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Peyton Place

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Oh my God, where to begin?

Peyton Place is my favorite soap opera of all time. I'm not all the way through the series, but unfortunately, I'm nearing the end very soon.... (I'm currently at episode 442)

I started watching somehere in the summer of 2008. I initially thought the show was a little old-fashioned, because I knew the series was looked at as 'scandalous' by the time and I didn't find it controversial at all. But heck, this was a 1960s show. By now, I've seen tons of shows of the 1960s and I'll admit that Peyton Place was risque for its time.

My favorite characters are Rita, Connie, Julie and Betty. I believe that Patricia Morrow (Rita) brings a certain charm to show which made it bearable in the periods of the less than interesting plots. She is not dropdead gorgeous (like Barbara Parkins or Mia Farrow) but she has this very likeable thing about her. Barbara Parkins is a goddess in this, from episode 1 to the very ending. I didn't dig the 1970s haircut she took somewhere in 1967, but that really doesn't matter. I am now noticing that the frequent cast changes in 1968 is kind of ruining the charm. Peyton Place is not Peyton Place any more. That has nothing to do with the new characters (who are all very interesting as well), but merely seeing all the familiar faces leave is kind of upsetting. I don't think how long I can keep watching without Dorothy Malone... (I won't miss Tim O'Connor)

I think this show is the most appealing when "looking back at it" rather than actually viewing all the episodes. In my opinion, there are a lot of dull plots and irritating characters I can't stand at all. Discussing them, I will use spoilers, so please stop reading now if you don't want everything to be a surprise.


My biggest frustration was Steven Cord's affair with Adrienne Van Leyden, which he later blamed on her. When Betty caught him and filed for divorce, he came up with tons of excuses and blamed everyone but himself. I really couln't stand this and sometimes I was literally screaming at the screen. He blamed Adrienne for leading him on and he blamed Betty for giving up on the marriage. Take responsibility for your actions and admit your faults....

I also really didn't like the Joe Chernak 'murder' case, which took way too long. Lee Grant was an interesting actress, but her character wasn't appealing enough to last as long as she did. I also didn't like Elliot, who - especially in later episodes - had a lot of tantrums and treated his wife like garbage. Connie and Elliot were suposed to be this supercouple, but I only felt pity for Connie. Elliot could have used some anger management. Another character I couldn't stand was Chris Webber, who loved feeling sorry for himself. I remember this self pity was mentioned by a character only once throughout the entire show.


I don't want to spread negativity. I love this show very much, but it's not perfect. However, I know that I will miss the show when it's over for me.

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I'm still only in the 70s--took a break to catch up with Dark Shadows (and well, with my life) but I'm eager to get back to it. I didn't read your spoilers, bu don't worry about spreading negativity--from what I did read, I can agree with you. That said, I find nearly every episode hypnotic (maybe I'll find some later episodes more of a chore to get through) and I am impressed with how good the dialogue, acting and directing is for a twice weekly drama that from everything I read was cranked out (yes an hour--later an hour and a half a week was less than the 30 minute saily soaps at the time, but filming them on film, not video, and everything involved apparently made the schedueal least as grueling as the usual soap.

It sounds like you're into the last year, which I know many found hard going (the loss of so many familiar faces, the fact that suddenly the once controversial show was starting to feel old fashioned considering how quickly America came of age between 1964 and 68-69, etc). I believe they made some attempts to be more "relevant" but without spoiling anything for myself, it doesn't sound like they really worked...

It's GREAT to see another fan on here, and one who's seen so much. I have the full series but I expect, like you, it will take some years to get through it--I seem to go through marathon spurts. But I look forward to it!

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I recently downlegally obtainedloaded this, and though the first two episodes were kinda slow-moving for me, I am in this ish like nobody's business now. Enjoying it very, very much. So hard to believe Ryan O'Neal was once like that, I can't even imagine him trying to string five lines of dialogue together now.

Barbara Parkins is doing her thang, too. The only one who's left me with a bad taste in my mouth is Catherine. A little too wannabe vampy in her first appearance, but she got better.

Edited by All My Shadows
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Apparently,when Irna Phillips was involved in the planning of PP (she had been hired by ABC to consult on their drama programming)she suggested that Alison become involved in a romance with a young doctor named Bailey, who would be revealed as Eliot's son (and therefore Alison's half- brother).

Seems Paul Monash and ABC were not too thrilled by the 'incest' story and they and Irna parted ways.

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I'm just popping in to say that I'm still loving the show. I'm moving a little slow (very busy with other things and also watching other shows), so I'm only at Rod and Betty's car accident. I can't wait to get to the next episode.

I do have to say...Betty dancing at the Shoreline was EXTREMELY sexy.

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Watched the first 25 so far...

~ Constance/Dr. Rossi = SIZZLE. Love them together. She has trust issues after what went on with Elliot, I think, and she's trying not to get too caught up with the doctor (foolish woman, he's an amazing man!). He's so upset with how different small-town life is from what he expected it to be. The drama surrounding Catherine's death, the autopsy, and that bitch Dr. Morton is great.

~ Betty is so depressing. I love her, have since the beginning, but it's just *wrong* the way she's treated by Les. I'm glad that Rod didn't flip out when he learned the truth. I think Betty should just cut her losses and move on to another man. Rod's really not worth the shame. Alison, I can't stand. She's one of those "I'm so different from others my age, I know art, music, culture, philosophy. I'm so smart, so different. I get along so well with people thrice my age." characters, and she annoys the crap out of me with her slow, rambling talking. Her and Matt in a scene together, and my eyes roll clean out of their sockets. Through all of this stuff with Rossi, it's clear to me that a man like Matt stays in a town like Peyton Place because there, he's important. He's on the hospital board, he runs the paper, he's the executor of wills, he testifies at parole hearings, he's related to the book store owner. Frankly, I think he has a bit of an ego problem.

