretly arranged for Robert to meet Holly in London. Anna told Robert that she still feels married to him in the eyes of God. Ginny was released from the hospital, and she and Rick feel closer than ever because of their mutual love for Mike. Derek agreed not to tell Mike that he's the boy's real father — for now. Tania insisted that she's happy in her marriage to Anthony, who fretted that his impotency will never be cured. Bobbie and Terry moved into their newly renovated brownstone. Felicia and Frisco discovered the Aztec treasure is missing again.

Holly and Robert reconciled after their return to Port Charles. Sean denied everything when Anna accused him of assaulting her. Holly freaked out to learn that Anna's scar is a fake. Holly urged Celia to fight for Jimmy Lee, who let himself be seduced by Lorena. Sean, Grant and Prescott made plans to get the treasure out of Port Charles. With the aid of a walker, Tony is mobile again. Tania's frustrated over Tony's impotence. Frisco and Felicia are unable to make a romantic commitment. Ginny is upset that she can't determine whether Rick or Derek fathered her baby. Ginny and Rick shared a romp in the sack. Bobbie and Jake shared kisses. Felicia believes the Aztec treasure is cursed. Rick insisted he'll consider Ginny's baby as his own despite the fact Derek could have fathered the child. Mike insisted he thinks of Rick as his real father.

Because of their foreign agent pasts, Anna and Grant developed a friendship. Holly insisted her marriage to Robert is over because he's deceived her about his past with Anna. Holly overheard Prescott and Sean plotting to move the Aztec treasure. Later, as Holly prepared to leave town, she was kidnapped by Prescott. Bobbie insisted that she only wants to be friends with Jake. Sean lied to Grant that the Aztec treasure will be on a Pullman train heading South while Prescott arranged to take the treasure to Canada. Robert, Frisco and Felicia teamed up to find the missing treasure. Jimmy Lee and Celia reconciled and, at Sean's suggestion, agreed to have their wedding on the Pullman train. Ginny objected that Derek gave Mike a summer job. Derek's aunt Amanda was shocked to learn that Mike is Derek's son.

Jimmy Lee tricked his old friend, Dr. Buzz Striker, into taking a job as Steve's assistant. Monica was impressed with Buzz. Sean warned Prescott to take real good care of Holly. Prescott foiled Holly's attempt to phone Robert for help. Rick was ecstatic to learn that Ginny's baby is a boy. Derek agreed not to sue for custody of Mike after Rick and Ginny agreed Derek can see the boy anytime he wants. Both Bobbie and Terry decided to return to college. Anna and Robert caught Grant demolishing a car on the Pullman train that will be heading south. The treasure is on the northbound train, along with Holly and Prescott. Celia and Jimmy Lee had planned to get married on the southbound train, then learned Grant will also be aboard. Alan nixed Monica's desire for a second honeymoon.

Tony regained the use of his legs, but he still can't make love to Tania. Rick and Ginny learned that Derek put Mike in his will. Frisco and Felicia learned that several former W.S.B. agents are helping Sean pull off the Aztec treasure caper. Grant confessed to Robert that he tried to steal the treasure in order to get rich and, ultimately, to win back Celia. Buzz doesn't think that Celia is the right woman for Jimmy Lee. Sean told Grant that the treasure haq been sent out of town on a barge. Jimmy Lee warned Grant not to interfere with Jimmy Lee and Celia's wedding plans. Holly again failed to etcape from Prescott. To provide a over for Robert's investigation of Sean, Robert and Anna let everyone think that they have renewed their past affair.

Guiding Light

Head writer: Pamela K. Long

Executive producer: Gail Kobe

Kyle is convinced his kidnapping was an inside job. David hid the cash that he had raised to pay Max and Stan for Kyle's freedom. David feels that Kyle treats him like dirt. Despite Alex's objections, Kyle agreed to let Suzette continue to promote Lujack's music career. Jackson agreed to keep Beth occupied so she won't be sticking her nose into Suzette's plans for Lujack's career. Claire took over Alice's surgery when a drunken Ed developed a case of the shakes. Claire later lied to Maureen that Ed hadn't been drinking, but Nurse Charlotte Wheaton insisted to Maureen that Ed is drinking again. Billy was furious that H.B. found out Billy is broke. Vanessa learned of Billy's financial woes, but he nixed spending any of her money. Mindy blabbed that Rick is checking out Kurt's past. Kyle remembered his kidnappers wore double-circle tattoos.

Trish moved to Europe to work for a branch of Spaulding Enterprises. As planned, Reva broke up with Kyle after H.B. and Sally lied that Kyle is H.B.'s son. Kyle doesn't believe H.B. and Sally's story of his conception, which was really the story of Billy's birth. Rick was stunned to learn that Ed's been drinking again. Charlotte vowed to prove to everyone that Ed was drunk during Alice's operation. Ed and Maureen agreed to give their marriage another chance. Fletcher moved back in with Claire, who doesn't want to get married. Kurt confided to Mindy that he's an illegal alien, but that lawyer Walter Aarons is trying to get him a green card. David spent some of Kyle's ransom money on Suzette. Max believed David's lie that Stan had secretly stolen Kyle's ransom money. Jackson criticized Beth's artistic talent.

Kidnapper Stan was killed as he and Max struggled over a gun. On orders from his boss, Largo, Max dumped Stan's body on David's doorstep. Charlotte pretended to be nice to Ed in order to get proof that he's a drunk. Kyle secretly talked oil tycoon Schuyler Goodman (Sky) into hiring Billy. Alex freaked out to learn that India is running Spaulding Enterprises while Philip plays polo chukkers with his playboy pal, Shad Baxter. Walter bought forged residency papers and a green card for an unsuspecting Rick. Jackson hired Beth to help him work on Lujack's music video. Roxie didn't believe Rick, who said that Kurt used her to gain entrance to the United States. Kyle insisted to H.B. that his romance with Reva is over. Reva refused to sleep with H.B. Sally's upset she can't tell anyone that she's Mindy's and Little Billy's grandma.

Charlotte sneaked a peek at Fletcher's medical record, learned that Fletcher had a vasectomy and deduced that Ed fathered Claire's baby. Max tailed David to Zurich, where David had planned to deposit Kyle's ransom money in a numbered account. Alex warned Beth that she doesn't trust Suzette or Jackson. Jackson kidded Suzette, who insisted she's not interested in Lujack's physical attributes. Charlotte and her cohort, Harry, plotted to ruin Ed's reputation. Reva avoided H.B.'s talk about having a baby. Police detective Jeff investigated Stan's death. India tricked Philip into signing a power of attorney document. H.B. planned a get-together for the entire Lewis clan, including Sally and Kyle. Rick convinced Mindy that Kurt's after her money. Kurt confided to Roxie that he thinks his green card is a fake.

Claiming that Kurt is an illegal alien, Rick sicked immigration authorities, Helen and Mitch, onto Kurt. At the Lewis family lodge, Billy sent Kyle out on a "snipe" hunt, but Reva found Kyle, who she feared had been lost in the woods. Reva and Kyle admitted they're still in love. David successfully hid Kyle's ransom money from Max. Beth warned a scheming Suzette that she'll never take Lujack away from Beth. Alex pressured Lujack and Beth to get married because Alex fears Lujack's music career will ruin their romance. Walter refused Kurt's money and admitted he gave Kurt a forged green card. Charlotte spread the rumor that Ed fathered Claire's baby. Suzette pressured Lujack to give up Beth and concentrate on his career. Jackson lusts after Beth. Lt. Jeff Saunders connected the deceased Stan to a Chicago crime boss.


Head writer: Agnes Nixon

Executive producer: Joseph Stuart

Ava was furious when Stacey accompanied Jack to the hospital to see Johnny, who has pneumonia. Dane tricked Ann into resigning as president of Amourelle, then gave Gwyneth the job. Gwyneth warned Sam to make sure that Harry stays in jail. Shana and Mike romped in the sack while Kevin (Jonathan) insisted to Noreen that Mike still loves her. Steve went on a date with Cecilia Thompson, then was miffed to see Rick out with Trisha. A photographer snapped photos of a drunken Ann, who smashed up her car again. Gwyneth lied to Keith (Jonathan) that she's not sleeping with Dane.

To get revenge on Gwyneth, Sam decided to help get Harry out of jail. Tug and Sherrie overheard Ava crying over Johnny, who took a turn for the worse. Dane nearly caught Gwyneth in a passionate clinch with Keith (Jonathan). Ann was shocked to learn that she'd unwittingly resigned as president of Amourelle. Noreen and Mike reminisced about their past marriage while Shana tried on wedding dresses. Ava begged Jack to give their marriage a second chance if Johnny survives his pneumonia.

Johnny recovered from pneumonia. Ava warned Jack that she'll see Stacey dead before she'll let Stacey have him. Kate threatened to tell Jack that Johnny is really Tug's and Sherric's son. Sam and Harry plotted to blackmail Gwynelh. Jonathan tried to rekindle the old romance between him and Lorna. Noreen told Mike that Keith (Jonathan) is trying to convince her that Mike loves her. Linc is suspicious of Lorna's weird behavior around Keith (Jonathan).

Jonathan warned Lorna to do his bidding or she'll receive the same treatment as Keith, who's wasting away in his cellar prison. Tricia kissed Rick. Cecilia told Tricia to stay away from Steve. Father Jim is suspicious of Keith's (Jonathan) strange behavior. Jack told Stacey that he'll give up Johnny so that he can be with Stacey. Mike and Noreen snatched secret moments together. Shana and Father Jim both recalled their romantic past. Ann told her troubles to Jack.

Mike and Noreen succumbed to passion and spent a love night together. Jack is suspicious of why Ava borrowed money to pay for Tina's operation. Noreen fantasized about Mike while Shana feared that she's losing Mike's love. Jack told Ava that he's divorcing her and she can have custody of Johnny. Ava swore she'd see Stacey and Jack dead before she'll give up Jack. Ava later pulled a gun on Stacey. Jonathan caught Lorna with Keith, who begged her to tell his story to Father Jim.

One Life To Live

Head writers: Sam Hall & Peggy O’Shea / Peggy O’Shea

Executive producer: Paul Rauch

Giulietta spied on Italian actress Gina Parda (Clay's ex-lover), who Bo and Clay hired to co-star in Woody's film. During a session with Dr. Polk, Viki remembered that she had seen Victor physically force himself upon Tina's mother, Irene. Viki later told Clint that Niki is gone forever because Viki has faced up to Victor's evil deeds. Ivan and his cohort, Diego, tried to scare the Llanview teens, Joy, Cassie, Rob, Annie and Giulietta away from Timberdark. Cassie told her pals that she'd once been friends with Timberdark's owner, Ivan. Tina accepted Mitch's marriage proposal. Mitch plotted to kill Clint and then finger Niki (Viki) for the murder. Viki acknowledged that Tina is her half-sister. Clay hired Marco as an assistant despite Bo's objections. Clay was jealous to see Mimi's affection for Bo.

Realizing that Niki is really Viki, Harry went to confront Viki at her pad. Tina and Mitch struggled over a gun which went off, killing Harry as he entered Niki's (Viki's) pad. Tina was later arrested for Harry's murder. Viki, who had been drugged by Mitch, didn't remember the shooting. Mitch fled to Miami. Gina hired Giulietta as her assistant, but insisted that Giulietta keep mum that she's really Gina's daughter. Mimi kicked Clay out of her hotel suite after he started a fight with Bo. Ivan told his cohort, Brody, that Ivan's bionic hand can be used as a lethal weapon. Ivan vowed that Rob will never marry Cassie. Woody was in seventh heaven while rehearsing a love scene with Mimi. At Giulietta's insistence, Gina agreed to play Mimi's mother in Woody's film. Cassie was shocked when Joy saw a peeping Tom who matched Ivan's description.

