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GH: Michael Logan's Interview With Jonathan Jackson

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I'm sure we'll get a few new "scary" Cassadines, like we get "scary" new mobsters once a year or so. I just think it will be ridiculous if they go back to pretending Luke gives a crap about Lucky or that Lulu gives a crap about Lucky. She told him that he was nothing to her, that she would pick Johnny over him. She will always take someone else's side over his. Casting their big icon back in the role shouldn't erase this history. They should just have Lucky cut ties with the losers and strike out on his own.

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If this had gone on for like a year, I wouldn't be bothered, but this has gone on for almost a decade. They have systematically demolished any place Lucky had on the canvas. He was written as a failure as a son and a brother, as weak, pathetic, a bad husband, and at best, a stand-in father. I don't want him to suddenly be a hero again because JJ is back. Even if they do write Lucky as a good guy, I don't want to see him close with Lulu or Luke. It would be like people who are suddenly close to you when you win the lottery. Luke is an odious human being and a terrible excuse for a parent and I'm going to hate seeing the last decade erased so we can hear "cowboy" and get flashbacks of a time that we now know Luke hated and spent whoring around the globe.

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If they erase all that it won't even be true to when JJ was still playing Lucky. After the rape reveal, their relationship was barred with disappointment and distrust on Lucky's part. Their relationship was not perfect back then to it would be ridiculous to go back to some ideal Luke and Lucky 1994 type bond. BUt I imagine a lot of people are going to be on Lucky's side over anyone else now. I finally get to see Nikolas Cassdine suffer I hope. I just really want his character dead and off the show. In terms of the other Cassadines, I doubt they will be around long but who knows. Have to wait and see.

No leave her gone. At least she's out of her catatonia and living healthy in France.

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They won't write Lucky as a loser anymore. And I suspect this whole business with Liz was to alienate the 2 people he is closest to now from his life and to push him back to Luke and they will bond over their failures in their lives. He'll be favored with Lulu over her other brothers now thats for sure.

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The Spencer's just don't exist as a family unit without Laura, IMO. Then again, GH hasn't been about family dynamics in a very long time, and Guza certainly won't start now.

Laura's the heart of that family, without her, they're all scattered and missing the calm element she brings.

And she's so the missing ingredient in any new Cassidine/Spencer feud.

But yeah, I guess she's better off staying away than coming back and Guza totally destroying her to prop up his cringeworthy interpretation of Luke.

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The show did a great job in the 90s of building the Spencers as a family unit even if Laura wasn't there. You had Bobbie and Lucas, there was potential, someday, of Carly being a part of the family, and you had Bobbie's close friendship with Felicia. All that was shot to pieces by Guza, who has to destroy any trace of GH.

I have to wonder how the more recent viewers will even feel about this recast. Not that they care about Lucky, but JJ is not like any of the main actors showcased as GH's leading men. He emotes, he's not bulked up. I wonder if it may be too much of a change for people who do not remember him. As others have said, I wouldn't be completely surprised if he ends up being stuck as a rival for Spinelli.

Good point. I look forward to whether they will have Lucky agree that raising kids who aren't his biologically means he is not a man.

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Spinelli is a pet, but JJ is an even bigger pet so there will be no serious competition there if they are fighting over Maxie. Besides I don't see Lucky in a rivalry with Spinelli. If anything, they will be friends like Johnny is conveniently Spinelli's friend. Lucky will be taking on Nikolas and the other Cassadines, maybe hooking up with the new Cassadine woman. He will also be possibly revealing Ethan as a fraud.

You know that will happen. No way is Lucky going to be stuck raising Liz's kids. Lucky is a loser according to Luke no more. He is back to favorite son. I also think that most of the audience will be happy to see Lucky back, especially when he stops being a doormat for other male characters.

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