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Y&R Casting news!

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LOL. Poor brimike. Your eye sockets must hurt from all the rolling!

And, for the record, that it was Patty was (IMO) an act of great cleverness. That Patty morphed from a sane woman with a bone to pick, to an insane woman...that was a more unfortunate twist for me.

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No eye-rolling. There's plenty wrong with Y&R right now, so much so that there's no reason to come up with invented strikes against it that aren't true to begin with. There's plenty of on-the-air, confirmed issues with the show. Inventing some "It was never Patty until Sheffer read a message board" lie just seems like a moot point.

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Very true.

Fans wanted Cane not to be revealed as the true Chancellor heir during the whole Katherine/Marge storyline when Nina returned for the funeral, and voila, it happened like 6 months later. What they didn't want however was the horrible story they gave us that was played for like 5 seconds about Phillip III faking his death and coming back from the dead.

This Baby Switch sh!t was CLEARLY NOT PLANNED. Ashley was pregnant MONTHS in advance before Sharon was, but they retconend that MONTHS later to say they got pregnant at about the same time. Also, fans have speculated about one possibly happening for months on the boards before it did.

These are just two immediate examples that pop into my mind about them reading internet message boards and stealing absurd ideas from them and then making the actual stories up as they go along.

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Some of this manipulation is very clever. They could say, "Oh we're honoring history and doing what fans wanted" when unrelating Katherine and Jill. Then they take the next step of completely phasing Jill out of the show, and they can just shrug and say well, that's what fans asked for.

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i dont believe they read internet message boards and steal ideas.

i believe everything they are trying is a universal fail.

some things do seem planned, others do not, most things are plot points.

Y&R fans just are not use to this awful shitty storytelling. as a Days and GH fan, i see it all too much.

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Uh, can you calm your ass down, please?! <_<

And it's not a "lie." It's speculation. And no one at Y&R has neither confirmed, nor denied it. But I'm sure they have better things to do, like drive daytime's #1 show into cancellation instead of seriously wondering what is wrong with this show. And it won't change as long as we have egomaniacs running the show and minions who are good at giving corporate rimjobs instead of making sense of these lame plot twists.

And BTW, can you blame people for wondering that, given the way not only the story, but "Mary Jane"'s motivations changed? Maybe Maria/Sheffer/Hamner thought they were being so flipping clever to make Patty into some one note psycho villain whose actions were pretty predictable a month or two, after everyone yelled, "SHE'S PATTY!"

All I can say is if this crap was planned before the first airdate, then the entire team has really serious problems with, not only just the lame story but the structure of it, the day-to-day execution, and the written dialogue.

And who the f*ck even mentioned Hogan, Daytime's Boy Wonder? I mentioned everyone in the echelon. No one was singled out. But yet again, you go barking like some offended front yard mutt, in protection of Sheffer. Sit, Ubu, sit!

We get it: You're a fan! Good for you.

But not everyone has to enjoy his(along with everyone else's) brand of misogyny, violence, incest, and John Edward supernatural-esque premonitions. We are free to keep our lips to ourselves.

If people from BTS are reading this, then they should be less focused on stealing story ideas, posting lame spoilers and story pitches as a young girl with a kitten gif as an avatar, and the negative stuff and focus far more on what people as a whole are saying about this show: The dumb dialogue, the lack of substantial cliffhangers, the fast food pacing, the lack of character development/motivation and assuming paying Signy Coleman for her JPI image one day a week will somehow build some sort of sympathy.

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