Harry's longlost little brother, Pete O'Neill, arrived for Harry's funeral. Annie was upset that her off the-wall mother, Charlie Barnes, is always critical of Annie. Ivan used electronic trickery to distract Rob every time he tried to kiss Cassie. Connie returned for Harry's funeral. Rafe consoled Didi over Harry's death. Brody secretly returned a necklace that Harry had once given to Joy. Clay promised Gina a "younger" part in Woody's film. Charlie went to visit Annie, but ran into Ivan, who said he owns Timberdark. Viki went into a rage when Tina showed her Victor's will, which disinherits Viki if she ever becomes mentally ill. Viki agreed to undergo hypnosis to see if Niki (Viki) can remember anything about Harry's shooting. From Florida, Mitch denied Tina's charges that he had killed Harry.

Mitch urged Tina to lie in court that Clint had killed Harry because Viki (Niki) was having an affair with Harry. A disguised Ivan, who used the name Gaspard Lefevre, plotted to turn Laurel against Larry. Gaspard (Ivan) nixed Mimi's suggestion that he audition for a role in Woody's movie. Pete agreed to be Tina's attorney since he now suspects that she didn't kill Harry. Dr. Polk put Viki under hypnosis, but was unable to bring back her Niki personality. Gina romped in the sack with Clay, who learned that she's Giulietta's mother. Pete and Tina overlooked a gemstone that came out of Mitch's watchband after Mitch shot Harry. Ivan had Brody befriend the Llanview teens, then plotted to subliminally convince Cassie that she loves Brody, not Rob. Rob is suspicious of Brody. Mimi was upset that Bo doesn't have any love feelings for her. Pete learned Mitch plans to skip the country.

Gina told Giuletta that she'd once had a passionate affair with Asa, who doesn't remember the event. Mitch beat up actor Grover Todd, who had been hired to impersonate Mitch at the time of Harry's murder. Grover left town after giving up a role in Woody's movie, "Backfire." Bo was shocked to learn that Giulietta is 22. Rob agreed to let Brody move in with the rest of the Llanview teens because of Brody's supposed interest in Joy. A disguised Ivan checked out Rob's past and quizzed Rob about his relationship with Cassie. Cassie was shocked when Dorian said she'd help Cassie and Rob plan their wedding. Tina told Mitch that Pete's going to prove Mitch hired a lookalike in Miami. Herb prosecuted Tina's murder case when Carla suddenly became ill. Woody wooed Mimi. During Tina's trial, the public learned Viki has a multiple personality.

Ryan’s Hope

Head writers: Tom King & Millee Taggart

Executive producer: Joseph Hardy

Katie accidentally fell down some stairs during a struggle with Maggie, who had planned to fall down the stairs herself in order to fake a miscarriage. Tiger flipped his cool when Roger announced that he's Maggie's new business manager. Chantal ordered Chessey to pose as Gabrielle in order to stop Max from marrying Siobhan. D.J. asked his punk rock pals for a cut of their ill-gotten money. The real Gabrielle didn't carry through with her attempt to kill Chantal.

D.J.'s punk rock pals gave him a job stealing cars. Max and Siobhan postponed their wedding because of Katie's accident. Katie pulled through surgery after suffering cardiac arrest. Rick quizzed Maggie about Katie's fall. Siobhan vowed to get back her police job by finding Sydney's and Det. White's killers on her own. Disguised as Gabrielle, Chessey confronted Max, who didn't believe Gabrielle's (Chessey) amnesia story. Chantal fretted Max will learn that she hired Chessey.

Maggie was relieved that Katie is suffering from partial amnesia and can't remember falling down the stairs. Tiger terminated his modeling contract with Maggie when Dave said that she's pregnant. D.J. was arrested for car theft, then was shocked when the police found stolen art objects in the car. Chessey kept mum when Max accused her of working for Chantal. The real Gabrielle overpowered a hospital orderly. Tiger warned that Roger will ruin Maggie's career. Laslo had flashbacks about a struggle with Sydney.

The real Gabrielle, who escaped from the insane asylum, visited with an unsuspecting Jacqueline. Chantal rescued Chessey, who was put into a padded cell when she was mistaken for Gabrielle. Roger hypnotized Katie so she'd forget Maggie's involvement with Katie's accident. Jack learned that Ferdie is in cahoots with punk rock club owner, Serge, who also heads up the car theft ring D.J. works for. Laslo recalled hiding in a storm drain after his argument with Sydney. Chantal and Chessey searched for Gabrielle.

Max sent Jacqueline out of town. Max's private detective, Jaff, took Chessey prisoner, but she wouldn't tell Max who she's working for. Chantal learned Gabrielle has seen Jacqueline. Jack was kidnapped at gun point by Serge's henchman, Reggie. In order to smoke out D.J.'s boss (Serge), Jack wrote a newspaper article about the car theft ring. Gabrielle realized that someone (Chessey) is impersonating her.

Santa Barbara

Head writers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Executive producers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Gina kidnapped Brandon, but Mason convinced her to return the boy to the Capwell home. Minx helped Brick and Amy, who followed (the fake) Jack Lee to Vienna. The fake Jack Lee and Julia left Vienna on a train, Nick and Kelly decided to stay in hiding a little longer. Christie was shocked to learn that her evil stepbrother, Steve Bassett, is working for the Santa Barbara district attorney. Steve is determined to convict Sophia on first degree murder charges. Steve kept mum that he was abused when he was a child. Television star Nell Carter of "Gimme A Break" had her jewelry stolen while she was staying at the posh Capwell Hotel. Julia realized that the man she's traveling with is not the real Jack Lee. Frank and Lionel mixed up a love potion which Lionel later gave to an unsuspecting Augusta.

C.C. objected that Sophia hired Mason to defend her at her murder trial. Warren checked out leads that will hopefully, prove Capwell Industries was negligent in Ben's accident case. During a costume party on the train, Amy overheard talk about an infant who is the heir to the throne of a country called New Stailand. Amy suspects the child is her son. Kelly and Nick slept with each other. Eden moved her belongings off of Cruz's houseboat. Christie plotted to lure Ted away from Laken. Christie shied away from Steve, who tried to kiss her and insisted that he had been upset when she ran away from home. C.C. kept mum that he's suffering from severe headaches. Julia, Brick and Amy banded together to get the lowdown on the fake Jack Lee's real identity.

Christie was raped by her stepbrother Steve, but she lied that Ted was her attacker. Kelly was abducted by the fake Jack Lee's henchmen just as she and Nick had decided to come out of hiding. Brick and Amy hid in Julia's train compartment and learned that the fake Jack Lee is on his way to New Stailand. Augusta cried grateful tears after Lionel was cured of his impotency. Cruz and Eden admitted that they still love each other, but they can't make a commitment. Christie fumed that Ted said he loves Laken, not Christie. Nick and Kelly staged a fantasy wedding while hiding out in the Western ghost town. Mason used his sexual charms on Christie's sister, Mary, until he learned that Mary is a nun. Mason isn't convinced that Sophia is not a murderess.

C.C. refused to get medical help even though he's suffering from an aneurysm. Steve put pressure on Jade, who admitted seeing Christie and Ted arguing before Christie's rape. Despite Ted's plea to Christie to tell the truth, she kept mum that Steve really raped her. Amy begged the king of New Stailand to return-her baby to her. The fake Jack Lee (whose name is Jerry) nearly strangled Julia. Kelly was rescued from the fake Jack Lee's (Jerry) men, and later regained her past memory. Nick was upset that Kelly doesn't remember the love they shared during their stay in the ghost town. Steve coached Christie, who insisted in her lie-detector test that Ted raped her. Sister Mary comforted Christie. Cruz restrained Ted, who confronted Christie.

Princess Celeste, the daughter-in-law of the King of New Stailand, admitted that she was in cahoots with Dr. Renfro, who mistakenly impregnated Amy with frozen seman from the King's deceased son, Adrian. Brick objected when Amy considered the King's suggestion that she stay in New Stailand because her son is the heir to the throne. Gina returned from the drug rehab hospital and was upset to catch C.C. smooching with Sophia. Gina had a miscarriage after falling down the stairs during an argument with Santana, who had demanded to see Brandon. Mason comforted Gina. Ted and Laken made love for the first time. Cruz was forced to arrest Ted for raping Christie. C.C. had a fainting spell. The real Jack Lee bested Jerry (the take Jack Lee), who was then thrown into the King's dungeon.

Search For Tomorrow

Head writers: Paul Avila Mayer & Stephanie Braxton

Executive producer: Erwin Nicholson

Lloyd "kidnapped" Liza, whisking her off to his vineyard in France. Stephanie promoted Wendy and demoted Quinn after Chase convinced Stephanie that Quinn was taking credit for Wendy's TV production ideas. Bela roughed up Danny, who was snooping around Beta's lion cages. Danny and Ryder were horrified to see Uncle Oscar initiating T.R. into his circus knifethrowing act. Hogan and Liza planned to write a book together in order to secretly spend time with each other.

T.R. suspects that Bela has hidden the stolen gold in his lion's cages. Liza took a turn under the sheets with Lloyd, but upon her return to Henderson she snuck off to be with Hogan. Hogan moved into an apartment in a castlelike tower. T.R. told Danny that they can only be friends, not lovers. Sarah failed to hide her interest in Quinn from her family. Liza liked Grandmere, the woman who raised Lloyd. Quinn persuaded Stephanie to rehire Wendy, who quit her TV job.

Realizing that they're both virgins, T.R. and Ryder nixed sleeping together. Quinn quit his secretarial job after Chase secretly convinced Stephanie to promote Adair, not Quinn. Liza refused to sleep with Hogan, who was upset after she admitted that she's slept with Lloyd. Danny feels neglected by Liza. Wendy feared that she's losing Quinn's love. Sarah secretly wrote romantic songs about Quinn. Lloyd tried to reconcile Liza and Hogan. Sunny won't give up hope that she can win back Hogan.

Sunny almost caught Hogan and Liza, who had spent a romantic night together. Lloyd vowed to win Liza for himself even though she admitted she's been sleeping with another man (Hogan). Bela came to T.R.'s rescue when she was nearly "sawed in half" during Uncle Oscar's magic act. Danny and Ryder drugged Bela's lions, sneaked into their cages, and tried to steal the gold medallions hidden in the cages. Quinn got Wendy to help him plan a TV show featuring Sarah's musical talents.

Bela was furious to find the gold medallions missing. Ryder and Danny learned the medallions are worthless. Ryder was livid to see T.R., kissing Danny. Liza nixed making public her romance with Hogan. Lloyd hired a private eye to find out who Liza's sleeping with. Stephanie disapproved of Wendy's affair with Quinn. An ailing Tourneur was hospitalized while Liza was off sleeping with Hogan. Chase stole another TV program idea from a frustrated Quinn.

The Young And The Restless

Head writer: William J. Bell

Executive producer: H. Wesley Kenney

Cricket consoled Traci over her split with Danny. Despite the fact that he's still married to Andrea, Tim kissed Traci who nixed his romantic offers. Nikki rejected Jack's offer to accompany him on his around-the-world trip. Jack fired Matt after learning that he's Victor's brother. Jack told a shocked Jill that Dina made Kay obliterate Jack's face from the blackmail photos. Jill insisted that she loves John, who had another attack during her visit. Amy rejected Kong's kisses. Lauren and Paul played matchmaker for Lindsey and Andy. Tyrone (Robert) assured Amy that he doesn't plan to marry Alana. Ashley turned down Victor's offer of a job at Mergeron. Lauren suspects that Shawn lied that she slept with him the night she had gotten drunk. Jill found comfort in Brad's strong, willing arms.

Kay left town to search for Brent after learning he had left because he's dying of cancer. Traci told Tim to stay out of her life after Andrea said she's pregnant with Tim's baby. Amy doesn't believe that Tyrone (Robert) isn't emotionally involved with Alana. Tyrone located the burglar alarm system in Mr. Anthony's office. Shawn was extremely jealous when lighting designer, Pete, paid compliments to Lauren. Victor warned Matt not to interfere in Victor and Nikki's marriage. Nikki fumed that Victor was jealous to see Ashley out on a date. With Jack out of town and John in the hospital, a lonely Jill moved Brad into the servants' quarters at John's mansion. Jill lied to John that the blackmail photos were taken before she married him. Cricket was upset to see groupie, Gwen, hanging all over Danny.

