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ATWT: November Spoilers

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Christopher Goutman gave an interview with TV Guide about the Jack/Carly storyline. Here's what he said:

Jack's road trip is to find someone to take Brad's place in Katie's life. He goes looking for Mike and Simon. He's not making sense and thinking straight, but it's he feels like he has to do something. Eventually Simon goes to Oakdale to see Katie, but they realize he's just a band-aid, not the solution.

Jack leaves Oakdale after finding out Katie has named the baby Jacob after Jack and that Brad felt that Jack was his hero his whole life. It's just too much for him to take. Eventually, Carly is the one who gets him to come back to Oakdale. In fact, she's the only one who can reach him and get him to come home.

Goutman says this is a romance story as well, that they are listening to the fans and that they know people want to see Jack and Carly back together. But he says this won't be the same old same old. Jack can't be judgmental anymore and Carly can't be devil may care. It won't be easy and they have a lot of obstacles and it's not going to happen instantly.

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When they started talking about this "trip" Jack would make, I kind of rolled my eyes---but there's more to Goutman's interview, it's about Jack's grief--not just about finding Katie ('cuse me, KATE, as she's been referred to lately, oddly) a babydaddy. It's about Jack trying to "fix" his mistake.

LOL...Dusty---how did you know I wet myself?? Scratch that...I don't want to know how you knew...:lol:

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While I'm not big on either couple, I think it's for the best that Carly/Jack and Lily/Holden are together right now. For all we know this is ATWT's last year, so I think fans deserve their payoff. I'm hoping we get another 1 year reprieve, but just in case...

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I don't want her to leave because she came between Carly and Jack. I just simply don't like the character and her big mouth. Nothing against Julie at all because I loved her as Billie on Days. Then again, maybe if she moves away from Jack she will settle down somewhat. She was great when she first came on but she is nothing like that character today. Now I just find her annoying and it has nothing to do with the fact that she's married to Jack.

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