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SPOILER- Melody Thomas Scott (Nikki)

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What I don't understand is if Sony is so insistent on phasing out the older cast, why haven't they done a better job bringing in a younger generation? Do they REALLY think that Billy, Chloe, or the Scoobies can carry this show?

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It's just very depressing...that may have been over 25 years ago, but Melody, Doug, and Eric, along with the characters of Jill and Jack, were those that Bill Bell trusted to completely refocus the core of his show. And it worked, which almost never happens. For Sony/whoever else to now just flush them, and for what?

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I think there's more to this than people realize, not only does Sony have to deal with CBS cutting their licensing agreement in 1/2 ( that's a BLOODY LOT of money I imagine, but you have the economy, you have both CBS & Sony shares dropping by more than 1/2...do u have any idea how much money CBS/Sony employees have lost in the last 2 years, how many employees both these companies have who have too lost their jobs. But I am sure there's the trickle down effective on how much they spend on production and distribution costs worldwide. You have a segment of both these companies i.e. soaps that are not doing very well. Yeah, it sounds harsh but that's the reality we live in. I have my own company and I had to let people go and not even give them a raise so I can make sure their healthcare coverage was at least safe. Something's got to give and I doubt very much that EB was playing nice as he tries to make it sound.

And not to belabor the point but the show stinks and EVERYONE sees it or is beginning to take NOTICE...this does not bode well for bargaining right now with either CBS or Sony...why the heck would CBS want to pay top dollar for a product that has lost quality and why the heck would Sony want to pay top dollar to EB when even with TGVN, the ratings/viewership are in the crapper. I certainly wouldn't shell out a few quids for spoilt milk. I don't care how the show tries to spin those ratings.

Until this show gets respectable writers who CAN WRITE (and not write this amateurish stuff I am watching right now) and the show gets back to some semblance of quality (even if we have to suck it up and live with said writers),I doubt very much this will get better. In fact it appears that this could be just the tip of the iceberg. <_< Sure Sony could be taking a major risk with trying to get rid of signature vets but I would rather see them take the risk and if it doesn't work then correct it. But no actors on this show, NONE OF THEM should ever be so arrogant enough to think they can hold these companies hostage. I certainly wouldn't condone it with my company.

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I hate to say this... but they may be wanting to get rid of Melody because of her weight. That may be the reason they don't use Jess much. Heather tom said once that the higher ups at CBS and Sony gave her flak about her weight.... and this is HEATHER TOM. She essentially told them to go to hell (As well she should) and informed them that if she lost 10 pounds, it would dissapear from her boobs. That's just the way her body is. So they backed down. I imagine their crapping themselves over Melody. They don't do that with Beth, but she was hired to be a different kind of character. I've just heard FAR too many stories of network interference on shows, from alot of people. Grant Tinker said in interview once that networks ALWAYS interefere, and you just need a producer with the strength to stand up to them.

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Interesting enough..all the networks probably all do (sure vanity is a part of it as well unfortunately..that's Hollywood) but I think MAB most likely had all the free rein she could ever have. Being in the Bell family must count for a great deal here...until she probably went off the reservation with her VISION which clashes with the goals of what CBS wanted which was probably way higher viewership/ratings. She was supposed to be yeoman better than LML, right..at least I was hoping she would be. Does anyone have any idea what her vision is really. :lol:

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Yeah, but JimTolkien, are you really condoning this Sony move??

If that were true (and I really don't think it is...I think it has more to do with her age and her $alary...and maybe even some kind of grudge against Ed Scott), f*ck that company. She's not some newbie. She's been part of the soul of this show for the audience for decades. But I guess that's part of the problem...

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