Brock Reynolds returned home only to learn that his mother, Kay, is off looking for Brent. Robert (Tyrone) slipped a "mickey" into Mr. Anthony's drink so that Jazz could duplicate Mr. A's office keys. Nikki begged Matt to get cozy with Ashley in order to keep Ashley away from Victor. Brad took a lonely Traci to a movie. Andrea thanked Traci for permanantly calling it quits with Tim. Shawn hung around Pete's lighting board, which exploded into flames during Lauren's and Danny's concert. Jazz and Tyrone (Robert) tried to convince a gun-wielding Kong that Mr. Anthony considers the black men in his employ expendable. Amy briefly cried on Kong's shoulder after listening to Alana talk about her upcoming marriage to Robert (Tyrone). Gwen tried to keep Cricket away from Danny.

Amy cried as Tyrone (Robert) and Alana became man and wife. Jazz and Andy found a secret room in which Mr. Anthony kept his crime records, an arsenal of guns and a cache of drugs. Carl Williams and several other cops stormed Mr. Anthony's office, killing Mr. Anthony. Mr. A pleaded with Robert (Tyrone) to take care of Alana for the rest of her life. Danny insisted to Cricket that he's only friends with Gwen. Lauren told a disappointed Shawn that Pete survived the lighting board explosion. John returned home, then told Jill to immediately file for a divorce since he's sick of her lies. Brock offered Jill a shoulder to cry on. Kong told Amy that he's getting out of the crime business. Dina kept mum to John that Jack was the man in Jill's blackmail photos. Lauren fears her life may be in danger.

After learning of her father's death, Alana was further shocked when Robert admitted that he's really Tyrone and that he's black, not white. Alana threw Tyrone out of her bedroom because he betrayed her trust in him. Matt insisted to Nikki that he's only romancing Ashley in order to help Nikki. Victor told Nikki about Ashley's real parentage. Gina said she'd back off forever if Neil can't accept her prison past. Brad gave Jill a shoulder to cry on after John ordered her to sleep on the sofa. Brock also comforted Jill. Ashley warned Victor that she won't let their friendship turn into a tawdry affair. Paul suspects that Shawn blew up Pete's lighting board.

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All My Children

Head writers: Wisner Washam & Lorraine Broderick

Executive producer: Jacqueline Babbin

Before disappearing, Eugene stole money from Benny. Tad interrupted Dottie and Andrew's lovemaking. Palmer schemed to make Sandy violate her parole. Remembering his priestly vows, Jeremy tried to resist his strong sexual attraction to Erica. Mark was livid to learn that Gilles got a job working at the TV station with Brooke. Adam hired a private eye to check out Jeremy's past. Jesse began his "mean guy" routine to get information on Bernie's and Chris's (Linda's ex-boyfriend) drug connections. Barton cornered Tad and Dottie. Adam threatened to release the edited version of his movie about Erica's life. Kristie betrayed Tad and Dottie's whereabouts to Barton. Monty fumed when his play bombed. Ross tried to reason with Adam, who is obsessed with winning Erica back. Terry, an accountant, secretly plotted against Benny.

Tad and Dottie eluded Barton and hid as employees of a tacky beach motel. Erica ditched Jeremy after Adam's detective discovered Jeremy had been an African mercenary. Jesse and Det. Young arranged for Jesse to regain the drug ring's confidence. To protect Angie, Jesse publicly humiliated her. Andrew and Sandy dated in Manhattan. Palmer threatened to squeal to Sandy's parole officer that she crossed the state line, unless she seduces Cliff. Despite Jeremy's warnings, Erica accepted Adam's invite to the premiere of "Raising Kane," her biographical movie. Adam ordered Stuart to impersonate him. Bob and Hillary argued over raising children and her ties to Tad. Mark's insane jealousy drew Brooke closer to Gilles.

Adam whisked Erica away in his seaplane after the disasterous premiere of "Raising Kane." The seaplane later crashed. Jesse told Angle that he's working undercover for Det. Young. Gilles let Mark think that he's living with Brooke, and later Mark and Brooke broke off their romance. Greg realized that Robin had stolen money from him. Stuart successfully posed as Adam during the premiere of Erica's film. Jeremy insisted that he loves Erica, then went with Larry, who lured Jeremy on another mercenary junket. Donna was upset to learn that Benny kept her in the dark about his financial problems. Tad flipped when Dottie told Andrew where they are hiding out. Benny gave Charlie a job as a bus boy. Tad remembered all the good times he has shared with Dottie, who nixed sharing her bed with him.

Edna reluctantly gave Benny a loan. After romancing Mickey, Andrew discovered a wall safe in her pad. Bob was furious that Alfred told Hilary that Bob's illness has been in remission for months. Chris and Bernie planned to rob Phoebe's guests during a soiree she's throwing. Chris hasn't realized that Jesse's working with Detective Young. Angie and Jesse romped in the sack after reconciling. Erica survived the plane crash, then tried to help Adam, who she feared was dead. Ross realized that Stuart has been impersonating Adam. Charlie is fascinated by Robin. While in Central America arranging a gun deal, Jeremy had vibes that Erica's in trouble. Ross and Ellen decided to adopt a child. Andrew warned Tad to keep his slimy paws off of Dottle. Tom fantasized about getting back together with Brooke, but realized Gilles also wants her.

Another World

Head writer: Gary Tomlin / Gillian Spencer & Sam Hall

Executive producer: Stephen Schnekel

Victoria feared that some gang members she once knew will mistake Marley for her. Jake followed Marley, who headed for Pennsylvania to check out Victoria's childhood stomping grounds. Tommy Lee learned that "Joe" is really Catlin, then ordered Catlin to kill Brittany because she's been spying on Tommy Lee. Tommy Lee and Jimmy were killed in a shootout with the police, who intercepted a drug drop. Tommy Lee shot and wounded Adrienne, who was hospitalized in grave condition. Catlin rushed to rescue Brittany, who had been given a lethal dose of designer drugs. Sally took a job designing perfume bottles for Le Soleil. Brittany took a drugged Dale Baker to the hospital. M. J. had her partner, Galley, arrested after learning he's working for Tommy Lee.

Jake found Marley and agreed to take her to Lassiter, despite Victoria's protests. Jake tried to hide his attraction for Marley, who threw herself at him. Clarice called it quits with Larry, who's concerned about Adrienne's recovery. Zane welcomed Brittany home from the hospital. Sally overheard Brittany admit her undying love for Catlin. Daphne went on a drunken bender because of Michoud's attentions to Sally. Donna played matchmaker for Victoria and Chris. Nancy was impressed that Chris doctored Dale from a drug overdose, but freaked to learn it was the drag Ecstasy, which Nancy is also taking. Daphne hired Donna as social liaison for LeSoleil.

Kathleen kept mum that she saw a hospital room in the Chapin mansion. Michoud awaited the arrival of ailing movie star, Edward Gerard. Jake was hard pressed to resist Marley's constant sexual offerings. Felicia and Zane shared a night of passion. Carl headed for Bay City after his release from prison. Felicia and Zane assisted Thomasina, who gave birth to a son. Larry sought comfort from Adrienne after Clarice tossed him out on his ear. Victoria fretted that the police may soon catch up to her. Michoud and Brittany joined forces to make sure that Catlin and Sally don't get too chummy. Cass realized he'll have to fight Daniel for Kathleen's affections. Marley was impressed by Jake, who won a weightlifting competition. Chris agreed to help Nancy kick her Ecstasy habit. Daphne has a man tailing Sally. Victoria made a date with Chris.

Marley was shocked that she was arrested for car theft when the Lassiter police mistook her for Victoria. Donna nixed giving Carl any of her valuable art works even though he gave her a cashier's check in payment of the money he had stolen from her. Michoud welcomed Edward Gerrard's arrival. Jake and Marley were taken prisoner by some thugs. Nancy and Rachel both had minor accidents after touching an antique artifact that had belonged to Perry. Carl is looking for the artifact. Marley was sickened to learn that Jake and Victoria are long-time lovers. Daniel insisted to Kathleen that nothing suspicious is going on at the Chapin estate. Michoud is anxious to end Felicia's relationship with Zane. Catlin got angry at Sally for accepting Michoud's offer to be the Le Soleil Woman.

As The World Turns

Head writer: Susan Bedsow Horgan

Executive producer: Robert Calhoun

Frank found blood stains in Steve's car that matched Dusty's blood type. Steve flipped out to learn that he's the prime suspect in Dusty's hit-and-run accident. Dusty, who's recovering, kept mum about the crush that he has on Shannon. Shannon freaked out when Margo said that E. Casey (Shannon) might be mixed up in a diamond theft that occurred in Ireland. Kevin took an administrative job at the Refuge. John fretted over Dusty, who could lose the use of his legs because of his hit-and-run injuries. Marcy accepted Stewart's marriage proposal. Stewart is back on the professional tennis circuit again. Sierra is puzzled that Craig is drawing away from her. Barbara nixed Cal's dinner date offer. Garage owner Tyrone blackmailed Craig after he repaired Craig's damaged car bumper. Margo learned that Evelyn was killed by a spider poison found only in Montega.

Cal romanced Barbara. John and Lyla agreed to cautiously resume their relationship. Tom fumed that Margo's taking birth control pills. McCloskey switched Frank to Margo's investigation of Evelyn Stone's murder, while Margo took Frank's case of Dusty's hit and run accident. Lucinda knows that Craig was the hit and run driver, but Craig hesitated telling Sierra. Dusty doesn't blame Craig and will keep mum. Shannon, whose real name is Erin Casey, is secretly linked to a jewel heist, a murder and a man named Guy Howard. Lisa and Ellen fretted that Peggy will ruin her daughter Marcy's wedding to Stewart. Sierra revealed she was engaged in Montega to a man, Tonio, who was killed. The cops found Kevin and Frannie necking in Kim's car.

Kim was appalled when the police implied that she had stolen the missing diamonds from Evelyn's body. Steve and Frank questioned jewel fence, Guy Howard, who was supposed to receive the diamonds from Evelyn. Tom realized that Shannon is really Erin Casey and that she has the diamonds. Shannon phoned Guy, who ordered her to give him the diamonds. Steve is no longer a suspect in Dusty's hit-and-run accident. Bob told Frannie that he doesn't think Kevin is the man for her. Lucinda denied Craig's accusation that she's really Mary Ellen Walters, Sierra's supposedly deceased mother. Margo admitted that she's afraid to have a baby. Craig has Shannon's scarf, which he had taken from Dusty right after the hit-and-run accident. Dusty vowed to get Harrison, who had planted a marijuana joint in Dusty's birthday gift to Lily.

Margo arrested Guy Howard's thugs, Hack and Miller, who roughed up Kim while looking for the missing diamonds. Guy was arrested after his men beat up Steve, who they mistakenly thought had the diamonds. Tom worried about Shannon's safety, but she insisted she's not Erin Casey. Kevin told Frannie that he wasn't the father of Marie's baby. Stewart convinced Marcy to invite her mom, Peggy, to their wedding. Lucinda confessed to her cohort, Ambrose, that she's Sierra's mother. An eavesdropping John looked for proof that Sierra is Lucinda's daughter. Dusty was injured during a fight with Harrison. Brian and Barbara are uneasy around each other. Lucinda was upset that Craig planned a romantic weekend with Sierra. Shannon (Erin) debated whether to tell the police that she has the diamonds. Lucinda spotted Shannon's scarf in Craig's briefcase.


Head writer: Henry Slesar

Executive producer: John Conboy

Nino and Cheetah romped in the sack. Ronnie agreed to spy on Myrna in return for a share of Paula's book residuals. Charity learned that Glenn had piloted the plane that crashed and supposedly killed Victor Markham. Jarrett (Baxter) was upset to see Clarissa's engagement ring. Brenda learned about

Wally's gambling. Tyler knows that Josh once had organized crime connections. Trey told Kelly that Sloane walked out on him. Brooks sent Kelly roses.

