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Y&R: Eric Braeden and Sony reach deal

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Told you all that he would cave in and take the pay cut. Who else would pay him all that money? A million dollars. Unbelieveable.

I can't believe that people are claiming that Sony caved. Braeden is the one who cut off negotiations and ran his mouth. Sony knew that he would come crawling back. Sony even made sure everyone knows that he took the pay cut so he like MTS cannot pretend that he didn't take one.

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I didn't. I really didn't.

No. EB got cold feet. Or something.

No, TGVN / Ashley is done. But now the followup story can have some resonance.

I think they no longer need to villainize him so...maybe we'll finally see the "Change of Heart" story I was expected. I kind of hope so...

Losing Nikki is/was a much bigger fear for me than losing Victor. (Though I want to lose neither).

For many reasons, though, I'm sure we're stuck with short-arc plotting. The 26-week arcs are here for good...until they become 13 week arcs.

I don't consider $1Million a lot of $$ for a marquee player like Braeden.

It makes me uncomfortable (just me...not judging you!) this language of "crawling back". It all seems so inhumane. Where is the sense that these are employees who have brought great value to the organization. We can take some kind of a proletariat view of "how dare he complain about making only $1 million/year?"...but a 33% pay reduction is a significant one.

Moreover, Braeden's expressed complaint was about the nastiness and the inhumanity.

My guess is that -- again -- an intermediary did some "goodwill ambassador" work. Was it Les Moonves? Was it the Bell family?

Who knows, but I'm glad that saner heads seem to have prevailed.

I deeply disagree about "Y&R would have been better off..." And I have a hard time applauding the manipulative strong-arm tactics of mentioning these big names. It's all so un-adult.

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The worst part is this means Y&R gets to continue to play "let's pretend", and ignore just how rotted to the core the Newman family has become. That means they can continue to phase the Abbotts out, continue to phase the Winters out, continue to marginalize and demean the Chancellors. All for Victor and his dead-eyed children.

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If the Newman clan is dead-eyed, what about Billy Abbott (your favorite)? :lol:

I actually agree with you, though. The relatability of the Newmans has been significantly compromised. This is actually one of the reasons I like Adam a bit...because he shows some sign of soul on occasion. And I do not believe that is all fake on his part.

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Totally agree Mark. It is the manipulation and lack of respect in all this that is so insulting and frankly embarrassing to all parties involved and it certainly doesn't help an already weak industry. IT is dirty, petty and so un-adult as you said.

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Sony has confirmed that it has signed a new deal with Eric Braeden to keep the soap opera veteran on The Young and the Restless. Braeden, 68, was preparing to say goodbye to the show that he called home since 1980 after the production company demanded that he take what he described as a ”substantial” pay cut to his seven-figure salary. Terms of the new deal were not released but a source familiar with the negotiations said the actor ended up accepting a pay decrease in exchange for a new, three-year pact.

“We’re very happy that Eric will be remaining with The Young and the Restless,’” according to a CBS statement. “Victor Newman has been an important part of the Genoa City canvas for nearly 30 years, and we know our audience will be tuning in to see what his plans are next.”

Executive Producer/head writer Maria Arena Bell released her own statement, as well: “We are thrilled to have Eric Braeden continue as the one and only Victor Newman. We look forward to his timely return … and we are delighted that Eric will continue his extraordinary work on The Young and the Restless.’”


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Adam has soul while the other kids are dead eyes. OMG, can't agree with that one. Nick and Victoria are bores and barely adequate actors, but to say Adam has more soul is just wrong. Why are you willing to forgive his sick misdeeds so easily? He hasn't even had to work for redemption at this point. Just because he thought of his mother and cried on the stairs and is making friends with two women he manipulated and damaged so badly does not give him a soul.

The best thing about EB returning is that they hopefully will not try to make this sickening character, Adam, the head of this family.

I wonder if he was able to close that pesky clause where SONY can renegotiate every cyle.

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The fact that he was making 1.5 million dollars makes me wonder what he and MTS were earning in the glory days of the 90's. I consider this good news for Y&R (if not for me personally). I just hope that EB got some kind of deal where he gets more vacation in return for the pay cut. That way those of us who aren't exactly Victor fans get something out of this too.

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I wondered the same thing, since he now reportedly has a new 3-year deal. I'll be he made that one ironclad--no "cycles".

I think, for Adam, there are several reasons I'm so forgiving. First, he's Hope's son. Second, he really got a bum deal when he came to Genoa City...he didn't need that family, but they have destroyed him. Third, while he has been bad, some of his worst acts were reckless--not intentional. Fourth, some of the bad things he has done (like stealing Sharon's baby) came from a sick place of good intentions (making it up to Ashley). Fifth, they've tried to show us he has a soul. Sixth, they didn't play his "turn to the dark side" (in prison--he was off canvas for a bit), so we don't fully know his motivations. Seventh, I have a mental backstory for him that helps to explain why he is the way he is. Eight, I have wanted to get to "know" Victor Jr. since Hope first got pregnant. I don't want these writing errors to cheat us out of that.

LOL about Victor and the vacation.

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