~ George Anderson is hilarious. It's interesting how quickly they dropped the domestic abuse part of his story with Julie, as well as Julie's fling with Leslie. In the beginning, it was pretty straight-forward that George was an !@#$%^&*], Leslie was a more decent man, and Julie was just now realizing the mistake she made in marrying George. But now, George is a bumbling idiot, but a much better man. Leslie has gotten so cold, and Julie is content with being George's wife.

~ I want more with Norman. He always looks like he's on the verge of bursting into tears, even before Catherine's death. I don't think we've once seen him smile or in a genuinely happy mood except for maybe a few times with Alison. Rita's introduction is in the second DVD set, isn't it?

~ The stuff with Eli and Elliot is just starting up, Elliot made his first appearance in #25. Didn't really get a good read on who he is yet, but it looks like there's gonna be a lengthy scene with him and Matt (ugh) in the next episode.

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Hopefully I can resume my Peyton Place viewings today. I left the DVD I was watching at my old apt and since I'm going to visit my brother I'm going to look for it. Wish me luck! LOL. If not I'll just skip forward to the next DVD, but the story is so juicy I don't want to miss anything. It's been far too long without Peyton Place in my life.

Connie was great in those early years and the best love interest Dr. Rossi ever had. They tried and tried with him, but could never top Connie. I won't say much more because it involves spoilers, but lets just say we take the most simple things for granted these days. The TV censors were ridiculous back in the day lol. Just wait until the rape trial where the word "rape" is never mentioned. It's amazing how good some of these stories are with all these restrictions. And then seeing what they *do* let slip through (lots of frank sexual talk). It just goes to show how good the writers and actors were.

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I'm about 10 episodes in and the show is still amazing. Looks like I'm towards the end of a season because I see new characters and stories being introduced. Gena Rowlands as Adrienne is amazing so far. This looks like a more straight forward story, her goal being to seduce Steven. Her entrance was classic soap and I was at the edge of my seat. My only problem with PP remains that the episodes are so good you can never just watch one. I have to force myself to stop. What I've enjoyed most recently is the heavy use of Elliot, Connie, Norman and Rita. All great characters who became so supporting for a while. It's also nice to see Norman better integrated with his family for a change. It looks like he and Rita might actually have one of the central stories for this upcoming season. Lots of forshadowing with Ada and Leslie which I'm loving.

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I just finished the Gena Rowlands arc and it was fantastic. I love the way they weaved the other major story involving Norman and Rita. I'm still amazed that Norman and Rita have returned to the frontburner and have such a big story. It was building slowly the previous season as if the writers were re-introducing the two. I'm loving it and the chance for Ada Jacks to finally sink her teeth into a story as well. She's been breathtaking several times throughout the Eddie Jacks story.

Love, love, love Betty and everything she does. The potential reunion with Rodney is developing nicely. Speaking of, it seems like he hasn't done a think since Allison left town, which was ages ago. No love interest or much of a story. Odd considering you always think of Rodney as one of the major characters. Also lots of play for Connie and Elliot (much like the Rachel story) which is good since we know they're leaving soon.

Getting back to Gena Rowlands, Martin Peyton is an absolute god. The actor is fantastic and the short time the role was recast was such a disappointment. This was a classic, very clever soap tale and very brave as well. I just wish soaps would watch PP and directly copy the stories. This is fresher than anything I've been seeing. Now I'm tempted to flash forward like to the final season and watch a couple episodes. I wanna see the black family and all the other new characters, but I don't wanna speed through viewing.

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Apparently Gena Rowlands wasn't interested in doing TV at this time but the role was so rich she agreed to play it. She said her only request was that they film everything in three months and after that her character could just die or disappear. So they agreed.

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I've taken a couple months break from PP but I think it's time for me to start up with it again. BTW in the past month a number of full episodes, from different eras, have been put on youtube. I didn't even know Gena Rowlands, who i love, was on it--what season? I suppose I still have at least several discs to go...

Edited by EricMontreal22
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Gena was one in 1967 or 8 I think. Whatever season, it's the last for the Carson's. The first half is the Gena Rowlands story then a big send off for Connie and Elliot which I'll get into later. Rowland's story is the one after the Rachel Welles story, if you've reached that point. It's an electrifying time for the show. So weird to hear that the show got bad once it reached color, that is so not true. I did watch a few episodes from the final season and they were admittedly terrible, but hopefully within the context and seeing how the show gets there it will be okay. Just weird seeing all new cast (mostly), new sets, the glamour is completely gone and the fashions/slang from the late 60s has taken over. It's a very dramatic revamp. The only positive is the black family which seems to actually have major stories. There's a black Betty Anderson-esque character (played by Judy Pace, mother of Y&R's Sofia) and Ruby Dee is obviously one of the greatest ever. She needed to be there a good two years earlier. The McKenzie clones are just dreadful. Not!Alison can't act and her mother seemed forgettable from what I saw.

Right now the episodes I'm watching feature Jill Smith, a character I've already seen from Murder In Peyton Place. In that dreadful film Norman was the lead male and I'm assuming they wrote it assuming Patricia Morrow would agree to film. She didn't so they randomly picked Jill to be the new Mrs. Harrington and only referred to Rita as "your first wife." Very odd since Jill/Norman rarely interact, if at all. But anyway, she fits in perfectly on the original series. She has a baby that she claims is Allison's, but of course you can't prove that in those times. Dorthy Malone is doing great work as usual and I can't believe they wrote her off. It seems like Alison leaving was the best thing to ever happen to Connie. Budget cuts or not, she's the last person who needed to go.

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