Jarrett took his first walk in therapy with Clarissa's encouragement, but held his tongue that he's really Baxter. A beautiful, mysterious gambler suckered Jordy into taking a bet over the club's limit, and she broke the house. Sam arranged Marty's offer to wipe out Welly's debt to Mr. Laverne if Wally hires a crooked blackjack dealer. Skimming Paula's book, Julie realized Sam may have blackmailed Harrington to politically support Trey instead of Tyler. Zed helped Sloane's plan to convince Trey that Trey wrongly accused her of adultery. Hal had an attack while babysitting Scotty.

Thomas comforted Kelly over Hal's death. Scotty, who had wandered away from Hal, was found at Charity's home. Kelly realized that Trey slept with Sloane. Sloane gave a shocked Trey a photo of him and Kelly making love. Brenda broke up with Wally, who agreed to postpone their wedding while he repays a gambling loan to Sam. Jordy tried to identify the mysterious lady gambler. Myrna reminisced about her past romance with Baxter (Jarrett).

Jordy learned his mystery lady is the spoiled rich brat, Leanne Foster. Kelly nixed continuing her romance with Trey even though he admitted that Sloane knows about their affair. Judson remembered that Josh once had a mistress named Sherry Rogers. Sloane told Trey that she wants to continue their marriage for political reasons; but said that they can discreetly see other people. Brenda refused to believe Jordy, who realized that Sam arranged Brenda's and Wally's romantic bust-up.

Days Of Our Lives

Head writers: Sheri Anderson, Thom Racina & Leah Laiman

Executive producers: Betty Corday & Al Rabin

Pete and Melissa got jobs at a Hollywood movie studio, and tried to find out why the photos they have are so valuable. Victor's henchman failed in several attempts to kill Pete and Melissa. Tony and Anna were legally married, by a real minister this time. Hope became friends with her police partner, Norma Kirkland, after the two settled former hostilities toward each other. Patch taunted Hope about Bo's keeping a past secret from her. Eugene and Calliope celebrated when he won the lottery. Liz avoided lovemaking with Neil because she's frightened of having another child. In the labor room, Ivy called out for Pete, who's in California with Melissa. Victor forced Linda and Alex to abandon their plans to buy up all the waterfront property in Salem. Emma was surprised that Shane already knows about Kimberly's prostitute past. Emma propositioned Ian.

The rebellious doctor who saved Ivy and her baby's lives is Mike Horton, who was given a hospital residency, thanks to Ivy's support. Theo stopped Abe from reporting housekeeper Denise's allergic reaction to trying heroin because it would ruin his investigation. Bo raged when Hope got a fake tattoo to match the one on his back. Bo had memories of making love to a woman with the same tattoo. Pete and Melissa escaped Victor's henchman, who was killed at the movie studio. Victor ordered Savannah to force Tod to fly Pete and Melissa from L.A. to Dallas aboard a private plane. Vanessa tried to cash in on Eugene's newfound wealth. Chris suspected Savannah's cold-shoulder act hides her true feelings. Pete and Melissa resisted the love urge, then he learned he has a newborn son.

Victor comforted Kimberly, who refused to believe her latest diagnosis that she has hysterical blindness. Shane was reunited with his I.S.A. partner Miss Peach (Peachy) who will help him get the goods on Victor. Tod pulled a gun on Pete and Melissa, then demanded they give, him the rest of the missing photos. Victor gave a stunned Caroline a kiss and an expensive birthday necklace. Savannah gave Victor the photos Tod had already stolen from Pete and Melissa. Anna was in a tizzy to learn that she's flat broke. Pete snuck in and out of Salem to see his son. Shane freaked out to learn, that Kimberly spent a platonic night at Victor's pad. Bo worried that Patch will tell Hope about the woman in Bo's past. Vanessa nearly died when Eugene donated his lottery winnings to a child-abuse clinic. Mike realized that Ivy's homelife is not idyllic. Shane bugged Victor's pad.

A recluse doctor saved Tod's life after Tod was injured in a shootout. A worried Maggie returned to Salem after Melissa phoned her. Melissa and Pete worried that Tod would die. Tony secretly paid some of Anna's bills, while she thinks that he's in the dark about her financial troubles. Mickey is jealous of Maggie's friend, Clay. Victor moved Kimberly into his house after having his bodyguard terrorize her. Richard put his feelings for Marlena on hold after learning that she's afraid to make a romantic commitment. Abe and Theo rescued Denise and Latoya from their abusive father. In hopes of finding Tod, Liz agreed to do a promotional tour for her music video. Pete learned that crooked cop, McBride, is hot on Pete's and Melissa's trail. Alice is concerned about Bo, who's keeping to himself lately.

General Hospital

Head writers: Pat Falken Smith & Norma Monty

Executive producer: Gloria Monty

Rick and Ginny told Mike that he's going to have a new baby brother, but they kept mum that Mike is Derek's son. Fellow student, Charlie Wilson, got Terry drunk. Anthony was ecstatic when he was finally able to make love to Tania. Alan is jealous of Monica's attentions toward Buzz. Steve offered Buzz a permanent job at General Hospital. Kevin warned Bobbie to keep Terry away from booze. Robert learned that Sean lied about the Aztec treasure being on a barge. Robert later learned the treasure is on the train bound for Canada. Ginny freaked out when Derek gave Mike a motorcycle. Sean is becoming suspicious of Grant. Holly was upset when Prescott suggested that Robert is having a fling with Anna. Holly taunted Prescott that Sean will betray him. Sean told Grant the treasure will soon be loaded onto the medical ship.

Terry went on a drunken binge after overhearing Jake's client report a rape. Kevin refused to tell Bobbie about the secrets in Terry's past which includes Kevin's brother. With Robert's help, Anna convinced Sean she's on his side after Sean learned Grant is working for Robert. Decoding Sean's messages to Prescott, Robert learned Holly is a hostage on another train. Sean and Anna escaped before Robert could force Sean to reveal Holly's whereabouts. Robert has a homing device planted in Anna's bra. Rick claimed Ginny is driving Mike closer to Derek by smothering Mike with worry about motorcycle accidents. Grant gave his blessings to Celia and Jimmy Lee's nuptials. Amy moved in with medical student, Bill Garrett.

Robert rescued Holly, who had escaped from Prescott. Holly told Robert that Sean was behind her kidnapping. Anna became Sean's prisoner after he learned that Robert had planted a homing device on her person. After getting the rest of the Aztec treasure from Felicia, Sean arranged to meet Mr. Wu, who's interested in buying the treasure. Bryan was skeptical when Ginny consigned Mike's motorcycle to a charity auction. Buzz and Monica cooled their attraction to each other. Felicia nixed sleeping with a frisky Frisco. Buzz accepted a job at General Hospital. Alan was furious that flirting with a nurse didn't make Monica jealous. Terry freaked to learn that Kevin's brother is coming to town. Terry couldn't carry out her plan to sleep with Charlie. Jake and Bobbie shared a smooch.

Posing as jewel buyer, Mr. Wu, Robert arrested Sean for stealing the Aztec treasure. Holly and Robert reaffirmed their love for each other. Anna was relieved to learn that Robert didn't die when he fell from a tram during a fight with Sean. Grant and Lorena discussed their respective love fiascos. After Robert rescued them from Sean, Frisco and Felicia admitted that they still love each other. Monica was upset when Buzz insisted that they concentrate on hospital business instead of their friendship. Celia is determined to make her marriage to Jimmy Lee a success. Buzz realized that Celia's an OK lady. Lorena gave her blessings to Jimmy Lee and Celia's marriage. Monica and Alan decided to give their marriage a new start. Buzz tried to convince Jimmy Lee that money can't buy everything.

Guiding Light

Head writer: Pamela K. Long

Executive producer: Gail Kobe

Mindy planned to marry Kurt so that he won't be deported. Lujack wrongly suspected that Beth has slept with Jackson. Kurt was arrested by immigration officers Dick and Steve, while Rick begged immigration official Helen Kennedy to drop his charges that Kurt is an illegal alien. Charlotte and TV gossip monger, Alicia Rohmer, tricked nurse Darlene Sandell into admitting that Ed's been drinking on the job. Claire and Fletcher admitted to Maureen that Ed had been drunk before Alice's operation. Beth was hurt that Lujack told everyone but her that he was putting their marriage plans on hold. H.B. and Billy rescued Kyle and Reva from a "pit" trap they had fallen into. Ed left town to think over his messedup life. Max kept tabs on David. Beth and Jackson worked all night on a concept for Lujack's music video.

Sally tried to convince Kyle's old flame, Maeve Stoddard, that he still loves her. Maeve is being pursued by millionaire Gavin Sinclair. Maureen was frantic that Ed was drunk before a hospital board meeting. Claire told the board that Ed never touched Alice during her operation. As chairman of the board, India ordered Maureen to recommend Ed's suspension. Harry, Ed and Claire were among those who threatened Charlotte before she was found murdered. Roxie and Kurt were wed in a "marriage of convenience" and admitted they love Rick and Mindy, who helped convince immigration officials that the marriage is made in "heaven's bed." Mitch still wants Kurt deported. Alicia reported on TV that Ed is a promiscuous alcoholic. Beth learned Lujack is playing the rock-star playboy to the hilt because he thinks she bedded down with Jackson.

Lujack and Beth reconciled after she told him she hasn't slept with Jackson. Lt. Jeff Saunders revealed that Charlotte was murdered by a sharp blow to the head. Lujack told Jeff that David shot and killed Max in self-defense after Max attacked David. Maeve reminisced about her past romance with Kyle. David panicked when Jeff said he thinks Max and Stan were only small potatoes in a large gangland operation. Harry gave Charlotte's diary to Jeff. Beth and Lujack wrongly suspect that Suzette and Jackson stole Kyle's ransom money, which Lujack had seen in a crate. Unaware that Lujack saw the ransom money, David later hid the dough in a jukebox. Lillian was grateful to Jeff for proving that she didn't kill Charlotte. Claire convinced Ed to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Roxie and Kurt suspect Bea's new boarder, Daryl, is an immigration official. A boobytrapped light fixture nearly fell on Beth and Lujack.

Kyle slept with Maeve, who hinted to Reva that she plans to marry Kyle. Reva nixed having H.B.'s baby. India was jealous to see that Reva and Philip are getting close. Billy was shocked to learn that Kyle owns Wycomco, the company that Billy works for. Harry insisted to Jeff that he loved Charlotte and that he didn't kill her. Reva warned that Sally will never take H.B. away from Reva. Lillian offered sympathy to Jeff, who reminisced about his deceased wife. Beth and Lujack realized that Suzette and Jackson don't have the missing blackmail money. Fletcher noticed that gossip reporter, Alicia Rohmer, uses the same brand of lead pencil that he found in Charlotte's house. Alex vowed that India won't be running the Spaulding Foundation for long. Harry loudly insisted that Ed and Claire killed Charlotte.


Head writer: Agnes Nixon

Executive producer: Joseph Stuart

Lorna and Jack rescued a drunken Ann from a gigolo-type who approached her in a bar. Ava tried to prevent Jack from moving out of the house. Ava lied to Kate that she didn't threaten Stacey with a gun. Sam warned he'll reveal Gwyneth's schemes against Harry unless she pays Sam's blackmail demands. Noreen can't forget her night with Mike. Shana is anxious to marry Mike. Steve is awaiting Harry's release from prison. Steve is upset over the lost of Tricia's love.

Ann stayed off the booze, but to prove she's hallucinating about Dane and Gwyneth's affair, he got her drunk before Shana's wedding shower. Mike and Noreen shared love promises. Mike finally told Shana he can't marry her. Ava vowed to drag Jack and Stacey through the mud. Lorna suspected Linc is trying to keep her from meeting his mother. Jim bruised Mike in a fight over Mike's playing with Noreen's and Shana's emotions. Steve was rehired at the garage, thanks to Cecilia, who taunted Tricia about making love with Steve.

