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The Suds Report

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It almost amounts to some kind of...nervous, babbling chatter. Like, he's furious that Claywell and Evans were fired, but he'll simply die if there's any sort of backlash against OLTL, so he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. He's running with this unbelievable "partying" crap and has no problem trying to pin that on Brett and Scott, but then he's also wants them to be rehired.

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This Kish-gate stuff, talk about a soap scandal! :lol: All this stuff about Brett and Scott, is this stuff really true or are they being thrown under a bus? Nelson went into more detail on facebook. I just don't know what to think. Plus, Nelson's tweet of "Is OLTL writing in new gay characters to prove a point?" What's up with that? If true, way to crap on the Kish fans. "Oh here's your shiny new gays, enjoy."

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I love that Brett is now the same as Nathaniel Marston, who punched out an ATM. Yeah, it was such a big secret that a man who PUNCHED OUT AN ATM might be having issues.

This is very much like the broadsides against Jess Walton, Chris Engen, some of those blind items that seemed to be about David Canary -- it comes across to me as propaganda.

This is all extremely tacky. These actors have not just been fired, their reputations have been smeared. Why can't they just be fired? Why does it have to be so ugly, between this and between Logan telling us gays killed the ratings?

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Some quotes from Nelson on Facebook:

These are the same sources who told me Kish was gay (which I broke, btw). Not sure what to believe —just reporting what my reliable sources are telling me in droves. Also, Frank and Ron are both gay so they wouldn't have made this decision without merit. And this wasn't Brian's decision. He wants OLTL to fail — so he loved Kish!

I stand by what my sources told me. In fact, it's much worse than I reported.

Actor are human beings with flaws. Not sure why they are exempt. Their popularity got to their heads. They never thought they'd be canned.

He also said on a board that Scott wouldn't show up and then demand to still be paid.

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“[The other actor] was ‘not available’ on certain days, making for massive rewrites and rescheduling. One Life fought so hard to blaze this trail and now they’re being punished for it. Frank is too classy to inform the public that it’s his actors who cost them their jobs, not ABC. Once again, Frank is falling on the sword and taking the hits just like he did with Nathaniel Marston.”

Well if he was unavailable, maybe they should have offered him a contract to make him available if he was that important to them, or they should have recast. If "unavailable" is diplomatic deepthroat for "hungover" when he was scheduled to work, then he should have been fired and replaced immediately. None of this ex post facto crap. Don't use a pissy mop to wipe up your mess.

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So Nelson Branco is up to his old tricks, trashing actors on the way out to support his beloved executives. I can't wait to see if Branco can still play the smear card and have his crew rally around him as usual. People must wise up at some point. They can't be gullible forever. Can they?

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