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ATWT Christmas spoiler

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What, you didn't like Nuke romping around in a doll house?

I'm scared that this will be GL-like...you know, extremely corny family scenes...old men playing football in the yard...old women acting like nuns as they smile and watch the men play. It'll be like they're Amish. But they'll be Amish Hughes, so I'll be okay.

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Why bother? The first thing Kriezman did was drop the Hughes story and put them on the backburner. So what they're getting one episode. I would've much rather they continue the great multigenerational story with Adam, Casey, Alison, Bob, Kim, Tom and Margo.

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Oh heavens I remember the doll house special...so corny and so mind-numbing. Lets not forget other ATWT Christmas episodes this decade like the amnesiac and paralyzed Lucy doing the Nutcracker, Jeffery Meek as Craig's haunting Paul in the form of the Ghost of Christmas, and miss her if you blink nu-Lucy singing Silent Night(it was sweet but utterly pointless).

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That one happened last year. Nu-Lucy had only been on for like two or three days and only lasted a few weeks before skipping town yet they had her sing a Silent Night montage. It made zero sense what so ever and the episode itself wasn't very Christmasy--had they not mentioned it was Christmas you'd probably wouldn't notice it was.

Now the worst Christmas had to be in 2003...I remember Sheffer bragging to the soap mags about how it'd be a miserable Christmas in Oakdale and boy was it ever.

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Yes it was. This was back when I still liked Sheffer too. Aaron had came to Alison with Christmas gifts for her and the baby she was carrying when she told him it was Chris' kid, not his. Molly was being blackmailed. Paul if I recall visited James in prison. Lily lost her sanity, abandoned her family Christmas Eve and got smashed at a Christmas party in New Jersey pretending to be Rose. Not a Hughes or Emma in sight! Ah nothing like saying bah humbug! The year before Sheffer had treated us to James shooting Marshall and then hiding in a Santa suit. Granted it was the week before Christmas when that happened but still so Sheffer-esque to do so.

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Well, well....Branco actually does try and be a respectable journalist at times, huh?

Wonderful interview. I'm not ashamed to admit I choked up at the mentions of Doug Marland and Ben H. Damn...it's hard to believe it's been three years already that he's been gone.

Hmmn...separate eppys for the families, huh? So...how's that going to break down? I could see the Hughes', the Stewart/Ryans, the Snyder/Grimaldis, the Snyder/Tenney/Cabot-Montgomerys....who'd be the fifth? Ketie et al? And is that including the Xmas Eve show, or the five preceeding Xmas Eve? Well...sounds interesting. I'm glad to hear it's not another fantasy escapade. I don't loathe the Dollhouse eppy as much as some, but I'm much more a fan of dealing with families for the holidays.

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I wonder what new HW "ignored" her...? :huh: And as beautiful and raw and gripping as she makes Barbara's cancer storyline seem, I don't remember it getting that much airtime. She had cancer, went through treatment, and recovered. Oh, and also, judging from her "our Maura" comment, I get the impression that the cast knows Maura is the strongest non-vet in the bunch!

ITA with you, Peej. I was stunned to see Nelson act so professional!!! The interview was excellent!! I'm really excited about the Christmas shows now!!! :D

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