Link's mother, Rebeka Beecham, wasn't impressed with Lorna. Steve comforted Tricia, who cried over the death of her father, Clay. Gwyneth pretended she was sorry over Clay's demise. Dane realized Gwyneth's connection to Harry, who was released from jail. Colby is suspicious of Keith's (Jonathan's) personality change. Father Jim told Shana that he still loves her. Jonathan's unwilling cohort, Martha, devised an escape plan for her and Keith.

A returned Curtis told Gwyneth he knows that she didn't give a hoot about Clay. Ava named Stacey in her divorce suit against Jack. Gwyneth agreed to pay Harry blackmail money as long as Steve stays away from Tricia. Steve and Tricia secretly spent time together. Shana rebuffed Mike's sympathy offer. Keith (Jonathan) failed to get Father Jim to admit that he loves Shana. A mystery man tailed Jack and Stacey, who romped in the sack together.

One Life To Live

Head writers: Peggy O’Shea

Executive producer: Paul Rauch

The murder charges against Tina were dropped when Niki (Viki) admitted on the witness stand that Mitch shot Harry. A disguised Mitch fled town one step ahead of Ed and the police. Clint worried over Viki when Dr. Polk was unable to bring Viki out of her Niki personality. Aida sent a henchman to keep tabs on Jenny. Mimi cooled her romance with Woody for the duration of the filming of "Backfire." Clay played matchmaker for Gina and Asa. Dorian fended off Mitch, who tried to rape her. Gina feels guilty that she hasn't reminded Asa of their past affair. Tina told the court that Mitch had planned to kill Clint and then frame Niki (Viki) for the murder; but Mitch's plans were ruined when Harry was accidentally killed. Jenny reminisced about her love for David. Clint assured Viki (Niki) that he still loves her very much, but her Niki personality nixed going home with him.

David escaped from behind the Iron Curtain, and Herb and Larry put him in a psychiatric ward to hide him from his political enemies. Niki has taken complete possession of Viki's personality and Dr. Polk put her into a sanitarium. A disguised Mitch abducted Tina. Tina failed to escape from him but finally got his gun and fired blindly. Cassie and Jenny, unaware of David's return, were followed and phone-tapped by foreign agents. Rafe helped Didi overcome her grief over Harry's death. Disguised as a cop, Ivan told Dorian that Rob is under suspicion for robbery. Harve and Martha Lipton have papers which are beneficial to Tina's case for winning Victor's estate. Woody was jealous of Mimi's attentions to Bo. Mimi fumed that Bo kissed actress Suzanne.

Aida and her henchman stalked Jenny in hopes that they'll find David. Jenny was shocked to find David alive and well in the psychiatric ward. Rafe objected to Didi's campaigning for president of the Lord-Manning plant. Tina shot Mitch in the leg and he was later arrested. Tina revealed that Harve, who's a Justice of the Peace, had married Victor and Irene before Tina's birth. Dorian fretted her marriage to Victor might have been invalid. Cassie and Rob made wedding plans while Ivan fantasized about stealing Cassie away from Rob. Tina nixed Brad's suggestion that she sue Viki for the Lord fortune. Mimi and Didi realized they both love Bo. David told Jenny that he loves her. National Security Bureau agent Janeen Rogers disguised herself as a nurse in order to guard David. Mimi admitted that she likes both Woody and Bo.

Cassie and Rob tied the marital knot. Aida reminded Ivan that her people got him back into the United States, then ordered him to kill David. Marco kept Cassie and Rob from going on their honeymoon when David feared his enemies would kidnap the bridal couple. Asa and Bo disapproved when Clint insisted he's bringing Niki to Llanfair in hopes that her Viki personality will return. Tina asked Pete to be her lawyer after Dorian nixed giving Tina her share of the Lord fortune. Cassie recognized Ivan, who she bumped into at the hospital. Dorian fretted to Herb that she'll lose her money to Tina. After learning that David is Cassie's father, Ivan lied to Aida that David wasn't in the hospital psycho ward. Bo and Mimi embarked on a romantic cruise, then discovered that Woody was piloting the yacht.

Ryan’s Hope

Head writers: Tom King & Millee Taggart

Executive producer: Joseph Hardy

Reggie took D.J. and Ryan captive when their attempt to rescue Jack failed. Katie remembered that she loves Dave. Gabrielle learned that Chessey and Chantal are planning to open the Dubujak family safe-deposit box. Pat unwittingly introduced Siobhan to Gabrielle, who he thinks is Chessey. Max was shocked to learn from her fingerprints that Gabrielle is alive. Maeve enlisted help from Ferdie, who got his friends to help him attempt to rescue Jack, D.J. and Ryan.

Maeve helped Jack rescue Ryan and D.J. Reggie was arrested. Gabrielle revealed that Chantal used Chessy to impersonate Gabrielle. Anton Dubujak's will gives half of his estate to Max and Chantal, with the other half going to Gabrielle. A sealed letter is to be opened if Max contests the will, which Chantal is frantic to avoid. Bill bedded Chessey who begged his help against Max's revenge. Siobhan moved out of Max's pad. To halt Roger's hypnosis sessions with Katie, Dave and Pat restored Katie's memory by re-enacting her accident.

Siobhan learned a neighboring shutterbug had taken photos of Max's terrace the night of Sydney's death. Katie recalled everything about her accident. Dave told Maggie he wants a divorce. Pat learned of Gabrielle's true identity, then agreed to help her fight Max and Chantal. Tiger dropped Maggie's modeling contract. Max was shocked to learn that Chantal had kept Gabrielle incarcerated in, an asylum. Susan Hendrix put the make on Jack. D.J. kissed Ryan, who said she loves another man.

There was a power failure in the bank just as Max was about to open the sealed letter his father, Anton, left him. Max agreed to provide financially for Gabrielle, and she agreed to give him a divorce. Laslo lured Siobhan into his clutches. Ryan promised to go to bed with D.J. Dave and Katie renewed their romance. Maggie insisted that Roger get her a film audition if he's going to remain her manager. Maggie dismissed thoughts of committing suicide over Dave.

Santa Barbara

Head writers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Executive producers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Gina plotted vengeance against Santana and Sophia, who Gina blames for causing her sterility. Julia and Jack Lee were shipwrecked on an island after a thug held them at gunpoint and then sabatoged their boat. Augusta flipped out to find information that suggests Lionel was Channing Jr's real father. Kelly tried in vain to remember the three weeks of love she had shared with a now distraught Nick. Sister Mary decided to quit the sisterhood after confronting her physical attraction to Mason. Although he loves Sophia, C.C. wasn't able to sever his ties with his despondent wife, Gina. Christie found Steve's bloodied shirt, which can prove that Ted didn't rape Christie. Santana learned that Mason is seeing Gina on the sly. Cruz was jealous to see Eden with a former beau, Randall Jordan.

Ted's rape trial was postponed when the prosecutor had a stroke. Mason failed to crack Christie's story. Mason moved back into the family mansion after reconciling with C.C. Lionel mistakenly believes he's dying of a brain aneurysm. Eden forgave Cruz and they had a passionate reunion. Amy remained in Europe to stay with her son. Jack and Julia returned to town. Steve coached Christie's testimony but feared she'll soon tell the truth. Laken believes Ted is innocent. Santana overheard Gina conspiring with Mason. Kelly remembered bits of her love fling with Nick.

Santana arranged for C.C. to find Mason and Gina romping in the sack together. Santana is suing for custody of Brandon, while C.C. also wants custody of the boy. Lionel learned that he's not dying from an aneurysm, but C.C. is. Eden and Cruz made wedding plans — again. Christie admitted that Ted didn't rape her, but she didn't say that Steve did the deed. After his rape case was dismissed, Ted gave Laken an engagement ring. Steve got panicky when Mary insisted that Christie's real rapist must be found. C.C. later dropped Mason and Gina from his will. Christie tried to escape from Steve, who made more sexual demands upon her. Steve's packing a loaded gun. Julia was jealous of Jack's beautiful secretary, Ingrid. Julia told Augusta that she's madly in love with Jack. Augusta told Santana she suspects that Lionel fathered Channing Jr.

Gina blabbed to Mason that Lionel was Channing Jr.'s real father. C.C. nearly collapsed after a vengeful Mason showed him photos of Charnnng Jr. and his male lover, Lindsay. Mason also told C.C. about Channing Jr.'s real parentage. Cruz rejected Eden's plea that he quit police work. Steve tied up Mary, who realized that he had raped Christie. Sophia tried to warn Lionel that C.C.'s gunning for him, but C.C. collapsed before he could harm Lionel. Steve went looking for Christie, who is carrying a gun and has vowed to get revenge against Steve for raping her. Gina and Mason are determined to keep C.C. from legally changing his will. Christie warned Ted that someone (Steve) is out to harm him. Laken was upset that Ted is worried about Christie's mental and emotional health. Gina learned that C.C. could die from the aneurysm.

Search For Tomorrow

Head writers: Paul Avila Mayer & Stephanie Braxton

Executive producer: Erwin Nicholson

T.R. decided to impress Ryder by working alone to find the stolen gold. Stephanie basked in Bela's romantic attentions. Thanks to Quinn's and Wendy's efforts, Sarah is becoming a hit singer at the local nightclubs. Jo and Stu opened the Caldwell Hotel for business, but were discouraged that their first customer was a homeless man named Hibbard. Liza returned from Hogan's pad feeling guilty that Tourneur had suffered a severe asthma attack during her absence.

Lloyd jetted to Europe after burning his detective's photo evidence that Liza is bedding another man. Lloyd refused to look at the photos. Liza accepted Hogan's marriage proposal, which upset T.R. and sent Sunny into hysterics. Hibbard threatened to sue Jo and Stu after a mild food-choking incident at the inn. Danny and Ryder rescued T.R. from a lion's cage where she was pushed while scrapping the cage bars which she believes encase the lost gold. Sarah's audition for Stephanie was a bust.

Anna ended her long-tune affair with Bela after learning that he's stepping put with Stephanie. Jo and Stu fretted Hibbard, who broke his leg at their hotel, will sue them. Ryder refused to believe T.R., who said she doesn't love Danny. On Grandmere's advice, Lloyd returned to fight for Liza's love, but was shocked to find Liza in bed with Hogan. Despite Chase's attempt to make her nervous, Sarah impressed a music critic. Sunny contemplated an overdose of sleeping pills.

Hogan saved Sunny, who took a pill overdose. Uncle Oscar plotted revenge against Bela after Oscar's plan to kill T.R. was thwarted. Ryder considered leaving town. Quinn was surprised when Sarah demanded a say in the management of her singing career. Feeling guilty about Sunny's near death, Liza cooled her relationship with Hogan. At T.R.'s urging, Lloyd proposed marriage to Liza. Hibbard threatened Jo and Stu with a lawsuit. Quinn agreed to move in with Wendy.

The Young And The Restless

Head writer: William J. Bell

Executive producer: H. Wesley Kenney

Victor went out of town to mull over his feelings for Nikki and Ashley. Jill lied to John that her former paramour, Andy, was the man in the blackmail photos. Andy agreed to help Jill when she cried that her marriage is in trouble. Tyrone insisted that he loves Alana, who pulled a gun on him, wounding him in the shoulder. Danny freaked to learn that Gwen has a key to his pad. Shawn pressured Lauren to start singing solo, then promised that he can get her a recording deal. Brock was surprised when Kay returned home, bringing Brent with her. Ashley was puzzled when John suddenly left town. Shawn arranged a drug buy with dealer, Adam. Brock realized that Kay and Brent love each other.

Shawn drugged Danny before the concert, forcing Lauren to do a solo. She was offered a recording contract, then overheard doctors tell a hospitalized Danny that he may never sing again. Jill was furious that Brad avoided her in order to date Traci. Ashley nixed another date offer from Matt. Ashley and Lindsey learned that the formula for the Mergeron perfume matches one developed for Jabot, which implicates Victor as an industrial spy. Nikki was suspicious when her photos of Matt and Victoria turned out to be overexposed. Kay begged Ashley to meet with Brent since he only has a couple of weeks to live. John was furious that Jill hasn't seen a divorce lawyer. Andy confirmed to John that he had sexual relations with Jill before John became engaged to her, which is part of Jill's plan to convince John that it was Andy who was the man in the lovemaking photos.

John reiterated his request that Jill divorce him after learning that Andy wasn't the man in the blackmail photos. Andy swore off women after realizing he'd been had by Jill again. Gina convinced Frances to return to Genoa City. Amy agreed to continue tutoring Kong, who can't get a job because he can't read. Matt secretly loves Nikki. A returned Victor told Ashley that he didn't give the Jabot perfume formula to the Mergeron Corp. Victor suspects that Jack was involved in the perfume formula scam. Tyrone failed to keep Alana from leaving town. Alana urged Amy to give Tyrone another chance. Paul suspects that Shawn is somehow connected to Danny's mystery illness. Unaware that Lauren's taking birthcontrol pills, Paul agreed to postpone their plans to have children.

Shawn got Lauren a recording contract even though she has agreed to have Paul's baby. Traci assured Brad that he'll keep his groundskeeper job even after Jill leaves the Abbott household. Ashley relented and visited Brent, who apologized for all the trouble he's caused her. Paul didn't believe Gina, who said that Lauren paid Frances to bust up Gina's romance with Neil. Matt is envious of Victor's marriage to Nikki. JoAnna told Neil that she doesn't think Lauren's marriage will last much longer. Gwen told Cricket to forget about Danny and find a "boy" her own age. Lindsey worried that John will find out she was behind the blackmail photos taken of Jill and Jack. Amy was surprised when Tyrone talked about leaving town to continue his college studies. Shawn kept tabs on Gina and Frances. Danny was released from the hospital.

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Adam whisked Erica away in his seaplane after the disasterous premiere of "Raising Kane." The seaplane later crashed.

The more things change....

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All My Children

Head writers: Wisner Washam & Lorraine Broderick

Executive producer: Jacqueline Babbin

Bernie was killed while he and Chris tried to rob Phoebe's guests. Chris and his henchman Rudy hid out in Angie's house, forcing her to get drugs for them. Erica slapped Adam, who survived the plane crash without a scratch. He then tried to seduce her. Fading TV actress, Thalia, hoped to use Tad to rekindle her career. Andrew told Dottie that he won't make love to her until the tune is right. Jeremy realized that Stuart is impersonating Adam. A man named Leo found an unconscious Erica. Ellen and Ross decided that they want to adopt teenager, Julie. Robin didn't look forward to her upcoming date with Charlie. Larry and Jeremy discussed a gun deal with South American, Enrique. Brooke is falling for Gilles. Andrew and Hillary schemed to find out what's in Mickey's wall safe.

Hillary told Bob that she's filing for a divorce. Brooke and Gilles romped in the sack. Bob told the cops that Tad had been to Pine Valley to see Hillary. Chris held Pat, Frankie and Jesse hostage. Chris wounded Pat after Rudy foiled Jesse's attempted escape. Jeremy outwitted Adam's caretaker, Leo, and rescued Erica from Adam, who was pursuing them. Greg fired Robin as his assistant, hoping to force her to attend school. Julie didn't hit it off with Charlie and Robin. Robin fantasized about loving Greg. Det. Young thinks Jesse would make a good police officer. Donna is worried that Benny, who's broke, might resort to gambling to get money. Tad told his See-Spray Motel boss, Maida, that Barton is out for Tad's blood. Andrew bedded Mickey, but didn't find the necklace that she claimed Tad had stolen. Palmer pressured Sandy to get closer to a lonely Cliff.

Adam and Jeremy fought over Erica. Kristie told Barton that Mickey's new love, Andrew, is in cahoots with Tad. A photographer snapped Tad's photo as he unwittingly rescued Talia from a publicity-stunt fire. Julie's first days at school were a disaster. Charlie is trying to impress Julie, who ignored him. Palmer let Andrew move back into Cortlandt Manor after Andrew helped force Cynthia to sign a paper vowing to keep mum about the Cortlandt family secrets. Cynthia was escorted out of town after Palmer nixed giving her a fat divorce settlement. Brooke nixed Gilles' wish to move in with her. Jesse rescued his family from Rudy and Chris, who were arrested. High school jock, Jason, has a thing for Robin. Mickey realized that Andrew is helping Tad and Dottie. Barton is back on Tad's tail.

Erica followed Jeremy, who returned to Tibet. Adam underwent surgery to remove a tumor on his brain. Bob left town after kissing Hillary goodbye. Joey found the computer disk containing the names of Mickey's hooker clients. Julie fumed when Charlie asked her to help him attract Robin's attention. Jesse declined an offer to enroll in the police academy. Enid pestered Angie to help her find the "right girl" for Greg. Daisy was suspicious to see Palmer and Sandy huddled together. Barton threatened Edna, who sang like a canary about Andrew's whereabouts. Brooke agreed to go on a trip with Gilles.

Another World

Head writers: Gillian Spencer & Sam Hall

Executive producer: Stephen Schnekel

Edward reminisced about his past romance with Felicia, whose real name is Fanny. Upset over Carl's return, Nancy started taking drugs again. Edward was upset to learn of Felicia's intimacy with Zane. Carl had a thug steal some Egyptian artifacts from the Love mansion. Chris covered for a pill-popping Nancy, who agreed to see a therapist. Sally and Catlin are drifting apart due to her new job as the Le Soleil woman. Daniel and Kathleen broke off their romance. Larry was upset to see Adrienne being taken away to jail. Carter and Thomasina brought their son, Grant II, home from the hospital. Dee and her friend Mark teamed up to write songs. Donna warned she wants to know all about Victoria's past. Jake told a disbelieving Marley that he loves her, not Victoria.

Donna fumed when Marley decided to go live with Dee. Felicia reminisced about her love for Edward, who's the subject of her latest romance novel. Edward, who underwent plastic surgery, nixed facing Felicia until he's fully recovered. Brittany asked Larry to find out if Evan, her supposedly dead son, is really alive. Michoud dreamed about seducing Sally, whose romantic thoughts are focused only on Catlin. Chris realized that Daphne was once his father, Frederick's, mistress. Carl and Daphne realized that there's a curse on the Egyptian falcon head pendant that Nancy wears. Cass agreed to help Kathleen prove her theory that something fishy is going on at the Chapin mansion. Jake got Ned to drop the car theft charges against Victoria. Daphne lied to Michoud that she's not looking for the mysterious Egyptian treasure. Donna meddled in Victoria and Marley's lives.

Jake rejected Donna's attempt to pay him big bucks to leave town. Daphne secretly arranged for Nancy to have a run-in with Carl, who terrifies Nancy. Victoria eavesdropped as Marley told Jake that she doesn't want to see him anymore. Carter and Thomasina tried to play matchmaker for Dee. Daphne and Carl pooled their efforts to find the mysterious Egyptian treasure. Brittany learned a couple, Dave and Marilyn Kent, may have adopted Brittany's son Evan. Zane and Felicia discussed living together. Since his plastic surgery was successful, Edward plans to present himself to Felicia. Cass and Kathleen snooped around LeSoleil and worried that Felicia, who underwent a "visualization" process, might be in danger. Victoria was jealous when Marley and Jake were named Grant II’s godparents. Nancy questioned Chris about a trust fund left to him by his father, Frederick. Chris contacted an Egyptian, Fayez Sedrack, unaware that Fayez works for Carl.

From prison, Adrienne tipped Larry that there's a hit man on his trail. Felicia was shocked to see Edward, who wants to resume their former love affair. Marley refused to see Jake. Victoria said that she still loves Jake. Felicia learned that Michoud is Edward's son. Chris's childhood friend, Cal Hawkins (Hawk), gave Chris a letter written by Chris's deceased father, Frederick. Brittany and Catlin found a religious cross that once belonged to Evan. Sally rebuffed Michoud's offer to run away together. Daphne caused an "accident" on the set where Sally was shooting a LeSoleil layout. Kathleen wants to interview Edward. Carl suspects that Nancy's pendant contains clues to the Egyptian treasure's whereabouts.

As The World Turns

Head writer: Susan Bedsow Horgan / Douglas Marland

Executive producer: Robert Calhoun

Dusty pleaded with Craig not to tell the police that Craig was driving the car involved in Dusty's hit-and-run accident. Shannon told the police that the hit-and-run driver has her scarf. Dusty recovered from the injuries incurred in his fight with Harrison. Betsy was relieved to learn that Steve will recover from the beating Guy's thugs gave him. Guy was jailed after confessing to Evelyn's murder. Peggy disapproved of Marcy's plans for a Scottish-style wedding. Tom suspects Margo's job is more important to her than starting a family. Shannon (Erin) met Brian in a singles bar but didn't tell him her name. Lucinda was hurt to hear Sierra say that she hated her mother. Kevin caught Chase, who said he's a cop, sneaking around Betsy's cabin. Someone anonymously sent roses to Kim.

Lisa's convinced Bob's jealous of Kim's secret admirer. Shannon kept her promise to keep John in the dark that Dusty's back in the hospital. Jay told Frannie he'll always be her friend. Lily feels that in Lucinda's eyes, she'll never be as perfect as Sierra. Kevin's former girlfriend, Marie, arrived to see Frannie. Craig cautioned Sierra that Lucinda is manipulative. Lily was nearly raped by Hank, the son of Lucinda's stable hand, Henry. Craig warned Lucinda he's looking for proof that she's Sierra's mother. Marcy and Stewart announced that they're moving to England after their wedding. Shannon was furious at Brian, who printed an artist's drawing of her in his newspaper in order to learn her identity. Paul said he tried to break up Barbara and Brian because he was jealous. Margo admitted that having children would interfere with her career.

Stewart and Marcy left for England after reciting their marriage vows. Marie painted bruises on her face, then lied to Frannie that Kevin beat her up. Sierra confessed to Craig that she's inexperienced in the ways of love. Dusty promised to stick by Lily, who admitted that Hank tried to rape her. Jay is worried about Frannie. Sierra accepted Craig's marriage proposal, agreeing to keep their plans a secret. Kevin threatened to strangle Marie, who secretly wrote falsehoods about him in her diary. Steve apologized for haranguing Kevin about a bookkeeping error. Margo was upset that Tom asked Lt. McCloskey to give her a vacation. Lily blabbed to Lucinda that Craig's engaged to Sierra. Kim got more mysterious phone calls and gifts. Dusty noticed Brian is attracted to Shannon. Craig promised to tell Sierra all his troubles during their proposed weekend rendezvous.

Lucinda had her henchman, Ambrose, search for proof that Craig’s the hit-and-run driver that left Dusty for dead. Tom is upset that Margo may have to work in Washington. Kim suspects that her secret admirer could be her former musical accompanist, Kenneth Wayne, who has arrived in town. Brian convinced Shannon not to leave town. Craig warned Lucinda that John knows she's Sierra's mother. Kevin was released from jail after he broke into Marie's pad to search for her diary. Marie lied to Frannie that Kevin had raped her. Shannon still has the diamonds that everyone's looking for. Barbara enrolled Paul in an out-of-town private school.


Head writer: Henry Slesar

Executive producer: John Conboy

Jarrett (Baxter) was touched to hear Thomas reminisce about his father, Baxter. Jordy was upset to see Leanne taking pills. Brenda decided to find out why Wally is gambling again. Brooks told Kelly that he's available if she ever needs a shoulder to cry on. Trey refused to tell Sloane whether or not he'll accept her plan for an "open marriage." Trey's party leaders want him to run for a Senate seat. Paula's tantrums failed to attract Mark's attention.

Paula saw Jarrett (Baxter) kissing Clarissa's hand. Alter losing big at the gambling tables, Leanne rebuffed Jordy's sympathy offer. Kelly told Trey their affair is over, then forced him to say goodbye to Scotty. Trey led the congressional attacks against Tyler's unsuccessful crime commission project. Ronnie secretly taped Sloane and Trey, who talked about Trey's involvement with Kelly. Brenda suspects that Marty knows why Wally is gambling again.

Tyler's sure that Jarrett (Baxter) saved Tyler's crime commission project by anonymously sending Tyler info on underworld figures. After a confrontation with Sam, Kelly took Scotty and drove off into the night during a rainstorm. Thomas nixed reporter Megan Belvoir's request to interview Jarrett (Baxter) about his leg surgery. Brooks is interested in the Donacelli statue that Myrna bought. Leanne told Jordy her stepbrother, Jeremy, is trying to harm her. Brooks realized that Scotty is Trey's son.

Thomas was shocked to realize that Jarrett is really his father, Baxter. Trey told Kelly he's divorcing Sloane so he can marry her. Zed rescued a drunken Sloane, who was mistakenly arrested for prostitution. Wally's working two jobs in order to repay the gambling loan he received from Sam. Leanne doesn't want Jordy watching over her. Thomas agreed to an interview with Megan.

Days Of Our Lives

Head writers: Sheri Anderson, Thom Racina & Leah Laiman

Executive producers: Betty Corday & Al Rabin

Hope is livid that Bo won't tell her about his past with Patch. Pete and Melissa got jobs in a carnival in Missouri. Tod is recuperating from his gunshot wound. Victor gave Savannah one week to find Pete, Melissa and the photos he wants. Carney worker Kip suspects that Pete and Melissa are impostors. Pete was arrested by the local police. Caroline and Shane were upset to learn that Kimberly moved into Victor's pad. Mike helped Ivy get a job at the hospital. Peachy posed as a designer in order to get inside info on Victor's gang. Kimberly realized that Caroline and Victor share a past. On Alex's orders, art dealer Claus Van Zandt conned Anna into trading a valuable Buddha statue for a fake Picasso. Richard surprised Marlena with a passionate kiss. Mike caught Savannah and Chris in bed together.

Anna was arrested for murdering Claus after she was caught fleeing from his office. Abe quizzed Claus's widow, Tracy Van Zandt, about Claus's murder. Mike helped Ivy bring her newborn son home. Bo and Theo gave Richard proof that the drug ring is storing their cocaine stash in Savannah's recording studio. Liz was shot during Bo, Theo and Richard's unsuccessful drug raid on the studio. Pete and Melissa can't keep their hands off of each other. McBride pursued Pete, Melissa and Tod to Chicago on their quest to find the mysterious treasure. Bo was furious that Hope and her partner, Norma, went on an out-of-town police assignment. Kimberly was haunted by Shane's statement that Victor is dangerous. Tracy came on strong with Tony. The police arrested and then released Kip, who they mistook for Pete.

Richard is in cahoots with Savannah and McBride. Hope told Richard that Melissa phoned to say that McBride is a "bad" cop. Hope's police partner, Norma, was shot by an unseen gunman. Before she died, Norma told Hope that Richard was with Norma's assassin. Liz survived throat surgery after being wounded in the drug bust shootout. Richard fumed at Abe, who went against his orders and led the raid on the music studio. Shawn came to the rescue, foiling Emma's attempt to cause Kimberly's death. Richard threw Bo into a prison cell after Norma's shooting. Anna denied having a long-ago affair with Claus. Marlena and Richard tumbled under the sheets together. Mike gave Ivy's baby a blood transfusion when the tot became ill. Savannah's thugs tailed Pete, who donated blood for his son. Victor wants to be the godfather to Ivy and Pete's son. Tony and Anna stole proof that Tracy benefited financially from Claus's death.

Tod and Melissa pretended to be married after they were taken in by farm couple, Grace and Conrad Walker. McBride killed Pete's friend Bernard, who helped Pete escape from him. Anna and Tony vowed to find out who's framing Anna for Claus's murder. Ivy and Pete named their son Charles (Charlie). Kimberly regained her eyesight after Shane rescued her from the stable fire Emma had hoped would kill Kimberly. Pete jumped to the wrong conclusion when he found Tod and Melissa sharing the same bed. Pete was unable to prevent Victor from becoming Charlie's godfather. Tony checked out mystery woman, Felicity York. Liz worried her career is over.

General Hospital

Head writers: Pat Falken Smith & Norma Monty

Executive producer: Gloria Monty

Robert resigned his job and he and Holly decided to move to Australia. Holly left town first to meet Nanny in England before flying to Australia. After agreeing never to see Robert again, Anna left town. Robert found a waif, Roberta (Robin), on his doorstep. Oriental organized crime leader, Mr. Wu, and his grandson Kim, learned Anna had bought a Buddha statue that contained valuable pearls. Another Oriental, Yank, and Kevin's brother Patrick, joined the hospital as first-year residents. Buzz noticed that Terry's nervous around Patrick. Felicia and Frisco returned the Aztec treasure to Mexico. Sean was jailed after he admitted that the W.S.B. wasn't involved in the treasure theft. Rick warned Ginny she must let Mike grow up. Bobbie convinced Amy to probe for facts about Terry's skittishness around men.

Mistaking Josh for Frisco, an Oriental man put poison into Josh's drink. Josh later dropped dead. Anna learned that an Oriental man had taken her daughter, Robin, away from her summer camp. After finding Robin at Robert's home, Anna admitted that Robert is the child's father. The police quizzed Patrick, who had a fight with Josh just before Josh died. Robert had his home staked put by the cops after an Asian man tried to steal a China doll that belongs to Robin. Filomena received a note from someone making threats on Robin's life. Terry was temporarily hospitalized after another drinking bout. Buzz checked out Patrick's past. Ginny agreed that Mike could keep his motorcycle. Monica befriended Grant. Celia disapproved that Anna returned to see Robert while Holly is already in Australia.

Robert suspects Asian thugs calling themselves the Green Shirts, were responsible for Josh's death. Bobbie and Jake were surprised that Terry's grandmother, Mrs. Talbot, wouldn't talk about Terry's past. Buzz convinced Steve not to suspend Patrick, who's a suspect in Josh's murder. Patrick nixed Kevin's suggestion that they tell the police about their past with Terry. Anna defused a bomb supposedly planted by the Green Shirts, who said they were framed. Celia disapproves that Anna is staying at Robert's pad. Frisco learned that Mr. Wu owned the warehouse that was nearly bombed. From photographs, Robin identified Mr. Wu's chauffeur as the man who took her to Robert. Yank is smitten with Jade, but is unaware that she's Mr. Wu's granddaughter. Yank admitted his lookalike brother, Tai, is a member of the Green Shirts. Frisco and Felicia romped in the sack.

Mr. Wu met with Sean, who agreed to find some valuable black pearls that were in a Buddha statue Anna owned. Robert agreed that Frisco could go undercover to get info on Mr. Wu, so Frisco let everyone believe he was responsible for Tai's hit-and-run death. Kim charmed Felicia, who didn't know he was hunting Tai. Frisco had a run-in with Kim, recognking him as the man who tried to steal Robin's China doll. Robin remembered using the black pearls as eyes for her doll. Terry accused Patrick of killing Josh. Anna photographed several Asian crooks who met with Mr. Wu. Robert realized that the threats against Robin and Frisco are connected to Josh's death. Rick arranged for Monica to attend a medical conference in Switzerland.

Guiding Light

Head writer: Pamela K. Long

Executive producer: Gail Kobe

India urged Maeve to fight for Kyle. Alicia denied Fletcher's suspicion that she saw Charlotte the night Charlotte died. Claire resigned from Cedars Hospital after Alicia's TV news show made her and Ed look guilty of Charlotte's murder. Fletcher and Claire split up again. Ed spent a platonic night on Claire's couch. Billy tried to coax David into helping him ruin Kyle. Suzette gave Lujack the jukebox that David secretly hid the ransom money in. Max and Stan's mysterious boss, Largo, nearly suffocated David and Suzette in a steam room. Reva packed her bags, then told H.B. she needs some time alone. Beth and Lujack staged a fight to convince everyone that their romance is over. Jackson kissed Beth. Maureen fretted that she and Ed will never reconcile. Kurt, Roxie, Mindy and Rick kept tabs on Bea's boarder, Daryl.

Kurt got his green card. Roxie told Rick that she can't divorce Kurt because immigration would realize that their marriage is a sham. Philip lied to Reva that he's not falling in love with her. Kyle bedded Maeve, then admitted that he still loves Reva. Reva moved into a hotel. Alicia admitted to Fletcher that she knows something about Charlotte's murder. Largo ordered David to kill Kyle and then take over Kyle's businesses. Maureen told Ed that she wants a divorce, but he insisted that he loves her. Sally is convinced that H.B. can't keep Kyle and Reva apart. Kyle went to Reva, who insisted that their love can never work out. Reva slapped India, who told Maeve that Reva is a ruthless witch. H.B. insisted to Kyle that Reva belongs to him. Jeff is searching for Charlotte's mother.

Sally bailed Reva's daddy, Hawk Shayne, out of jail in Oklahoma. Hawk agreed to go see Reva. Claire and Ed went on the run while Fletcher and Maureen tried to find Charlotte's real murderer. H.B. and Maeve agreed to keep Reva and Kyle apart. Roxie and Mindy were hired to dance in Lujack's music video. Jackson snuck Beth onto the set to watch Lujack tape his video. Reva and Kyle rekindled their love. Fletcher and Maureen learned that Charlotte's mother, Mrs. Wheaton, is in a nursing home. David freaked out to see the double-circle symbol on the music video set. Largo warned that if David doesn't kill Kyle, David will be killed by Largo's thugs. David fantasized that Billy killed Kyle. Rick is upset that Maureen and Ed's marriage seems doomed. Jackson realized Lujack and Beth haven't really split up.

Fletcher badgered Alicia, who confessed that she'd killed Charlotte, who was really Alicia's sister. Charlotte had blackmailed Alicia after helping to ruin a doctor so that Alicia could make a splash as an investigative reporter. Kurt admitted to Helen that he and Roxie married so that Kurt could stay in the States. It was revealed that Largo and Daryl are the same person. Billy had nightmares about killing Kyle after he was unwittingly hypnotized by Largo. Mindy stole the blackmail money from the jukebox, then paid off Billy's bills. David freaked out to find the money missing. Claire suffered stomach pains.


Head writer: Agnes Nixon

Executive producer: Joseph Stuart

Doug Donovan returned from a cross-country motorcycle trip. Jonathan set off an explosion as Keith and Martha crawled into their escape tunnel. Lorna feared Jonathan was somehow responsible when Linc suffered injuries in a bumpy plane landing. Dane turned against Gwyneth because she sprung Harry from jail. Jack and Ava's very public divorce case got underway. Lorna threatened to reveal to everyone that Jonathan's alive and impersonating Keith. Shana cried on Father Jim's shoulder.

Martha was killed in the tunnel explosion, but an amnesiac Keith found refuge with bordello owner, Dolly. Steve secretly gave Tricia his class ring. Gwyneth slept with Dane, who evaded her talk about marriage. Linc's mother, Rebeka, stood vigil at his hospital bedside. Ava swore that she'll never let Jack have Little Johnny. Harry realized that Ava's deceiving Jack about Johnny's parentage. Jonathan told Lorna he'll lay off Link if Lorna resumes her past affair with Jonathan. Steve dumped Cecilia.

Tony and Stacey moved to California together. Gwyneth put her romance with Dane on hold until he divorces Ann. Harry charmed Ann, insisting she keep their meetings a secret. The judge denied Jack's divorce from Ava. Ava kept Johnny hidden from Jack, who nixed moving back in with her. Rebeka rented a house in Corinth so she can take care of a recuperating Linc. Dolly Jones nursed Keith, who she calls Bill, back to health. Ava warned Tug and Sherrie to keep mum that they are Johnny's parents. Rebeka insisted that Linc won't marry Lorna because she's not a Wyoming landowner.

Lorna suspects that the house Rebeka rented is haunted. Mystery lady, Zona, stalked Rebeka. Gwyneth realized that Harry blackmailed Dane into hiring him as security chief at Alden Enterprises. Curtis kept Jack from slugging Ava, who wouldn't let Jack see Johnny. Dane is convincing a drunken Ann that she's losing her mind.

One Life To Live

Head writers: Peggy O’Shea

Executive producer: Paul Rauch

Mimi and Bo's cruise was canceled when he was called out of town to douse an oil rig fire. Gina was offered a role in an Italian film, then urged Giulietta to return to Europe with her. Clay is smitten by a returned Delilah, who wants to be a fashion designer. Aida and her henchman, William, found David and Jenny. Ivan convinced Cassie to keep mum that he's alive and in Llanview. Ivan arranged for Cassie to see David, who admitted to Cassie that he was a spy. Pete agreed to help Tina, who held a press conference to announce her claim on the Lord fortune. Jake found no record that Victor had divorced Irene. Dorian realized her marriage to Victor wasn't legal, therefore she could lose her Lord money. Niki (Viki) returned to Llanfair. Rafe was upset that Didi blames the Buchanans for Harry's death.

Dorian became a social outcast after everyone learned that she's penniless. William was killed when Jenny, David and Cassie escaped from Aida's clutches. Dr. Polk realized that Niki (Viki) is afraid to let her Viki personality reappear because Niki would then be lost forever. Larry learned that Dr. Ray (Ivan) is an impostor. Clint punched out Jack, who he had caught dancing with Niki (Viki) at the Backstreet Bar. Niki's (Viki) car skidded on a rain-slick road then burst into flames. Ed was sorry to see Carla leave to accept a judgeship in Arizona. Didi's campaign for president of the Lord-Manning Plant is not going smoothly. Ivan (Dr. Ray) told Cassie he'd help David and Jenny get away from Aida. David suspects that Dr. Ray (Ivan) is an enemy agent. Delilah objected to Clay's sexual come-on.

Tina burned her hands while helping Clint free Niki (Viki) from her burning car. Dr. Ray (Ivan) injected David with a drug to make him appear dead when Aida examined the body. Aida escaped after attempting to kill Jenny, who was saved by Dr. Ray (Ivan). During the shooting, the vial containing a serum to bring David back to life was broken. Recovered from the car accident, Niki (Viki) pretended that she regained her Viki personality so that she wouldn't be sent to a mental hospital. Jinx left to accept a job in Rome. Giulietta nixed going to Rome with Gina. Jenny learned that Dr. Ray is really Ivan. Donning another disguise and using the name Tex, Ivan took a job at Wanda's diner. Delilah's first fashion show was a success. Clay wants to make a film of Tina's life. Woody was furious that Mimi turned down a film offer in order to stay close to Bo.

Larry helped Jenny, who injected David with the drug that returned David to life. A suspicious Aida decided to stick around town after learning that David's "body" had disappeared. Rob helped Jenny get the drug used to revive David. Dan and Annie left on a trip around the world. Brad would also assume a new identity. Jack promised that he can deliver guns to a Central American banana republic. Asa fired Trent, who intentionally gave Dorian bad stock tips. Tina learned that Viki (Niki) took a stack of money out of the bank. Didi realized that Bo's mixed up with Mimi again.

Ryan’s Hope

Head writers: Tom King & Millee Taggart

Executive producer: Joseph Hardy

Siobhan realized that Laslo killed Sydney. Maggie signed papers annulling her marriage to Dave. Ryan couldn't carry out her plan to sleep with D.J. Max admitted that he'd once paid bribe money to Det. White. D.J. dated Ryan's pal, Betsy. Dave proposed to Katie. When the lights came on in the bank, Anton's letter to Max was missing. Gabrielle's maid, Marguerite, has the letter. Bill realized that Laslo and Siobhan haven't been seen for days. Betsy told D.J. that Ryan loves Rick.

Jack feuded with his lady boss, Betty Sherman, who objected that he used one of her ambulances to chase down some crooks. Max learned that Siobhan and Laslo are in Canada. Max thwarted Laslo's henchman's attempt to kidnap Siobhan's son Sean. Dave and Katie want to elope. Max nearly saw Laslo at an isolated Canadian trading post. Jack was surprised to see Betty meet Pat at Ryan's Bar. Bill frantically searched for Siobhan.

Johnny was surprised to be named beneficiary in the will of his old friend, Meg Smith. Dave and Katie were married in a ceremony held at Ryan's Bar. Frank agreed to help Gabrielle, who lied that she signed Max's divorce papers under duress. Frank wants Jill to quit Max's employ. Max rescued Siobhan from Laslo, who was arrested by the Canadian Mounties. Betty rehired Jack, who proved his worth on an ambulance run. Maggie returned from Hollywood.

Anton's letter stated that Max is not his biological son. Jill fumed when Frank demanded she quit working for Max. Max arranged for Gabrielle and Jacqueline to meet for the first time in years. Ryan and D.J. got cozy after patching up thenlatest quarrel. Frank was asked to run for district attorney.

Santa Barbara

Head writers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Executive producers: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Lionel was shocked to learn that he was Channing Jr.'s real father. Ted stood by Christie, who accidentally shot and killed Steve before Steve could shoot Ted. Nick and Kelly are getting close again. Everyone learned that Steve had raped Christie. Eden and Sophia argued over C.C.'s welfare. Gina kept mum that she hid the divorce papers C.C. had wanted her to sign before he became ill. Lionel asked Santana to arrange for him to spend time with his grandson, Brandon. Augusta is disturbed by Lionel's sudden obsession with Brandon. Eden was alarmed to learn Cruz turned down a police department promotion. Eden accused Gina of destroying C.C.'s new will and the divorce papers. Jack is handling C.C.'s legal affairs.

Sophia refused to let Gina drive her out of C.C.'s mansion. Christie and Ted stuck to their story that Christie had accidentally killed Steve. Eden brought C.C. home even though he's being kept alive by a life-support system. Nick is being tailed by a mystery woman. Amy and her son Johnny visited Brick, but she nixed staying with Brick in lieu of living a life of royal luxury back in New Stailand. A suspicious Augusta hired a private eye to check out Brick's past. Mary moved into the Capwell mansion to become C.C.'s full-time nurse. Santana feels she has a good chance of getting custody of Brandon. Ted rejected Laken's request that he stay away from Christie. Mason found Mary sleeping in his bed at the Capwell mansion.

Jack Lee's assistant, Eric Tyler, presided over meetings between Eden and Mason, who vied for control of C.C.'s empire. The mystery woman, Janice, turned out to be the girlfriend of Nick's brother, Dylan. Kelly was shocked to learn that Nick is working undercover for Cruz. Fantasies of a torrid romance with Mason danced in Mary's head. Eden reeled when C.C. asked her to put him out of his misery by turning off his life-support system.

Cruz is jealous that Eden went on a business trip to Hawaii with Jack Lee's law partner, Kirk Cranston. Kirk is really Jack's son. Augusta secretly opened a Swiss bank account in Brick's name. Augusta, Janice and Brick survived an auto accident, but Brick needs a kidney transplant. Brick's father, Glen Wallace, agreed to donate a kidney to his son. Kelly learned that Nick is not romantically involved with Janice. Lionel fumed to learn that Gina wants to ship Brandon off to boarding school. Kirk charmed Eden, who insisted that she loves Cruz. Augusta vowed to get Brick out of Santa Barbara.

Search For Tomorrow

Head writers: Paul Avila Mayer & Stephanie Braxton

Executive producer: Erwin Nicholson

Liza was aghast to learn that she's gained a reputation as a "loose" woman. T.R. realized the missing gold is concealed in the bars of the Lion cages. Chase tried to help Sarah persuade the disc jockeys to listen to her demo record. Uncle Oscar captured T.R. Sunny considered an offer to recuperate in Liza's home instead of in an institution. Liza was shocked to learn that Lloyd had a private eye tail her. Unaware that T.R.'s in trouble, Danny and Ryder headed for the circus.

Danny and Ryder rescued T.R. from Uncle Oscar, who escaped with the stolen gold. Sunny moved into Liza's house and insisted that Hogan help with Sunny's rehabilitation. T.R. was relieved when Ryder decided not to leave town. Lloyd's book publishing offer failed to lure Hogan into moving to Europe. Bela saved T.R. and Ryder from being mauled by a lion Uncle Oscar freed from its cage. Sarah was upset to learn that Quinn tried to keep Chase from getting air time for Sarah's demo record.

Suzi and Cagney moved into Caldwell Manor to help Stu. Jo went to the Caribbean looking for her ex-husband Martin Tourneur, who's in trouble. Lloyd secretly bought and sold shares of Tourneur Instruments stock, forcing Liza to temporarily give him her seat on the company board. Hibbard received a letter from his nephew, Davie Wilkes. Chase kept Quinn and Wendy from getting any Henderson air time for Sarah's record. Wendy's upset Quinn won't say that he loves her.

Sarah's and Quinn's romantic evening was ruined by a flash flood. Wendy later found an unconscious Quinn amid the flood rubble. Davie's hopes of getting money from Hibbard were dashed. Chase lied that Sarah's stealing his songs so that she couldn't get anyone to play her demo tape. Thugs Snake and Hardy are pursuing Davie.

The Young And The Restless

Head writer: William J. Bell

Executive producer: H. Wesley Kenney

Danny sent Gwen packing when Cricket proved Gwen was only riding on Danny's rock star coattails. Frances told a shocked Paul that Lauren paid Frances to bust up Gina and Neil's wedding plans. Andy apologized for being rude to nightclub singer, Faren. Carol worried about Jack, who hasn't contacted her in weeks. Victor warned Matt not to even think about falling in love with Nikki. Lauren was upset when Paul spent a whole night away from home. Traci was shocked that Jill suggested that Traci is romantically interested in Brad. Danny said goodbye to Cricket, who returned to college. Kay refused to tell John the identity of the man (Jack) in the blackmail photos, but John is aware' that Dina knows the man's identity. Nikki can't believe that Jack betrayed Jabot.

Ashley made peace with Brent, who died after giving Kay a final goodbye kiss. John doesn't believe that Jill, who is pretending to be on a hunger strike, is suffering from severe depression. Brad almost caught Jill sneaking a snack. Insisting that he couldn't take his Oriental companion, Suyo, to Genoa City, Jack left her behind in Corsica. Nikki was shocked when Jack showed up on her doorstep. Ashley accompanied Victor to Corsica, where they found Suyo aboard the jet Jack had abandoned. Carol kept mum that Jack had contacted her. Neil was shocked to learn that Lauren orchestrated his bust-up with Gina. Faren is suspicious of Andy, who said he wants to get to know her better. Lauren freaked when Danny kicked her out of his band. Shawn's delighted that Paul is calling it quits with Lauren.

Matt kissed Nikki after scolding her for going out with Jack. Tyrone told Amy that he's attending college in Genoa City. Suyo phoned Jack to report that Ashley and Victor had shared a hotel suite in Corsica. Jack was relieved that Ashley hasn't told John about the theft of the Jabot perfume formula. Victor and Ashley agreed to forget the night of love they shared in Corsica. Paul realized that Andy's smitten with Faren. Andy gave Kong a job even though Jazz and Kong don't get along. Amy helped Kong, who couldn't read the instructions for his first assignment. Paul refused to make amends with Lauren.

Kay helped John prove that Jill's faking her depression. Ashley accepted a dinner date with Matt. Brad gave some money to his mother, Margaret. JoAnna failed to get Paul to reconcile with Lauren. Shawn is convinced that he'll soon have Lauren to himself. A psychic warned that someone's trying to take over Lauren's life. Danny was jealous to see Traci out on the town with Brad. Nikki told a shocked Victor that Ashley's been dating Matt. Jack denied giving the Jabot perfume formula to the Mergeron Corporation. Nikki suspects that something went down between Victor and Ashley while they were stranded in Corsica. Lindsey warned Ashley that she thinks Jack's up to no good again. Jack taunted Ashley that he knows about her night with Victor.

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